• Published 5th Oct 2012
  • 3,147 Views, 124 Comments

Bleach: Equestria - PaleRider

Bleach storyline, performed by the MLP:FiM cast. Adaptations made by the author.

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Volume 2 - Sisterly Bonds - Part 4

Spike had never run so fast in his life. Adrenaline surged through him as his lungs pumped like bellows. On his back, Chrome was being carried, unconscious, with her hooves wrapped around his neck. As night fell upon the quiet rural town the only sound that could be heard on the deserted trail was the crunch of their steps on the ground. Slowly, the pegasus opened her tired eyes and looked around.

“Spike,” she breathed, “Where is Twilight?

The dragon glanced back and smiled with melancholy, “She went after Shadow Seeker. She’s teleported to your house to make sure White Cloud’s alright.” The dragon returned his focus to his running, and Chrome frowned uneasily.

“Shadow Seeker’s gone to eat my brother?” she whispered.

“I don’t know. Maybe.” Spike sighed, “He was going to devour your mother’s soul, that’s what Hollows do, but since Twilight gave her the Konso, he’s going to be hungry.”

“What about my brother?”

“Chrome, you do realize that if your brother gets out of hand, Twilight will have to purify his soul.”

The pegasus closed her eyes, a deep sense of helplessness washing over her as she faced the undeniable truth.

She opened her eyes, “But-”

“We’ll be there soon.” Spike interrupted, avoiding her gaze.

The darkness of night was absolute until it was torn asunder by a radiant, purple light. Twilight Sparkle gasped as she saw the huge wreckage that was left of Chrome’s house entrance.

Has Shadow Seeker already been here? Has he already eaten White Cloud?

Twilight was about to investigate the house when a sudden explosion startled her.

The sound came from the school campus.

Another teleport spell later, and Twilight reappeared on top of one of the walls that encircled the main building. She inhaled sharply when she saw some students, whom were still at the campus studying, run out to investigate the commotion.

One of them, a young earth pony mare, was floating in the air, injured and unconscious. The stallion next to her was in panic. His eyes were wide open in a mixture of confusion and horror. The other ponies were screaming in shock and terror as they ran back into the main building.

But Twilight could see what was actually happening. A giant, monstrous stallion was holding his victim with the tendrils that erupted from his back;

Damnit, White Cloud’s escaped! But where’s Shadow Seeker?

“Are you okay, Buttercup?” the stallion cried, “Buttercup, say something!”

Rage built up within Twilight from nowhere. Leaping from the wall, she unsheathed the sword at her side and landed a heavy slash against the maleficent creature’s side. White Cloud roared in pain and was sent crashing to the ground. He lost his grip on the mare, who collapsed onto the cold grass.

The stallion nearby gasped and rushed to her side, completely unaware of the imminent danger he was in. White Cloud rose, fury abundant in his eyes, and charged forward towards the oblivious pony.

“Stop with this, White Cloud!” Twilight yelled, leaping in front of the Hollow, and blocking his mad rush. The impact jarred her wither, and Twilight realized that absorbing the brunt of the blow may not have been the wisest decision. The stallion ran away with the mare back to the safety of the building.

White Cloud roared and shook his head violently, recovering from his attack.

“Get away from my food, Soul Reaper! I’m hungry!” he bellowed.

Twilight’s eyes widened as the frenzied Hollow readied himself for another charge, this time at the unicorn herself.

He‘s completely out of control!

Suddenly, he stopped. Twilight followed his gaze and saw Spike and Chrome arriving at the front gates. The pegasus leaped off the dragon’s back, and began running towards them.

“White Cloud! What are you doing here?” she gasped, fear and sadness sparking in her eyes as Spike grabbed her to stop her running to him.

“But how do you know that it’s him? You can’t even see him.” Spike breathed.

“It’s him! I would know my own brother when I sense him. Let me go!” she hissed.

“Food...” White Cloud growled as he launched his tendrils at the pair.

“C’mon!” Spike yelled as he dragged Chrome out of harm’s way and leaped to Twilight’s side.

“What do you think happened?” Twilight whispered as White Cloud once again recovered slowly from his reckless attack.

