• Published 23rd Dec 2022
  • 622 Views, 28 Comments

The Story of Queen Opaline and who she could be - The_PoppyPlaytime_Pony

This is basically the story of how Queen Opaline became who she is now. (Based on my theory about her real identity)

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Chapter 4

A month has gone by and we are back on the train to Canterlot, once again. I am really happy for Luster Dawn, but we all know that she still isn't ready to rule Equestria. As Mom and Dad talk about it, I'm staring out of the window, and Flurry is lost in her own ditzy thoughts.
"I don't understand why Twilight would choose her to rule. I mean, Luster is a good pony, but from the scrolls I've received from her, she still lacks leadership skills and is still struggling to fly.", Mom says.

"Yeah, it's so confusing, we all know that Twily means well, but I'm not sure what that 'well' is.", Dad agrees.

They continue discussing it, when Flurry starts talking to me.
"Hey, Sky, are you okay? You seem sad.", she asks me.

"I'm fine, just wondering about how this isn't my coronation just because Aunt Twilight thinks I'm 'evil'.", I reply. Flurry gives me a sad smile.

"Well, you're not 'evil', Skyla. You're quite the opposite actually! You are perfect and pure, always looking out for other ponies. No matter what anyone says, especially Aunt Twilight, I think you're perfect.", she tells me.
I smile and give my big sister a warm embrace, which she returns. I love my sister, even when she is acting like her stupid, ditzy self. She is the only pony who I can talk to when I am down. And the only pony who can make me happy again.

But she is still nothing compared to my hidden evil...

I am still sitting on my throne, waiting for Misty to return back. Instead of spying on the pathetic little ponies in Maretime Bay, I am lost in my thoughts thinking about my sister, who I miss and love. I miss the old days where we were playing together in the Crystal Palace as small fillies, her being ditzy getting the better of her. It bugged me all the time then, but now, I miss it terribly. Just then, I hear the door creaking.

"Misty must be back.", I think to myself.

As she creeps into my throne room, I stand up and spread my wings.

"Welcome back, so, what have you found?".