• Published 2nd May 2023
  • 237 Views, 2 Comments

Friendship is Weird - Local Loco

A musical Mute, a classy baker, and a pacifist explorer head into a library. The mare librarian offers to take them across Equestria. Friendship and craziness ensues.

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RECAP (2024 Out of Season April Fools Joke)



A White void as it were

You still reading this? Hey! Yeah you, the one behind the screen. You made it past a hundred thousand words, congrats.


That’s different

Usually there are some words here that describe my physique and all that over and over to make sure you understand who’s speaking, but I guess not this chapter

At least the text is blue

Hi, I’m Sky Sonata, the Celestia sized blue Pegasus with a mane as white as the clouds in the sky from the rather obscure My Little Pony fanfiction: Friendship is Weird and today is APRIL FOOLS DAY!

Ignore your calendar IT’S APRIL FOOLS DAY!

Originally the April Fools day prank was going to be an ai chapter about how Cookies discovers a spell that can automatically write stories for him using the ai chatbot we use for punctuation and word transitions, but if you’ve ever tried feeding one of those things your story before you’d quickly realize how much it will butcher your characters.

Take my little bro Alto here.

You know, Alto Tenor. Element of Honesty.

Hey the tag says “Alternate Universe” and besides, if our creator wanted those characters be the main focus then they’d BE the main focus. As he puts it “If they had the elements of harmony, some of the major story beats would have to change” and if I were to say what those story beats were then I’d be spoiling upcoming chapters

Anyway, Alto Tenor. Element of Honesty. The big blue Pegasus with a short cloudy mane and double-jointed wings that allow him to play any musical instrument he pleases which is why he lugs around an instrument case containing a magically infused crystal that changes into a musical instrument that the holder desires. The Concerto Crystal I think it was called; those things are expensive. Anyway, my brother is a bit of a quiet one, only speaking when he really needs to, but he gets more comfortable talking when among friends. Speaking of friends, outside of our other main six, Alto has joined a music club in Ponyville consisting of Lyra Heartstrings, Octavia Melody, and Vinyl Scratch. He’s made an enemy too, I think, in the form of Dandy Cream the Third; Uncle of Cookies N Cream, multi-time world champion in the Pony Wrestling League. My brother defeated that old man in a “Say Uncle” match, by using his double-jointed wings to stretch that unicorn in ways he shouldn’t be stretched.

What were we talking about? I think it was about ai, right? Yeah, those things would turn my brother from a mute into a blabber mouth

Now my other brother, Hope, he’s the REAL blabber mouth

Hopeful Journey, the Element of Magic? He’s an average sized orange earth pony with a pompadour red, what’s so magical about him? Maybe it’s his friendly aura, having a smile so heartwarming it causes others to smile; even former Nightmare Moon herself, Princess Luna. Always eager to go on adventures and make friends, from befriending a dragon up in the mountains whose smoke would have devastated the ecosystem of Equestria to encouraging a talent show to stop a fight. Despite living with Cookies and Alto, Hope is an independent pony getting himself a job bucking apple trees at Sweet Apple Acres. Even though he made money with his job, Hope didn’t spend it on himself and instead bought a ticket to the Grand Galloping Gala for Trixie Lulamoon, however implied that case was. An avid comic reader, having read several issues of the super heroine, Cheese Mare, and despite being as sweet as a strawberry shortcake, he sings like a death metal singer.

I wonder how people interpret the songs written so far or if someone will actually turn those lyrics into an actual song

But there’s no one else who finds Hope sweeter than everyone’s favorite portmanteau of mare and librarian, the green Pegasus with an auburn mane and hazel eyes, it’s Mareian. Real name: Facing North, Mareian used to be the librarian in the small town of Buckfield with her twin brother, South Pole, until the day she laid eyes upon my brother. Exaggerating of course, but it sounds so storybook to have it be love at first sight. She generously gives her time to my brothers, acting as their navigator on the way to Ponyville to make it to the Summer Sun Celebration which stands to reason as to why she’s the element of honesty. If you need to ask for directions, just ask our girl. Whether it be a war-torn nightmare landscapes or a basic climb up the mountains, you won’t be lost with her. Her heart, on the other hand, is lost to the dramatic emotion of love. Some say it started when the group explored each other’s dreams, others say it was during the dragon chapter, I for one believe she is the one who screamed “I love you!” at the talent show. Her heart kept racing every time Hope brushed by her, and my mother, Thunderbolt Drill Seargent Speed Sound, took her under her wing and trained Mareian for the upcoming running of the leaves race. Despite winning and managing to sneak a mouth-to-mouth kiss, she felt undeserving so she asked her friend, Enchanted Crown, to help her win the upcoming Best Young Flyer competition thing

Good times that competition, I mean, I didn’t win it, but Mareian did

At the cost of a month of being conscious after saving my brother from falling ‘till he go splat

But she managed to confess her feelings at the Grand Galloping Gala and everything was fantastic

A Pegasus taught her to run fast, a unicorn taught her to fly fast, what’s next an earth pony teaching her magic?