“I don’t know. It looks like Shadow Seeker trashed Chrome’s house and let White Cloud escape, but it doesn’t make sense. Maybe he wants him to capture prey for him, or something?”

“We can’t let him attack anyone else.” Twilight said slowly, “But how can I stop him without slaying him?”

White Cloud had fully recovered and had charged at them once again, leaping mid-way. The pair smoothly sidestepped the attack, but his claws left a large crater at the spot where they had just been.

“Spike, Twilight, Please. Don’t hurt my brother! He’s all I have.” Heterochrome sobbed.

“Heterochrome!” White Cloud gasped upon hearing his sister’s voice, “Heterochrome, is that you?”

“White Cloud!” the pegasus breathed as she began to walk towards him.

“Don’t do it, Chrome.” Spike warned.

“But he’s calling me.” Chrome said, “He needs me!”

Once more White Cloud charged at them, but Twilight blocked the attack with the flat of her blade. Once more the shock she absorbed jarred her wither, sending spasms of pain up her neck. The Hollow recoiled.

“Why do you stand in my way, Soul Reaper? She’s my sister!” White Cloud howled in frustration, ”And she’s willing to give her delicious soul to me!” he roared, “She is mine!

“You aren’t her brother anymore, White Cloud. A brother protects his siblings; he stays by their side in all the difficulties, in all situations. No matter what the consequence, no matter what the cost.”

Although Chrome could not see the events unfolding, she could hear every word.

“Why is my brother saying these things, Spike?”

“He‘s not your brother anymore. He’s a Hollow, and he‘s using your love to blind you, Chrome. He’s not your brother; he’s a monster.” Spike motioned to the red stains of blood glistening on the grass. “This is his work, Chrome, and he’s not going to stop.”

“What do you know, little dragon?” White Cloud roared, launching his tendrils at Twilight. The unicorn gasped in surprise and attempted to evade the first volley. Diving to the left, she barely managed to avoid getting impaled, escaping with just a small gash from one of the tentacles as it sliced her leg. She shielded herself from the second volley with her Zanpakuto, grimacing in pain as the sheer brunt of the force knocked the breath out of her.

“He’s not like that!” Chrome sobbed, “He just can’t control himself.”

“Get out of my way!” White Cloud bellowed, “My food is getting impatient!”

“She’s supposed to be your sister.” Spike growled, “Look at yourself.”

“My sister? Ha! She was never my sister.” White Cloud chuckled sadistically. “She was just my ears. Only she could hear the Hollows - something I could never do. She was nothing more than a tool to get what I wanted.”

“What?” Chrome breathed, blinking in confusion.

“But you got what you wanted. You got your revenge. Obsidian’s dead. The Hollow who killed your family is dead.”

“But it was not by my hoof, foal. You took what was mine. You took what I deserved away from me.”

“You weren’t strong enough,” Spike growled, “I saved your life, White Cloud.”

“No!” White Cloud howled, “I wasn’t strong enough. But I was going to be strong enough. I am strong enough! And now I can’t destroy him! You took that right from me, Soul Reaper, and now I will make you pay for what you have done to me!”

The enraged Hollow batted Twilight aside with a powerful blow, and performed another reckless charge directly at Spike. Twilight smashed against the flooring, her lungs exhaling sharply. She felt her throat constrict as her diaphragm spasmed. She forced herself to ignore the unbearable pain and threw herself in front of the Hollow’s path with her magic.

Not a single thought ran through Twilight’s head. Not a single regret.

And then the Hollow crashed into her, squeezing the last pocket of air from her lungs. The pair collapsed to the floor, the mutated stallion crushing Twilight.

“Twilight!” Chrome screamed in horror as she heard Twilight's desperate gasps, “Twilight, no!”

“Twilight!” Spike gasped, his eyes bulging. The dragon sprinted over, kicking White Cloud off of the unicorn, “Twilight! Are you okay? Twilight, snap out of it!”

Twilight grunted and attempted to get up again, but she collapsed, gasping for air.

“You can’t save her. I will crush her, like I will crush you.” White Cloud giggled between gasps as he struggled to rise, “I will crush you all!”

“Twilight.” Spike breathed.

