• Published 23rd Jan 2023
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Pony Stimulation for Weary Travelers Season 2 - KenDoStudios

Basic Affirmations from ponies you all know and love!

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Queen Chrysalis - Explore my hive my dear

A throbbing pulse reaches your ears, a subtle rhythm that seems to resonate deep within your senses. A gentle, almost soothing buzz muffled by distance and layers of existence, like the soft hum of distant magic, emanates from the world before you. And then, in an instant, it's as if the world opens up, blossoming into a symphony of sound.

Every note of existence, previously muted and distant, becomes vivid and clear. The rustle of wings in the breeze becomes a delicate chorus, a whispered secret shared among nature. The distant call of hiss, once mere background noise, now weaves a tapestry of melodies, a conversation stretching across the skies.

And then, there's her voice. It resonates with an authority that commands attention, yet there's a strange allure to it, like a siren's song beckoning you deeper. Her words drip with a regal elegance that demands respect.

"Greetings, my new servant," she intones, her voice carrying weight and purpose. "I see you awaken. I welcome you to my domain, my hive if you will."

"Shhh, my dear. You're safe now,

Listen to the harmony of the hive, the collective heartbeat that resonates through every fiber of existence, Feel it sync with the rhythm of your own breath, a dance of life and energy.

These creatures around you are called changelings, and guess what? you are now one of them too!

Remember, my dear, you are part of something greater now, Together, we shape the fabric of our world, our hive, with every choice we make.

Don't move, my servant. You don't have any energy left. You used it up when you hatched. Let me share my strength with you, and then you can explore," Queen Chrystalys's voice carries a gentle yet authoritative tone, a soothing command that resonates with concern.

"im going to breath on you and you are going to feel stronger ok?"

She breathes on you, and a shimmering green magic leaves her mouth, enveloping you in a gentle embrace. The magic carries with it a soothing warmth, like a soft breeze that revitalizes your very being. It's as if her breath carries the essence of life itself, a gift she bestows upon you.

"you feel it don't you? you feel a surge of energy coursing through your veins. It's a sensation of renewal, of the weariness you once felt melting away, replaced by a newfound vitality. this is how you eat. all living things must eat.

heh heh heh, The magic lingers dosent it you could try to eat nomaly, but only in this method does it last. its like a protective aura that infuses you with strength and purpose. It's a reminder of the bond you share with. the bond you can only share with me. Embrace your nature, Understand that as a changeling, you draw sustenance from emotions, from the very essence of life's energy. and you must accept that you eat though others love.

Feel the emotional currents around you,

Taste the emotions that linger in the air, the hopes, the fears, the passions.

Now i open myself to you. I shown you how to eat but you must learn how to do it yourself.

So let yourself want that emotion. Picture it in your brain, and visualize eating it while opening your mouth."

As her words guide you, you close your eyes and let your imagination take over. In your mind's eye, you see the chosen emotion, vibrant and pulsating with energy. It hovers before you, an ethereal feast waiting to be consumed.

With her guidance, you visualize opening your mouth, a sensation of anticipation filling your senses. It's as if you can taste the emotion already, a phantom flavor that lingers on your tongue.

And then, just as you visualize taking that first bite, you feel a surge of energy. The symphony of sounds, the soft rustle of leaves, the distant hum of magic, all seem to crescendo, as if in harmony with your action.

And just like that, you were feeding off of Queen Chrystalys herself.

A rush of vitality courses through you, a sensation of nourishment that goes beyond the physical. It's as if the emotion you've consumed becomes a wellspring of strength, infusing every fiber of your being with renewed vigor.

Her voice rings with approval, a note of pride in your accomplishment. "Oh yes, my servant. Well done!"

In that moment, you're not just a changeling learning the intricacies of sustenance. You're a participant in a dance of energy, a symbiotic exchange that binds you to the world and those around you.

The symphony of sounds continues, a backdrop to this transformative experience. The magic that lingers, the emotions you've tasted, all come together to create a symphony of existence, one in which you play a vital role as both observer and participant.

"Ok, that's enough. Do you feel stronger already?" Queen Chrystalys's voice carries a hint of satisfaction, a gentle inquiry that reflects her concern for your well-being.

