• Published 5th Oct 2012
  • 3,147 Views, 124 Comments

Bleach: Equestria - PaleRider

Bleach storyline, performed by the MLP:FiM cast. Adaptations made by the author.

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Volume 1 - The Death And The Unicorn - Part 2

Twilight barely noticed the time as the first period of classes concluded.

The classes here are fairly interesting.

The lavender unicorn left the building, and made her way towards a vacant bench, near the wall. She decided to just lie down on the bench, and wait for her classes to continue. It was in the shade of a large tree, and was fanned by a cool, gentle breeze. Twilight couldn't help but lapse into thought.

Of course, everypony was evading her, fearful of a retaliation from Trixie’s gang.

“Great. First day and I’m already a celebrity.” she sighed, “I just wanted to study peacefully, why did that stuck-up mare have to provoke me?" Twilight groaned.

Why does socializing have to be so difficult?

"Well, whatever! I don’t need anypony near me anyway.” Twilight decided. She closed her eyes, hoping to catch some shut-eye before her next lesson. A few minutes later she heard a faint voice. It called her name.

“Miss Sparkle?”

Twilight opened one eye. In front of her stood a female pegasus, young enough to be a student. She had a silky, white coat, a short cerulean mane which fell over all sides of her head. She wore a pair of glasses, and a uniform to match her own. Her most notable feature was her eyes: specifically, her irises; one was blood red, whereas the other was cerulean, the same as her hair.

“Miss Sparkle, m-may I talk to you for just a minute?” the white pegasus asked timidly, trying to not look in Twilight in the eye.

“Well, alright, no problem. But who are you?” Twilight opened her other eye and lifted her head.

“Oh, sorry. My name is Heterochrome, but everypony just calls me Chrome. I am the leader of the student council and-“

“Oh! You're here to scold me because I fought with Trixie, right?" Twilight interrupted. "I’m sorry. You can put it on my record if you want, but I wasn't going let her abuse the freshman’s like that."

Chrome laughed nervously.

“No.” She whispered, shaking her head. “What happened earlier is something we're pretending never occurred. You know, Trixie is the principal’s daughter, and even her father was looking to give to her a little lesson about good manners. She is the classic spoiled child. You just did what no one was able to do until now.”

Twilight smiled. “Thanks goodness. If this event ended up on my permanent record, I would feel bad for the rest of my life!” She resisted a chuckle and asked, “So, if you are not here to give me some disciplinary intervention, what did you want to talk to me for?”

“Well..." Chrome shifted uncomfortably and avoided Twilight's gaze again. "Could you, um, come with me for a few minutes?”

Twilight was unsure of what to make of the question, but she rose up off the bench. “Sure.”

Chrome nodded, and motioned for her to follow. The two mares walked all the way back to the main building, and, after crossing many corridors and rooms, they entered on the Principal’s office. Chrome closed the door behind Twilight, as she walked in. Her eyes darted between the expansive furniture inside, and the lack of the Principal. Chrome proceeded to a filing cabinet, at the edge of the room.

“So what is this all about?” Twilight asked, motioning to the room.

“I'm sorry for dragging you away from your, err, nap, but this is a serious matter. You're the younger sister of Shining Armor, correct?” Chrome opened the filing cabinet, and started to look for a folder inside.

“Yes." Twilight didn't bother asking how she knew that. "Has something happened to my brother?” Twilight couldn't hide the sudden anxiety.

The white mare shook her head,

“Oh, no, don’t worry; I’m asking just to confirm a few things, Twilight. You see," Chrome paused, as if unsure of what to say next, "We need your help.”

"Wait, what?" Twilight was unsure of how to react to that. “My help? W-why me? What's this about?”

Chrome picked up a folder, and placed it, open, upon the Principal’s table.

“We know a thing or two about you. For example; your rare 'Abilities': we need them... We need them to defeat an evil spirit.”

Twilight's eyebrow twitched.

Could she-? No. Only me and Shining know that.

"Abilities? I-I know that I'm quite good with magic, b-but there's nothing special about that, anyone else could help you."

Chrome gave Twilight a sad, but knowing smile.

"Please, don't be alarmed. I did some research about your 'abnormal' behaviour at your other schools. I know your secret. Don't worry it's safe with me."

"What?" She can't mean that; There's no way...

"I know that you can see the spirits of the dead."

Twilight's jaw dropped. "H-how!? Wait, no. Just- Argh!" She spluttered, struggling to say anything remotely comprehensible.

This can't be happening. No way. It can't be that obvious!

