• Published 23rd Jan 2023
  • 447 Views, 5 Comments

Pony Stimulation for Weary Travelers Season 2 - KenDoStudios

Basic Affirmations from ponies you all know and love!

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Spike - Don't listen to rumors

Author's Note:

season 2 here we goooo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-XzYDQwObEQ&t=42s

"Oh hey there! Welcome to the castle! It's pretty sweet, isn't it? Anyways...uh... I'm hearing from one of the royal guards that you're looking for Twilight Sparkle? Sorry to say this but she's not home at the moment. But despite that, as her royal advisor, I can listen to what your trouble is and see if I can help you out in any way possible. Don't worry, I may not be Twilight, but focus on the fact that I'm her advisor, I can help you... Just trust me on this."

You look at Spike telling him about nasty rumors you hear.

"Oh... OH... Heh, is that all? You've got to be joking ha ha ha ha ha. Go ahead then, believe anything! Sure thing, kid. HA! Look, rumors are a good source of information, but not all rumors are true. Sometimes, they are just misconceptions or misinformation spread by someone who doesn't know what's going on around them. Only nature knows the full extent, don't you know. So really, take everything with a grain of salt! I learned that a long time ago, back when I was first promoted as a royal advisor. In fact, you know what? Despite it being embarrassing, I think it can teach you a lot... so I'm going to tell it to you."

"Once upon a time, I was walking down the corridors of the castle, waving to other ponies, and uh...ok, it was my first day on the job too."

"Good morning!" I say as I pass them, but I hear some grumbling behind me and even though it wasn't my business, I couldn't help but overhear some talk about a favorite mare of mine..."

"Rarity's hit the dirt?" One mare asks her friend beside her.

The second pony nods slowly "It's obvious now, isn't it? She hasn't been herself since the incident."

"That poor purple dragon," said the first.

I cross my arms as I look at the two free-talking ponies in front of me. "What about me is poor?" I ask.

They both stop speaking immediately. It's like something snapped inside their heads. In unison, they start stammering. "Oh hello Spike, how are you? Um, well, uh, , oh gosh, sorry."

"What's this you say about Rarity?" I ask

"Well... you see, it's nothing important really, but ah... she's gone to the diamond dogs.... and well, she hasn't come back yet," said the cherry-colored pony.
The red pony adds, "...and everyone else here thinks she might have gotten hurt bad enough where maybe she won't ever return...."

"Nonsense, she's bound to come back eventually," I say. Of course, I knew that tomorrow would be the monthly council of friendship. So I said that confidently,
"yeah...but...She was spotted entering the cave three days ago, and she hasn't come out again." said the red pony.

"And you happen to know this?" I ask flatly.

They nod sheepishly. "We've kind of been spying on it."

I smile, knowing exactly why they were doing such things because every pony does spy on each other sometimes. "Three days, huh?" I reply doubtfully. "No, I don't think she's been in there for three entire days..."

They stare blank-faced at me before "Well actually, she has, and knowing what the diamond dogs have done in the past, we're worried sick as to whether or not she came out alive."

"You are overreacting," I say calmly still smiling. "Tomorrow is the monthly council of friendship, so if she has come for that reason alone, which seems likely considering our last conversation on fashion that was not completed, then she will certainly appear sometime during the meeting."

Their faces fall into one of somber disapproval "Look, you know of the famous tailor who appeared one day as a fashion guru then disappeared?"

"Yes, I do remember those events quite fondly," I laugh. "But what does Fluttershy have to do with it?"

The two ponies look confused for a second, then I realize they don't know her real name. "the tailor's name is Fluttershy" I say.

Both fillies look surprised. "Really?! Wow, I didn't expect that. Fluttershy must be an awesome tailor!" Cherry exclaims excitedly. Red looks more skeptical however. "Well, Fluttershy actually sent her there in that cave, don't you know? Something about gems or whatever!"

Cherry laughs wildly, "Fluttershy sure did love her gemstones, eh? Anyway, yeah, probably should go check on the cave. As we paid tickets we are going to sit near the cave watching. hopefully, she comes through okay, otherwise, I'll demand a refund!"

Having no idea what that might mean, and not really caring honestly, I continue down the road, passing by Sweetie Belle with money in her hand and giggling. I went into the library area in the castle and slept that night, letting the conversation go to my head, waiting for the next day.

And what a morning it was! The sun had barely risen above the horizon when I awoke the following morning. Out of bed, I went to the window looking out into the sky and saw a growing rainbow approaching the ground below. It looked almost magical, sitting right outside the windowsill watching it grow bigger and brighter until finally fading away completely, leaving nothing but blue skies overhead.

As soon as I saw the beautiful sight, it made sense now that I saw the Pegasus ahead of that rainbow: Rainbow Dash was coming to the castle. As far as I'm concerned, Rarity was going to be here as well, and all would be well; besides today marks the beginning of the new season and celebration begins anew, just as winter ends. My grin stretched from ear-to-ear anticipating seeing these friends together again.

