• Published 2nd May 2023
  • 237 Views, 2 Comments

Friendship is Weird - Local Loco

A musical Mute, a classy baker, and a pacifist explorer head into a library. The mare librarian offers to take them across Equestria. Friendship and craziness ensues.

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A Day in the Life of Lucky


Let me introduce our lucky guest

On the radio

She is the element of kindness

On the radio

She won our lottery

Her name is lucky

And now I’ll have her explain the rest

On the radio on the radio

Hello, Gooday

I’m Lucky

That’s what I say

I’m Lucky

The weekend’s here

Ya’ll needn't fear Ya know

Cause I’m Lucky

Elment of haarmny

That’s Lucky

I play the Drummy

That’s Lucky

You ain’t believe

The thangs I’ves seen

Ya know

I am Lucky

That’s not how the whole week went…

On the radio

You went on a dragon quest…

On the radio

Guided by a Pegasus

Got the dragon out of its nest

Now please continue the week’s events

On the radio on the radio

Luna’s my friend

I’m Lucky

Got bits to spend

I’m Lucky

The dragon I did friend

The problem did end


I’m Lucky

Hello, Goodbye [We are]

I’m Lucky [off topic]

Don’t need to lie [on the radio]

I’m Lucky [on the radio]

‘fraid of the sky [please get back]

I’m Lucky [on it]

I guess that’s why [on the radio]

I’m Lucky [on the radio]

Hello, Goodbye [this week was]

I’m Lucky [pretty hectic]

Don’t need to lie [on the radio]

I’m Lucky [on the radio]

'fraid of the sky [and we're both here]

I’m Lucky [to end it]

I guess that’s why [on the radio]

I’m Lucky [on the radio]

I’m Lucky [on the radio]

Lucky Horseshoes, the daisy yellow earth pony with bright green eyes, is sat in a recording booth with a brown earth pony stallion. The stallion had long locks of a red mane and his eyes were behind a pair of sunglasses, though at the right angle one would be able to see his equally brown eyes. The stallion looks over to the booth window where a lime green Pegasus looks at them with disappointment before looking back at Lucky.

“That’s a lot of stuff to know about you, Miss Horseshoes. The news of the week is that Ponyville now has a dragon as a mascot? Am I hearing that right?”

“OH, ya’ll heard of Razer? He ain’t a mascot. Razer is jus’ livin’ his life on top da mountains making sure not to harm the ecosystem with dragon smoke an’ all dat. I consider’em a good friend.”

“You heard it here first folks, the elements of harmony have befriended an adult dragon. Adventurers eat your heart out.” The stallion said as he got closer to his microphone. “You say you are friends with Luna right, but she’ll be having her coronation later today at Canterlot and you’re all the way in our lovely little studio out in Baltimare.”

“Ain’t no need fer no fretting. Am sure’ll find a way there in time.” Lucky responds with a big grin on her face. The stallion before her turns his head to the clock in the room.

“If you think an hour is enough time, then go right on ahead.”

Lucky’s eyes widened before slamming her front hooves on the table. “AN HOUR!?!?!?” She exclaimed as the table broke through the force. Lucky begins to make her leave. “Sorry, ya’ll I gotta run.”

There was a bit of silence from the room as the lime green pegasus mare in the window started screaming only for it to be muffled. It took her a second to find and write down on a piece of paper. “FOLLOW HER!!!”

A smile formed on the stallion’s face. “Attention to all the ponies with their ears open, it seems that we have the opportunity of a lifetime. That’s right, Equestria Radio is about to go on the road with an hour-long segment: A Day in the life of Lucky Horseshoes.”

“One ticket to Canterlot, if ya please.” Lucky placed a couple of bits on a train station counter for the employee to take.

“The last train just left. You’ll have to wait two hours for the next one to arrive.” The station worker informed Lucky.

“I ain’t got two hours! Only da one, consarnit!” Lucky took her bits and trotted away from the station.

“Well well well. Looks like little Lucky lost her luck, Equestria.” Mic Check approached Lucky wearing a jacket with a lot of tech on it as well as a microphone jutting out just in front of him. “How does she make it to Canterlot in time for the Princess’s coronation? Find out on this exciting broadcast of Equestria Radio.”

Lucky squinted her eyes and looked around. Her attention focused on the nearby docks where she is able to spot a familiar boat. “Quit yer yappin, overcoat. I spot me a new way outta dis mess.”

“An eye full of determination fellow listeners. Our daisy yellow element of harmony has decided to head towards the docks, because as we all know there ain’t no better way to Canterlot then sailing.” Mic check laughed into his microphone before following after Lucky.

“Fishsticks! O’er here! It’s yer sister!” Lucky yelled at one of the boats, labeled ‘HMS Horseshoe’s Bounty’ on the back side. The pony at the wheel turns over to look at the docks before yelling something over at their crewmates. The ship sets ancho and the pony swung from one of the ropes of the boat to land right in front of Lucky.

