• Published 23rd Dec 2022
  • 622 Views, 28 Comments

The Story of Queen Opaline and who she could be - The_PoppyPlaytime_Pony

This is basically the story of how Queen Opaline became who she is now. (Based on my theory about her real identity)

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Chapter 6

"Wow, Luster. You look amazing!", cries Flurry Heart.
We are now in Canterlot Castle, giving Luster Dawn a brief visit before her coronation, which could've been MY coronation.

"Thanks, Flurry!", Luster blushes.

"The dress is beautiful, my friend.", I say sarcastically. Mother gives me a dirty look and pulls me aside.

"Did you seriously just forget our talk on the train, Skyla?", she demands, quietly, of course. I stare at her blankly and say;

"No, I didn't, Mother.".

She drags me back to Flurry and Luster, pretending nothing had happened.
"I'll talk to you later.", she whispers to me. I roll my eyes and walk away from her. Just then, Aunt Twilight appears out of nowhere via her teleportation magic.

"Hey, Twilight!", Mom calls her over.

" 'Sunshine sunshine, ladybugs awake! Clap your hooves and give a little shake!' ", they sing together.

" Hi Auntie!", calls Flurry Heart.

"Why Flurry Heart my dear, how are you?", Aunt Twilight asks. Flurry tells her that she's good and really excited for the coronation. I wish I was excited too. Well, time to get to work on being evil now.

I walk away from everyone and start tainting the minds of everypony attending the coronation via their dreams. First up, Luster Dawn's parents; Sunburst and Starlight Glimmer.

"Hi, Starlight and Sunburst. How are you?", I ask them, before convincing them that Luster is a bad pony. Then I do it to her other friends, then to everyone who'll be attending the coronation until they're all tainted. I don't bother with tainting Aunt Twilight's friends, the Mane 6.
Their minds are too strong for my convincing nature, so there'll be no point.

"Excellent, everything is going to plan!", I think to myself as I return to the real world, where almost no one will attend Luster's coronation. The old me would feel bad doing this, but that 'Princess Skyla', is gone. This is the new Skyla, a queen in my own mind and soon, all of Equestria.
As revenge for choosing a pony, incapable of ruling, I shall take all of the magic in Equestria, as well as ruin my aunt's legacy of 'friendship'. Friendship can only get a pony so far in life, but a life of tyranny and cruelty can get you further, and that's just what I'll do; just watch me!...

The End...

Author's Note:

Hope you've enjoyed the story! :pinkiehappy:
The sequel shall come soon!

Comments ( 27 )

None of this can ever be canon of course. Precisely because Skyla isn't an actual character anymore. Not with Flurry Heart. It was okay otherwise.

All in all, not half bad for your first story. It's also nice to something else besides the whole "Opaline's Luster Dawn but EVIL" trope.

Yeah, I realise that Princess Skyla is a non canon character, and this story is based on a theory that I made not long ago, so it might not be true anyway. I’m glad you enjoyed it though!

Hello, Axolotl222, I’m glad you enjoyed my story!

This whole story could've fit on one chapter. Chapters usually have an overarching narrative, the narrative that you wrote could've fit on one.

But I hope that you enjoyed it anyway!


"Who do you think will be Aunt Twilight's heir?", she asks, "I think it'll be Luster Dawn, and Dad thinks it'll be Mother. Who do you think it'll be?". I think for a couple of seconds, and then I make my theory.


How much time has passed?

Comment posted by MatTheBook deleted Dec 25th, 2022


Mom replies, "I totally agree with you there, dear. Luster has been struggling with those new wings of hers!". Before we know it, we're outside of the throne room and it's still as grand as all four of us remember! As they open, we catch a glimpse of our beautiful aunt on her throne and her gorgeous student by her side. When she looks up from her important documents and sees us, she wears a large grin on her face.

Whats she the princess of? Don't leave out these questions


"Well, you're considered, the 'wrong hooves', let's say. I have a feeling, that you won't use the powers of an alicorn responsibly. Basically, you would use it for your own selfish purposes.". My eyes widen in shock and then scrunch up in anger.

WOW. Way to go to say that to someone's FACE. Admitting you don't trust them


I am contemplating that moment of my good friend and I, many moons ago, as I sit on my throne in the Dark Castle, which was once Canterlot Castle. Just then, I get a call from Misty, via her mirror compact. "Opaline? Opaline?", I hear her small, squeaky voice from my magic projection from my water.

So you think she DESTROYED Canterlot?

