• Published 5th Oct 2012
  • 3,145 Views, 124 Comments

Bleach: Equestria - PaleRider

Bleach storyline, performed by the MLP:FiM cast. Adaptations made by the author.

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Volume 1 - The Death And The Unicorn - Part 3

Images of the video Twilight had watched earlier that day, came rushing back, all at once. Her eyes widened.

“This isn't good - this is horrible! We have to help her.”

Once again, the dragon scratched his head in confusion.

“Monster? There’s a monster on your school’s campus?” He rubbed his chin in suspicion.

Twilight turned to him, nodded, and began hyperventilating.

“Yes, and that thing has already killed many ponies - innocent ponies,” She cried, gasping, “I have to go; I can’t let Trixie get hurt because of me.”

The dragon stood up, wearing a stern and serious expression.

“You stay here, mare.” He said, slowly. “I think I'm going to go and see what's going on. It is my job after all.”

Twilight gave him him a puzzled look.

“Your job?”

He nodded, “Like I said: us Soul Reapers have two jobs in the pony world. One is to find the good souls - those that are lost in this world - and guide them to Spiritual Equestria. These souls are called Pluses.

“The second is to purify the evil souls - those who come into this world to consume the souls of the living and dead, alike. They are known as Hollows. By consuming souls, they expand their lifespan and power.”

“They're called Hollows?” Twilight breathed.

The dragon nodded.

“But, wait!” Twilight yelled, suddenly, “You're not going there alone; Trixie is in there because of me, I have to help her.”

“No. You have no idea how powerful Hollows are. Even Soul Reapers can struggle to slay them.”

“Well, you're not leaving me here!” Twilight yelled, defiantly.

“Of course not; the spell will wear off soon.” He said, turning away from her. “I probably won't be back.”


The young unicorn twitched, pushing against her paralysis with all her might. The dragon glanced back uneasily.

“Don't do that!” The dragon gasped. “You'll damage your soul.” the dragon warned. Twilight ignored him, and continued, her horn glowing with a brilliant pink light.

“Stop,” The dragon hissed.

Twilight grimaced as her body convulsed, and pain shot down her spine. Ever so slowly, she stood up.

“Impossible...” he breathed.

Twilight grinned as she was bathed in pink light. He'd rarely seen such determination before, and he couldn't hide his look of awe.

And then she vanished.

“Mare!” the dragon yelled. “Dammit. I didn't even get her name.” He scowled at his own absent-mindedness. “Stupid pony, she's going to get herself killed.”

Twilight's teleportation spell went slightly awry, and she appeared atop a tree just outside the main building.

Remind me to never attempt this kind of distance again.

She grimaced as she fell out of the tree, and landed roughly on the ground. Rubbing her flank, she got up and brushed herself down. Her horn hissed slightly, and she could feel a headache approaching. Twilight groaned, and glanced up, realizing that she was a few steps away from the stairs leading to the entrance of the great mansion. She looked around, the mantle of night blanketed the vicinity in an unsettling shroud of darkness.

Schools at night...

The faint light emitting from the street lamps were the only illumination, on this moonless night. Twilight squinted for any sign of Trixie, but she could see nothing but darkness, and shadows. The sound of the main doors being opened startled her, and she leaped behind the tree. Glancing around, she could just make out the light blue unicorn making her way out of the building, a victorious smile playing on her lips.

Full of relief, Twilight galloped over, her headache beginning to throb.

“Trixie! Are you okay?”

The mare yelped in surprise.

“Who goes? Answer me!” she shrieked.

Twilight came into view.

“Sparkle! W-what are you doing here?” Trixie gasped, raising her hoof at Twilight. “Wait, I know - that pegasus-nerd told you about my brilliant plan, and now you're trying to stop me! But forget it, Sparkle; I've already memorized an entire book of spells, and tomorrow I will make you pay in front of the entire school, for what you have done to me!”

Twilight shook her head in irritation.

"Trixie, that's not important; we have to get out of here, right now. We're in serious danger!”

Trixie began cackling.

“The only one in danger, here, is you, Twilight Sparkle. Do you think you can scare me?”

Twilight stomped a hoof on the ground.

“Trixie, please listen to me,” Twilight begged. “There’s a monster, called a Hollow, at this school, and it's killing students! We have to leave – now!”

