• Published 23rd Jun 2023
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Equestria: World War II (1939-1941) - The Unseen

Equestria is transported to Earth right before World War 2 is supposed to begin and an evil entity breaks free of his prison, how will they survive?

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Chapter 55

15TH APRIL 1940

------------------------------------------------------------SOMEWHERE IN GERMANY-------------------------------------------------------------
The four ponies had been suffering for a while now. Golden Harvest and Thunder Wing had been shot down more than a week earlier during a dogfight over Norway against German Bf109s. They had successfully ejected from their planes, but during their attempt to friendly space, they had been captured by German forces, and instead of being taken to a prison, they had been taken to this facility, deep in the German jungle.

This facility seemed to be some sort of factory-cum-prison, as they had seen a little bit of it before hoods were forced over their heads, and they had been led to this cell, inside the facility, where they had been since then. Despite their attempts, they had not been able to break out with their magic. Whenever they attempted to use a spell to break out, it wouldn't work, and it was not affected. However, they could use simple spells to lift the plates of food, which the Germans gave them.

The only thing was, the Germans were also trying their best to get information from the two ponies about the strength of the Allied military, torturing them for it. Already, in their attempts to get the information from the two, they had purposely broken one of Thunder's wings, and broken Golden Harvest's leg. However, they hadn't given up any information, instead retorting with, "Why don't you get it from your own spies?" This had led to them breaking Thunder Wing's wing out of anger, to teach them to not be so smart.

Five days into their imprisonment, two more pony prisoners had joined them. They were army ponies, from the Crystal Empire, who had been captured after their unit had been completely ambushed and destroyed by the Germans, also in Norway. They had delivered news about a terrorist attack carried out by the HNA in the Equestrian city of Fillydelphia, which had levelled a whole store, and killed 16, of which 4 were humans. That had horrified them, and this only strengthened their resolve to survive.

However, the prisoners were not worrying about their fates, as they were more than glad to give up their lives in the service of their country. However, the big question on their minds right now was how they could have such a spell in such a facility, that too, in a country that was economically crippled. Could it be that a certain magical entity was here, supporting the Axis powers, specifically Germany?

As they thought about that, they heard a commotion, and saw that a large number of soldiers were gathering around their cells. That was odd. Usually, there were only around four or five soldiers guarding their cells, since the spell prevented them from escaping. As the commotion grew louder, the soldiers silently went silent, and began saluting, as a man came into the cells. He was a rather sinister-looking fellow, wearing the uniform of an an Obergruppenführer, a senior group leader in the the Schutzstaffel, the German paramilitary organisation.

Although he seemed like a typical German military man, with blond hair, but he had a pretty sinister smile on his face. That was when he asked the soldiers, "Sind das alle Gefangenen, die Sie fangen konnten?" He was speaking in German, but the pony prisoners got the context. He was annoyed that there weren't more prisoners. That was when another man, a scientist wearing a lab coat, answered.

"Sir, der Magieextraktor sollte in der Lage sein, genug thaumische Energie von diesen vier zu gewinnen, um ein paar magisch verstärkte Menschen zu erschaffen." Again, although the four prisoners couldn't understand German, they got the context. They seemed to be talking about... extracting their magic, and using the Thaumic energy obtained?! That was shocking. They had to escape, before the Germans could use their magic to do horrific things. The scientific term for magic was Thaumic energy, and it could destroy Earth if it was not used properly.

As the Obergruppenführer continued talking with the scientists, the pony prisoners began whispering with each other. "We need to get out of here, quick! Even if one of us makes it out of here alive, we still have to escape this country, and get to Canterlot, or even London! The Allied leaders must learn what is going on in this country!" said Brisk Whistle, one of the Crystal Empirean prisoners.

"Well, it can't be me or Thunder. We're injured, and we wouldn't be able to make it." said Golden Harvest. "It has to be one of you two."

"Are you sure? We might not make it out alive either." said Brisk Whistle.

"I know, but you two are the fittest among us, and despite the fact that the Germans aren't treating us well, you've at least been eating that slop they've been feeding us."

"I guess so. We'll try, but no guarantees. If we don't make it out, I just hope whoever's imprisoned here after us will make it out." said Brisk Whistle, as the group broke up, as the soldiers entered the cell, roughly put the ponies in restraints, put hoods over their heads, and began parading them out of the cell, towards another section of this facility.

So far, from they had heard, secretly eavesdropping on the German soldiers during some of their conversations, they had found out that this facility was somewhere in the Black Forest, deep inside it. It was quite far from the German city of Stuttgart. That was all they knew so far as to their location. This was definitely a factory of some sort, as they could hear the clanging of hammers, the noise of grinders, and other machinery, clanging and banging as they assembled whatever this factory was making, which was probably weapons for the German Army.

After a rather short walk, they stopped, and the hoods on their heads were removed, and the ponies saw the horrifying room they were in. There was a huge machine, which reminded them of an electrical chair used by humans to execute criminals who had gotten death sentences, except that this one led to a large generator, probably what they used to store the Thaumic energy they would be obtaining from the ponies after sucking out their magic.

On seeing it, they became rather frightened, as to what their fates would be. A pony could easily live without magic, but they would be finding it harder to do simple tasks, and they wouldn't be as resilient to things such as injuries and illnesses. That was a horrifying thing to think about, losing their magic.

As the ponies quivered, frozen by the sight of this horrifying machine before their eyes, they were prodded by the soldiers. "Come forward!" shouted the Obergruppenführer, rashly pulling Golden Harvest by her broken leg, towards the machine. Even as she cried out in pain, he did not even take a single glance at her, as he pulled her, and strapped her into the machine. Then, he ushered the remaining ponies out of the room, and as the door closed, the ponies were led to a window, as the scientists activated the machine.

The ponies watched horrified, as a green aura, Earth pony magic, began coming out of Golden Harvest's body, and began going down the wires into the Thaumic energy generator. All the time, Golden Harvest was screaming in pain, and her eyes began going to gray, as the magic began coming out of her. However, instead of stopping, the magic just kept coming, until, eventually, her eyes became fully white, with the pupils zapping out of existence. At this, the machine finally stopped, and Golden Harvest slumped to the ground, dead.

Thunder Wing instantly broke down on seeing his friend die in front of his eyes, and so did the other Crystal Empirean prisoner, but Brisk Whistle did not break down. The second he saw this, he made a dash for the door, and before the German soldiers could register it, he was running out of the room, and through a laboratory, where other experiments were going on. As he made his escape, he purposely tipped over some chemicals, causing a fire behind him, and blocking off the path. However, just as he rounded another corner, the Obergruppenführer was in front of him, holding a gun.

Before he could register how the man had gotten here, the man fired bullets at him, and one went into his neck, severing a vital artery. As Brisk Whistle fell to the ground, his daring attempt over, bleeding from a fatal wound to the neck, he watched the eyes of the man who had shot him. The man's eyes suddenly changed to yellow with gray pupils. There was only one creature from Equis that had such eyes. It was Discord, the spirit of chaos himself, realised Whistle, as the lights began to go out.

He was almost dead, nearly bled out. But now he realised how the war had started. Discord had somehow escaped from his prison, and had escaped to Germany, where he seemed to have somehow become a high-ranking military official. This was the last thing Whistle, as he closed his eyes. As his comrades were put into the magic extractor, Whistle's soul began to leave his body, and during his final moments, he thought about what chaos Discord could bring upon the world, and hoping that the Allies could stop him and the Axis, before that chaos happened.