“Spike, I’m sorry.” Twilight wheezed and rose defiantly to face White Cloud. “He’s not listening.” she whispered.

With all the strength she could muster, Twilight vanished as she reappeared in front of White Cloud. Before the Hollow could even comprehend what had transpired Twilight’s sword had swung in an arc and applied a deep gash across his face. He just had time to widen his eyes in surprise before blood flowed out in torrents. A obsidian river flowed over his face, impairing his vision.

However, White Cloud was swift to recover and threw a petty punch at Twilight, who knocked it aside with her blade. The Hollow grinned wickedly as he saw an opening and launched his razor-sharp claw at Twilight, aiming for her gut.

Sparks flew wildly as the claws scraped against metal.

“You are stronger than you first appear, Soul Reaper.” White Cloud said, deflecting another attack. Twilight wasted no time before she danced into her next attack.

“You don’t understand at all, White Cloud. Chrome’s your sister. She’s confused, and scared, and lonely; she’s exactly like I was.” Twilight hissed coldly, thrusting her blade at the hollow in a deadly stab. “But I had Shining Armor. I had my brother. He was there to help me when I lost my way. He was there to smile when I was sad. He showed me that there’s more to life than anger and revenge.”

“How touching.” White Cloud laughed cruelly, dodging the attack, “But why should I care about Chrome. She never did anything for me. She never helped me. She was just a hinderance.”

Chrome inhaled sharply, “I-I didn’t mean to-”

“Don’t listen-” Spike growled quietly.

“Don’t pretend you didn’t know, you pathetic weakling! You knew that our parents loved you more!” White Cloud roared as he used his tendrils to attack Twilight who deflected the attack with her blade, severing the tips of the appendage. The Hollow howled in pain and thrashed on the ground, clinging to the stubs.

“White Cloud!” Chrome yelped, and ran towards the squealing Hollow.

“Chrome!” Spike shouted in alarm.

“Only now do you notice my suffering?” The monstrous stallion grimaced, rising from the ground and focusing his empty gaze on his bewildered sister. Twilight prepared herself to defend Chrome.

“When you were born, I was told I was going to protect you.” White Cloud continued, “But why would I want that? I had a life already. I was finally set to go to university and, after that, maybe move out of this archaic town!”

“But then you appeared and held me back. From the very moment you were born, my life was damned to be linked with yours! I was damned to be weak and useless!”

Tears flowed freely from Chrome’s wide and shocked eyes, “But brother! I-I loved you! I always loved you - from the bottom of my heart!”

White Cloud laughed coldly, his distorted voice echoed throughout the vicinity.

“It doesn’t matter. Just by existing you robbed me of everything I loved. Everything from material things, to the very love of our parents - you took that away from me!” White Cloud howled. “And when they were killed by that pitiful Hollow, I lost everything along with them, Heterochrome. The only thing I gained was the ability to see the monsters that destroyed what was left of my life. And even then you got the other half. Even then I was still linked to you.” White Cloud hissed, “Even then... I had to... protect you.” White Cloud spat out the word as if the very action left a foul taste in his mouth.

“And now you’ve become one of them.” Twilight said calmly.

“And for good reason!” the Hollow roared, “When I was just a pony, when I was a mere mortal, I was weak. I was pathetic. You could almost call this a blessing.” White Cloud chuckled, “Now I don’t need my sister. I can hear the Hollows and Soul Reapers, and I can listen as I squeeze every last drop of life out of them!

“And when I’m done,” he continued, “I can eat their souls and become even stronger!” White Cloud slammed one of his claws against the ground, making everything tremble. “I will kill everything! Hollow and Soul Reapers alike! I will devour them! And then...”

He stopped mid-sentence, motioning one of his claws to his chest, putting it on the hole there.

“I’m going to have it back, and make this pain go away.”

“Stop, White Cloud. You don’t have to do this!” Chrome cried. “You don’t need to hurt anypony.”

“Never! I will take what is rightfully mine!” White Cloud screeched as he swiped a claw at Chrome. The pegasus was thrown into a nearby tree. The dull thud was accompanied by a sickening crack.