"You may now attempt to stand, my bug. You can't just be in your cocoon all day. you must do it on your own though. not everything in life is going to help you with the solution your looking for. it takes experience and work.

With her guidance in mind, you focus on your own strength, your own will to stand. It's a sensation that emanates from deep within, a reminder of the inherent power that lies dormant within your very being.

As you attempt to move, to break free from the cocoon that has cradled you, you're met with resistance, but it's a resistance that only fuels your determination. The world seems to hold its breath, as if in anticipation of your success.

With her guidance and your determination combined, you finally break free from the cocoon's embrace. The world before you opens up, vibrant and full of possibilities. The symphony of sounds around you seems to celebrate your achievement, a chorus of encouragement that reverberates through the air.

"this isn't just about physical movement. It's about breaking free from limitations, embracing your potential, and stepping forward with a newfound sense of purpose. and your purpose is to serve me, my pet."

"Take a moment to feel your legs, and as you do so, let me tell you about the place you are. This is the hatchling area, it's full of baby bugs just like yourself.

How did you come to be?

Let me share a tale of creation and growth,

In the heart of our hive, I, as the queen, lay the eggs that will become the future of our changeling family. Each egg carries the potential for greatness, the essence of our kind waiting to unfurl. As time passes, these eggs hatch, giving birth to tiny, cocooned forms.

These cocoons hold within them the transformative magic that turns our young into full-fledged changelings.

"The energy in the air, the magic that surrounds us, it infuses these cocoons with vitality, And as time flows, the cocoons break open, revealing young changelings ready to explore the hive. Embrace the knowledge that you're a part of this cycle, a thread woven into the tapestry of our hive, As you stand here, feeling the strength in your legs, remember that you're a product of this intricate dance of creation and growth."

"That being said, I see you've found your footing! Shall we explore the hive?

oh you do? good walk with me then. There's so much to see, so much to discover for new bug."

"You see that hole in the ceiling? Watch this," Queen Chrystalys's voice carries a playful tone, a prelude to the spectacle she's about to unveil.

as if guided by her magic, the hole recedes into a wall, disappearing from sight. It's a seamless transformation, a demonstration of her power and control over the environment.

"Such is the magic of our hive," her voice carries a note of satisfaction, as if she's sharing a well-kept secret. "The walls and spaces shift, responding to the needs of our changelings, creating a dynamic and ever-evolving environment."

"The hole opens to those with the power within, so could you demonstrate a hole opening in front of you?"

With her words, you realize that this moment is an opportunity to showcase your own potential, to tap into the magic that's become a part of you. The symphony of sounds seems to hold its breath, as if in anticipation of your response.

Drawing upon her guidance, you focus your intent on the space before you. The rustle of leaves, the distant hum of magic, all seem to harmonize with your concentration, creating an atmosphere that's charged with possibility.

As you channel your energy, you visualize the transformation, the hole in the wall opening up to reveal a passage. The symphony of sounds seems to swell in response, as if the environment itself is echoing your efforts.

And then, with a surge of determination, you feel the magic respond to your call. The hole before you begins to shift, to recede into the wall, just as she demonstrated earlier. It's a moment of triumph, a testament to the connection you've forged with the hive's magic.

As you witness the transformation you've invoked, a sense of accomplishment washes over you. The symphony of sounds seems to celebrate this achievement, creating a chorus of congratulatory notes that reverberate through the air.

Queen Chrystalys's voice returns, carrying a note of approval. "Well done, my servant. You've tapped into the power within, showcasing your connection to our hive's magic."

Walking through the hive, guided by Queen Chrystalys's words and your own curiosity, you find yourself drawn towards the entrance of a new space and the queen describes it.

"The Gardens of Growth," Queen Chrystalys's voice carries a gentle reverence, "a place where changelings train with each other and with nature itself."

"walking down this hallway that seems to lead to a world of vibrant colors and lush foliage. i don't like the green myself but i try to bring in as much of the real world as possible in different scenarios. the real world is on the surface but not here.

