• Published 2nd May 2023
  • 237 Views, 2 Comments

Friendship is Weird - Local Loco

A musical Mute, a classy baker, and a pacifist explorer head into a library. The mare librarian offers to take them across Equestria. Friendship and craziness ensues.

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Who Who Who to Give the Ticket to?

It had been a few days since the Summer Sun Celebration and the town of Ponyville felt some changes going around. Some ponies started seeing Princess Luna in their dreams and gossip started to spread about the new ponies that just recently moved in. Cookies N Cream, Alto Tenor, and Hopeful Journey had moved into a house owned by Sour Cream. After a couple of days away from Ponyville to their old homes, Enchanted Crown, Facing North, and Lucky Horseshoes returned and with the Library more vacant than before, the three decided on staying there for housing. These six now represent the elements of harmony. Cookies N Cream representing the element of laughter, Alto Tenor representing the element of honesty, Enchanted Crown representing the element of loyalty, Lucky Horseshoes representing the element of kindness, Facing North representing the element of generosity, and Hopeful Journey representing the magic of friendship.

“Hey, EC!” A green dragon, Scales, entered the Library only to find a green Pegasus with a compass cutie mark is organizing the shelves with books while wearing a badge that says ‘Facing North: Mare Librarian EoG.’ “Mareian, have you seen EC anywhere?”

“Another letter from Princess Luna?” the Pegasus asked.

“No, this one’s from Celestia and it came in an envelope which usually means something important.”

The Pegasus turned to face the dragon. “I don’t know where she went. Aren’t you supposed to follow her around everywhere?” She said with a bit of snark before looking at the envelope. “What’s this say?”

“Well, A: She’s more like a sister to me than me being her sitter. And B: The letter is not meant for you. You don’t go around reading other pony’s mail even if you’re the courier.” There was a brief silence before Scales sighs before opening the envelope. “If I have to belch it out, I’ll just end up opening it for her anyway.”

To My Loyal Student, Enchanted Crown,

I hope this letter finds you well. After all that you and your new friends have been through for my sister, I would like to extend to you an invitation to attend the Grand Galloping Gala at Canterlot Castle. It will be a night of elegance, beauty, and a fun time for you and your friends. I Hope you will join us.

Sincerely, Princess Celestia

“Oh, it’s an invitation to the Grand Galloping Gala.” Scales says after not reading the letter out loud. He pulls out two tickets from the envelope. “Two tickets? The princess does realize there are five other elements of harmony that are EC’s friends, right?”

“Well…” Mareian started. “When South and I went back home, the mayor had congratulated me and gave us both tickets to the Gala already, so EC won’t be bringing me. What about you?”

“Yeah, no. Dragons aren’t allowed at the Gala due to safety issues and flammability, so Spike and I usually hang out at Donut Joe’s while all the others are at the Gala.” Scales says, waving the tickets around in his claws. “That’s how we met Sour Cream. Celestia wanted us dragons to come to the Gala and wanted Mr. Cream to work on some kind of way to flame proof everything and every pony in the Gala. He said it would take a while so who knows.”

“The book is still locked up in Canterlot, EC. You saw it there. It’s not possible for there to be another one in existence given how old and secured it has been.” Two purple unicorns enter the library. One of the unicorns has her back half held up by wheels while the other has a helmet on that covers her head.

“I know what I saw, Twilight. The cover as clear as day said ‘Grogar’s Spells for Experts’ I know that the name isn’t the same as the one back there but maybe some pony translated it into another language and there was a loss in translation but IT WAS THE SAME COVER, TWILIGHT!”

“Hey, EC.” Scales interrupted the two unicorns. “Celestia got you two tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala.” He hands the helmeted unicorn the tickets.

“Oh, you got tickets, too?” Twilight said. “My brother invited me, but Celestia also gave me one too for being one of her students. I think I’ll be going with Moondancer.” Twilight looks over at EC. “Who do you plan on bringing with you to the Gala?”

“But what about the-” EC was booped by Twilight mid-sentence.

“The real book is at Canterlot. This fake book is with your friend. Have a little loyalty why don’t ya.”

EC sighs. “Mareian would you-”

“Already have a ticket, and it isn’t yours.” Mareian deftly shuts down ECs offer.

“Then who should I ask?” An audible hoot could be heard inside the library.