Chrome couldn’t hear her friends yelling her name. The pain was unbearable. Her vision blurred, and images of a time long gone flashed before her eyes. Had it all really been a lie?

“Twilight...” she breathed.

“Pathetic.” White Cloud growled, walking up to his sister’s crumpled form. She’d clearly broken something. Probably a rib.

“I won’t let you touch her.” a voice whispered in his ear. White Cloud widened his eyes as a purple unicorn suddenly filled his vision, her blade pressed firmly against his neck.

“I won’t let you stop me, Twilight Sparkle.” he replied emotionlessly.

“White Cloud...” Chrome breathed, “Please...”

“I’m not weak, Chrome.” her brother rasped, “I won’t let you win.”

“Twilight,” Chome sobbed from the ground, “Please just let him kill me.”

“I can’t...” Twilight said, feeling her voice tremble, “You just don’t get it, do you, Chrome? What is a sacrifice? Is it some heroic deed performed by a pony whose name will be heralded forever? That pony still died. It was still a sacrifice. It leaves nothing behind but pain and sorrow for those who loved them the most.”

“A beautiful speech. But you’re a fool to lower your guard in front me, Soul Reaper.” White Cloud giggled, grabbing Twilight's blade between his teeth and throwing the unicorn. Twilight was surprised and caught off guard, and she landed on her back, her wounds burning as dirt was rubbed into them.

Twilight opened her eyes just in time to see White Cloud pouncing on her his claws ready to rend her exposed body like a ravenous manticore.

Purple light, and White Cloud’s claws ravaged the concrete ground. His prey had teleported at the last second, vanishing from his sight.

“Damn unicorns!” he cursed, “Are you going to keep running from me?” His empty, yellow eyes moved frantically in all directions, trying to figure out where Twilight was. “Coward,” he hissed as he stepped softly over the damp earth.

It was eerily quiet. Spike and Chrome’s breathing was barely audible over the faint breeze whistling across the field.

Suddenly White Cloud’s ears twitched as the sound of a blade singing through the air behind him caught his attention.

With all his strength, he turned around in time, blocking the Soul Reaper’s attack using his appendages, crossing them in an “X” fashion.

Twilight could barely believe what she was seeing. The tentacles sprouting out of his back were hard as iron.

“Do you see this, Heterochrome?” White Cloud cackled, “Do you feel this power? Not even a Soul Reaper can stop me now!” He giggled and forced back Twilight’s blade, throwing her away with enough strength to send her crashing into one of the walls which exploded into dust and debris. Rubble cascaded to the soft earth.

Twilight coughed up blood. She wheezed from the mixture of dust and blood in her lungs and collapsed to the ground.

“See, Chrome!” White Cloud crowed, “See what I can do? I can have anything I want now. You can’t even begin to comprehend how beautiful this power is.”

Chrome was paralysed as her brother turned to face her once more. She couldn’t get up, and her eyes were fixated on Twilight. The unicorn’s chest raised and lowered irregularly, the dust only just beginning to settle. She glanced over at Spike, who could only watch the scene unfold before him helplessly. Chrome shared the dragon’s feelings as she lay in the cold dirt, only smothered by the intolerable agony in her chest.

“You want to be powerful too, don’t you?”

A chill ran down her spine at his words.

“Join me, Chrome. Be strong. For me.” the Hollow began giggling, “For your brother.”

Chrome felt her mind bending, threatening to snap. Tears flowed like rivers from her eyes, and her lips trembled non-stop. There was no sorrow, not anymore; it was despair, now, that was crushing her heart.

“You can be just like me. Powerful, and strong. Become one of us Chrome... and maybe you can finally stop being a useless piece of trash and help me conquer everything I want. Then maybe, I will finally love you, Chrome.”

Her head swam, “Brother... I-”

“Come now, Heterochrome! Let’s be a family again.”

“I can’t...”

His eyes flashed hotly, “Then I will have to convince you!”

Chrome felt her heart sink at the words that came next.

“How much do you value your friends’ lives? If you don’t join me, I’m going to torture them. I will squeeze the life out of them and make you listen to every - last - scream.”

He’s completely insane! I don’t want to become a Hollow. But how can I help my friends? How can I help Twilight?

Chrome saw Twilight stand up.