"Don't look so shocked, my bug," Queen Chrystalys's voice carries a hint of amusement, "yes, there is a surface. But you need lots of experience to harvest love and to bring it back here, so more can spawn, as is the drone's true state of worth.

and you know... Harvesting love is not just a task; it's a journey of growth and connection," her voice carries a note of guidance, a reminder that this path is both challenging and rewarding. "As you venture to the surface, you'll learn to navigate the emotions of other beings, to understand the complexities of their hearts, and to draw upon the love that fuels our hive.

You'll discover that a drone's worth is not just in their ability to gather love, but in their capacity to bring that love back to nourish our hive," her voice holds a sense of pride, as if she's sharing a treasured secret. "It's a cycle of giving and receiving, a dance of emotions and energy that sustains us.

Oh? you feel The ground beneath your is bouncy?

indeed it is soft and verdant, a carpet of grass that seems to invite you to step further into this sanctuary. i loath the soft places but i must endure if i am to rule the surface one day. "Changelings gather here to learn, to connect with the world around them, and to strengthen their bond with the hive.

You notice groups of changelings engaged in various activities dont you? Some are practicing magic amidst the flowers, their energies intertwining with the vibrant life around them. Others are engaged in battling each other, their focus attuned to the whispers of the plants and the symphony of sounds.

This space," Queen Chrystalys's voice holds a note of pride, "embodies the interconnectedness of our kind with the nature we desire. As changelings, we draw strength from the world around us.

With each step you take in this sanctuary," her voice carries a gentle encouragement, "remember that you're not just a changeling exploring the hive, but a part of a greater tapestry of life. The Gardens of Growth offer a space for growth, and for embracing the magic that flows through every living thing. magic ultimately belonging to me, heh"

"Shall we continue our tour? yes let us continue."

As you walk in continuance, you arrive at a grand chamber, an expanse that seems to hold a palpable air of importance.

"This is the Throne Room," Queen Chrystalys's voice carries a sense of reverence, as if acknowledging the weight of the history that's been woven within these walls. "It's a place of guidance, of decisions, and of leadership.

a grand chamber dont you think?, an expanse that seems to hold a palpable air of importance. The walls are adorned with intricate carvings that depict the hive's history, its triumphs, and its connection to the magic that courses through it. At the far end of the chamber, do you see that raised platform where two tall changelings stand guard, their presence a testament to the room's significance. that's where i sit to make decisions, and lay eggs behind closed doors.

"Do you realize that the atmosphere is different here?" Queen Chrystalys's voice carries a gentle question, as if inviting you to reflect on the nuances of this space. "You feel lots of love here, don't you?

That's because this is the dropping point for all the love that the changelings give the hive," her voice carries a note of affirmation, confirming your intuition. "It's a place where the love, the emotions, and the connections that our kind gathers are channeled, harnessed, and integrated into the very essence of our hive.

Every emotion, every act of connection, finds its way here," her voice continues, "and in return, this space serves as a wellspring of strength, of nourishment, and of unity for our kind.

Remember," her voice becomes a reminder, "that as you continue to explore our hive, you're not just discovering physical chambers, but also the heart and soul of our kind. The Throne Room, with its aura of love and connection, is a testament to the power of unity and the importance of the emotions that bind us together."

This chamber," her voice carries a note of pride, "holds the echoes of generations, of love through out generations, its what makes every changeling unique and able to think differently."

"Hmm, speaking of being unique," Queen Chrystalys's voice carries a playful tone, "you are going to need a name, aren't you? Well, maybe you should come up with one. Tell me, what might be your name?"

"A perfect name for a drone!" Queen Chrystalys's voice resonates with approval and affirmation. "You shall identify as such as you work for the betterment of this hive. Remember, my dear," her voice holds a note of guidance, "as you bear your name, you also carry the legacy of our hive's collective efforts, the wisdom of our ancestors, and the aspirations of our future generations.

There are yet two things i have to teach you before you go out and explore on your own.

One thing changelings can do is transform, which I will teach you now," Queen Chrystalys's voice carries a note of instruction, guiding you through the process of one of the core abilities of your kind. "Transforming," her voice continues, "is a way for us to adapt, to connect, and to navigate the world around us. It's a reflection of our ability to understand and embody the emotions of other beings. So, to blend in with the creature world out there, you have to become one, and then take the love when you see the opportunity."

"First," her voice becomes a gentle lead, "focus on the creature you wish to transform into. Understand its essence, its movements, and its emotions. Feel the connection between you and that creature."