“Great, we have unwelcomed guests.” Mareian looked at the ceiling before sighing and looking back at EC. “Well, given Lucky’s luck she probably found a ticket just by walking around town. Go over to the boys’ house. Surely one of them could use a ticket.”

“I’ll keep you up to date on things, Twilight, but it looks like I have other plans for today. Come along, Scales.” The helmed unicorn said as she trotted off, dragon in tow.

“Later Twilight. Tell Spike I said hi.” Scales said on his way out.

“Tell him yourself!” Twilight retorted at the dragon. She looked back at Mareian, who is giving her a raised eyebrow. “So… an owl problem? They’re supposed to be nocturnal.”

A hoot can be heard from above. “Maybe we’re keeping it up with are constant chatter since libraries are supposed to be… quiet.” Mareian sighed before leaving. “I’ll go find that yellow quiet horse.”

The Cream summer home was in Ponyville’s residential district and wasn’t too far of a trot from the library. After about five minutes EC and Scales were already at the house. While Scales tried to look through some of the windows to see if Alto, Cookies, or Hope were inside, EC simply rang the doorbell. In no time at all the door opened and the unicorn and dragon are greeted with a smiling orange bodied, maroon maned earth pony stallion with a love heart cutie mark.

“Oh hey! EC! Scales! It’s so good to see you two.” The stallion said with a big goofy smile before hugging the two. Scales and EC smile and return the hug. “So, what brings you to the ‘Crème al la Crème’ today?”

“It’s good to see you too, Hope.” EC says as the hug breaks off. “We’re just here to see if one of you guys would like to go to the Grand Galloping Gala. I have an extra ticket to offer.”

“OH! Did Princess Luna send you guys a ticket as well!?!?”

“Luna?” Scales asked in confusion, looking back at EC before looking at Hope. “Celestia sent us the tickets… I don’t recall being sent a letter from Luna to you though.”

“Bizarre right? I KNOW!” Hope said a bit excited. “I had this dream last night and Luna was there and she was like ‘Hopeful Journey, I bequeath you this invitation to the upcoming Gala over in Canterlot.’ It was a white void and she gave me a letter in the dream before fading away. I woke up to find a ticket on my snoot. You can ask Alto or Cookies though. Alto should be over at Octavia and Vinyl’s house. Cookies said he’d be at Rarity’s Boutique to prepare for the weekend.”

“Well, I’m not going to go on a wild goose chase to hand a pony a ticket, EC. I’ll go see Cookies, see if he wants the ticket. You go see that mute and see if he’ll say something to you like you say he does.” Scales grabs one of the tickets and makes his way to the boutique. “And if they both don’t have tickets, then we’ll just ask Celestia or Luna or even Mr. Cream for another one.”

EC sighs as she heads the other way. “Fine… I had some questions for Cookies but sure.”

“BYE GUYS! WE SHOULD HANG OUT THIS WEEKEND!” Hope waves the two visitors off.

EC found herself far from Ponyville, and each step away the sounds of music get louder and louder. She can understand why a couple of musically talented ponies choose to live so far away from town. She reached a house that had a music note hedge and half the house having a different color scheme from the other half. She rang the doorbell which caused the pipe organ chimney to chime, but after a while there was no answer. EC tried knocking, but she could barely hear herself knock. She put a hoof on her chin, pondering on a solution to the situation she is in. She could stare through the window and knock at it to get some pony’s attention but she thought it would be too creepy for a pony in a face obscuring helmet to do. She thought about trying to open the door, knowing that this is the location for the Ponyville music club they’d leave the door open to new members, but same problem as staring through the window might just scare every pony. It’s also rude to come in unannounced. She knew a sound-muting spell that stops sound from traveling in an area and then knocking on the door, but that would be rude to interrupt the sounds going on in there.

“Excuse us, Miss Crown, did you need something?” A gray earth pony with a black mane opened the door while EC was still pondering. This pony was Octavia. With the door opened, EC could see two unicorns she wasn’t familiar with, and Alto with a crystalline instrument next to him while he is looking at her. One of the unicorns had sunglasses and headphones while the other one was levitating a lyre over her head.

“S-s-sorry to bother you.” EC stammered. “I c-c-came because of Alto. I w-w-wanted to know if he wanted to go to the G-G-Grand Galloping G-G-Gala.” She pulls out a ticket.

