• Published 2nd May 2023
  • 237 Views, 2 Comments

Friendship is Weird - Local Loco

A musical Mute, a classy baker, and a pacifist explorer head into a library. The mare librarian offers to take them across Equestria. Friendship and craziness ensues.

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Ga-La-La-La Part 2

The Grand Galloping Gala, some ponies call it Equestria’s Best Night Ever, however for non-ponies, they keep to themselves. Some pony raised dragons will try to find comradery with native dragons. On the mountain side across from Canterlot, are four dragons engaging in a friendly card game. Scales is there and wearing a familiar brown hat and red bandana. He is accompanied by Spike, Twilight’s dragon, Razer, the dragon that Hope befriended, and an unfamiliar red adolescent dragon. Scales tosses a card to each dragon until they have two each. He then places the deck in the center between the four of them and places three cards face up: Ace of hearts, 4 of diamonds, and the jack of clubs, ending it with Scales placing a handful of gems as a full blind, with Spike following with a half blind gem stash.

“Why are we playing with these babies, Razer? We could be doing some cool stuff like burning trees and lava surfing, or hey, get this, tormenting those good for nothing ponies!” The red one spoke out.

“Garble…” Razer groaned. “The one’s that I met would have no problem dealing with you… call.” Razer tosses a couple of gems towards the center of the groups circle.

“Well now I know your poker face. You’re bluffing. Call.” A couple more gems are added to the center.

“Take it easy, Garble. It’s just a game.” Spike states as he tosses a few gems at the center. “Besides, we aren’t babies anymore. Scales and I came here on our own. Oh, Call by the way.”

“You came by on your own. I rode on Razer’s back. Check.” Without looking at his own hand, Scales reveals the next card as the 8 of spades. He looks over at Razer whilst raising his hat.

“I guess that makes me more mature than someone who got their wings before me.” Spike retorts while Razer pats his claws down, signaling a check.

“Bet. I don’t think you have anything Razer, so I’ll just take these babies precious gems all for myself.” Garble tosses another handful of gems at center before glaring at Razer.

“I JUST SAID…” Spike stated a bit infuriated before letting out a defeated sigh. “It’s only the first hand… Call.”

“You know, Garble, if they didn’t allow dragons at the Gala for safety reasons, I’d bet that’d you would make friends with at least one of the ponies I know, but unfortunately we are here. So, I’ll just call.” Scales says rather calmly.

“Just fold already, old man. I know you got nothing.” Garble scoffs, but is shocked when Razer places his gems into the metaphorical pot. Angered, Garble let’s out an exasperated sigh. “Check…” Spike and Scales follow suit, leading to Scales revealing the final card: the King of spades.

“Bad hand… If you don’t have the right cards.” Razer placed all of his gems at the center of the table. “All in.”

“He’s lying, plain as day! Call in.” Garble hissed as he pushed all his gems forward.

“Woah this is getting out of ha-“

Garble slams his hand down hard and glares at Spike, who he interrupted. “CALL IT.” He hissed to which Spike reluctantly complied. Garble then retains his focus and anger on Scales. “And you, are you even going to look at your cards or are you counting on all three of us to have worse cards?”

Scales merely smirks as he pushes his gems over to the center. “I played blind, and I’ll continue blind.”

“Alright, show your hands, losers.” Garble flips over Razer’s and Spikes hand revealing they had a 2 of clubs and a 7 of diamonds, and a 2 of hearts and a 7 of clubs respectively. “I KNEW you were bluffing.” Garble states triumphantly.

“Thought I’d get you to fold…”

“I was gonna fold, but Garble forced my hand.”

“That was just too easy of a victory.” Garble wraps his arms around the pile of gems before Scales slaps his arm, causing the teenage dragon to recoil.

“2 of diamonds. 7 of hearts.” Scales says as Spike reveals Garbles hand. “That looks like a tie between the three of you, that is if I have worse cards then ya’ll.” Scales let out a bit of an accent as he holds down the hat to his head and reveal his hand. “2 of spades.”