With her guidance, you let your mind's eye focus on the creature you wish to become. The symphony of sounds seems to mirror this connection, creating an atmosphere of unity with the world around you.

"Next," her voice continues, "feel the magic within you, the magic that lets you shift and adapt. Channel that magic, let it flow through you, and envision your form changing to match that of the creature."

As you follow her guidance, you begin to sense the magic within you. The symphony of sounds seems to harmonize with this internal transformation, creating an atmosphere of anticipation and excitement.

"Embrace the emotions," her voice carries encouragement, "the instincts, and the essence of the creature. Let your thoughts merge with its nature, its movements, and its existence."

With each step, you feel a sense of unity with the creature you're transforming into. The symphony of sounds seems to echo this merging, creating an atmosphere of fluidity and connection.

"And now," her voice becomes a guide, "let the transformation take hold. Feel your body shift, your form change, and your essence become one with that of the creature."

With her words resonating within you, you allow the transformation to unfold. The symphony of sounds, the magic that lingers, all seem to accompany this process, creating a chorus of support and affirmation.

"You are now one with the creature," her voice carries a note of achievement, "adapted, connected, and ready to navigate the world as it does. Remember, as you move as this creature, you can harness the emotions around you, the love that flows, and bring it back to nourish our hive."

"Now comes the last teaching: flying," Queen Chrystalys's voice carries a sense of culmination, as if you're approaching the final piece of this intricate puzzle. "Flying," her voice continues, "is a fundamental skill for us changelings. It's not just about moving through the air; it's about embracing the freedom, the connection with the sky, and the exhilaration of navigating a realm beyond the ground."

"First," her voice becomes a lead, "feel the magic within you, the same magic that courses through your veins, that's connected to the hive, and that fuels your transformation. Allow that magic to fill your being."

With her guidance, you let yourself tap into the wellspring of magic within you. The symphony of sounds seems to pulse with a rhythm that resonates with this process, creating an atmosphere of preparation and energy.

"Next," her voice continues, "envision yourself lifting off the ground, your body becoming light, and your wings carrying you upwards. Feel the air beneath your wings, the rush of wind against your form, and the exhilaration of soaring."

As you follow her guidance, you begin to sense the potential within you. The symphony of sounds seems to harmonize with your efforts, creating an atmosphere of elevation and empowerment.

"Embrace the sensation of flight," her voice carries encouragement, "feel the freedom, the connection with the sky, and the empowerment that comes from defying gravity."

With each moment, you allow yourself to embody the essence of flight. The symphony of sounds seems to echo this newfound connection, creating an atmosphere of unity with the skies.

"And now," her voice becomes a beacon, "take that leap, let yourself lift off the ground, and experience the exhilaration of soaring through the air. Trust in the magic, trust in your wings, and trust in yourself."

With her words resonating within you, you gather your courage and take that leap. The symphony of sounds, the magic that lingers, all seem to accompany this moment of flight, creating a chorus of support and awe.

"You are flying," her voice carries a note of accomplishment, "embracing the realm of the sky, the freedom it offers, and the connection it fosters with the world around you. As you fly, remember that you carry the hive's energy with you, that you're a part of something greater."

"You now have the means to navigate our hive and gather love. Go forth and do your duty," Queen Chrystalys's voice carries a sense of empowerment, as if she's entrusting you with a vital role within the hive. "As a drone, your contributions to our hive's growth and unity are invaluable. Remember to adapt, to connect, and to gather the emotions that nourish our kind."

"With the skills you've learned," her voice becomes a guide, "you are a bridge between our hive and the outside world. Through transformation, flight, and the power of connection, you will help us thrive."

"Embrace your identity as a changeling," her voice carries a note of pride, "and as you journey beyond our walls, remember that you carry the essence of our hive with you. Gather the emotions, the love, and the connections that will sustain us."

"Navigate the world with confidence," her voice becomes a beacon, "knowing that you are a part of a thriving hive, a tapestry woven from the threads of unity, growth, and connection."

"And know that failure is possible," Queen Chrystalys's voice carries a measured tone, a reminder of the challenges that may arise on your path. "But total resignation? I won't hesitate to find you and... repurpose you. Ehehe."