“Oh dear.” Octavia said with a look of concern. She looks over at the neon green unicorn who trots over to see what’s going on. “The new Ponyville Experimental Music Club had been hired to perform at the Gala after the events of the Summer Sun Celebration.”

“Yep, three tickets.” The green unicorn known as Lyra pulls out a ticket. There was a moment of silence as EC began to count all the Pony’s.

“B-b-but there are four of you?” EC said a bit confused and a bit nervous.

“Yep. Al gave me his.” The green unicorn replied. “Didn’t explain why though. For being one of the elements for honesty or something, you’d assume he’d talk more, but nah. Not one word.” The white unicorn in the back of the room pressed a button, causing a one note beat to play.

“Indeed. At the very least I understand Vinyl after spending years with her, but this stallion refuses to go any further than a shake of his head when ask him. Never have I ever heard him utter one word.” Another beat is played. The unicorn gives a sly look over at Octavia as she starts to use her magic to play her lyre, building up to the beat.

(One Word!) He comes and plays his music

(One word!) and makes a sound just for the world

(One word!) But his attitude makes me sick

Because he hasn’t said One word (One word)

No, he doesn’t sing

His instrument is that thing

Not a chuckle out of him so don’t expect him to

His voice just doesn’t ring

But that’s our musical King

No words but action all he has he doesn’t need to say one word (One word!)

It may seem like I’m angry (One word)

To tell the truth, I’m fine with that (one word)

I’m but a mare that’s classy (one word)

He’s a colt whom I haven’t heard spat one word (one word)

No, he doesn’t sing

His instrument is that thing

Not a chuckle out of him so don’t expect him to

His voice just doesn’t ring

But that’s our musical King

No words but action all he has he doesn’t need to say One word (One word!)

One Word! (One Word!)

One Word! (One Word!)

One Word! (One Word!)

Can’t make him say One word

One Word! (One Word!)

One Word! (One Word!)

One Word! (One Word!)

No, you can’t make him say

One Word!

With the song finished Alto stood up and approached EC. “Cookies dad gave me a ticket before he left after the Summer Sun Celebration. Cookies probably has one too if his father gave me one.” He then trots back over to his spot. The unicorn and earth pony duet just stood there, mouth agape. It wasn’t until Alto’s crystalline instrument transformed into a gong, which he played to bring them to their senses.

“Good grief, Al. We had worked hard on that.” Lyra said a bit annoyed.

“Apologies, Ms. Crown. Ms. Heartstrings thought that we should try our hoofs on this ‘Ska’ thing.” Octavia apologized.

“No need to apologize. I thought every pony did a good job. I especially liked the duet you two had. It was rather catchy.

“Thanks!” Lyra said hopping around with a smile on her face.

“I should get going then. Thanks for the amazing music.” EC trotted off as Lyra and Octavia wave goodbye. “One word… One word…. One word… can’t make him say one word.” EC hummed on her way back.

Scales had made his way to Carousel Boutique, opting to take a long, and more convoluted way to get there while avoided the sights of ponies. He hums a very action movie tune while he did so. On the inside are two similar looking white unicorns. One has a purple mane and tail while the other has one that is black and white. The one with the purple mane is using a measuring tape on the one with the black and white mane unicorn.

“I’m not sure I have a suit in your size, darling given your youthful size. Looks like I’ll have to make you a custom-made checkered suit a la Rarity.” The purple haired unicorn said as she used her magic to wrap a scarf around the other unicorn. “You can use the scarf as an ascot for the attire, the ladies will fall in love with you.”

“Rarity, there is only room for one mare in my life. At the very least this should deter my mother from any more inappropriate comments.” The black and white one said with a chuckle.

Scales enters the room and approaches the purple haired unicorn. “Hey Cookies, Celestia sent EC two tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala and we’ve been trying to find a pony who wants to go. You in?” The purple haired pony rolls her eyes while the one in the scarf places his hoof on his forehead.

“Scales… I’m over here.” Scales turns around and looks over at the black and white unicorn to his side. He then looks over to the pony he was just talking to. He does this a couple times more with an unchanging expression.

Scales sighs. “I’m sorry, but you can’t blame me. You both look and act so much alike.” Scales starts pointing out the similarities. “You’re both white unicorns with the same flamboyant manes and tails.”

The two unicorns gasp, stroking their manes and tails. “I am appalled. I have been assisting Cookies here on his looks ever since he came to Ponyville.”