“No…” Garble states in sudden realization as Scales starts to reveal his other card.

“Ace of spades. Looks like I got a pair. Lucky me.” Scales brought his bandana up to his mouth to cover his smirk as he began to grab all the gems. Suddenly, Garble yanked, Scales’ hat off his head. “Careful! Got me on the nose.”

“You had to have cheated. There’s no way we all got duds and you got the only card to break the tie.” Garble said giving the hat a thorough inspection.

“It’s called Luck Gar-BAA!! I think you got dust up my nose.” Scales said, interrupted by Garble yanking the bandana around his neck, inspecting that as well and finding nothing. “ACHOO!” Green flames spew out of Scales mouth, the smoke is blown towards Canterlot.

“Where are those cards you little snake?” Garble shook Scales.

“Woah! Lay off him!”

“That’s enough Garble.”

“No worries, guys. That was fun, but we can’t have the fun end too early.” Scales begins to redistribute the gems back to the others. He gives a smug expression. “Now could I please have those Lucky charms back?”

The Grand Galloping Gala, Equestria’s best night ever, but for the princess it’s another night in her home. Celestia stands atop of the stairs in the gala hall standing beside her sister, Luna. The two siblings are wearing their usual attires, no dresses for this occasion.

“Sister, for a special night shouldn’t we be wearing formal attire?” Luna asked.

“Formal attire are for once-in-a-lifetime opportunities, sister, like a coronation. There will be a gala next year and the year after that and the year after that. Plus, if we played dress up every time we were out in public our citizens wouldn’t recognize us.” Celestia waves towards some of the ponies on the main floor, some of whom wave back. A trail of green flame approaches the princess of the sun and launches a playing card at her face. “Ow.”

Luna uses her magic to lift up the card, revealing it to be the 7 of spades. “Lucky number 7…” Luna’s eyes widen in realization. “Lucky! Oh dear. Pardon me, sister, but I have to find my dear friends.”

Celestia rubs the side of her head that the card landed on. “No worries, I’ll just observe the chaos from up here…” A waiter carrying a tray of cake slices passes Celestia, who takes a slice of cake for herself. “Chaos… I wonder how those six would deal with him.” The princess giggled.

“The Grand Galloping Gala… Equestria’s best night ever…” Mareian murmured to herself as she sat at a table with her rather talkative friends. EC’s friend, Twilight, is bothering Cookies about the spell book he got back in Buckfield, though the stallion isn’t at all focused on the mare’s questions and more on the cup of fruit punch in front of him. EC is chatting up a storm with Twilight’s brother, though not very casually. She sounds like a soldier giving information to her drill sergeant. Lucky is chatting it up with Alto and one of Alto’s musician friends who got second place at the talent show; she seems to have brought a blue and pink maned earth pony mare with her. And then there’s princess Luna, who just approached the group with a playing card, is now in a one-sided conversation with Hope, who is going on and on about what happened since they last saw her. Finally, there is her brother, South Pole, taking every single photo he possibly can.

“You seem to be lost in thought.” The green Pegasus is caught by surprised by the larger blue Pegasus in a tight purple dress. “Seems like everyone else is lost in their own conversations.”

“I was the last one to arrive and it seems that everyone else seems preoccupied in their own conversations. I feel a little left out, Sky.” Mareian said covering her face in shame.

“And what does that make me?” Sky leaned in towards Mareian’s ear. “Anyway, you got the stuff?”

Mareian shoved the large mare away from her head. “Yeah I got that, but not now. Not until I tell him how I feel.” Mareian sighs as she stares at Hope hoping excitedly around princess Luna.

“Well… Why don’t you tell him?” Sky says trying to stifle a laugh as her eyes dart back and forth from Mareian to Hope.

“Well why don’t you tell him!?” Mareian says a bit flustered as she points her hoof at Sky and one of her wings over to Cookies.