“Aye if it be my little lass of a sister.” Before Lucky was a heavy coated earth pony mare who had a tricorn hat and a black eyepatch covering one of her presumedly blue eyes. Despite the coat, one could tell that her body had a tanned brown coloring to it and her tail shaggy with a dark gold tinge. Her cutie mark is that of a horseshoe on a string with a fish caught on it. “What ye be doin’ roamin’ about like the silly lil’ landlubber ye’re?” She says with a gravelly voice as she picks up her hat off the docks.

“Howdy, sis. Imma be needin a teensy bit of a favor in you.” Lucky says motioning her hoof in a way to emphasize how small of a favor she’d be asking of her sister. “Ya see, my friend’ll be havin’ her coronation ceremony thang at Canterlot an’ I only gots less an hour before the plum thing dang starts. Can ya help a sista out?”

Her sister laughs a hearty laugh. “Yar be thinkin’ Cap’n Fishsticks’ll sail yer sorry lil flank t’ royalty? Lemme give ye some advice. Number one: Canterlot be landlocked, no boat o’ mine be travelin’ thar. Number two: the Horseshoe’s Bounty has been struggling the waves of narrow rivers to get from North Luna Ocean to Celestia Sea an’ me crew be rather irritable. And number three: we have a treasure trove o’ mackerel destined for port in Griffinstone an’ we can’t be detourin’ ‘cause some pretty little landlubber like yerself asks yer sis fer help. Savvy?”

Lucky took a second to ponder, placing her hoof on her chin before a lightbulb popped up over her head. “I need ya’ll t’ fire me outta a cannon aimin’ fer Canterlot.”

“WHAT!?” Mic Check yelled out in shock while Lucky’s sister chaotically cackles.

“Ya’ll jus’ sail yer way t’ Griffinstone and fire me outta one o’ yer cannons I know you keep in case o’ giant squid attacks an’ such.”

“Yar be more the jokester than SF I tell ya.” Lucky’s sister turns back to the boat and yells. “OI LADS AN’ LASSES! WE GOT A COUPLE OF LANDLUBBERS WHO WANT TO FLY LIKE THE BIRDS WE DILIVERIN’ TA! RAISE ANCHOR AN’ SET SAIL!”

“AYE AYE CAPTAIN FISHSTICKS!” The boat roared with several voices and started to burst with a motion that wasn’t there before. Lucky’s sister wrapped her hoof around both Mic Check and Lucky as she held on to the rope she swung from earlier.

“Wait wait can’t we talk about THIS!” Mic Check tried to interject but the trio were launched up into the air for a brief moment before landing back on the boat. Mic Check is unable to land on all fours and slams his body to the ground before slowly getting back up. Lucky’s hat floats in the air for a bit before finding its way back on top of Lucky’s head while Lucky’s sister’s tricorn hat merely lands on the boat, off her head.



“To those who aren’t able to keep track with all the noises and accents that we are hearing, it would seem that our girl, Lucky, has found her pirate captain sister on a route to Griffonstone. She thinks that by launching ourselves from a cannon will get her to Canterlot. I for one, dear listeners, believe that she has a death wish and, if it weren’t for the fact that not going with her would be the end of my career, I guess I do to. Am I allowed to say that? Unfortunately, I don’t have my boss around to tell me the words I’m not allowed to say for a wide audience. Mouth Piece, if I don’t make it, make a golden statue of my good looks out in front of the Baltimare city limits. I don’t care if you have to wring all the necks of the city hall to do so, this stallion here is risking his life to ensure the popularity of our workplace. And if these are my final words, this has been Mic Check of Equestria Radio. Check one. Check two. Checking out for one last time.” Mic Check said tearfully into his microphone.

“Quit ya belly aching ya lily living landlubber.” Lucky’s sister grabs Mic Check by his tech laden jacket and chucks him headfirst into a large cannon. Lucky has her bandana wrapped over her eyes as one of the crewmates assists her going in the cannon flank first, closing the cannon up with her hat. “Ye got lady Lucky by yer side! YAR HAR HAR!” She pulls on the cannon’s ignition, launching the two earth ponies into the sky towards Canterlot.

Up in the skies over Filly Delphia is a lavender colored hot air balloon that has a pink love heart shape emblem on it with ‘ROMA’ written inside of it. A faded yellow earth pony mare with a brown wavy mane, sharp blue eyes, and a cutie mark of two horseshoes forming the shape of a love heart, is using a machine that dispenses clouds. She is spelling out ‘MARRY ME’ into the sky and is carefully trying to end it off with an exclamation point. Just as she gets to the finishing touches, her balloon is hit by two objects, or in this case two ponies, one of which punctured a hole through and managed to land safely into the balloon’s basket revealing herself to be Lucky Horseshoes, while the other one was holding on to the edge of the basket for his dear life.

“Sœur? Que faites-vous ici? Ce n'est pas ‘très bien’!” The mare said holding on to Lucky as she screamed.


The three ponies screamed in terror as their descent began picking up speed towards the highly populated area. A trail of clouds traced the arc that the balloon’s trajectory as it reaches Manehatten. Ponies look out of their windows with faces of fear and terror. A group of uniformed pegasus attempt to slow the descent of the air balloon but are swatted away by a flailing Lucky who is being held firmly by the mare who was originally piloting the whole balloon.