Enchanted Crown, EC for short. Loyal student of princess Celestia, active in the socio-political situation of Equestria, and all the time wearing that helmet thing over her magenta head. You’d probably need a closer look at her just to see that she has a pair of golden eyes underneath her helmet, though her turquoise mane messily sticks out of some of the gaps and through the spot where her horn goes through. She’s willing to put her own life on the line for the well being of Equestria. As she is loyal to the cause, in too does she put faith in her friends, sending Lucky, Hope, and Mareian off to the mountains to take care of a dragon.

Speaking of dragons, there’s Scales

The black green little dragon that would rather blend in to the background than be on the foreground

Went toe-to-toe against Nightmare Moon by himself

Usually messing around with the others like dying Cookies’ mane purple to look more like Rarity

Scales is usually just a side piece really. The gang needs an awesome intro: Scales sets the place on fire. They need someone to take a group photo: Scales is a photo hobbyist. Mareian in a coma and needs to catch up with current events: Scales collects news paper clippings for his friendship scrapbook. He is a very sly card dealer when he cheated in a game of poker with a group of dragons.

Was that six? Including myself that’s six characters thus far so let’s talk about character number seven. Lucky Horseshoes, the daisy-yellow earth pony with the short golden curls and almost always wearing her red bandana and brown cowgirl hat. Eyes as green as a 4-leaf clover and sept times lucky, it’s even in her name. She doesn’t know how to play the drums, but she can play the drums by pure circumstance. She needs to reach Canterlot from Baltimare in under an hour to make it to Princess Luna’s Coronation ceremony because she won a sweepstakes to appear on a radio show? You know that she’ll make it to the coronation with plenty of time to spare, and getting to see all six of her sisters too in the same time frame. Can buck a tree out the ground but keep it rooted, collapse a cave entrance to protect a dragon’s gold, never suffers from nightmares nor others nightmares. An educated botanist or a lucky planter with how easily she can grow 4-leaf clovers. You’d definitely want her on your side for any luck-based game, otherwise you may be a casualty of her luck as she knocked out Alto, Mareian, Hope, and Cookies just by saying hello.

And then there’s Cookies

I have been waiting for this moment. My favorite pony to tease. The white unicorn with a black milkshake swirl of a mane; dark spots adorn upon his face. That’s right, HIS. Despite his below average size, Cookies Neapolitan Cream is in fact indeed a stallion.

Oh ho ho I am loving this already.

Privileged as he is being the son of Sour Cream, head of an insurance agency whose name escapes me, and privileged as he is being gifted a house in Ponyville as an early birthday present. Being the oldest amongst his group, Cookies acts as a calm and collected voice of reason with desires to make meals that will turn ponies’ frowns upside down. Willing to sacrifice his dignity for the emotional wellbeing of others. He’ll dance and do a silly song, sing a song you wrote, sing a song you wrote he doesn’t think will be good, and sing a song you wrote he doesn’t want to sing. P.S. Cookies has sung the most of the main cast thus far. As he should as he, Hope, Alto, and Lucky formed the rock band Fourtune at the Ponyville talent show and really tore the roof off, especially when Cookies used his magic to swallow a fire that Scales had accidentally started.

He’s well skilled in magic to the point that he uses it to assist in baking outside of basic levitation for stirring ingredients and such. In fact, when not reading a cookbook or straight up cooking in the kitchen, you’ll probably find him skimming through a spell book.

Or hanging out with me, but that’s only on the weekends. Being Equestria’s weather mare is a very travel centric and timely job. Luckily I also get Fridays off too.

Cookies often reads spell books when not around his friends, lost in his own world on how he will be a success to the Cream name and also making sure that everyone he knows stays happy with a smile on their faces. I hear he has a recipe for a cake flavored drink but right now it’s in a prototype stage.

Mareian has told me on one of our drinking days that Cookies will look strange some days and say things differently from how he normally says. Like he’ll say “my fair friend” instead of “my dear friend” to whomever he may talk to, insert their name for friend because saying “my dear x” sounds wrong for some reason. She also says that his eyes look glossy on those days and that those are the days he uses this memory revealing spell. I wish I could use a memory revealing spell or that he would use his spell on me so I can tease him some more, but thems the breaks. We all celebrated his birthday together over by a pond in Ponyville. Alto even sang him a song about being his best friend. And the day after was my birthday, but I drank too much cider that day so I stayed in bed.

Let’s see, the return and befriending of Princess Luna. Lucky’s absurd luck getting her a ticket to the Gala. Cookies’ birthday party. Fourtune Four, dragons, and Lucky. Dreams, jobs, and love. Uncle comes over and then the Gala happens. Yeah that’s pretty much the story thus far.

Anyway, thanks for reading this out of season April fools joke chapter that’s just an excuse by our creator to recap everything thus far and to stall for season-I mean volume 2. I’ve been Sky Sonata and a happy holiday, weekday, whatever have you to everyone reading.

Friendship is Weird April Fools 2024

Written by me

Directed by me

Edited by me

Microsoft Jenny as Sky Sonata

Wait, credits? Was this supposed to be an animatic or is this also a part of the out of season April Fools joke?

Author's Note:

Happy late April Fools Day

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