“Scales, I’m Cookies N Cream, food conjurer. That is Rarity, fashion specialist. Also, she’s a mare and I’m a stallion.” The black and white unicorn cleared.

A sinister smile came across Scales’ face. He races off to one of Rarity’s drawers. Before either of the unicorns could say or stop the dragon, Scales returns with blue contacts, purple spray-on hair dye, a make-up kit, and a piece of paper and starts going to work on Cookies. With all four of his claws and his tail, Scales managed to cover up any black dots on Cookies’ face, dye his mane and tail purple, cover the cookie cutie mark he has with a piece of paper, applying eyeshadow and eyeliner, and carefully placing two blue contacts. After Scales got off Cookies, he used the remaining blue eyeliner to draw Rarity’s cutie mark on the paper.

“There. Two identical ponies.” The dragon snickered.

“Hey Rarity.” A filly had come from upstairs. She trotted up to Cookies and said “I finished my homework. Would it be alright if I went out and play?”

“But of course (Sweetie Belle)! Just make sure you come home safe, my dear.” The two unicorns said in unison.

“Uhhh… ok…?” The young filly casually gives a raised eyebrowed look at the two similar looking unicorns. “Bye Raritys.”

“Buh-bye, Sweetie Belle.” Rarity says as Cookies tries to wipe off the eyeliner and makeup while using his magic to remove the paper on his flank.

“I have to say, Scales. That was quite fun.” Cookies says to the dragon before looking over at Rarity. “Perhaps we should try something similar at the Grand Galloping Gala to see if any pony notices.”

“Oh Darling, that would double my workload for this.” Rarity said with a chuckle. “But I would find it humorous if the Pony’s at the Gala thought I was the famous Sour Cream’s son.”

“So, both of you have tickets to the Gala, then?” Scales asked.

“Mr. Sour Cream personally thanked me for helping him with a bet by giving me a ticket to the Gala. I did not think he was a gambling stallion.”

“My father gave me two tickets. He already had given one to Alto, so I plan on offering my spare ticket to miss Sky Sonata.” Cookies said to Scales and then looked back to Rarity. “And father only bets in areas he has 100% certainty in. Back home he speaks to a historian and a real estate expert. They both give him information on locations. Turns out they knew about Nightmare Moon and about your looks and your trouble with the inn. If any pony’s a gambling stallion it would be Filthy Rich.”

“Oh Darling, that sounds JUST like Mr. Rich. That stallion could give away a couple houses in residential or commercial districts and it wouldn’t even make a dent in his profits.” The two unicorns start laughing as they begin gossiping about Equestria’s Elite.

“I guess all be off then.” Scales sighed as he jumped through an open window. Rarity and Cookies were too engrossed in their gossip to see him off.

Both Scales and EC return to the library, still having their tickets with them. Inside the library are Hope, Twilight, Mareian, and a yellow Pegasus that EC knew from the Summer Sun Celebration but never properly met. Hope is reading a paper covered book with art of a mare firing blasts of cheese on the cover while Twilight is reading a hard cover book with birds on the cover. The yellow one and Mareian are flying to the ceiling, carefully pulling out a sleeping owl.

“Huh, owls don’t actually have eyeballs. So that’s why they twist their heads like crazy.” Twilight said still reading the book.

“Huh, Onion Colt’s debut wasn’t as big as I thought it was.” Hope said a little dejected but then brightens up seeing his friends enter. “Hey, guys! Did you find a pony to give that ticket to?” Both EC and Scales look at each other, showing the other the ticket that they still have. Both audibly sigh. “Aww come on guys don’t be so downer and dreary. I could see a bit of smiles on your faces.”

Scales looked over at EC, her face obscured by the helmet she always wears. “You could see a smile through that?”

“No, but I did recognize her voice humming a tune on the way here. You don’t go humming a tune on a bad time.” Hope gleefully stated.

“Hmph.” Scales laughed. “I did give Cookies a new makeover over at Rarity’s. Or should I say ‘Rarity #2’ but the dye and make up I used should wash away pretty easily. You should have seen it. Rarity’s sister asked Cookies if she could go outside and play and they both responded the exact same way.”

“And I heard some wonderful music when I went to see Alto. He seems to talk to me more than his club members though.” EC said.

“That sounds about like Al. Let’s his music do the talking for him. Whatever he can’t express he just straight up tells ya.” Hope compliments Alto. “What a great big brother. And Cookies too! Sounds like something that would happen with him and Bananas when their parents weren’t home.”