“Attention ladies, this is your heatshield here informing you that WE ARE ABOUT TO CRASH INTO ANOTHER BALLOON!” Mic Check screamed as he continued holding on to the basket for his life. There is a massive rainbow balloon in the air that manages to slow the trio’s fall and redirect their eventual impact to an empty park.

They are greeted by a bright yellow pony with clown makeup and a rainbow wig on. Her eyes are crossed every other time she blinks her green and blue eyes. She has on her flank a balloon in the shape of a horseshoe for a cutie mark. With her is a wagon full of balloons and an air pump. She giggles and jumps around from side to side as she stares at the dazed Mic Check.

“Are we on land yet?”

“Vhy, yez! I do believe we are en ze ground. Très bien!” Lucky and the other mare managed to crawl their way out of the wreckage with hardly a scratch on the. “Merci monsieur stallion. You could zay zat you fell for me in a vay that iz so Très bien!” She leaves Mic Check a purple card marked with fancy hearts.

“Roma Horseshoes: Appleoosan Romancer?” Mic Check read the card allowed before shaking his head. “Well dear listeners, in the short amount of time, we were fired from a cannon, struck down a hot air balloon, and crash landed in a Manehatten park in…” Mic Check looks at the nearby clocktower. “Fifteen minutes FLAT.”

The clown mare honked a horn in Mic Check’s face rattling him a bit. The mare giggles as she receives a hug from both Lucky and Roma. “SF! Merci beaucoup ma chère soeur.”

“Silly Filly, what in tarnation are ya’ll doin’ here in Manehatten?” Lucky asked the mare. Lucky is given a piece of paper and a laugh from the clown. “CORONATION DAY PARADE!? Consarn Manehatten draggin’ erry single celebrity t’ one location.”

“Hey, I take offense to that!” Mic Check said, still shaken up from the crash.

“Whaddya takin’ a’fence fer? Ya’ll are in Manehatten!” Lucky retorted, helping the stallion get up on all four hooves.

“Bah! Work obligations. Even if I were invited, the weekends are my turf for being the #1 RADIO STATION EQUESTRIA HAS TO OFFER. That’s right, we’ve polled. You’ve answered. An almost unanimous decision that leads Equestria Radio to be the number one radio station that you’ve heard of. We’re also the first radio station, but let’s not get into the semantics, listeners.”

“OI!” A voice yelled through the tarnished balloons. Out from underneath the mess is a yellow earth pony in a police uniform. Her green eyes are covered by sunglasses and her main is tied into a cinnamon bun to be kept underneath her police hat. Her cutie mark appears to look like a police badge with a hoofprint on the badge and behind the badge making it look like a pony is showing it off. Whaddaya think ya doin’? Ya know how much Propetty damage ya causin?”

“Well, ain’t this a hoot. Four of the seven Horseshoe sisters in one place.” Lucky raises a hoof to the police mare. “Howdy Handy.”

“Dat’s Chief Handgrenades to ya. And ya sorry flank is getting’ FINED f’ litterin’.” The police mare pulls out a note pad and pen from her uniform’s chest pocket and begins to write on it before tearing a page out and stamping it on Mic Check’s snout.

“Non, non, grande sœur. Et waz MY balloon zat caused ze crash. If any pony should take responsibility, it should be moi.” Roma confronts the police chief while having her hooves wrapped around Mic Check.

“Ha! Ya eva listen t’ radio, Roma? Won’t surprise ya t’ know Erry pony’s listenin’ t’ some unprepaed disc jockey followin’ aroun’ a trottin’ landmine like Lucky. Betcha bottom dolla dat them Apples in Manehatten were listenin’. Da amount o‘ calls sayin’ ‘da jynx is comin’! Da jynx is comin’!’ and I can’t help but laugh.” The police mare chuckles before scratching her chin with her hoof. “Where was I goin’ with it? Oh yeah! We got evidence placin’ this guy as an instigata’ n’ willing participant in deez actions against da state o’ Manehatten. Sorry, eh, but I can’t just let the action slide because ya family neither sis.” She stamps another fine, this time on Lucky’s hoof.

Lucky stuck the fine in her hat. “Nothin’ I know I can’t pay fer, but how ‘bout a sisterly hug fer ol’ time sake?” Lucky asked, raising her hoof in acceptance of a hug. The clown mare honked her horn and joined in on the hug.

Roma also joined in on the hug with Mic Check still in her clutch. “Now, now, grande sœur, you mus’ cherish familial bondage. Et iz so très bien!”

“Aight, ya made ya point. Ain’t no pain in family.” The police chief conceded and participated in on the hug. “Been a while hasn’t it? How ya doin?”

“I’d say mah life is as chaotic as it is normally. An’ how ‘bout you, Roma?” Lucky asked her sister.

“Az usual, everything is très bien!” Roma says wrapping her hoof tighter around Mic Check. “Ze Appleoosan clientele ‘ave spread ze word ALL AROUND EQUESTRIA! Loverz know no bounds, no? Hopefully that pony in Filly Delphia iz happily engaged despite ze sloppy ending. Otherwise zat would not be très bien.” The conversation is broken up by the clown honking her horn, showering the sisters all in confetti.