I can’t become a Hollow like this!

White Cloud flicked his ear as he heard the distinct sound of steel sailing through the air. His eyes widened as he realized he’d forgotten about the unicorn behind him. Sparks flew, as Twilight’s attack was blocked by his appendages.

“Stop lying to her, Hollow.” Twilight yelled, “The life of a Hollow is a life of misery.”

White Cloud roared furiously, “Eurgh, why do you insist on bothering me, worthless gnat? I should have eaten Chrome when I had the chance.”

“Because that’s what friends do!” Twilight shouted, determination burning in her eyes.

How can I choose. How can anypony make that decision?

Chrome paused, trying to take a deep breath and reason with herself. But the answer never came. She just stood frozen on the ground, unable to utter a single word. Twilight watched her friend dissolve into shock.

“You see? Trash, until the very end.” White Cloud hissed.

Taking advantage of Twilight's hesitation, he punched a hoof into Twilight’s chest with all his might. Twilight staggered back in surprise, speckles of color flashing across her vision. Before Twilight even had the opportunity to grunt he lashed at her with his appendages.

“Twilight!” Spike gasped in horror as Twilight fell to the ground. Hopelessness bubbled up his throat, and his knees wobbled precariously. Twilight’s gaze met his for just a second, before they unfocused.

White Cloud seized the opportunity and lunged forward, pouncing towards the helpless unicorn. He outstretched his claws preparing for the final, deadly attack.

“Spike, no!” his victim screamed.


A purple blur filled his vision as something blocked his way from his prey. He barely had time to register this new entity before he collided with it, his claws slicing through tough scales like serrated blades through cheese.

Twilight could only watch in horror as a blurry Spike dived in front of the fatal attack.

And she could only watch as the sharp claws mercilessly pierced her friend.

“Spike!” Twilight screamed again. Crimson blood gushed everywhere. It rained down upon her like a horrific April Shower and stained the earth, like the grass has weeped tears of scarlet.

And Spike fell to the ground next to her.

“You are stupid, little dragon.”

The Hollow wrapped one an appendage around Spike’s exposed neck and lifted him from the ground. Mercilessly, he slowly began squeezing the life out of Spike, all too literally.

“Have you decided yet, Chrome? Or should I continue having fun with your little friends over here?” White Cloud chuckled.

More purple light. White Cloud gasped in horror as the appendage restraining Spike fell off his back with astounding ease, a purple unicorn standing beside it. Fury burned in her eyes like a never-ending fire, her rage scorched so hot it could’ve caused blisters.

He roared in pain as a torrent of obsidian blood gushed from his severed limb, and he leaped backwards in surprise. The dragon lay across her back, and her violet eyes were ablaze with purple light that looked like a flame in her irises.

How’s this even possible!? A few seconds ago her Zanpakuto was barely enough to cut my skin!

“You dare! You can hurt me, but I will never let you harm my friends!” she roared, unbridled fury coursed through her voice. She leaped forward, with dragon on back, and launched a powerful slash at the stunned Hollow.

He swung his remaining appendage towards the encroaching unicorn when suddenly she teleported again. It didn’t take him long to spot her by Chrome’s side. Twilight placed Spike on the ground with care and turned to Chrome.

“I’m so sorry, Chrome. I hope one day you’ll forgive me.” Twilight whispered and closed her eyes, a single tear escaping and spilling down her face.

Chrome stiffened, her throat barely managing to find the words, “Twilight, p-please...” she pleaded.

But Twilight wasn’t there. The all-too familiar sense of helplessness washed over the pegasus again as Twilight lunged forward towards the brother. Hate burned in her eyes, the kind of hate that turned nice ponies into killers. Chrome did the only thing she could.

Heterochrome began to cry.

“Your soul is mine, Soul Reaper!” White Cloud roared viciously, matching Twilight’s anger, “And I’m going to enjoy making you pay for what you’ve done to me.”

He galloped over to Twilight and lunged for her head on. But the unicorn was engulfed in a shimmering, purple light. It encircled all of her body as if she was on fire.

It’s her Reiatsu*? How it can be so strong? And why have I never felt such an energy before?