Twilight turned her eyes away. Somepony else had discovered her secret. A secret that only her and her brother knew.

"You're crazy, Chrome. I don't know what you are talking about. No one can see the spirits of the dead."

"So you admit they're there?"

"I-" Twilight realised she'd been cornered. Twilight lowered her body, as if she was about to be attacked by Heterochrome. ”What you want from me!?” she yelled.

The pegasus expression saddened, and she lowered her head. "I understand why you're afraid. I really do. But please - your power's the only hope we have!

“A monster is attacking students at this school at night. The police don’t believe us, and their investigation is totally out of track. This supernatural being kills by eating the victim’s souls. Already, many are dead." She paused. "You are familiar with the recent murders which were the reason for your brother's transfer, no? If we don’t do something, and fast, this school will close, and this monster will just find other victims in this town.”

"How can you know all this?"

Chrome's face contorted. “I-I can't say. But I need to show you this." She picked up a remote control from a drawer on the table, and turned on a television behind Twilight. The lavender unicorn turned around, unsure of what she'd find.

The image was from a night vision security camera which had an ideal view of the courtyard of the school at night from above. A mare wearing the school uniform was walking out of the building, locking the front door.

The image distorted slightly.

“This camera is special,” Chrome explained. “It is able to record images from a frequency that normal ponies aren't capable of seeing, and convert them into images that anypony can see.”

On the screen, something appeared. Twilight blinked and looked closer.


An all-too familiar monster stood directly in front of the mare. It was, bipedal, and wore a black mantle, a hood, its face covered by a white mask, with nothing on it except for a grim, red grin.

“This can’t be!” Twilight gasped.

“You recognize this creature?"

"Yes." The unicorn breathed. Chrome nodded.

"I thought so."

Twilight couldn’t look away from the screen; the image of the vile creature branded onto her mind's eye.

"It... it killed my parents." She gulped.

The mare, onscreen, yelped at a sudden noise behind her. She turned away from the locked door and looked in the creature’s direction. Twilight knew all too well what would happen next.

"Run Twilight! Dammit, run!!!"

From the monster’s back, several black hands burst forth like tendrils and rushed towards the mare, suspending her all four limbs. The mare screamed. Her body twisted and squirmed as she desperately battled, in vein, against her invisible adversary. Tears ran down her face as she screamed.

"Help me - anyone! Please!" She sobbed. The creature showed no mercy, and the hold of his extra arms easily overpowered her. She crashed to the ground, her muffled to a small whimper.

Slowly, he dragged the mare towards him, the sound of her body being scraped against the concrete ground caused a sickening, slow requiem.

He was purposely torturing his defenseless victim.

Twilight wanted to look away, but found she could not. The mare was screaming in agony, now, until she was silenced by another hand wrapped around her mouth, muffling it to a despaired squeal.

Finally, The creature grew bored of its prey, and lifted her from the ground. She would have been close enough for her to feel his breath. The creature's white, faceless visage somehow twisted into a huge, red grin.

He raised his arm to reveal a claw wearing a white, bony glove. Almost lovingly, he placed it gently against the mare's chest, only to dive his fingers mercilessly into her flesh.

Twilight felt her head spin as she watched the mare's eyes twinkle out of existence. He released her, but her soul - her life - didn't fall with her body.

The familiar monster released its grip from the lifeless corpse, which crashed, pathetically, to the ground, causing a horrible, pitiful resonance. The victim - that young mare - lay on the ground, eyes wide open, and motionless.


Chrome turned off the television, “As you can see, this monster is roaming around the campus, consuming the souls of innocent ponies. And my sources suggest that this is the same creature that killed your parents." Chrome paused. "You have to help us, Twilight Sparkle.”

Twilight shook her head.

"Chrome, don't you see what this means? If we show the police this, this should be sufficient evidence to set the-"

"Twilight, no one must see this video." Chrome said, much too quickly.

"What do you mean? This is all the evidence we need." Twilight said slowly, feeling her heart sink.

"This video belongs to the principle. I shouldn't even be showing you it." Chrome said, venom lacing her voice. "But this wouldn't be sufficient anyway; the police will suspect it was artificially generated."

"But Shining-"

"Twilight, please!" Chrome pleaded. "You're the only one who can see them! You have to be the one to help us. You have to be the one to save us all."

Twilight turned to her, rage threatening to burn her up. “How do you suppose that I can help stop it? Why do you think I can help you? Because I can't! There is nothing I can do!” she screamed. The monster flashed before her mind's eye, every time she blinked back tears.