“Well, you heard it here first folks, a sisterly reunion, a group hug, and a fine in the triple digits…” Mic Check let’s out a groaning sigh as he’s able to slink his way out of the hug. “I bet some of you listeners out there hold a bit of jealousy with the amount of action your host, Mic Check, has been receiving from the mares, but I can assure you that this stud of a stallion still is out here open and free for you and me baby.”

“I am zorry, but whom iz zis handsome stallion, Lucky? Vhy iz he talking into hiz jaquette?” Roma asked.

“I’ve been askin’ myself that since he followed me t’ the train station back in Baltimare, but I know he’s a radio host fer Equestria Radio. I won a grand prize raffle to be on the radio but that still don’t explain why he’s followin’ me.” Lucky responded.

“I bet the listeners at home are dying to know!” Mic Check said with a shiny grin and a wink. “A bit experimental, but this tech right here is mobile radio. The jacket holds all the important stuff and it even has a microphone for ponies to speak into. It’s incredibly hot though, most likely due to the batteries making sure the electronics are all on. And as for why I’m following you, miss Lucky, you won our grand prize in the raffle which states that at the very least we spend an hour together. You left three minutes after we started and boss lady back in Baltimare wanted me to go after you so you wouldn’t sue us. AIN’T THAT RIGHT MOUTH PIECE!?” Mic Check said the last part of his explanation louder and had his mouth very close to the microphone before readjusting it back to its original position.

“Mon chéri, may I ‘ave a quick word for all those out there listening?” Roma asked Mic Check who merely just nodded as she got uncomfortably close face to face with him. “‘ello every pony. If you are looking to woo ze love ov your life? Come on down to-”

“APPLEOOSA!” Both Roma, the police chief, and Lucky said in unison as the clown pops a confetti cannon that spells out Appleoosa both in the air and as it lands on the ground.

“Roma ze Romancer shall be your guide for ze matrimonious and romantique of occasions. Jus’ ask for Roma Horseshoes and ze love will be no issue.” Roma places her hoof on Mic Check’s cheek and gives it a gentle stroke before giving him a gentle kiss on his cheek. “Merci, mon amour.”

Mic Check was visibly blushing as he pulled down his jacket a bit further down his body. “At the very least radio is an audio based medium and not a visual based one, because I would not want the viewers to see me in the state that I am in. Speaking of state…” Mic Check Looks back at the clock. “What’s the plan now, mis Lucky Horseshoes? There’s only thirty-five minutes until the coronation ceremony.”

“GOSH DARN IT! We still nowhere near Canterlot. Handy, please tell me dat the train station’s still open?”

“HA! Train station has been full for ages, especially so with the thought of some world ending balloon comin’ in. If it wasn’t already full, then it is now with ponies evacuatin’.”

“I feel az though I am, how you say, ‘out of ze loop’ Lucky. Pourquoi? What iz happening in Canterlot zat you need to be there?”

“My friend’s gonna be a princess an’ Imma be missin’ out on it. I can’t hurt a friend by missin’ out on one of their grandest days. Ya’ll know that.”

“Wayda minute, ya tellin’ me that ya befriended Celestia’s returunin sister?”

“Not surprising that she did, given she’s an element of harmony. She also befriended an adult dragon all the way in Ponyville. Or at least that’s what my sources say.” Mic Check adds to the conversation.

“Ya gotta point, small fry. Lucky could out gamble a casino without cheatin’. Bet she could take my job had she not gotten invested in her frilly plant hobbies.”

“I’ve told ya’ll a thousand times before, I find herbology best suits me. Ain’t no chances I’m doin’ it right, jus’ plant seeds an’ water ‘em. Ain’t no luck I tell ya.”

“But how, pray tell, vill you be getting to Canterlot in time for ze ceremony?” As if on que to answer Roma’s question, there is a loud honk. The four ponies turn around to see that the clown pony had turned the hot air balloon into a blimp using a massive inflatable balloon. “Oh, zank you SF.”

“Nice one, sis! Should make it to Canterlot in no time at all.” Lucky said as Mic Check, Roma, and herself got into the basket alongside the clown mare who was just all smiles and giggles. “To Canterlot, girls!”

After a moment of traveling less than a quarter of the average speed of an average pony walking, Mic Check speaks. “You heard it here first, my dear listeners. In a mare made balloon traveling at zero miles per hour, we shall make it to Canterlot in no time… As in we won’t make it to Canterlot period.”

“Ya may need some thrustas. Hold on a moment, we busted two stallions earlier today for reckless endangament. Should speed things up.”

“No, go ahead. We’ve only got half an hour. Plenty of time for you to bring us a rocket that would launch us to the moon faster than magic.” Mic Check says with a defeated sigh. He looks up to see Roma staring back at him in distress while Lucky and the clown mare start playing patty cake. “Do I have something on my face?” he asked.

“Non, non, Monsieur. Et haz been a rather hectic day today, iz it not? Vhat would you normally do to destress ze frustrations of ze day?”