A knowing smirk comes across Sky’s face with a tinge of blush across her cheeks as she raises her head up and looks over at Cookies, the smugness of the smirk turning into a warm and welcoming smile. “Hey Cookies…” Her soothing voice attracting the attention of the small stallion. “I just wanted to let you know that I like you.”

While Mareian just stares at Sky in shock, Cookies rather distracted and tense face relaxed into a warm smile as well. “Thanks, my dear Sky. I like you too.”

Sky turns her head over to Mareian and gives her a wink. “It’s just that easy. Be true to yourself. That’s something dad taught us, helps us better understand each other.”

“That… that makes so much sense as to why your brothers are the way they are… Fine.” Mareian steps away from the table and makes her way towards the orange stallion in the white suit.

“And that’s how Alto and I said the song should go, like a full-on dance number you’d see in a musical.” Hope describes something to princess Luna, waving his hoof in exaggeration, accidentally bumping into Mareian. “Oh, hey. I was just telling Luna about this amazing song and OH WAIT LUNA LOOK!” Hope lifted Mareian’s right hoof up in the air and started to flap it around. “SHE’S HEALED! Isn’t science magical?”

“It doth not surprise me that the medical field has advanced in past one thousand years. My sister tells me one of her own students went through a far worse ordeal that she watches her every day even from afar.”

“Uhh… is she watching her now?” Mareian asked, looking directly at Celestia who is staring back at her direction. Luna turns towards her sister before turning again to reply to Mareian.


“Oh uh ahem.” Mareian clears her throat while still having her hoof held up in the air. “Hope I want you to know that I like you.”

“I love you too.” There wasn’t a moment of hesitation, only the sweet sound of the stallion’s voice. There was a flash of light that moment as the two stared at each other. Princess Luna takes the awkward silence as an opportunity to move away and head over to where Cookies is at. South Pole, after taking the photo, runs away from the scene not before giving his sister an all-knowing wink. The green Pegasus could feel her face slowly turn a shade of pink before she realized that Hope had been holding on to her hoof. She quickly pulls her hoof away.

“Yeah I uhhh.”

“Well well well, if it isn’t the GREAT and POWERFUL Trixie’s generous BENEFACTOR.” A puff of smoke appears in front of the two ponies, with a blue unicorn in a starry hat and cape reveals herself. “And a fine hello to the great and powerful Trixie’s generous benefactor’s friend.”


“Glad you could make it.” The tone of voice coming from the stallion hardly changes. “Mareian, remember when I was out job hunting that one time and your brother told me to apply for a job and so I got that job at the apple farm? Well, do you also remember the talent show several months back? This is Trixie, she is a friend, and I bought her a ticket to this gala as a sign of friendship. Trixie, this is my bestest friend in the whole wide world, Mareian.”

“A pleasure to meet such an esteemed companion.”

“Uh… likewise. I’ll leave you two to catch up.” With that said, Mareian darts away from the two, Hope smiling and waving back at her as if nothing were wrong.

“I’m just saying it as it is, I don’t need a ball and chain.”

“I ahm zaying, mon sœur Ballét, ze meaning ov lyfe iz nought meant for ze zolo adventures. Et iz not ROMANTIQUE!”

Mareian bumps into these two earth ponies, one fashioned rather plainly and the other in a peacock like dress. While their hairs are different colored, their resemblance to Lucky is rather uncanny. Though she met them once, Lucky would mention her sisters from time to time and the one dressed plainly is one of Mayor Mare’s assistants, Ballet. And while not a Ponyville citizen, Mareian recognized the peacock’s voice as one of the commentators at the running of the leaves. Roma the Romancer was the name that came to her mind.

“Oh, sorry.”

“Watch where you’re going!”

“My word!” Roma placed her hoof on her sister. “Zis iz ze race kisser I vas telling you about! Mon ami, you look ‘eartbroken!” Roma places a reassuring hoof on Mareian’s face, wiping away the tears from her face.