"Fluttershy, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle, and Rainbow Dash were at the meeting when I entered with my usual note pad and quill pen ready to write everything down word by word. For the most part, everyone seemed happy except for Twilight whose eyes kept darting around nervously. I looked around, not seeing my crush at the meeting. Surely, she's already arrived somewhere nearby? i look around. Nope, I can't find her anywhere. "Where is Rarity?" I ask the obvious question.

Rainbow looks at Fluttershy uncomfortably. Fluttershy looks down, "She won't be joining us," she says.

Pinkie's face turns beet red while Applejack and Twilight exchange glances. I know in this instant the worst was somewhat true. "She is still in the Diamond Dogs cave isn't she?" i ask.

This time even Pinkie Pie can take no joy. "Oh, it's not like she is dead or anything though, is it?" she asks the alicorn princess Twilight Sparkle, the pixie dust-sprinkled hair mane forever flowing. She leans forward, trying desperately to hide her fear. Her anxiety causing her hooves to tremble uncontrollably."

No answer was needed, I surmised. Rarity was in trouble worse than death. I take flight immediately, ignoring the cries of protest from the ponies I came to know and trust. A short-sighted decision, I admit, given my status within this group. But alas, none other dared to follow, so it must be worse than I thought.

I fly directly toward the entrance leading to the caves, thinking perhaps some sort of rescue effort may begin once I arrive. There was nobody inside, thank goodness, and as I flew in, I called her name. There wasn't much hope left since nobody answered, but maybe someone heard... No response. Then suddenly, I hear muffled voices echoing off walls deep underground, where I assume the cave system began. The voice sounded familiar enough to recognize, but I couldn't place it yet.

"Rarity! RARITY! Please listen to me," I call, louder and louder, making my presence known. A few moments pass before hearing a raspy tone echo back at me, followed by "Oh no! Help me!!!"

Now I'm getting nervous. What am I doing, flying blindly into danger head first? Why haven't I consulted the rest of the Mane Six? If things were this bad, why wouldn't they want to save Rarity in here?

The noise grows closer as I approach deeper and deeper into darkness. "Rarity! PLEASE call out!" I yell, clenching my fists with an unknown rage. "Please stop!" the raspy voice calls out.

They were applying pain to Rarity, I assume. It is terrible that the Diamond Dogs are torturing her like this. They clearly aren't afraid of taking revenge on her from her past experience of them enslaving them on their first contact with ponies not long ago. This was a rush for me because I would get my chance to show Rarity how heroic I was.

Suddenly, I see light reflecting up the tunnel wall, which seems odd considering the direction I originally came from. The screams get louder and louder. "Rarity!" I cry. "Ahhhhhhh!" a voice screams out, sounding very close.

"I'm coming, Rarity!" I leap towards a ponyfied figure in the light, only too late realizing who exactly it was. It was the pack leader, crying in pain with his ears stopped. "Ahhhh! Please don't mention her name," he says, cringing in agony, knowing full well of her insufferable whining ways.

"Where is she?" I ask. His gaze falls upon me then quickly averts his attention. "I don't want to know, I'd rather she not exist,"

"Ahh, so you admit you want to kill her," I snarl, turning towards him more threateningly.

"No, not really. I just don't want her around, and her name not mentioned," he replies warily.

"Okay, okay I understand your reluctance to speak about my beloved unicorn, dear sir..." I say, "but if she's not here, where is she? Do you have any idea?"

His face remains unreadable. However, after several seconds pass without him saying another thing, I realize he is as clueless as I am. So, I let him go.

"I see you don't know. Then your usefulness is at an end," I say, dismissing him, walking over to one side, leaving the poor fellow alone to contemplate what has happened to our former mistress.

"She's gone," I say, going out of the cave, tears in my eyes.

"My hopes were crushed now. It appeared I would never see the beautiful creature again. and would you believe me if i told you I had believed it for a second longer than I should have.

For you see the next day, I saw her on the cover of a fashion magazine, wearing nothing but black leather. This told me she was alive but in another part of Equestria and I learned later the cave was a rumor and she was there the whole time.

So, you see, despite what proof may seem to emanate from your head, it doesn't mean it's true. That's where rumors come from, you believe something so much you share it.

Like when all those silly stories started spreading about Rainbow Dash being gay! And many others. We needn't worry ourselves anymore about whether these tales are true or false. Instead, let's focus on truth, love, and especially our friendships.

Wow, I've been hanging around Twilight too much. Yech, mushy, but a good lesson, don't you think?

You thank the royal advisor for the advice

Aww, it was nothing. really it wasn't. Hey you can do me a favor though...

There's this comedy gig I am trying and I want to see if my material is any good. You ready?"

You nod

"Why did Twilight have a lamp shade oh her head?"


"She wanted to do some light reading!"

"Ha ha... aww common it wasn't that bad right?"
