• Published 23rd Jun 2023
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Equestria: World War II (1939-1941) - The Unseen

Equestria is transported to Earth right before World War 2 is supposed to begin and an evil entity breaks free of his prison, how will they survive?

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Chapter 56

18TH APRIL 1940

-----------------------------------------------------------------CANTERLOT CASTLE------------------------------------------------------------------
It was now 3:00am in the city of Canterlot. The Princesses were asleep in their beds in the castle, and they were having a rough night. They had received news that the bodies of four missing pony soldiers, including the two who had been missing for more than a week, Golden Harvest and Thunder Wing, had been found in the forests of Norway. Although they hadn't seen the bodies, which were still in Britain, being prepared to be taken back to Equestria and the Crystal Empire after autopsies, they had been told of the condition in which the bodies had been found, and it had terrified them.

The bodies had been found with multiple bullet wounds, as if they had been executed. As if that wasn't enough, the bodies were missing their eyes. At first, coroners had said that since the bodies seemed to have been lying in the snow for some time before being found, they suspected that the corpses had been ravaged by animals after the soldiers were killed in a battle.

However, after the autopsy, it was determined that the eyes had been removed by humans. Not roughly, but with precision, to avoid damaging the rest of the bodies, as if a surgeon had removed the eyes. That was extremely odd. Why had the eyes been removed from the bodies like that? The fur on them had also been discoloured, as if they had been drained of magic. That was not surprising, as a pony's magic usually left their bodies after death, so the bodies eventually lost their colour, around a day or two after death.

As the Princesses slept, suddenly, their dreamscapes were merged again. "Sister, our mother is back, after a few months." said Luna. "I wonder why. She hasn't talked to us since the day of the League of Nations attack."

"I don't know, Luna. Our mother's ways are mysterious, and considering that we hadn't seen her for more than 1,300 years before she sent Equestria and the Crystal Empire to Earth, who knows what she is up to?" said Celestia, as the clouds in this dreamscape shifted, and Faust stepped out.

"My daughters, I am sorry that it has been a few months since we last talked. However, I see, that you have finally found the first piece of the Destroyer of Discord." said Faust, sounding a little apologetic.

"Yes, mother, we found it at the Buckingham Palace, in the British treasury." said Luna. "It was originally given to the Indian rulers, they said."

"Yes, I originally disguised it as an ordinary diamond, and left it on Earth for it to be found and given to the Mughal emperors. I eventually found out that it ended up in Britain. The other pieces are still scattered across the Earth, and you have to find them. While those treasure hunters you hired may find the places where I kept them, you are the only ones who can use them, and utilize them to defeat Discord. The other pieces are all still where I left them, thankfully. Also, I have something to show you." said Faust, as the dreamscape shifted, and it showed a place that the Princesses had once called home.

It was the planet of Equis, the place where Equestria and the Crystal Empire had once been located, and where the two kingdoms had been started and had grown into what they had become, before Faust had sent them to Earth. It was in the state that Faust had showed them last time, albeit different. The Sun and Moon were still in their half-suspended state, unable to move without the two Princesses. Celestia now felt guilty about not sharing the spell to move them to the other species, such as the Griffons, as they would have been able to move the Sun and Moon without the Princesses around.

However, as they came closer to the planet, they could see something was different. The planet seemed to be more technologically advanced, as they could see smoke, similar to that from the new factories that had recently opened up in Equestria. However, there were also other things. The scars of battle, near the former sites of Equestria and the Crystal Empire. Scorch marks, arrows, and something that looked suspiciously similar to gunfire.

As they came closer to the planet, Faust asked, "My daughters, do you know about the concept of time dilation?"

"Not really, mother. We know that it is a theory that has been suggested by human physicists and astronomers. My protege studies a lot of these theories."

"Well, the theory is basically that as the universe grows, kind of like time zones on planets, time extends as you go further out into the universe. In this case, do you know how far Equis is behind Earth?"

"I'm guessing around 100 years?" said Luna.

"Well, every time a month passes on Earth, 16.5 years pass on Equis. In the 8 months since I sent you to Earth, more than 130 years have passed on Equis."

"What? 130 years?!" asked a shocked Celestia.

"Yes, unfortunately. In fact, when your transportation to Earth began, the year on Earth was 1909. Due to time dilation, it took Equis 30 years to reach Earth, but for you, it felt like a few hours."

That shocked Celestia. The fact that so much time had passed on Equis since they had been transported to Earth was something that they had not expected.

"Since you left, to fill the power vacuum left behind by the Crystal Empire's disappearance, the Yaks have taken over what used to be the Crystal Empire's territory. However, Queen Chrysalis, wanting some of it for herself, went to war with the Yaks, and now, half of the Yak population has been murdered by the Changelings." said Faust.

"So you are saying that the Yaks and Changelings have been at war since we left?"

"No. Thanks to the other races in Equestria, such as the Griffons and Zebras, stepping in, Chrysalis was defeated. However, civil war began between all of these three races, owing to them wanting the former territory of Equestria and the Crystal Empire, and in the war that ensued, which lasted 30 years, the entire race of Yaks was wiped out."

At that, the Princesses were shocked. Just for their former territory, the Zebras and the Griffons had wiped the entire race of Yaks. Faust continued on. "After that, the Griffons and Zebras, along with the other species, managed to sign a peace treaty, so that nothing like that would ever happen again. Since then, Equis has been relatively peaceful, and for the last 100 years, it has been undergoing industralization as well, ever since the Griffons developed the Alefron's Tool. It is capable of converting magical energy contained in crystals into useful energy such as electricity."