“And their tickets?” Twilight said putting her book down. She looks over at EC. “The Grand Galloping Gala is a very exclusive invitational. Having an extra ticket on you would just be a waste.”

“Have you asked Lucky?” Hope said.

“Ha!” Mareian laughed. She was shushed by the yellow Pegasus with her. “Sorry Fluttershy.” Mareian quickly apologized. “Knowing the absurdity of her luck, she probably has ten tickets on her and twenty more hidden somewhere in the library.” All the ponies and dragon stared at her. “Hyperbole. I’m saying that with her luck, she already has a ticket.”

“Howdy Ya’ll!” Bursting through the door is the mare that was on every pony’s mind in the library. The yellow bodied, blonde earth pony with a red bandana and a cowboy hat. It’s Lucky Horseshoes. Just as she enters, the owl hoots and immediately flies out through the door out of the library. Mareian gives an annoyed look. “Whatchall doin all up in ‘ere?” She asked looking around.

“I was just here to take care of the owl, but it seems you took care of that for me.” Fluttershy muttered.

“Reading.” Twilight said

“Having a good time with friends.” Hope said with the sincerest smile upon his face.

“Pest removal” Mareian said with a roll of her eyes as she landed on the floor and started cleaning the bookshelves.

“Trying to find some pony to take to the Grand Galloping Gala.” Both EC and Scales manage to say in unison.

“Well GOLLY Galla? Ain’t never bin t’ one b’for. Ya’ll still lookin fer yer plus one?” Lucky said with a wink.

“Of course, Lucky. I’d be glad to have you come with me to the Gala.” EC said.

Lucky came up to EC and gave her a big hug. “Thank ya, thank ya, Easy, girl. Ya’ll sure I’m da elment of kindness. ‘cause you are oh so kind.”

“Did I lose a bet?” Mareian asked. “I feel like I lost a bet in saying that this exact thing wouldn’t happen. You know what… Here. Everyone wins bits on me.”

All the ponies in the room cheer. EC uses magic to give Scales a scroll and pen. “Scales, I need you to send a letter.”

Dear Princess Celestia,

After you sent us the invitation to the Grand Galloping Gala, I have spent most of the day finding a pony to take with me. As it turns out, most of my friends were already invited through other means. Whether it be Cookies wealthy father, Luna using dream magic to send a ticket directly, or through governmental means. Out of all my friends to have a ticket, we were sure that Lucky would have already had one through her absurd luck. We were all shocked at the revelation that she had never even been to the Gala let alone have a ticket. In the end, we all learned not to judge a pony based on past experiences, as Mareian found out, leads to poor assumptions. We will be happy to see you at the Gala

Your loyal student,

Enchanted crown.

Scales wrapped a ribbon around the scroll before breathing fire, magically sending the letter to Princess Celestia. “And that’s our friendship report for the week.” Scales said. The dragon opened up a chest in the corner of the library and pulled out a board game box. “Who wants to end the day with a game of Capitalist Pone?” Hope and Lucky, with smiles on their faces, gleefully go to the table that Scales is setting the game at.

Mareian rolls her eyes. “You know how this is going to end when playing with her… I’m in.” Mareian says as Fluttershy quietly joins them at the table.

“Wow, EC. Your new friends sure have a… unique… aura around them.” Twilight tells her old friend.

“I’m just glad to have those around me who cherish our friendships as much as me.” EC replies.

“Yeah.” Twilight agrees. The two of them watched as the first round of rolls ended with Lucky landing and getting three spaces of land while all the other players had to draw chance cards and paid taxes. All of them seemed to be enjoying themselves. “Friendship is weird.”

Author's Note:

This chapter is a bit of a twist on the fim episode that had the same issue of "who to give the ticket to" where instead of all of EC's friends going after her for the ticket, they already have their own tickets with an assumption that, because of Lucky's insane luck that she'd probably have her own ticket.
Originally the ticket was going to go to Rarity but I liked the "don't judge a book by its cover" message by making Lucky's ticket be the one that EC needs to give away... How Lucky.

Also early Owlicious Cameo may never appear again just like the original show.

"One Word" is definitely my favorite song so far. I find it hilarious that the song ends with the few and far between moments of Alto speaking.

Short chapter. Long author's note.