• Published 27th May 2023
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 15 - twilightsparkle3562

Welcome to Season 15 of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic!

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Episode 1: "Journey to Cybertron: Part 1"

Author's Note:

Episode Summary: With Equestria once again at war, Twilight journeys to Cybertron to persuade Optimus Primal and the Maximals to join in the fight.


Tara Strong as Princess Twilight Sparkle/Evil Twilight

Ashleigh Ball as Applejack/Rainbow Dash

Andrea Libman as Pinkie Pie/Fluttershy/Bon-Bon "Sweetie Drops"

Tabitha St. Germain as Rarity/Luna

Cathy Wesluck as Spike

Nicole Oliver as Celestia

Garry Chalk as Optimus Primal

Richard Newman as Rhinox

Athena Karkanis as Queen Opaline

Bahia Watson as Misty

Richard Ian Cox as Calibos

John DiMaggio as Rito Revolto

Tom Wyner as Master Vile

"My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" Season 15, Episode 1

"Journey to Cybertron, Part 1"

Written by Jeff Snyder (TwilightSparkle3562)

Edited by SuperPinkBrony12

In the blink of an eye, Equestria was at war once again…this time against the wife of King Sombra. Just when it seemed like things would settle down after Grogar, the tide had once again turned. Twilight and her fellow princesses now had to contend with leading their nation against tyranny and oppression. If what they saw in Maretime Bay was a sign of things to come, then they had to stay one step ahead of their new enemy.

"This can't go on Twilight," Spike said as Twilight was punching a punching bag with her forelegs in her private gym in Canterlot. "First Grogar, and now this…"

"What do you suggest, Spike?" Twilight grunted, taking out all her stress and anxiety on the punching bag. "Do we surrender that easily?! I'd rather die than do that!"

"I mean put an end to it as quickly as possible," Spike insisted. "In fact, this could all have been avoided if we hadn't surrendered. Sacrifices have to be made. If I had to lose my life to ensure Equestria's protection, it's a price I'd be willing to pay!"

Twilight then made a sudden jerk towards Spike, startling him a little bit. "Spike, what would you have seen happen…you losing your wings, innocent ponies getting hurt, what else?! I had to do something, I couldn't let you get hurt because of me! I'd never be able to live with myself!"

Spike could only stammer at Twilight's questions. Sighing, Twilight dropped her guard and returned to the punching bag. "Okay, okay, maybe you have a point," She conceded while throwing another punch at the bag. "But we can't do this alone! We have allies in the yaks, griffins, dragons, changelings, hippogriffs and who knows what else?"

Taking a sip of water out of a water bottle, Twilight threw a towel around her neck and proceeded to sit down. As she sat down, Twilight began to think back to when an old and unlikely ally of hers had been preparing to leave Equestria:

"Optimus," Twilight said as she and her friends watched the Maximals board their shuttle back to Cybertron following the fall of Megatron and the Predacons. "Thank you for all you did for Equestria."

"We are grateful to your service too, Princess Twilight," The Maximal leader acknowledged. "But this isn't goodbye…there may be a time when we must join forces again."

Twilight then watched Optimus turn to Rhinox, his second in command, whom he gestured to come down the stairs of the shuttle. "The reserve ship has been prepared." He said, much to the shock of Twilight and her friends.

"What reserve ship?" Rainbow Dash asked.

Following the two lead Maximals, Twilight and her friends were led to an underground chamber underneath Canterlot Castle. There, sitting before them, was a reserve Autobot shuttle.

"Amazin'!"Applejack gasped as she took off her hat. "How did you put together this here contraption?"

"Do we get to go to space?!" Pinkie Pie excitedly inquired.

"When you are a transformer like we are, you learn a lot. We will leave this behind as a souvenir of our visit. If ever you need our help again, use this shuttle. It has been programmed to take you to our home: Cybertron." Rhinox explained as Twilight gently placed her hoof on the shuttle.

"Boldly going where nopony has gone before," Twilight murmured to herself. "The final frontier."

"The shuttle will be ready whenever you need it," Optimus explained. "Whenever all of you need it."

There was no question in Twilight's mind that the time to use the shuttle was upon them.

Following her workout, Twilight led Spike down to the catacombs underneath Canterlot Castle, remembering the words Optimus had said to her.

"The Autobot Shuttle?" Spike asked. "You mean that ship Optimus and the Maximals left for us?"

Activating her horn, Twilight shined a light on the unused shuttle, its nose pointed to the sky.

"But why would you have us go to their homeland?" Spike inquired. "Nopony has ever gone into space before. Aside from Luna, of course. And even then, it wasn't voluntary, she was banished."

"It's worth the risk, Spike," Twilight remarked, opening one of the pod bay doors, looking up towards the shuttle's cockpit. "Having the Maximals back in Equestria will give us an edge over Opaline and Misty. Optimus did say that we are more than welcome on their homeworld and that's exactly where we are going. I underestimated Opaline's power and cruelty. Anything that could tip the scales in our favor is worth considering, no matter the risks."

"Well, if you are so adamant, we need somepony to fly this thing for one," Spike pointed out. "At least for our trip out to Cybertron."

There was no doubt in Twilight's mind on who would fly the shuttle.

At the same time, back in Maretime Bay, a pair of shadow ponies clad in red armor were bringing forth a pair of robotic corpses towards Opaline's castle. Standing on the edge of her castle wall, Opaline watched with delight as the corpses were brought in.