Twilight opened her mouth to speak, “The time for talking’s over, White Cloud.” Twilight said coldly, “You had your chance.”

But this... this isn’t a common Reiatsu. It’s... different.

Before White Cloud could think any further on it Twilight moved her sword, inverting her grip on the blade, and raising it above her head. Focusing all her power, she enacted a battle shout and hurled the Zanpakuto at White Cloud like a spear.

Unnerved by the uncanny method that the Soul Reaper had decided to use to attack him, White Cloud stopped his charge suddenly, and wrapped his lone tentacle around the blade right before it pierced his face.

The power of the blow caused White Cloud’s hooves to dig into the soft earth.

“Nice try, Soul Reaper, but you’re not strong enough!”

Twilight ignored him as her horn flashed with a blinding purple light. The unicorn focused her magic into her weapon and manipulated her telekinesis ability, making the sword spin like a drill.

White Cloud’s eyes widened in surprise as his one remaining appendage was reduced to ribbons, obsidian blood rupturing from the ravaged limb.

“How did you-” he gasped, before the sword returned for a second attack. Batting it away with a claw he roared, “I’m not weak. I will not lose this! Not now!”

But Twilight’s magical grip on the blade was consummate and the blade returned to the fight, drilling right through White Cloud’s white, skeletal mask.

A deafening roar filled the air.

“It’s over.” Twilight whispered, retracting her blade. For what seemed like hours time was frozen. Then, like somepony had cast an invisible spell, blood gushed out of the fatal wound in torrents, and White Cloud collapsed to the ground in a pathetic heap.

The hollow gargled, “I... am not... weak!” roaring his final word with the last shred of strength he had. The ear-shattering roar echoed across the school campus until Twilight carved the Hollow in half with a deft strike. The pitiful form of what was once a strong stallion dissolved into a soothing, blue light.

And then-


Not a chirp of a single bird, not even the wind rustling through the leaves on the trees. Twilight couldn’t even hear her own breath.

“No,” a voice gasped, “No. no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!”

Twilight turned to face Chrome. The pegasus’ knees gave way as she collapsed to the ground in defeat.

“He’s gone. He... he’s l-left me! No!” Chrome screamed, punching the earth with her hooves. tears ran in small rivulets down her face. “Don’t leave me, brother! D-don’t...” the pegasus’ voice broke down to a whisper, “Don’t leave me here on my own! I-I’m... so scared.”

Twilight could only watch helplessly as her friend sobbed into the blood-stained earth. She walked over to Spike’s unconscious form and decided Chrome needed time to herself as she walked over to the gate to wait.

Chrome crawled over on her belly to where White Cloud’s body had once been. Nothing was left but the blood that was as black as his heart.

“No!” she screamed, rocking her knees, “No, don’t leave. P-please!” Tears streamed down her face like an untamed ocean, staining her chalk white coat. “D-don’t g-g-go.”

Chrome forced herself not to think of all that was now lost. Of the family that had been taken from her. Of the brother that had never loved her.

“Why didn’t you l-love m-me?” she screamed, “What did I do wrong!?” her voice once again reduced to a whisper, “Why can’t I forgive you?”

The pegasus lay thrashing in the soft mud, wallowing in her own tears and grief. Slowly, but surely, she succumbed to exhaustion, and the warm embrace of bliss that came with it.

Two days later

Chrome knew these two gravestones very well. They were worn, covered in moss, and victims to the passage of time. Chrome visited here almost every Sunday. She could have said it was for time for reflection or contemplation? But she’d be lying. She came here to talk to her parent’s gravestones, hoping that maybe, just maybe, they might be watching her.

However on this particular Sunday it wasn’t to her parent’s graves she spoke.

“Spike looks so much better today. He can finally walk. He was so pleased with himself when he managed that.”

An awkward silence befell the graveyard as Chrome found she had nothing to say. She opened her mouth to say more, but found the words died before they could form in her mouth, gargling pathetically in her throat before they made it past her tongue into understandable words. Closing her mouth she continued to stare intently at the grave.

“Twilight forgives you, you know. I don’t think that that pony’s the type to hold a grudge anyway, but I just thought you might want to know...”