“Twilight," Chrome said softly, "You can see this thing. You can see it and no one else can. Your skill in magic is unchallengeable! There is no one better for this, than you. There is... no one else.”

The lavender unicorn lowered her head, shaking it, but it did nothing to soothe the sick feeling in her stomach.

“It’s... It’s not my problem. That thing killed my mother in front of me, and no one believed when Shining Armor and I tried to call the police. They just filed the case and forgot everything that happened!”

Now Chrome lowered her head, a sad look glinting in her eyes.

“I understand, Miss Sparkle. And... and I can’t force you to do anything, but please," Chrome whispered, "Have a think about it.”

Twilight turned her back to the pegasus, and left the room without saying another word.

After the second period of classes, Twilight departed for her house. The sun was setting behind her, engulfing the sky in a burning, orange glow. She glanced back at her school one last time, her mind drifting back to Chrome and that video... That monster that destroyed her childhood.

I can’t do it... It’s too early. I admit that, all these years, I was studying magic to become stronger and find a way to avenge my parents but... I’m not strong enough. I'm just... not...

She continued trotting back down the same rural road she had taken that morning, before she found herself by a familiar apple tree.

"Flora Song?" Twilight called.

There was no reply.

She glanced behind the tree, searching for the young filly, but there wasn't anypony to be found.

Twilight felt a twinge of sadness, and decided to leave the tree, and the memory, behind.

As she passed through the town centre, she stopped at a store on the main square of the town. It was grocery store called 'Sugarcube Corner'.

Some ponies were there, buying sweets to their heart's content. Twilight trotted to a shelf of tantalizing muffins.

“Maybe Shining Armor will like some muffins...” She murmured, to herself.

“This little unicorn sure smells fine...”

Twilight froze in place, pricking her ears. The voice of an old stallion behind her almost gave her a heart attack. She turned around to find an old stallion, with a perverted smile on his face behind her. His eyes were closed.


Her hoof moved of its own accord. It sailed straight through the air and slapped his face, but passed straight through it. The old pony opened his eyes, his mouth agape as if he'd been successfully slapped.
“You can see me, girl?” he asked, the shocked expression never leaving his face.

“Of course I can, you old perv! What do you think you're doing, stalking somepony like this?” Twilight didn't notice her voice rising uncontrollably. The entire grocery turned to look at her, with confused and concerned expressions.

“Are you alright, my dear?” A pink earth pony asked, eyes filled with worry. “Something's happened? Maybe the muffins aren’t as you like?”

Twilight glanced at the pony, and then back again at the old stallion.

Oh, no. He's a ghost, isn't he...

Recalling how her hoof had previously passed straight through the stallion's face, she resisted facehoofing. She started to laugh, the embarrassment enflamed her cheeks. “I’m sorry, I just... You know, I’m practicing for, err - my theatre classes!” She glanced back at the muffins, “And I got a little too excited and didn’t notice my tone. Sorry!”

The pink mare blinked at Twilight.

“Alright my dear, but please watch your manners from now on.”

She trotted away, and everypony from the grocery returned to their business. The unicorn turned to the ghost, who's laughter was echoing throughout the store, if anypony had been able to hear it, at least.

“What're you doing?” she hissed.

“Well, what else do I have to do? Do you know how many years I've been dead now? I still have no idea how I'm supposed get out of this world? I have all the time I in the world, so I'll happily follow some pretty ladies!” He started to drool comically. “Like you!”

“Eurgh! Get away, I don’t want an old perv following me around.” Twilight growled. She picked up some muffins with her magic, and trotted away to pay for them.

“No! Finally, I have found a pretty lady that can hear me! I will stay with you for the rest of your life!” He squealed, dreamily.

Twilight left the store, with the persistent ghost following right behind her.

“So what fragrance do you use? I love it!” he giggled. Twilight did her best to ignore the ghost completely. His chattering continuing for the entire journey back to her house, ranging from lewd jokes to the completely lascivious. Twilight ground her teeth as she opened the door.

“Brother! Are you here?” She shouted.

“So you have a brother, pretty mare?” The ghost cackled.

“Yes! Can you please just shut up?” Twilight hissed.

The purple unicorn trotted into the kitchen, but instead of Shining she found a letter over the table. Her fears were confirmed when she read it:

Going to be at work all night, sleep early; I made some soup, so drink it for dinner. Love you, S.A.

“So he is going to be away?” The ghost stood behind her, reading the paper.