“Heartbroken? No not me never just maybe you know a bit overwhelmed and confused and not using my words correctly maybe he misunderstood maybe he’s teasing me I can never tell with that face that smile that wonderful smile.”


“You talk as fast as Cobbles.” Ballet remarked. “Look, could you take us back to our sister, Lucky. She’s with your group and I have no idea where you came from.”

Mareian took a deep breath as she leads the two to their sister. “O-of course. I am a bit of a n-navigator… Not that anyone would recognize me as such other than a mare librarian.” The Pegasus muttered.

“Oh hey there girlie! Ya found my sisters.” Lucky rushes past the two mares that she had been conversing with Alto with to hug Roma and Ballet. “Took ya gurls long enough.”

“I was with the mayor discussion the current economic state of Ponyville.”

“I had ze customers zat needed ze ROMANCER. Speaking of which your friend ‘ere requires my assistance so I shall find ze perfect body tester.” Roma scans the room, looking at Shining armor, another white unicorn stallion with blonde hair, and South Pole. “No he iz in a relationship with ze princess’s niece, no he iz a target for a few customers, I ahm not sure how zis creep even got into zis event without security giving zhem ze boot.”

“Hey Lyra.”

“Yeah Bon Bon?”

“Who’s that?”

“The part-time dance instructor?”

“No, the mare in the peacock suit staring at all the stallions around.”

“Well, you know as a famous pony myself I recognize her voice on the radio. I think she has a talk show in the morning.”

“Oh yeah, I think she did a weekend thing with that Mic Check guy.”

“Et vas a one-time thing. He hazn’t returned my calls.” Roma turns to the gossiping ponies, before her eyes lands on Alto who was standing behind them. “Ah you vill do jus fine. Come here, mon ami! I vant you to hav ze practice dance with monsieur.”

Alto stared at Mareian’s slightly blushing face before looking over at Hope, who is currently being given a small magic show. The stallion can’t help but let out a snort.

“I AM NOT HAVING A DANCE WITH HIS BROTHER!” Mareian shouted a bit flustered but quickly closed her mouth.

“Zat is fine. LUCKY I need you for a demonstration for your friend ‘ere.”

“Alrightly.” Lucky says in a chipper tone as she stands in front of Alto.

“You zee, dearie, you mus’ virst ask him to dance, a slow song vill do but ze faster ze more your ‘eart races when ze song ends and you lean in for ze kiss.” Roma leads Lucky to dance with Alto before having her give Alto a peck on the cheek. “Ze kiss on ze cheek iz for formal usage but a kiss on ze lips is one of true passion, true ROMANCE, très bien!”

“If you want my opinion, you should be open and honest about your feelings to Hope, and if you still want to try dancing with him, you can tell him that we’re about to perform the song we just wrote. He’d be excited to show you how the dance that goes along with it goes.” Alto’s soft voice eloquently puts together, to the shock of some of the ponies.

“Alto, this is the most I’ve heard you speak ever.” The green unicorn stated.

“Same.” Lucky added.

“We’re all friends here. Come on, Lyra, let’s inform the others of the next song.” Alto pulls out his instrument case he had left under his seat and begins to trot over to the orchestra.

“Don’t have to tell me twice. Later Bon Bon.” The unicorn hugged the earth mare goodbye before going their separate ways.

“Alright sisters, ifin ya don’t mind stayin here fer a bit, I gotta let Cookies know he gotta sing soon.” Lucky trots away from her sisters but accidentally bumps into one of the gala’s tray carriers, causing them to stumble and spill on of their cakes onto Cookies. “Whoops… Sorry ‘bout that Crem!”

“You… got cake in my drink…” The confectionary covered Cookies muttered. EC rushed by his side to check up on him while Twilight wipes some of the cake off her dress.

“Cookies! Twilight! Are you two ok!?” EC called out in a bit of a panic.

“At ease, Crown, accidents like this happen.” Shining Armor called out to EC.

