• Published 1st Feb 2023
  • 875 Views, 202 Comments

Roll for Friendship - Desti

Local human gets sent to Equestria on his way to his friends house for a Dungeons and Dragons one-shot.

Comments ( 12 )

That was a good fight for being alone and NOT using lay-on hands with haste action. He could have won if he had been a bit luckier. Then again, we all say that.

Desti #2 · Tuesday · · ·

Bah, lay on hands is for poison I got cure wounds for HP baby

I mainly just don't believe in healing mid combat in situations like this cause it's almost always useless, dragon used tail from legendary action, then claw, and he still had 2 more claws AND A BITE

Ignis was fuckin cooked hahahaha

Honestly I gotta start working on letting Ignis learn some fuckin alchemy or something, these lack of healing potions is brutal.

Can we talk about Shining being a terrifying existence? That scene was so fun to write

Yes that was terrifying I can see what she saw in him now. Such strength for a shield and he's a kind soul what a combo!

But, sadly, Mistra will never let Ignis do that fucking thing Shining did. If only the gods let us say, "FUCK THE RULLS." Well, it is always up to the DM's discretion .... well you are the dungeon master. What do ya say? All you will need to do is add a homebrew system to make up NEW spells that he can make, so he doesn't even need to learn how to make potions, just make a second-level spell that acts like false life!

Now it’s my turn for conflicted silence. I don’t know what to say to that. “....1000 years in complete isolation is punishment enough. If you want to make true amends then we should go back to Canterlot, find the record detailing every loss of life, and go door to door meeting with their ancestors. That wasn’t even you! You were possessed!”


17 and 14. Elven Accuracy, 14 is rerolled into a 6.

it's backwards

isn't it?

Queen Aurora announces, “Are both fighters ready?” After a quick nod from the pony and dragon she sounds off the call to begin.

Me thinking about this when I get to this point in the chapter.

I slip up a little as I step forward to stab the dragon again and it causes my shadow blade to miss completely. Well I got him from 546 to 201. I’d say that’s not bad. May if I use Shield I can make it one more turn? He can’t use fire breath for another 5 turns or something.

That's not technically how the recharge mechanic works, but that could just be Ignis not knowing. You roll a d6, and if the number is in the range given for the recharge then it can be used that turn.

Elven Accuracy is just a reroll, so this one just happened to reroll thw lowest option and get a lower result, but advantage means that the 17 was still taken.

Ignis, smiting and criting as much as possible:

He got 171 damage on the first turn, and 165 on the second (with the second being done with only 2 attacks on that second one thanks to the Nova hit he got)

Desti #11 · Tuesday · · ·

Damn I didn't realize I was that tired, ty

I'm not sure which part is? I believe it just mentions that you can reroll "one" of the dice not necessarily the first one

Oh that's me not knowing haha, never got to DM a game that went into end game so never really played with recharge. Thank you! Will fix shortly

Hehehehehe, honestly adding smite to the build was the only way I could see the martial side of Bladesinger being relevant in the late game, once you start getting your big boy spells I feel like youd start using melee less and less

Yeah, providing a melee wizard with 2 levels of paladin really allows for the basic divine smite to go much further as you would gain access to a 9th-level slot at near top level for your super nova crits.

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