“You're a very annoying pony, you know!” Twilight huffed, as she started to trot back towards the living room.

“So, what're your plans for this evening?” He asked, following her like an obedient dog.

"Well I was just going to take a bath, eat some muffins, and go to bed. I don't think I can do any studying tonight. Not after what I've been through today." She sighed. Studying normally cheered her up, but today her strength felt completely sapped.

"You're going to take a shower, my dear?” Twilight looked back, and saw, to her disgust, the stallion almost had stars in his eyes. She glared back at him.

"Will you please just leave me alone!?” Twilight exclaimed, stomping her hoof on the floor. "Ahhh!" Twilight squealed when the pony just stood there. The stallion continued to ignore her, and followed her when she cantered off. "Stallions..." She muttered.

The duo passed the stairs, and entered the unicorn’s room. Twilight walked into the bathroom, shutting the door in the face of the stallion. When he tried to pass through it, but found that the door was as solid as if he'd been alive.

“What is this?” he complained.

“Oh, I know a trick or two when it comes to clingy, perverted spirits.” Twilight gloated from inside the bathroom. "Advanced Magical Fields: No particle can pass through it unless I allow it!"

"Awww, c'mon, Twilight! Just a peek..." The stallion whined. No reply. Twilight was ignoring him.

Dejected, he lay down on the floor, and thought of past endeavours.

Hours passed, and Twilight was still in the bathroom.

How is this possible? What do maresdo in there? Unless...

He chortled, childishly, at his own thoughts. He didn’t notice the black butterfly fly in and land by his side.

A tall figure then appeared, seemingly from thin air, and landed on the top of the telephone pole outside Twilight’s house. His eyes found the old stallion, and he grinned.

“Found you, at last!”

In one graceful leap, he was standing on Twilight's windowsill. It was then that the Stallion noticed him.

"Ahh!" He yelped, cowering in fear. "Please don't send me to hell!" He lay on the floor whimpering softly. The draconic creature stepped in.

"Forgive me; I didn't mean to alarm you." He explained. “Do not fear, old pony. You aren't going to hell; you're finally going to rest.”

In a flash, the hilt of a sword the stallion hadn't even seen him draw, was pressed firmly against his forehead.

In the same instant, Twilight Sparkle had finally left the bathroom, still covered by a humid towel around her body.

“Okay, you old perv, you can stay a little while but you are going to sleep outside my room and-“ the vision of the stallion being engulfed in a warm, blue light stopped the mare in mid-sentence. Stood over him was a tall figure, clad in a Samurai outfit with an impressive, yet intimidating, Katana in his clawed grip. Twilight Sparkle had a list of bizarre things one might consider reasonable to accept. A dragon, wielding a sword, was, almost certainly, not one of them.

“That’s all of them for tonight!” The dragon purred, proudly. The smile vanished when something caught his attention, at the corner of his vision.

Is that a... table?

"Umph!" he grimaced as a small table smashed against his head, almost knocking him out cold. He wobbled uneasily, but managed to maintain his balance. “Wha-“ he glanced uneasily around before his eyes came to rest on a very unhappy Twilight.

Is that unicorn looking at me? He shook his head. That’s weird. Most ponies can't-

He was interrupted by another another piece of furniture: this time, a drawer from her wardrobe, hurtled towards him. But it sailed through thin air, and clattered harmlessly on the floor.

“What is happening here?” he yelled.

“If you are a thief, then you are a really bad one!” Twilight screamed, throwing a second drawer in his direction, using her magic. The dragon dodged them again.

“Wait, can you see and hear me?”

“Of course I can! I’m not blind!” Twilight hissed. His eyes almost popped out of his head.

“That’s not possible!” He gasped, pointing his claw at the lavender mare.

Or, at least, not probable.

He paused, taking his time to look more carefully at Twilight. "But on a side note, this mare has a very high spiritual pressure; that's not very common for a pony.” he mumbled to himself, running a claw over his chin in thought.

Twilight lowered the front of her body aggressively. Her horn flared, bathing the dim room in a pink glow.

“Are you going to tell me what you did to that old pony, or do I have to make you talk?” She growled.

The dragon grinned, challengingly.

“Cool down, mare, you don’t know what you're getting into."

Twilight's eyes narrowed.

"You asked for it." She hissed, focusing on building a beam of concentrated energy. If she had used this amount of power earlier on Trixie, it would be likely she'd have done some serious, permanent damage. However this was a dragon, and Twilight didn't mind crippling him. She released the bolt of boiling energies, which arced across the room towards the dragon.