“It is as the captain says.” Luna licks the one drip of frosting that landed on her nose. “tis but a cake spill.”

“Yeah but I got cake on my dress. I’ll be back, Cream. This may take a while.” Twilight steps away from the table with cake over her head and dress and wheels herself to the nearest restroom.

“Cake in… a drink…” Cookies pondered over the mess on top of his drink. Without taking his focus off the drink, he casts his magic on his scarf and begins rubbing it all over his body collecting the bits of cake as if it were a food magnet before dropping the scarf back around his neck, leaving the food in his magic aura and leading it to a nearby trash can. “Cake drink… Yeah…” An excited smile widened on the unicorn bakers face. “YEAH THAT’S IT!”

“Uh… Crem?” Lucky prodded Cookies shoulder garnering the stallion’s attention. “Alto says we doin’ da song ya’ll wrote not to long ago.”

“Oh there you are, Darling.” Rarity, the fashion designer for most of the ponies at the table suits and dresses, approached Cookies. “Your father and mother are being held up by some of Canterlot’s Elites and wanted me to send you the message.”

“Perfect timing, my dear Rarity.” The white unicorn stallion wrapped his checkered black and white scarf around the mare. “Would you kindly take my seat while I go sing for my dear friends. If a purple unicorn asks you about spells you can just nod your head and spout ‘yes, yes’ and all that jazz. Thank you.”

Seeing Cookies trot away so casually with a wide smile on his face after that disaster, Sky can’t help but cover a bit of a laugh. “This will be interesting.” The mare turns her attention towards Mareian who had started trotting her way back to Hope. “Wish you luck girl.”

Her heart racing like no other time before, Mareian tries to hold a straight face on her as she approaches the stallion that makes her feel this way. The mare wipes away any stray tears away from her face as the unicorn distracting Hope takes a bow as the stallion claps his hoofs together.

“Woo! You got a lot of fun tricks, Trixie.” Hope says gleefully before turning his head over to Mareian, catching the Pegasus off guard. “What did you think about her performance, Mareian?”

“Oh… umm… definitely better than the last time I saw her… at the talent show.”

“But of course, the GREAT and POWERFUL Trixie does not let her sword grow dull, each day sharpening her craft to near perfection!” The unicorn boasts, but the sound of her stomach rumbling catches her attention. “Ah yes, the GREAT and POWERFUL Trixie requires sustenance. Talk to you later!” The mare gleefully skips away to the catering area.

“Later Trixie!” Hope returns the glee, waving the unicorn away. “Anyway, is there something you wanted to say? You look like you want to say something.”

Mareian shook her head for a bit of mental preparation. “Yes I uh… just wanted to tell you that I REALLY like you, Hope.”

“I love you too, Mareian.” Again, he says, smile on his face and a chipper tone of voice.

“Haha… yeah.” Marien’s smile wavers as she gulps before speaking her next words. “Alto says that they’re getting ready for the song you guys wrote earlier tonight. He says that there’s a dance to it and that’d you’d be able to teach me…” The mare tried to continue but the sparkling excitement in the stallion’s eyes. “…would you?”


“MAY I HAVE EVERY PONY’S ATTENTION!?” Cookies found himself on the stage where the gala’s orchestra with a microphone in front of him. Some of the musicians being replaced by Alto on the Piano and Lucky on the drums. Some of the other musicians would swap out their instrument to another like the one playing cello to bass and the minty green unicorn from before attaching a wire to the lyre they had set up stage. “My name’s Cookies Neapolitan Cream, some of you may recognize me from Luna’s coronation, others may recognize the Cream name. A few of you may remember a talent show held in Ponyville several months back, the winner being a band of four friends calling themselves Fourtune. Well, we wrote a song for this special occasion at this special occasion a little over an hour ago, and with permission from the musicians that were up here, we can perform for you. Fillies and Gentlecolts… Let’s have a ball.”

