• Published 23rd Jan 2023
  • 451 Views, 5 Comments

Pony Stimulation for Weary Travelers Season 2 - KenDoStudios

Basic Affirmations from ponies you all know and love!

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Luna Chases the Nightmares Away

Spawn of tantibus I vanquish you! Trouble this soul no longer!

Dear creature why arest though troubled? Has a nightmare plagued your thoughts multiple nights? My dearest friend I apologize for not coming sooner, even now I can sense the distress that hath plagued thee. Allow me to ease thy troubles.

Hush, troubled creature... shh Shh Shhhh.... my sudden appearance may startle you but for a moment. but do not fear me as you should the tantibus.

I am Luna Princess of the Night. I have watched thy nightmares from afar. and have only know been able to reach you, forgive us as we had no easy way to Transend dimension of space and time to finally get here. but post haste shall I help you calm down as tribute.

Close thine eyes and listen to the gentle rhythm of my voice as I guide thee on a journey through the stars. Imagine thyself floating in a sea of calm, surrounded by the twinkling lights of the night sky.

The stars above shall guide thee and bring thee comfort. Focus on their soft glow, and let their light fill thee with a sense of peace. Let the warmth of the stars wash over thee, and let thy worries drift away.

Feel the weight lifting from thy heart, and let thy mind be still in this moment. Think nothing. Hear nothing. You are now in the place where the buzz of the world doest not matter. Know that thou art safe and protected as this world is only occupied by thou, and that I am here to guide thee.

Here thou art surrounded by the love and protection of the stars, and they shall keep thee safe from all harm. Pause and recount this exercise, and when thou art ready, slowly open thine eyes, feeling refreshed and at peace.

Believe me, a recurring nightmare is a branch of tantibus passed onto thee... I do wish to apologize again, for it is a curse that brings naught but turmoil and unrest. But fear not, for I am here to assist thee from thy dreams. Together, we shall aid in an attempt to conquer this affliction and bring thee peace once more.

Let us start by identifying your food habits.

Like I had toldeth my sister once, Indeed, oftentimes our diets have a great impact on our dreams and rest. 'Tis important to know what thou hast been consuming, so we may address any issues that may be affecting thy slumber. Do tell, what hast thou been consuming before retiring each night? write it down if thou must. Take us seriously. Consider if they are they good for thee?

Aye, 'tis a wise consideration, for what thou eatest can greatly affect thy rest. Foodstuffs rich in sugar and caffeine, for instance, can keep thee awake and stir thy mind. On the other hand, foods rich in magnesium and calcium can aid in promoting a peaceful sleep. Praytell, doest thou find thyself consuming foods that may be disrupting thy slumber, or dost thou have a balanced diet? If indeed you do, what is thy state of mind before thou goes to bed? Dost thou feelest miserable?

Thy state of mind before retiring is of utmost importance as well. Dost thou find thyself feeling anxious, stressed, or overwhelmed before bed? These negative emotions can oftentimes linger and interfere with thy slumber. Perchance, dost thou engage in any calming activities or rituals to soothe thy mind before retiring each night? If naught for this, consider doing so.

Your state of mind is of utmost importance. Verily , saying you hateth yourself over and over again makes you believe it.

The more thou repeateth negative affirmations to thyself, the more thou beginneth to believe them. This can lead to feelings of low self-esteem and decreased confidence. 'Tis important to be mindful of thy self-talk and to practice speaking kindly and positively to thyself. Perchance, dost thou have any positive affirmations thou dost repeat to thyself each day? Or any activities thou dost engage in to boost thy self-esteem and confidence?

Perhaps thou shuldst practice them now?

Aye, 'twould indeed be wise to start practicing positive affirmations now. How about this one: "I am worthy and deserving of love, happiness, and success." Repeat this to thyself, with conviction and belief, and thou shalt surely start to see a shift in thy thoughts and feelings.

Another good exercise would be to make a list of thy positive qualities and strengths. When thou art feeling down or uncertain, thou canst refer to this list and remind thyself of all the amazing things thou art capable of.

Remember, dear one, that thou art valuable, worthy, and deserving of all good things in life. Trust in thyself and believe in thy own worth, for that is the key to unlocking a brighter and more fulfilling future.

Be wary, this is something you must continue to do. like any other muscle in your body you brain must exercise with positivity. constant work is required.

Verily, it will bring thee peace. Art thou ready to make this a habit, to turn thy nightmares into sweet dreams? To replace thy negative thoughts with ones of positivity and love? Thy journey towards tranquility starts now. Together, we shall conquer thy fear, and thou shalt slumber in blissful peace.

Let us return to breathing again. Fill thy lungs with the sweet nectar of serenity, and let it flow throughout thy being. The power of positive thoughts and intention is truly wondrous. Hold fast to it, and thou shalt overcome any obstacle that stands in thy way.

How art thou faring, my friend? Think on this; Surely, thy tribulations cannot compare to mine own. A thousand years I was banished to the moon, yet what troubles as equal to this hast thou faced?

Alone I once was, on the moon's face, for a thousand years. PRAYTELL?!
er... my apologies for mine impatience. I should tell you about the good thing happened at the end of my banishment, a thing Celestia showed me. Love! As I am hoping I am showing unto thee.
and now I asketh thee the same question as she did me that day.
Wilt thou accept my friendship?

Good! It is good you think so!

Verily, small progress is indeed worth celebrating! Let us give thanks for each step forward, and always hold fast to a positive mindset, for it shall bring much joy and comfort to thy life.

I goeth now, but this feeling I gift you shouldt you choose to open it at any time. if thou repeateth the same steps.

farewell, and may your dreams lead you into everlasting happiness.