“Are… are you trying to start a conversation with me?” Mic Check asked the mare who nodded. The stallion laughed. “And here I thought I was the one to be asking the questions that every pony in Equestria wants answered. Being the most dashing stallion and pony in general that I know, what tends to ease my ever-racing heart is one good look in the mirror. The smile on that gorgeous stallion’s face would soothe the heart of any mare he comes across. And then I remember that the pony that I am looking at is me, and my self-esteem skyrockets.”

Roma giggles at his response. “Et seems reasonable after all you are quite charming enough to host a radio show.” Mic Check began to smile a bit. After all the craziness he had been through in less than an hour, it’s nice for him to get a bit of breathing room. “Are ve still live? Hello, I am Roma in case you all forgot about me.”

“If we weren’t live, I’d probably be fired. Besides, if we weren’t live then your police chief of a sister wouldn’t have gotten so many calls specifically about Lucky.” Mic Check brings the microphone closer to his mouth. “Which I would like to thank the responsible listeners out there well prepared for the potential demise of their civilization. You are the ones who keep Equestria Radio afloat.”

“Are zey really?” Roma asked with a sparkle in her eye.

“Maybe, but who really knows? I’m just thanking my polite and ever vigilant listeners for staying with me on this impromptu stray of the norm.” Mic Check sighs. “I should be back in the booth playing the latest hits.”

“How violent! Ze hits, vhy do ze ponies want to listen to such horrid actions!?” Roma reacts in an appalled way.

“Musical hits. Like songs that did really well that they hit the top of the charts. It’s a metaphor.”

“Oh, I see.” Roma went from a face of disgust to a face of smiling intrigue. “So, monsieur Check vas it? Might I ask to know you better? Vhat iz your favorite colour?”

“That’s Mic Check, baby. And you better remember that name because I swear to you and to all those ponies listening to me right now that Mic Check will be the name that are up in lights everywhere you go. From Las Pegasus to right here in Manehatten or even Griffonstone.” The stallion said exuberating with ego. “Also, my favorite colors are shades of beige and brown like our studio at Baltimare.”

“Beige and brown you zay?” Roma strokes her own brown mane and blushes a little. “Brown like my mane or brown like your fur, Mic Check?” Roma clicks her tongue when she says the stallion’s name as her face gets closer to his.

“Uh…. Ha… I consider myself to have a more mahogany brown, while your mane is more an auburn brown…” Mic Check looks around the rather cramped basket for another shade of brown to compare it to. “Like this balloon basket. Not quite bright, but not quite dark either, showing of that nice industrial shade of brown that I love so very much, but if YOU want your very own Mic Check Mahogany color in your house you can order the Mic Check Marketable Plushie coming to a store near you… once they get approved that is.”

“Got da thrustas!” The police mare jumped into the basket between Roma and Mic check and started to clamp on two rockets onto the basket. “Trajectory set t’ Cantalot. Hold on tight, girls, because we about to go from zero t’ sixty in a second.” The police mare flipped a switch as every pony else on-board dogpiled Lucky. The force of the thrusters was immense enough to force them all to one side of the basket while the police mare kept a firm grip on the thrusters themselves. The elasticity of the new balloon kept it taut and maintaining the momentum of the thrusters. It wasn’t long until the were above the commercial district for the police mare to find an open area to land. “Ya can stop screaming. We’re here.” She said managing to land the balloon safe and sound in the rather empty commercial district.

Lucky is the first one out, kissing the ground as she does so. “Sweet mercy let this be the last time I go off flyin’ again. The dang stress is startin’ t’ get t’ me.”

“All ze ponies, zey mus’ be aht ze coronation ceremony.” Roma looked around the empty streets of Canterlot. The clown mare had tied an extra-long balloon that seemed to stretch across from where they left Manehatten to where they are at now. She giggles as she stick a sticky note saying ‘return trip to Manehatten’ on the end of the balloon.

“Not every day we get a new princess, ya know.” The police mare carefully exited the aircraft. “Cantalot civvies prolly deep in the coronation zone t’ experience this event.”

“Well folks and colts at home, it was a heart racing less than an hour, but we finally made it to Canterlot in time, with…” Mic Check checked a nearby clock tower. “ten minutes to spare. There were plenty of detours and false stops, but we made it. And so ends this segment of ‘a day in the life’ featuring Lucky Horseshoes. I’ve been your live host Mic Check, checking out for the day.”

“And so ends? Ya’ll gots yer brain bangled? We ain’t even at the coronation. Hurry on ya’ll, let’s give good ol’ Luna a Horseshoes’ sisters salutations.” The four sisters and Mic Check begin looking around town for signs of any pony.

“Miss Horseshoes, we assure you, we hold the best of intentions.” The four mares turned their heads to the voice.

“Yes, listen to my brother. We hold a familial bond that will allow our dreams to become reality! You’re familiar with familial bonds, yes? So why not help us two brothers out with your expert smithing capabilities?” The sisters and Mic Check come across and see two lanky banana yellow unicorn stallions talking to an earth pony mare at what looks like a smithy. They both have green eyes and red manes with a slick white streak going through them.