Cookies signaled for the band to start as the played a tune in a bit of a swing like tempo. Hope drags Mareian over to the center of a dancing area leading to a domino effect of other paired ponies getting ready to dance.

Your bit stressed out in mindless competition

It seems like your life’s set to repetition

So why not kick back?

Simply relax.

It may seem just way too casual

Let’s have a ball!

(let’s have a ball)x3

Let’s have a ball!

(let’s have a ball)x3

All work, no play, HEY! That’s the job

But work too hard you might feel a bit robbed.

A fair day’s pay is all that you say

So, make today that one special day

Where you can skip just one little call

And Let’s have a ball.

(let’s have a ball)x3

Let’s have a ball!

(let’s have a ball)x3

At this point in the song, Sky trots towards Alto, pulling out his concerto crystal and turning it into a megaphone like device.





Set your body down but tail up way up high

Send a wave of motion to bring your head to the sky

Front hoof out back hoof back

Spin around then get back on track

That’s all the things you need to know

(you need to know)

That’s what you need to now to have a ball

(let’s have a ball)x3

Let’s have a ball!

(let’s have a ball)x3

Let’s have a ball!

(let’s have a ball)x3

Let’s have a ball!

(let’s have a ball)x3

We had a ball!

This is your chance, North.” Mareian thought to herself. “Lean in close to him and give him a kiss on the cheek.” Before Mareian could do anything, a pony pushes their way through the two.

“THAT’S OUR BOY, SOWY! THAT’S MY BEAUTIFUL BABY COOKIES!” A light orange blonde unicorn mare bedazzled in a dress of jewels and gems, pushes her way towards the white unicorn singer, embracing the stallion in a tight hug. “GOOD BOY GOOD BOY GOOD BOY.”

“M-Mother… P-ponies are… staring.” Cookies gasped between each word.

“Heya Mrs. Cream.” Sky said to Cookies mother rather casually.

“Hello, dear. Your parents are here, but we got separated after Sowy got into talking with the elites.”

“Hey, Cream Cheese! We’re over here!” The voice came from a pegasus in a Wonderbolt suit who was dancing with another smaller Pegasus wearing a lab coat, hardhat, and glasses. The duo slowly trot their way to the orange unicorn.

“Hi mom and dad!” Hope shouted and waved before dragging Mareian over to Cookies.

“Y-you guys were great out there.” EC complimented followed by an annoyed Twilight with a nervous Rarity in tow as well as Shining Armor acting as a helicopter brother.

“I’m telling you I hold no ill will against your son, bro. He’s my nephew for crying out loud!” A rather arrogant voice pleaded.

“And what of Roary’s kids? You seemed rather irritated about Alto on the radio.” A calm and collected voice states as two white unicorns in suits approach Cookies.

“Hey that’s just the business I’m in. Any form of threats I give out are all works, you know that. Plus, it was a life lesson, or something about not everyone has your best interest in mind? Something like that.”

“There you are Sowy! Did you hear our baby sing like a baby bird?” Cookies’ mother used her magic to drag her husband to their son. She gives the other unicorn he was chatting to a mean glare. “Dandy…”



“Have you learned anything important since leaving Sire’s Hollow?”

“Father I have some good news for you.” Cookies beckoned for his father’s ear before whispering into it. The calm and straight-faced Sour Cream curls his lips in a somewhat sinister smile to those who aren’t familiar with him.

“Good news had all around.” Sour Cream raises his head before turning it towards EC and Twilight. “And you two, aren’t you normally accompanied by dragons? With the furniture and silverware embedded with crystals of fireproofing, dragons will no longer be a problem whether by accident or intentional. You should bring them to the gala next year.”

“Spike will never let me hear the end of this.” Twilight placed a hoof on her forehead.

“T-thank you Sour Cream!”

“I see a crowd gathering, and one of my most loyal students at the helm.” Celestia approaches the group with Luna following behind, casting a spell on a card transporting it to who knows where. “Now tell me, what did my students learn today?”

