• Published 23rd Dec 2022
  • 622 Views, 28 Comments

The Story of Queen Opaline and who she could be - The_PoppyPlaytime_Pony

This is basically the story of how Queen Opaline became who she is now. (Based on my theory about her real identity)

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Chapter 3

I keep running until I am out of the castle because I need air after what I just heard. Aunt Twilight considers me evil, but I'm not. Why would she say that? There could be only one reason for this; Aunt Twilight thinks nothing of me. She considers me selfish, but I'm not. "Skyla! Wait!". That's Luster's voice. I turn around and see my good friend flying towards me.

"Skyla, please don't leave! I'm sorry!", she cries. She also has tears in her eyes as she crashes in front of me.

"You didn't do anything, Luster. There's no need to apologise.", I reassure her.

"I know that, but I just became an alicorn and I never wanted to rule Equestria, I can't even fly properly; I basically stole your dreams!", she cries.

"That isn't true, I'm very happy for you. I'm really sorry I spoiled your moment.", I tell her.

"Don't worry my friend, I understand. This is just too much to bear.", she says to me. She embraces warmly and I return, but it isn't warm. It's a trick, as I make myself an oath of evil, in my mind.

"I, Princess Skyla of the Crystal Empire, pledge to have a cold heart for the rest of my life and feel nothing but resentment to every creature.", I say to myself in my head.
I give Luster the warmest of embraces after I pledge to be evil just to prove my selfish aunts' point.

I am contemplating that moment of my good friend and I, many moons ago, as I sit on my throne in the Dark Castle, which was once Canterlot Castle. Just then, I get a call from Misty, via her mirror compact.
"Opaline? Opaline?", I hear her small, squeaky voice from my magic projection from my water.

"Yes, Misty? What have you found?", I demand her.

“Magic has returned to Equestria like you said.", she says to me as I give an evil grin.

"Excellent! Mwahaha!", I laugh.

Author's Note:

Hi, I'm sorry about how the conversation near the end doesn't match with the original on Netflix.