Once again Chrome clamped her mouth shut as her memories spoke for her. Images, sounds and smells of a time long forgotten came rushing back. Of a time she could never get back.

“Mother and Father would be proud, I think.” she whispered, “You weren’t weak. I-” her voice broke, “I wish I was strong... I wish I was strong like you.”

“You are strong, Chrome.” Twilight said, startling the pegasus.

“Twilight!” Chrome exclaimed, “Forgive me. I didn’t see you there.”

Twilight nodded in understanding, “Don’t worry, Chrome. I’m here for you.”

Chrome mimicked her friend’s nodding, “Yeah...” she breathed.

The pair stared at the graves in silence. The birds were chirping in the trees now. Perhaps that meant her brother had finally found peace? She wondered where it was that Spirits ended up. In Spiritual Equestria? Was he happy there? Would he have another family? Would he have a new sister?

It wasn’t the first time in two days that the unbearable asphyxiation of loneliness clamped it’s constricting hoof around her neck. No tears came to her eyes, but she couldn’t find a way to fill up the insufferable black hole that now resided within her heart.

“There’s no one left now, you know.” she blurted suddenly, “It’s just me, now. I don’t have any other relatives. I was so scared of being the last one left that I convinced myself that he wasn’t really gone. I believed I could bring him back.” Chrome whispered, “I just wish I could’ve been right for once.”

“Chrome,” Twilight said softly, “Remember we’re your friends, and friends are the family that you choose. We’ll always be here for you, no matter what. You’ll never be alone, Chrome, you hear me?” Twilight continued sternly, “You’ll never be alone. Not with me - not with us. Not with your friends.”

“Twilight, I-” Chrome sniffed.

“You’re like a sister to me. The sister I never had.” Twilight whispered, “I don’t blame your brother. I wish things had turned out differently, I really do, but sometimes you’ve got to be strong. You’ve got to accept it, and move on.”

Chrome was silent for a few seconds before she whispered, “Twilight, can we go home?”

Twilight nodded in understanding and began walking towards the exit of the graveyard. Chrome was about to follow when she hesitated. She turned back to her brother’s grave and lowered her head to whisper to it.

“I forgive you, brother.”

And, with that, she followed the purple unicorn.

Author's Note:

Reiatsu = Spiritual Pressure - is the physical force/pressure that a person’s Spiritual Energy creates when released.

A/N: Kinda the sad an emotional chapter huh?

Comments ( 32 )

Nice nice nice! Keep going

I'm so beat! :derpytongue2:
Writing two chapters on the same day is hard, but I wanted to end the volume this weekend, to have the week for work on the next volume...
Going to sleep like a log today. :rainbowlaugh:

Haha I know what you mean. I did three updates for three stories in two days :ajsleepy: need a break

Are you going to be having the rest of the mane 6 take the palce of Ichigo's friends?

Well... I can't give you spoilers! :rainbowlaugh:
But don't worry, the mane six are in the history, but I can't tell who they are casting for now. :pinkiehappy:

I didn't want spoilers, I was just asking if they were. And hoping that they will start appearing soon.

Welp, this took far too long. :duck:

But I'm really pleased that there's a lot more in this chapter than previous chapters. We spent a good while trying to make this as emotional as possible, so hopefully you guys can empathize with Chrome.

And now I'm just about up to date with Palerider. Now the real magic begins! :rainbowkiss:


Hooray for that! :moustache:

I'm still sniffing a little because of Chromie... :pinkiesad2:

Being a fan of both MLP and Bleach, I will definatly read this. I hope it's good, I honestly can't wait to see how this is.

I really hope you do enjoy mister! Any question, feel free to comment here, I will be very happy to answer. :twilightsmile:

Cannot find the reply button for some odd reason. Alright so I will read this starting now.

The reply button is on top right corner of the comment box, just hover your mouse over there and it shall appear, it's the baloon with the elipses. I will be awaiting for your opinions. :twilightsmile:

Love the first chap, Twilight was awesome! Poor Trixie though.