A month has gone by and we are back on the train to Canterlot, once again. I am really happy for Luster Dawn, but we all know that she still isn't ready to rule Equestria. As Mom and Dad talk about it, I'm staring out of the window, and Flurry is lost in her own ditzy thoughts. "I don't understand why Twilight would choose her to rule. I mean, Luster is a good pony, but from the scrolls I've received from her, she still lacks leadership skills and is still struggling to fly.", Mom says.

This isn't like Twilight at all.

"Perhaps, Misty, perhaps.", I tell her. "I'll have a think about it, my dear minion. It's not like you'll ruin the plan!". And then, I start laughing. Not the good, genuine kind. It's an evil cackle, that shows that my plans are not jeopardised by anyone! As I keep laughing, I hear Misty laughing as well. I stop and she does too.

Misty won't like hearing that.

"The dress is beautiful, my friend.", I simply say. Mother gives me a dirty look and pulls me aside.

"Did you seriously just forget our talk on the train, Skyla?", she demands, quietly, of course. I stare at her blankly and say;

Whats wrong with complimenting the dress!?

This is so comfusing

This is so comfusing

Well, she could be the new princess of friendship

When you said that this isn’t like Twilight, I saw your point there. When I wrote that, I was thinking that because Twilight has been ruling Equestria for quite a long time now, she could be more firmer than she was in Friendship is Magic

When you said that Misty won’t like being called a minion, it adds on to the fact that Opaline is abusive to her.

And when you asked what was wrong with complimenting the dress, I get that, you’re right. I should have been more specific in terms of her tone of voice when she complimented the dress.

It’s set a few years after Friendship is Magic’s last episode, when Luster was first introduced

A FEW YEARS!!!? That is such an early retirement!!!

So she destroyed the ENTIRE capital but left 1 tower.


"Well, you're considered, the 'wrong hooves', let's say. I have a feeling, that you won't use the powers of an alicorn responsibly. Basically, you would use it for your own selfish purposes.". My eyes widen in shock and then scrunch up in anger.

WOW. Way to go to say that to someone's FACE. Admitting you don't trust them

This isn't like Twilight at all.
Forcing Luster to immediately be a ruler, Just saying in Opaline's face;

'I don't trust you, so I won't give you the title'

Besides, it’s just based on my theory about Opaline, so none of it happened anyway, the story has no significant moral, or meaning to it. Just saying. I hope that you did enjoy it though, and I wish you a merry Christmas! 🎄🎄

Happy Heartswarming

"Well, you're considered, the 'wrong hooves', let's say. I have a feeling, that you won't use the powers of an alicorn responsibly. Basically, you would use it for your own selfish purposes.".
My eyes widen in shock and then scrunch up in anger.

Wow, that's very direct.
But at least she's upfront and honest about it.
Also, I'm kinda getting Sunset Shimmer vibes here.

I keep running until I am out of the castle because I need air after what I just heard. Aunt Twilight considers me evil, but I'm not. Why would she say that?

Much, much later:

"I, Princess Skyla of the Crystal Empire, pledge to have a cold heart for the rest of my life and feel nothing but resentment to every creature.", I say to myself in my head.
I give Luster the warmest of embraces after I pledge to be evil just to prove my selfish aunts' point.

:twilightsmile:: "See? I told you!"

"You're right, Misty. I guess I'll have to send one of my allies to Maretime Bay, to spy on those pathetic little ponies.", I say.
"Maybe I could go back to Maretime Bay for you?", asks Misty, giving me a smile that implies that she wants to go. I roll my eyes and reply;
"Perhaps, Misty, perhaps.", I tell her. "I'll have a think about it, my dear minion. It's not like you'll ruin the plan!".

Misty: "Exactly! You can count on me!"
Opaline: "...."

And then, I start laughing. Not the good, genuine kind. It's an evil cackle, that shows that my plans are not jeopardised by anyone! As I keep laughing, I hear Misty laughing as well. I stop and she does too.
"If you're going to do a maniacal laugh with me, Misty, at least be in sync.", I tell her. "Ready? Now, mwahahahah!".
We laugh again, and Misty is now in sync.
"That's better.", I think, whilst laughing of course!

Evil laughing is very important! You won't be considered a serious villain if you can't get your laughter right.

Hope you've enjoyed the story! :pinkiehappy:
The sequel shall come soon!

I did enjoy the story!
And I already look forward to the sequel!

This story reminded me of those two pictures:
Source and Source.
Would they fit into your theory, or do would Skyla/Opaline act more from the shadows?

Hello PonyDragon
I’m glad that you did enjoy the story and I hope that you’ll enjoy the sequel, or as I like to call it; Part Two!

And the pictures do fit into my theory quite well actually!

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