“I tell you what man, you both are dang ol’ unicorns I can’t see much why you don’t, you know, make you dang ol’ machine yourselves. Talkin’ about metal moving metal going all CLANG, but a real hoof in hammer you know will keep things steady. I’m talkin’ about why me and why not yourselves man. It’s really easy for you, man.” The mare spoke in a fast way. She is wearing a rather thick apron and a welder’s mask. Her mane is visible and kept short and potentially bleached as her brown roots are visible. She takes off the welder’s mask to reveal a pair of basset hound like green eyes and an orange face with yellow freckles on her face. “And talkin’ about familial bonds, those are my sisters: Lucky, Roma, Silly Filly, and police chief Handgrenades, you know.”

“COBBLES!” The sisters say in unison accompanied by giggles and honks followed by a group hug.

“Oh, this is even better! A Flim Flam Horseshoe Fam Collaboration!” The stallion with the mustache said.

“Yes, yes. Miss Cobbles with you and your sister’s collaboration, we’d be able to make our machine at an efficiency of ten thousand percent.”

Mic Check approaches one of the stallions. “Family drama, fellow listeners out there. May I ask you for the ponies at home, what is this well-meaning machine that you are trying to make a…” He looks over to the mares in a group hug, noticing the new cutie mark of a horseshoe with a nail being hammered in as well as noticing that the outdoor market spot. “Cobbler? You are asking a pony that makes horseshoes for a living to make… something that isn’t a horseshoe?” Mic Check places his hoof on his forehead.

“Not just a cobbler. Miss Horseshoes is the Canterlot royal guard armorer. If any pony knows their hoof around a hammer and nail around here, it’s no pony else but her.”

“We swear that the Flim Flam brothers are honest and good ponies wishing to bring refreshments all over Equestria with our new invention…”

“The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000!” The two of them said in unison.

“6000?” Lucky asked with a raised eyebrow. “What evah happened t’ the others before that one?”

“Dang ol’ marketing, man. Using large numbers man to convince simple minded mares that it’s better you know. I tell you what, the Pain Stopper two point oh greaves that them guards wear is a dang ol’ first generation man. Some pony else made the dang original pain stopper so when that Shining Armor fellow asked me to make him something I tell you I was just winging it. Dang ol’ lawyers came up to me and bought the rights and took the blueprints but I still get complaints man. Not from Shining Armor though, I tell you what.” Cobbles takes off her mask. “I tell you what, if I make your gosh dang cider machine, will you leave me and my family alone?”

“Why we’ll get out of your hair right now.” The mustachioed stallion said, placing the blueprints down on the counter.

“Just make sure you leave the finished project at our address.” The other stallion uses his magic to give her a card.

Cobbles turns her head from the two stallions trotting away over to her sister, Lucky. “Lucky, man, it’s good to see all you girls here on this dang ol’ quiet day in Equestria man. Every pony gone off and attended that there Luna coronation thing I ain’t too familiar with. Likely to assume you going there too, sis? I can show you the way so you don’t get, you know, lost and going out there causing trouble for the folk here at Canterlot. I don’t even want to know how you were able to gather all these dang ol’ sisters in one space. Just missin good ol’ captain Fishsticks and…”

“Ballot!” Lucky said

“Ballin!” Handgrenades exclaimed

“Ballét!” Roma stated

“BALLERINA!” Silly Filly giggled.

“Dang ol’ Ballet man.” Cobbles added

An annoyed sigh came from a mare in a fancy baby blue crystal dress who was behind Cobbles. It was Ballet, Lucky’s sister. “I knew I would find at least one of my sisters today. Just not most of them.”

“I saw Fishsticks almost an hour ago.” Lucky added.

“Good for you, but your friends have been looking for you and we’ve got two minutes before they close the gates.” Ballet grabbed Lucky and rushed around the corner with the other sisters and Mic Check following them. They are all stopped by two guards standing guard at the entrance of the Canterlot Castle.

“Halt. Gates are closed and we aren’t taking in any more ponies.” One of the guards said

“I was just in there, plus I got one of the elements of harmony who has a reserved seat left empty. Just let her in, I can skip this out.” Ballet made the offer to the guards.

“Sorry. The capacity for the castle has been reached and it would cause a health problem to let any more ponies in. Captain’s ORDER!” The other stallion said, ending his words at attention as an airship with a pirate logo on the side flies towards the Castle. Silly Filly begins to blow a big balloon just as one of the airship’s cannon’s fires something directly at them. The shot firmly lands safely on the balloon which reveals Captain Fishsticks was shot out of the cannon as she is covered in black powder.

“Yar, Landlubbers! I ain’t late am I?” Fishsticks asks as her tricorn hat lands fast on the balloon causing a loud pop in the faces of the guards, knocking the duo out.

Ballet sighs while the other sisters cheer at Fishsticks’ entrance. “On time. Now let’s all get inside before we get arrested or witnesses show up.” Ballet opens the gate and one by one each of her sisters go through before stopping Mic Check. “Hold up. No tail gating. We’ll seriously get in trouble if we do.”

“He iz with us.”

“He’s with us.”

Lucky and Roma both wrap their hooves around Mic Check and forcibly drag him inside as Ballet dejectedly sighs. “Alright, but I need to check up with him after to ask him about a thing for the mayor when this is all over.”