Trixie was now openly laughing.

“Are you mocking me? Do you think that I, the Great and Powerful Trixie, believes in ghosts?”

What's this?

The crushing pressure that saturated the air couldn't have gone unnoticed by a sleeping filly.

“Oh, you don't believe in ghosts, my little pony?” A voice boomed, sending shivers down Twilight's spine.

A shadow flitted across the wall of the building, and landed atop the steps. From within it, a dark figure materialized. It sat on one of the steps, it's black hood doing little to disguise the malefic mask underneath.

“Maybe it's time you started...” The monster chuckled, causing the air to throb with each accentuated tone. Its voice was laced with poison, and its eyes glowed with conspicuous malice. The hollow turned towards them, the white mask moved into the light, revealing that grim, red grin.

Trixie stepped back, mouth agape in horror. Twilight was paralyzed; memories scoured through her head, causing her headache to worsen.

This monster... My parents...

A single tear rolled down Twilight's face. She went unnoticed by the hollow, however, as he grabbed Trixie with a gnarled claw. She squealed as she was lifted into the air, and brought level with the hollow's mask.

“Ooh, you have a very strong spiritual pressure.” He gigged. “Far stronger than the ones that I’ve been eating. You look very tasty, too!” He laughed harder, each laugh boomed, causing Twilight's chest feel like it was being crushed.

“P-please, let me go,” Trixie sobbed, squirming futilely against the hollow's iron grip.

“Demon Destruction Technique Number Ten, Dragon’s Fire.”

Out of nowhere, a fireball collided against the hollow, exploding in a brilliant array of emerald sparks. The explosion sent Trixie soaring through the air, and she landed on the ground, close to Twilight. The purple dragon jumped from down from a nearby pole, landing next to the two mares. Twilight stood there, frozen in place, unable to react.

“Hey! Snap out of it! C’mon, we need your help here!” The dragon hissed, but Twilight just continued to look at the hollow, her body refusing to obey her.

“M-my legs... are shaking, my throat is dry, I can’t move...” She breathed, shivering. “I know I've been training for so many years, all in the hope I could avenge my parents... but now – now I can’t do anything!”

Twilight felt another karate chop leave her head burning.

“Snap out of it!” the dragon growled.

“Ouch! That hurt!” Twilight hissed.

“Soul Reaper,” the hollow breathed, emerging from the smoke. “So one of you appeared at last... Tell me, dragon boy, what does your soul taste like?” The terrible laughter began once again.

The dragon unsheathed his sword, and, wielding it in his left claw, he pointed the blade behind him, taking a defensive stance.

“Mare, I need you to take that blue pony, and teleport away from here; I will... take care of this thing.”

“I can’t concentrate enough to teleport! My head's killing me, and there is a strange, pressure in the air.”

The Soul Reaper glanced at Twilight, fear dancing through his eyes.

Fuck! His spiritual pressure is overpowering her - this isn't a common hollow. There's no way... unless...

He gulped.

Oh hell, if this guy is Adjucha class, I'm in deep water; that’s totally out of my league! There must be a way...

The dragon smiled gently. “Hear me out, miss. Take that mare, and run away as fast as you can. Don't you dare look back.” He paused, his eyes lowering to the ground. “I'll hold him off.”

“But...” Twilight breathed.

“No buts!” The dragon yelled. “Go now!”

She nodded, using her magic to place an unconscious Trixie on her back, and turned to run.

“Ha! There's no chance in Tartarus that I'm going to let my dinner get away, Soul Reaper!” The hollow boomed, jumping an incredible height, towards the two mares. In the next instant, the dragon intercepted him, his blade deflecting an attack from the hollow's claw.

I am your opponent, Hollow!” The dragon hissed, venomously.

The hollow moved his head to the side. A myriad of black arms popped out of his back, and thrust themselves into the dragon, smashing into his chest and limbs. Crashing to the ground, the dragon gasped for breath.

“Hmph. Pathetic.” the hollow sniffed.

Turning around, he leaped again, and landed in front of Twilight.

“Your scent.” He whispered, sending chills down her spine. “I think I remember it...”

Twilight fear paralyzed her once more.