Trixie will have her time to shine. For now, just a bully for "Twichigo" to knock some sense into. :rainbowlaugh:

I only read the first chapter and am already interested in this fic. I hope to read more soon, however I am quite busy, I put this in my favorites for later. Keep up the good work. ^-^

Thank you very much sir. I normally tend to be a little unsure of how a Bleach fan react to the fic, seeing how I'm doing some heavy changes on the original storyline. Is always a relief to hear that you guys are enjoying it and getting interested in it.

I will keep working hard to bring you guys a great story! :raritywink:

I haven't read all of Bleach, I'm almost to the end of the series, like on book 42, but I do hope you make this the best you can offer. Even though it's almost perfect already. ^-^

just want you to know how much i am enjoying this. I hope you will continue this to the end. you have a lot of talent. i am trying to guess the counterparts. twilight is ichigo. spike is rukia. chrome is orihime. celestia is yamamoto. luna as the 4th div captain...

update soon:twilightsmile:

Thank you very much for the kind words sir. Is really good to know you, the readers, are enjoying the story. Don't forget to compliment Vexy as well, he's the one behind the editing, and his work is important as mine.

The updates are a little slow at the moment but we plan on taking a better pace in the upcoming month. Thank you again. :pinkiehappy:


Vexy, you are doing a great job editing as well. You keep the story flowing smoothly so you keep up the good work as well. You two are a good team methinks.


Ah wasn't expecting a compliment like that :pinkiegasp: Thanks so much! It means a lot to me! Especially since I'm getting through Bleach so slowly these days with so much going on in real life, and writing other fics.
I do agree I think we make a great team. 'Tis why we're writing a few fics together, and I hope those turn out as well as Bleach is turning out. We have a lot planned for Bleach too. Honestly can't wait for the second arc. It looks like it's going to be so awesome!

Well, I know which episode was that. You sure didn't had much luck for a first impression. Bleach is my favorite anime, but I'm the first to admit it's many flaws. Despite the flaws, it's a great show Mister Nonagon, I would recommend it to you. Also, if you plan on reading this adaptation made by me and Vexy, I really wish you could give us your opinions, we are both fans of your Death Note: Equestria, and we would be really happy in receiving support from a great author such as you.


I've not even seen any other animes, but judging from your fic, nonagon, I think I can safely say that, although both Bleach: Equestria and Deathnote: Equestria include Soul Reapers, they are no doubt in different genres. Any good crossover will try to spice up the story with a little deviation and surprise, so I wouldn't try comparing this fic against Bleach as harshly as your comment suggests you are.

That said I'm a total sucker for Death Note: Equestria and therefore feel a little uneager about trying and lecture you about crossovers. Clearly you're more experienced than I! I hope you enjoy reading Bleach: Equestria if you ever do get around to reading it, it's certainly a well-written piece (You can thank Mr. Palerider.) Personally I'm particularly proud of the seventh chapter; I don't usually write sad material, but this is the one exception I'll give - bouncing around ideas with Palerider was certainly different to what I'm used to!

Thanks for commenting, regardless, Nonagon. I hope to see you around Fimfiction more

Thank you very much for actually reading it Nonagon. We will search out for all the errors that you pointed and try to squash them for a better reading experience. Also, we are trying to improve some points, as descriptions like you said. We hope that someway you keep coming for newer chapters and give us some more helpful insights about the fic.

Thank you for the compliment. :ajsleepy:

Thank you Creator-of-Her. Bleach is a great Anime, not a flawless one, but sure my favorite and deserves a try from you, if you have the time. Also, this fic is my main project, it's being updated slowly, but I guarantee the quality. I hope you can continue to enjoy it, as much as me, the writer, and Vexy the editor, are enjoying writing it. :pinkiehappy:

I will cover every arc my friend! The start may not look like it, but that's a retake non Bleach first manga volume, which makes the first three episodes. Hope you enjoy! :pinkiehappy:

Why do stories get put on hiatus?

Too high a spiritual pressure can cause immense pain and/or kill a soul reaper,hollow,or visored I thought I'd add that little bit of info

I made a list of what MLP characters would be what Bleach characters and a description of why. Here's a link:

2880548 And humans, too. Don't forget when Aizen walked by Ichigo's more human friends and they all passed out with the exception of the one that dragged them away.


This story is awsome. please continue.

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