“The elegance. The fortitude. The courage to do so with hundreds if not thousands of ponies staring against you. Truly is a once in a lifetime sight to behold. Two sisters facing each other, both respecting each other as the royalty the two were born in after a thousand years almost brings a tear to this lucky pony’s eyes. Once the crown is firmly placed on her head, filly’s and gentlecolts, Equestria will officially have two recognized royal figures holding their throne here in Canterlot castle. Luna approaches Celestia in her magnificently starry night dress. Very glittery if I do say so myself and you all listening at home know that I do say so myself. The royal scepter is passed over to Celestia by a royal… court pony? I’m not too sure who that is since coming here wasn’t a part of my day so I have no idea what’s going on. Celestia takes the scepter and places it on both of Luna’s sides and-” As Mic Check told a play-by-play radio broadcast, the castle was filled to the brim with a deafening applause. He waited for the noise to die down before speaking again. “I think I may have to go see a doctor about my ears after this. Maybe my spine too… this day has been pretty hectic, but we can finally say that this was the impromptu day in the life section featuring Lucky Horseshoes. Whether or not we’ll do this again is up to you. This is Mic Check, checking out for the day on the one and only Equestria Radio.” Mic Check groans after flipping a switch jutting out of his jacket.

“So, you’re telling me that you followed my sister on her way he, and it was recorded? I hope you’re able to live down that pain.” Ballet said. Ballet, Mic Check, and the other sisters were lined up at one of the furthest walls from the coronation. “So did you get the memo about coming to Ponyville for another gig?”

“Mouth Piece, my agent slash boss is theone you’d need to talk to about that, not me. Boss lady will probably accept since the only thing I have going on is this weekend radio schtick.” Mic Check laughs which then turns into a sigh.

“Vell I for one can assure you monsieur that you have a very big fan in me.” Roma comforts Mic Check.

“Been a while since all seven of us were together in one area, ain’t it?” Chief Handgrenades said looking over at Lucky who is on the other side of the castle courtyard with her friends. Silly Filly giggles and nods her head. “Not includin’ the eleven degrees o’ separation that Lucky has.”

“I tell you what, Handy, I remember the last time all seven of us were together it was dang ol’ time when Fishsticks got hitched to that foalhood sweet heart of hers. Dang ol’ Buried Treasure is the name coming to mind and even then that was back in the day when Lucky, Roma, and Ballet were practically babies as they almost ruined the wedding back then I tell you what.”

“Oh yeah, I remember that now. I signed up to the academy just after.” Handgrenades said in a reminiscing tone. “Hey, how’s that son of a gun doing?”

“Burry is doing fine I’ll make sure to tell him that, but please don’t mention him to my crew.” The harsh gravelly tone that Fishsticks had was gone and replaced with a much more softer and innocent sounding voice when she said those words. “Savvy?” She said with her tough tone returning.

“Den, let’s ask one of ya. Any of you fillies seeing a colt in your life?” The police chief looks at the line of her sisters, some are shaking their head while others are looking away.

“I am zeeing monsieur Mic Check.” Roma says with a tight grip wrapped around Mic Check’s body.

“Whoa nelly, we only just met like an hour ago and while I do propagate the idea of love at first sight when available, I don’t necessarily believe that.” Mic Check weaseled an explanation out of the relationship.

“Ve shall zee what your audience thought about us.” Roma said with a bit of a mischievous grin and giggle.

“Ovah here gang!” Lucky’s voice grew closer. “I was able t’ get all my sisters up in one place.” The crowd began to disperse with the coronation ceremony at an end making both Lucky’s friends and Lucky’s sisters visible to each other. “Ya’ll know Ballot from the talent show?”

“Ballet.” Her sister corrected her.

“That’s police chief Handgrenades, captain Fishsticks, Cobbles, Roma, and Silly filly.” Lucky introduced her friends to her sisters. “And these are my friends Cookies N Cream, Alto Tenor, Hopeful Journey, Facing North, an’ Enchanted Crown.” She then introduced her sisters to her friends. “I know ya’ll be great friends.”

“Friends? OF COURSE! Why wouldn’t we be friends. I love making friends!” The orange earth pony named Hopeful Journey said.

“Love?” Hearts sparked on the blue battlefield known as Roma’s eyes.

“Cool, your sister is a clown I love her.” He said going over to clap hooves together with Silly Filly causing the hearts in Roma’s eyes to quickly break.

“It is a pleasure to meet you all, my dear Horseshoes sisters. I too wish for the best of us in our times spent together…” As Cookies looked at the sisters, Mic Check had caught his attention. “Say, haven’t I met you somewhere before? You look familiar I just can’t put my hoof on it.” The petite white unicorn stallion asked Mic Check.

Mic check took a moment to respond by taking a deep breath in. “I don’t think I’ve met you properly before, but if I may seem familiar to you then you may have recognized me from my stellar performance at the Summer Sun Celebration. Or you could recognize my voice on the radio and put the perfect image in your head. Am I right? The name’s Mic Check.”

Cookies shook his head for a moment. “My mistake, I may have briefly seen you at Ponyville at that time, as you say. You remind me of a pony I forgot to thank is all.”