“Yes...” the hollow breathed, the foul stench of death sailing past Twilight. “I remember, but I thought I already devoured you.” The maleficent creature began to laugh again. “Good,” He said slowly, “I can do it again!”

The hollow's belly twisted and convulsed, a gaping maw revealing itself. Countless vicious teeth lined the edge, ravenously snapping at the air.

“Dragon’s Fire!” A voice behind him hissed. Another ball of glistening, green fire came hurtling towards him, but this time the hollow evaded it.

“Go!” the Soul Reaper shouted, “He's after you; you have to run. Now!”

Twilight looked up at him, her eyes turning to steel.

“He is after me?”

“Yes!” The dragon nodded, desperately. “Hollows hunt down souls with high spiritual pressures, and you have one of the highest spiritual pressures I've ever seen.”

“So that means he's come here because of me, which means... So my parents’ deaths... They were killed by this monster... B-because of me?” Twilight whispered.

“Are you two done yet?” the hollow growled, landing a powerful punch on Twilight's side.

“What're you doing, mare!’’ The dragon yelled, as Twilight crashed into the ground some distance away. The unicorn was lost in thought. Grunting, she got up.

“So this is it. Everypony died on that day because of me... Everypony will end up dead... because of me.” Twilight growled.

The hollow started to run towards her, the mouth on its belly dripping with a black substance.

“I wanted to become stronger, to avenge my parent’s death.” She said softly, tears running down her cheeks. “But that wasn't the only motive - I wanted to become stronger so I could protect my brother, and my friends.” The hollow laughed. “But I’m just not strong enough. But if I die,” the hollow leaped, “Everypony around me will be safe.”

Time paused.

Twilight looked up.

The dragon had leaped in the way, the maw of the hollow's belly was digging its teeth into his left arm. Crimson blood splashed over Twilight’s body.

“Soul Reaper! What've you done!?” Twilight yelled, fear swallowing her. The duo broke apart, the dragon landing in front of Twilight. He had his back to her.

“Because this is also part of my sacred duty.” He whispered, wincing from the pain. “Fuck, this hurts more than I thought. Listen, I’m not powerful enough to defeat this bastard, so... At least, I can try to save you both with my sacrifice."

“Damn it! Why is it that everypony dies, and I can’t do anything?” Twilight screamed, firmly stamping her hoof on the ground. “I can't do fucking anything!” The tears flowed freely now. Never, in all her life, had she felt so completely helpless as she did at that moment. She didn't even know this dragon – this Soul Reaper – and he was sacrificing himself for her! She felt sick.

Utilizing the last of his energy, the dragon vanished, and reappeared before the hollow, lunging at the it with a stiff uppercut. It recoiled violently from the vertical slash, obsidian blood splaying onto the floor. The Soul Reaper leaped back, and kneeled. His arm was heavily injured.

“I don’t know how long I'll last, so please - go.” He grimaced, clutching his arm.

Twilight shook her head, “No. I'm not running – not anymore. I'm not abandoning you – I'm not abandoning anypony... or dragon.” the dragon gave her a hard look. Once again, he saw that admirable determination that had burned through her when she had broken his paralysis spell.

“Thank you.” He breathed. “I cannot fight, but maybe,” the dragon paused, “Maybe you can save us, if you borrow my Soul Reaper powers.”

Her eyes widened, “I can borrow your powers?”

“Yes.” He whispered “I will give you half of my powers, and you can use then to get us out of here.” As he spoke, the dragon turned his sword to her “Just stab yourself here.” motioning to her breast.

“Wait, what? Are you crazy!?” Twilight screeched, her eyes nearly popping out of her head.

“No!” The Soul Reaper hissed, “This is my Zanpakuto! This is a special sword that we use to purify the souls of Hollows. They are also very,” he paused, “Important weapons to us, but I don't have time to explain.”

The hollow had recovered from the attack, and let loose a throbbing roar that shook the ground and rustled the trees.

“Do it now! “The dragon whispered, desperately. “And my name's Spike, by the way.” He managed to pull a pained, but mischievous smirk.

Twilight gave him a hard look.

“Twilight Sparkle,” she breathed. “Let’s hope that our presentation will not also be also our final farewell.” She grinned, and, after placing her hoof on the hilt, she stabbed herself with the sword.

The hollow leaped.

Spike gasped.