That surprised Celestia, about how the Griffons had managed to discover something like that. The fact that there was even any magic left on Equis after Faust's actions.

"With the invention of the Alefron's Tool, it has sparked an industrial revolution. Soon, others began following the Griffons' steps and began their own industrial revolutions. The difference was that the others' industrialization was fueled by either coal or oil. The industrialization of Equis is mostly fueled with magical energy residing in magical crystals, and the electricity from converting that magical energy. This allowed the Equestrians to enjoy the benefits of industrialization without suffering from pollution, keeping their realm from being polluted with toxic waste. The best thing about this method is that the crystals can be refilled. The ponies only need to bury the empty energy crystals underground for several months, during which the crystal will absorb the thermal energy radiation created by the planet's core, thus giving them access to an almost unlimited amount of energy." explained Faust.

Celestia was surprised at how well Faust had explained it. Too well. "You had something to do with this, didn't you, mother?" asked Celestia.

"Well, yes. I gave them the thing that helped them build the Alefron's Tool. When I sent the storm to send Equestria and the Crystal Empire to Earth, I purposely gave it a side effect that would turn the soil upon which they stood into a magical substance. The craters where your lands once stood on Equis are full of it, and the supply should last around 1,500 years. I gave it to them around 30 years after your disappearance had passed on Equis." said Faust. "This is a replay of when I did that." said Faust, showing them one of her memories, of when she did so.

The memory began playing, and the Princesses watched, as the desperate citizens of Equis watched Faust descend to Equis, seeing her for the first time in 1,400 years. They watched as she gave a quick talk to the citizens about this material she had gifted them, and to use it wisely. Just as she was about to leave, she was stopped by two figures. Spike and Zecora, both much older, Spike a fully grown dragon, but Zecora an old zebra.

"Oh, great Goddess, we would like to know one thing before you leave us again. What is the fate of Equestria and the Crystal Empire? Are they no more, or do they still exist somewhere out there?" asked Spike.

"Ah, Spike, do you really want to know what happened to your friend, Twilight Sparkle, even if the bond between you wasn't so great?" asked Faust.

"I do, even if I find out she is no more."

"Okay. Equestria and the Crystal Empire still exist. They are no longer on Equis, but I transported them to another planet, far away from here. A world that needed their help." said Faust.

"But why, O Goddess, dost thou send them away? To a world unknown, without a single stay? Why wouldst thou depart them from their native land, and leave them to face the unknown, so grand?" asked Zecora.

"Zecora, a grave threat was about to break free from its prison. If they stayed here on Equis, you would all have been no more by now. Plus, this other world needs their help. Hence, I sent Equestria and the Crystal Empire to that planet, which also needs their help. That is their new home from now on. Don't worry, your friends are alright." said Faust, as she continued to fly upwards. "Farewell, citizens of Equis! We shall meet again one day!" said Faust, as a bright light enveloped the area, and she disappeared once more.

As the memory ended, the Princesses watched with fascination. Even if Equestria and the Crystal Empire were no longer on Equis, their mother had still helped its inhabitants, even if it had taken her 30 years to do so. That was when Celestia remembered something. "Mother, the Sun and Moon are still frozen in their places around Equis as we left them, right? What about that?"

"Well, thanks to that, over 30 years, the part of Equis where the Crystal Empire and Equestria used to stand became a desert, and the other part became a frozen wasteland. However, with the Alefron's Tool and the industrialisation that followed, since then, they have been working on a method to move the Sun and Moon again." explained Faust.

"But, Mother, why are you showing us this, and not telling us the Destroyer of Discord's location?" asked Celestia.

"Ah, my daughters, today is your birthday! Consider this a birthday gift, making up for all of the birthdays I missed over the years. I was unable to take care of you two, and hence I left you with the villagers that day. This is for missing all of the important moments in your life." said Faust.

"Thank you, Mother! I'm surprised you remembered that today was our birthday!" said Celestia, as she and Luna hugged Faust.

"I know, my daughters. Anyways, I have to go now, as the Heavens beckon once more. We shall meet again soon." said Faust, as she disappeared once more in a flash of light, leaving the dreamscape empty once again. At this, Celestia and Luna decided to continue sleeping, as they figured they deserved an extra hour or two of sleep on their birthdays.

Comments ( 3 )

great chapter mate keep it up cant wait for the next chapter:pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

The bodies had been found with multiple bullet wounds, as if they had been executed. As if that wasn't enough, the bodies were missing their eyes.

However, after the autopsy, it was determined that the eyes had been removed by humans. Not roughly, but with precision, to avoid damaging the rest of the bodies, as if a surgeon had removed the eyes. That was extremely odd. Why had the eyes been removed from the bodies like that? The fur on them had also been discoloured, as if they had been drained of magic. That was not surprising, as a pony's magic usually left their bodies after death, so the bodies eventually lost their colour, around a day or two after death.

Wait so are the eyes the center focus of a ponies magic?

——)”This is a replay of when I did that." said Faust, showing them one of her memories, of when she did so.

"Ah, my daughters, today is your birthday! Consider this a birthday gift, making up for all of the birthdays I missed over the years. I was unable to take care of you two, and hence I left you with the villagers that day. This is for missing all of the important moments in your life." said Faust.

"Thank you, Mother! I'm surprised you remembered that today was our birthday!" said Celestia, as she and Luna hugged Faust.

I’m glad Spike was finally mentioned in the story.
The “heavens calling me” makes me think of Unico.

The eyes were removed by the Germans, as they have traces that can tell the coroners that the ponies' magic was sucked out artificially.

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