“Well, I can’t have any lookalikes wandering Equestria then. Hope you all are avid listeners of Equestria Radio on the weekends because that is where you’ll hear me.” With that said, Mic Check makes his way out of the castle courtyard with Roma following him.

“Wait for me, monsieur Check. Ve shall take ze balloon. I would love to know where et iz you live.” Roma says in an eager tone to which Mic Check

“Yar, I best be going with’em as well. Me ship’s weighed anchor over thar Manehatten port.” Fishsticks says.

“If it’s Manehatten ya want, Silly Filly here made us a balloon bridge. Should blow us over to Manehatten in no time.” Handgrenades explains as Silly Filly nods, smiles, and giggles. And so, the three mares give their goodbyes to Lucky and her friends as the three leave the castle courtyard.

“Your sisters sure are fun, Lucky.” Hope said with his usual cheery grin and optimism.

“I tell you what, man, you come on back here in Canterlot I’ll show you how to make a dang ol’ horseshoe you know. That being my job and everything. Swinging a hammer down on hot metal with al that clanging and banging. Some other time though because them dang ol’ Flim Flams convinced me to work on their dang machine man I tell you what. Shouldn’t take me more than a day or two to fix that up man.”

Hope stares back at the fast-talking mare, his eyes darting around the room. “Wow… Yeah!”

“Oh, you’re that horseshoe cobbler Shining Armor told me about. He really likes your work, though he would always point out the inferior versions that the other guards wear.” EC informed Cobbles.

“Manufacturers man, they only care about the dang ol’ quantity over quality philosophy you know. One mare can’t make enough for all of Equestria and all that. I tell you what the offer is still open to you as well. Can even make you a more comfortable helm you got, giving your mane air to breathe you know.”

EC places a hoof on her helm. “I think you might be right. I’ve had this one for a couple of years and now I have to essentially oil up my head to even fit. Thank you for the offer.”

“No problem, little lady, but I should probably get going making that metal contraptions you know man. Dang ol’ unicorns will end up bothering me until I pass I tell you what. Good seeing you.” With that said, Cobbles begins to exit as the other ponies’ wave goodbye to her. Just as Cobbles exits the courtyard, a loud and continuous noise filled the air.

“Ah! What was that?” Mareian says as she covers her ears with her wings as the loud noise continues.

“That’s the sound of air escaping from a balloon.” Ballet says unflinching. “Silly Filly would always make balloons for the soul purpose of riding them from place to place. They’re usually pretty big so the noise will continue for a while.”

“WHAT!?” Mareian said in agony, continuing to cover up her ears even as the noise stops. “The ringing won’t stop!” A white aura envelopes Mareian head as well as the others. The pained moans stop. “Oh, thank you that was absolutely an awful experience.”

“When a cake is left in the oven too long, my dear EC, I use that spell to set it back to perfection.” Cookies nudged EC as he spoke. “And there are no thanks necessary. First it was that loud pop, then the applause, and finally that last sound. We’d probably all be deaf if there weren’t spells like these.”

“Aren’t you the midday baker for Sugar Cube Corner?” Ballet asked.

“It’s more of a bit of volunteer work, but yes I do bake over at that fine establishment.” Cookies answered the mare’s question.

“A baker, a singer, and some sort of high-level magic user. Gee Lucky, your friends are a bit of a kooky bunch aren’t they?” Ballet nudged her sister.

“Well, friendship is one o’ the mos’ important aspects t’ life.” Lucky said as she took off her hat and smiled. “And ya know what they say, sis, Friendship is weird.”

Author's Note:

I'm never doing a "word goal" ever again. A chaotic chapter to be sure and I enjoyed writing the """song""" On the Radio/Lucky.

Speaking of Lucky, let's talk about her shall we?

I've always wondered about the idea of a character whose luck is so far off the charts that it affects those around them. Thus lucky was born. I see her more as an ancillary character, but as I get back into writing I feel like she could be the main in some chapters. I'm not going to do 7777 word goals for her this is the only time that it happens.

Her family was not as thoroughly thought out unlike Mareian's brother and the families of the stallion trio. The idea slowly developed into each one of them having their own accent as you can tell by how their dialogue is written. Fishsticks is a pirate talker, Handgrenades has a newyorka accent, Roma has a french accent... and speaks french... hope that doesn't get me in trouble for adding google translated french words and sentences here and there by I liked writing her the most. Silly Filly the clown is based on an autistic family member of mine with how she's always happy and giggling. There's Cobbles who's dialogue and mannerisms is based on Boomhaur from King of the Hill which helped with the word count. And finally there's Ballet, the only one whose dialogue doesn't give me a headache in trying to write it.

Oh yeah, Lucky speaks in that Applejack country dialect... obviously. You ever notice that how every time she should lose her hat, it still manages to stay on her head? to contrast this, I had Fishsticks' hat always fall off and she had to pick it back up.

Anyway Lucky number 7 chapter is over. I might take a bit of a break from writing given how exhausting writing chapter 7 was in a timely manner with a specific word count. Chapter 8 will come just not at as consistent of a speed. maybe in two weeks who knows.