An explosion of pink energy filled the area, flowing through the air, easily repelling the hollow's attack.

Spike blinked.

Suddenly, all of the hollow's appendages were cut into fine ribbons. Roaring it stumbled back, searching for his adversary. The smoke cleared.

Standing in the middle of the clearing, Twilight Sparkle was grinning, wielding a giant claymore with her hoof.

Somehow, Ponies can do some ridiculous things with those hooves.

She was clad in the same black samurai robes as Spike had been, and very much looked the part of a Soul Reaper.

Spike lay on the ground, disbelief and horror flooding every fibre of his being.

No! She was only supposed to take half! But she took everything... She took it all! How is that possible? Who is this mare? And how, in Equestria, is her Zanpakuto that big!?

Twilight's eyes emanated a powerful, pink glow. The unicorn glared at the enraged hollow, years of pent up anger and hatred etched onto her face.

"All these years... All these years I've endured such pain, and suffering. All the tears I've shed. You murdered my parents, remember? You've made everypony suffer. Oh, I'm going to make you regret all of it, you demonic bastard!

The hollow chuckled once more, “Do you think that, just because you've stolen some Soul Reaper powers, you'll be able to be-”

Before the hollow could finish its sentence, Twilight assaulted it with a vertical cut from above, almost slicing the creature in half. The blow sent it staggering back a considerable distance, and opened a large, gaping wound, running from its mask, over its entire body. Dark blood spilled out from the deep wound.

“Damned mare, I will feast upon your soul!” The hollow hissed, as it launched another volley of claws from its back. Twilight grinned, her horn bathing the area in a pink light, before she vanished.

Spike, still on the ground, was gazing upwards in awe, as the events unfolded.

Of course. Now the hollow's spiritual pressure isn't affecting her concentration, Twilight can cast spells. This was supposed to be our chance to escape, but Twilight is... completely obliterating an Adjucha class Hollow!”

The mare had teleported herself seconds before the hands converged, and, pathetically, they hit the ground.

“Impossible! Wretched unicorns!” The hollow hissed. In the following instant, the hollow’s left arm flew into the air, leaving behind a smirking Twilight, wielding a now-bloody blade.

“Farewell…” She whispered, melodically, as she applied a deadly hit against his waist with all her strength, slicing his body in half.

The lower half evaporated in a flash blue light. The upper part flew, falling a few metres away.

“I will not be,” the hollow paused, to spit out a sludge of obsidian blood, “Destroyed - by a fake soul reaper - like this!” the hollow roared, starting to disappear in a black smoke. Twilight attempted to rush over and finish him off, but found her body convulsing of its own accord.

Twilight tried to move, but she felt an unbearable pain burn throughout her body. The pain made her collapse on the ground, writhing in agony.

"Why can't I move!?” She screamed, between gasps. “I can't let him escape – not now!" She struggled helplessly on the damp earth.

"You're exhausted from wielding such... incredible power.” Spike paused, “Your body is destroying itself due to your spiritual pressure, you have to stop or else you're going to die, Twilight!"

“You can't be serious?” She moaned as she watched her hatred, personified, escape. “Well that's just fucking convenient!” Twilight shouted sarcastically, a scowl forming on her face.

The hollow completely vanished, and the torrent of roars ceased.

Spike smiled, and collapsed next to Twilight.

“You did it, Twilight.”

“Is it dead?” She growled.

A few seconds of silence passed, before Spike replied.


Twilight was silent. After a few seconds she nodded in resignation, and closed her eyes.

The last thing Spike saw, before losing consciousness, was Twilight's huge, violet eyes.

He smiled, inwardly.

She stayed; she stayed to defend me... Thank you, Twilight Sparkle...

The main doors of the school building opened, and a stallion stepped out.
“My, my. What a mess.” He sighed.

Author's Note:

*Zanpakuto = Soul-Cutter Sword - The special sword used by the Soul Reapers, it's the only weapon able to purify a Hollow's soul and send it to the other side, cleaning it of all the sins that he/she commited as a Hollow.

(E/N: Needless swearing? Check.
Also sorry about the sporadic usage of “his” and it” to describe the hollow, but I just ended up putting whatever sounded right in each sentence. My brain failing the Rules of Grammar.

Should have the first seven chapters out within the next two weeks. Enjoy.)