“Always have a spell in mind for cleaning messy foods.” Twilight grumbled.

“T-today? I…” EC took a deep beath, pondering her words carefully. “Tonight, I’ve been a bit on the sidelines, but just because my life goes on without my friends doesn’t mean that my friends lives stop all of the sudden. They have dreams you can assist with and it’s ok that you aren’t able to solve for them. They have wants for something, whether something physical or knowledge, and it’s ok to no be able to have the answers like that. As long as you’re open with yourself and your friends, friendship won’t ever end, Celestia. You see…” EC takes a deep breath as her magic envelopes her helmet, slowly removing it and revealing her turquoise curls of a mane and her golden eyes to the ponies around her. “Friendship is weird.”

“I wouldn’t call it ‘weird’.” All heads turn towards Hope. “The word implies that friendship isn’t a natural part of life, but you look around and see families. That requires friendship too wouldn’t you think? Birds make families, bugs makes families, and even pets are part of the family too and so they are all in their own little friendships. Sure, friendships can be unique, but that’s what makes them so very important to us all. Friendship isn’t weird. Friendship is magic.”

There was a moment of silence as all the ponies around stared at Hope. The stallion remains unphased by the looks he is given, keeping his usual happy-go-lucky smile upon his face. It wasn’t until princess Celestia started to laugh when the ponies turned their head away from the stallion.

“You really are the representation of the magic of friendship with a speech like that.” The princess chortled. “Equestria’s Hope, every pony!” With those words, the princess began to clap her hooves together, leading to a domino effect of applause in the gala hall.

“WATCH OUT!” A voice shouted from outside one of the gala windows. A ball of flame proceeds to pass through one of the open one’s before being immediately extinguished revealing two dragons, one dark green with wings and one purple without wings. The two dragons land on one of the catering tables, a cake barely breaking their land.

“Spike!” Twilight called out

“Scales?” EC joined

“Mah hat n’ bandana!” Lucky cheers gleefully as her usual attire safely lands in their usual placement.

“We’re ok!” Scales raises his arm, holding a playing card up in the air. It’s the 7 of spades with the words ‘Dragons allowed at gala’ written on it.

“I’d say speak for yourself,” Spike stands up rolling his shoulders about. “but you were the one that took most of the impact.”

Scales stands up, coated in vanilla cake frosting before cartoonishly licking himself clean of the dessert. “Nah, I think the table took most of the impact.”

“Wow, it sure seems like we have everyone together.” South Pole trots around as though he were a private detective with his fedora, jacket, and camera. With a smile he raises his camera towards the mass of ponies and dragons. “How about one big group picture?”

Most of the ponies in the group gave each other confused looks and murmured amongst themselves. “Of course! It’ll be like a family photo!” Hope said with glee. “Because we’re all friends and friends are like one big family!”

Without discussion, all in attendance agreed whole heartedly to do the picture as South Pole guided everyone. “Alright, the banana looking boy over there with the other Creams in front of the element of Cookies, Dragons on top of their caretaker’s shoulders, princesses to center. HEY SIS!” South Pole shouted at Mareian, who jumped in shock. “Could you put your wing on that orange guy next to you?”

Mareian looked over to see that the guy that her brother was referring to was Hope, she had just been following him not to get lost. The green Pegasus hesitates when suddenly a pair of blue wings gently pull on her own. “Yoink!” Sky said as she not only took the bottle of cider Mareian had concealed in her wing, but carefully placed Mareian’s wing around her brother’s shoulder and backed away to her space while mouthing the words ‘you’re welcome’ to Mareian.

“Alright now that everyone’s in place, on the count of 3 I want you all to say ‘cheese’, ready?”

“What about you, Polo, aren’t you going to set a timer and get to a spot?” To Mareian’s surprise, the words that would have come out of her mouth instead came from the stallion whom she had her wing around. “You’re family!” Hope said with his usual chipper tone.