He wore an unimpressed look, and raised his arm, stretching out his claw.

“Demon Technique Number Seven: White Barrier.” He purred, smugly. A white shell coalesced around the purple dragon. The powerful beam collided with the barrier and instantly dissipated.

“What!?” Twilight was struck dumb. She was all too aware of her mouth, which hung open in a very unladylike pose.

"I said calm down, missy." He chuckled from behind her. Twilight barely managed to comprehend the invader vanishing from in front of her, appearing behind her, and dealing a skilful karate chop to her neck, before she fell to the ground.

How did he move so fast!? That wasn't a teleport spell... Who is this guy?

Twilight's vision was blurring, and she was struggling to retain consciousness. Just as she was about to attempt a teleport spell, the dragon immobilized her. Holding her forehooves behind her back, with one of his claws.

“You're stronger than you look, mare.” The dragon said, eyeing Twilight curiously.

“Let me go!” the unicorn yelled, from the floor. The dragon chuckled.

“Only if you promise to calm down.”

“First tell me who or what you are, and what you're doing in my house!” Twilight howled, struggling to escape against the dragon's iron grip.

“Well," the dragon grinned. "I guess if you want to know so bad, and you can see me, and all, I think that I can spare some time to tell you.

"Sealing Technique Number One: Chain of Heart, Cuff of Soul." The dragon released the unicorn. "Just in case."

Twilight tried to stand up, but her limbs refused to obey her. She tried to squirm, tensing every muscle she had, but found she was completely unable to move. Not even her magic had any effect.

What school of magic is this!?

“What you have done to me?” She yelled, unable to stem the fountain of distress. The dragon gave another smug smile, and proceeded to sit on the ground. Crossing his legs and placing his claws upon his knees, he answered.

“I put a little sealing technique I learned, on you; I don’t want you throwing any more furniture on me.” He grinned, mumbling, "Or tantrums..." Twilight shot him daggers. He rubbed his head in response. “Don’t worry, the effect will last a few minutes: enough time for me to explain a few things to you.

“What I am, you asked? I am a Soul Reaper. I have come from the other world, known as “Spiritual Equestria”. I have two missions here. The first you have already witnessed: to relieve the souls of the dead who are still bound to the mortal plane, and send them to the spiritual world, where they can rest and prepare for reincarnation.”

Before the dragon could continue, he was interrupted by the peal of laughter. ”Yeah, right. Get real; you think that I will believe this madness?” Twilight’s head throbbed. The dragon withdrew his claw after dealing the karate chop.

Damn, he is fast!

“Do not mock our sacred job!” he yelled. He took a deep breath and regained his composure. “Look, if you don’t believe me, then maybe this will help.” He searched in his sleeve, before withdrawing apple, with a huge bite taken from it, and placed it in front of the unicorn.

Recovering from the blow, Twilight's eyes widened when they fell upon the apple.

“Flora Song.” she whispered.

“Do not worry; she will be able to eat all apples she wants to now.” Twilight looked up, and their eyes met. “Now do you believe me?” Twilight opened her mouth to answer.

The telephone rang.

“I have to answer that." She whispered. The dragon nodded. After a moment of listening to the phone ringing, Twilight hissed, "Can you remove this spell?”

The dragon's attention was on the gadget, lying on the table. He scratched his head, and asked,

“What is this thing?”

Twilight almost exploded. She could feel her mane beginning to singe. Any moment now, she was bound to spontaneously combust.

“It’s a telephone!" She screamed. "You don’t know what that is!? Release me, so I can answer it!” The ranging continued, until it went to the answering machine. “Eurgh, thanks for that, mister Soul Reaper.” Twilight growled. “It could've been an important call.”

As she spoke, the familiar voice of Shining echoed around the empty house.

"Hello, sorry we're not here to take your call at the moment. Leave a message, and we'll get back to you as soon as! Thank you!" The machine beeped.

“Twilight, where are you?" A panicked voice rang out across the room. "We really need your help. It’s Heterochrome. I’ve just visited the principal’s house to give him some documents from the school, and his daughter, Trixie, has disappeared! We've searched his entire house, now and can’t find her anywhere. Worse, the school’s master key has vanished along with her. We fear she might have gone to the school, to find a magic book from the library, to challenge you tomorrow.

"Twilight, if she's gone to the campus, her life could be in danger!" Chrome was desperately holding back sobs. "That monster will kill her! Please, Twilight! If you are hearing this, go to the campus right now!”