South Pole looked down at the camera before looking back at Hope. “This camera doesn’t have a timer on it…” The smile on Hope’s face slowly flattened down to a frown, droopy ears, and all.

“Check one, check two, sounds like Mic Check can assist all of you.” A brown earth pony stallion in sunglasses and a suit came up to South Pole and carefully took the camera from him. “I got this man. I’ve worked with cameras before and if you want me in this picture as well I can photo edit and autograph the back as proof if you need that.”

“Z-lister!?” Sour Cream’s brother shouted.

“DC3! Good to see you. Shame your dad couldn’t make it. And the name is Mic Check.” The stallion lines the camera to get them all in. “Everyone’s set. On 3 I want you all to give me your loudest ‘Cheese Mare’ you can, alright? 1. 2. 3!”



With the picture taken, they all slowly scattered about. Alto went back to Lyra and the other musicians. Lucky went to spend time with her sisters, Roma, and Ballet. EC was dragged around the gala, unhelmed by Shining Armor with Twilight Sparkle in tow. Sky had gone over to the watermelon punch and started pouring herself cup after cup of the addicting substance as Cookies just relaxes next to her, slowly enjoying his own cup, though Sky poured a bit of Mareian’s cider into both of their drinks without anyone else noticing. The only two who haven’t moved from their spot were Hope and Mareian, Mareian’s wing still wrapped around Hope.

“This is the best night ever. So many friends all in one place and we get to share special moments with them.” Hope says calmly smiling as he turns his head towards Mareian. “Don’t you think so?” Mareian was giving him a stern look. “Is there something on your mind?” He said, smile unwavering.

Mareian placed Hope’s head between both of her wings and began bringing her head closer to his. They had privacy in their own little green feathered room as Mareian kept getting closer and closer to Hope. From Hope’s point of view, Mareian’s face was telling him to look at her and only her, and he was gladly complying. His blue eyes remain unblinking staring at her unwavering hazel eyes. Finally, Mareian’s lips came in contact with Hope’s, the sensation was one the stallion had not felt before. He had received kisses from others and had given some of his own, but all of those had been friendly little pecks. Mareian was sucking him in. Time had essentially stopped as they both took in the moment. Finally, Mareian parts her lips. She steps back, taking her wings off of him and looks back at him with a shy smile.

“I love you Hopeful Journey.”

“I love you too, North.” The stallion said without hesitation and a warm smile on his face.

Mareian stepped back in a bit of elated shock. Her mouth remained open as tears started forming in her eyes. A flood of all the memories they had together poured into her mind. The day Hope entered her library back in Buckfield. Hope pointing at her after playing a song at the talent show. The day they befriended Razer the dragon. The high-octane action they went through in the dreamscape. The day she and her brother did an educational beatbox and rap about being financially stable for Hope. Running alongside him at the Running of the Leaves. Catching him in mid-air at the Best Young Flyer competition. Becoming foal-sitters for Cookies’ little brother and friends. The emotions that they had, pour deep in Mareian’s heart.

“I understand now.” She jumped at the stallion, wrapping her hooves around him. “You’re so kind… so generous, so funny. Your honesty is so blinding and you always stick by your friend’s side no matter what… I guess you really are the element of magic, huh?”

Hope didn’t respond verbally to Facing North. Instead, he adjusted her head to be facing his own. While Facing North’s hazel eyes carry a list of similar emotions, Hope’s blue eyes carry the simplistic happiness he always have, both sparkling in different ways. After a deep breath from both ponies, Hope kisses North just as she did to him. The mare’s wings begin to flitter in excitement. Both ponies became lost in their wonderful worlds. In the end she could say that it was the best night ever.

Friendship is Weird Volume I

Familial Bonds


Author's Note:

A bonus chapter will be made as an epilogue/teaser for the plans for the upcoming volume 2
It's been good fun and will continue to be fun.
I had a good time writing thing and if you made it this far, I thank you.