"Mom, do you think it's wise bringing dead bodies in here?" Misty asked. "I mean…it is kind of creepy." She shivered and shuddered in disgust.

"Misty, you have to grow some big pony flanks. You're a grown pony in your big filly pants, so it's time you started getting used to the horrors of war!" Opaline snapped, turning around to face her daughter. "Don't you see that with the spells Grogar foolishly left behind, we can build an army powerful enough to crush Twilight Sparkle and her friends?!"

"With whatever it is you're bringing here?" Misty questioned in a skeptic tone of voice. "I don't see how these… whatever they are could be of any use to us. They're just a bunch of nuts and bolts, nothing more."

"Wrong! They're Predacons, you simpleton," Opaline snarled, and explained. "While I was imprisoned in Tartarus, I came across word that evil creatures called Predacons were fighting Twilight Sparkle and their allies. Yes, they were defeated and supposedly destroyed, but I have a hunch they can be brought back to life. If I know that Twilight Sparkle, she's already making plans to bring the Maximals back here to fight us. But when she does, we'll have our own little surprise waiting for her!"

Hastily, Opaline proceeded down to the castle's main entrance and the shadow ponies brought forth the two dead Predacons, one of them with the beast mode of a fire ant and the other with the beast mode of a scorpion/cobra fusion. But looking down at the bodies, she gave the two shadows a hard stare. "Don't tell me that this was all you found!" She bitterly and furiously demanded. "Just two?! What do you mean you could only find two?! I know there were more!"

The shadow ponies said nothing, much to Opaline's frustration. "I need the body of Megatron, among the other Predacons," Opaline added, rolling her eyes in aggravation. "I need the most powerful and ruthless Predacon of them all!"

"Mom, he could have been taken back to wherever it is he came from," Misty suggested. "I mean, he did have the beast mode of a dragon…"

"Of course he did, Misty! And I know he didn't just up and fly away of his own free will!" Opaline hissed. "You don't think I know everything that happened while I was imprisoned?! I had eyes and ears even in Tartarus while I was regaining my powers. Oh, if only your father was still here…"

It was apparent to Opaline that something needed to be done and in her mind, if her servants couldn't do the job, she had to do the job herself. "Well, it seems to me that we need to take a little field trip, Misty," She declared in a cold tone of voice. "If these two idiots can't find the bodies of dead warriors suitable to my cause, then I must find them myself, no matter what it takes!"

"Mom!" Misty gasped as her eyes widened! "That would mean we would go to Cybertron itself!"

"Yes, Misty," Opaline had to resist the urge to roll her eyes. "So pack lightly, because we won't be taking in the sights. We will seek out the remnants of the Predacons, and one way or another we'll recruit them to our side!"

"Um, Mom," Misty sheepishly blushed. "…Sorry for all the questions, but how do you expect us to travel to Cybertron? It's in outer space after all. Only one pony's ever done that before, Princess Luna. It's not like she'd help us. How are we supposed to get to Cybertron if our magic can't take us there?"

A sinister smile came onto Opaline's face! She was already thinking of a way to carry out her mission outside of Equestria!

The next morning, Twilight was back in Ponyville and had gathered her fellow princesses in the throne room of her castle with the intention of sharing her ideas.

"Cybertron?" Fluttershy was the first to ask. "You expect us to go to Cybertron?"

"Now is not the time to develop cold hooves, Fluttershy," Twilight replied. "I believe that with Optimus and the Maximals on our side, we can put an end to this war with Opaline very soon."

"I agree with Twilight," Rainbow Dash immediately chimed in. "Can you imagine how powerful we would be with Optimus on our side again?! Plus, I call dibs on flying the Autobot Shuttle!" The rest of the ponies gave her a confused stare. "What? I'm a Wonderbolt as well as the Princess of Loyalty, which means I am qualified to fly a shuttle. Can't be any harder than anything else I've had to do."

"Hey, I can at least fly a shuttle too, you know!" Pinkie Pie cried. "I've always wanted to fly one! Don't forget, I was the one who had a dream of going into outer space! And doesn't it take two to fly anything?! At the least shouldn't we take turns or something?"

"You both can fly the shuttle," Twilight told them, quelling any possible argument between the two princesses. "Optimus and Rhinox were nice enough to have the shuttle set up so that it could be flown by two pilots: A pilot and a co-pilot, just like those airships."

"Well, that makes sense," Applejack remarked. "Flyin' that there contraption is no different than bucking an apple tree…if you have the right training for it."

"When do we leave, Twilight?" Rarity asked. "Because I may need to pack something to wear. Going to Cybertron sounds a lot like a diplomatic mission to one of our many allies. I want to make sure I'm properly prepared for such a regal occasion."

"The only outfit you will be packing is a spacesuit, Rarity," Spike pointed out, much to Rarity's chagrin. "Don't expect any formal events on Cybertron. It's not like we're going there to sightsee. We're there solely to recruit the Maximals, nothing more and nothing less."

"It's settled, then. We leave at sunset, everypony," Twilight declared. "Meet me in Canterlot then, and pack only the essentials. And make sure to be careful about who you talk to about this, we can't let Opaline or anypony working for her know about this. The Maximals will be our secret weapon to end this war!"

And so the agreement had been made that the six princesses were going to Cybertron!

Meanwhile, up in the M51 Galaxy, Calibos was mulling over his desire to return to Equestria, even as he could only remain in the dungeons of Master Vile's castle. "You seem troubled," he heard a voice remark, only to turn around and there stood evil Twilight. "Care to tell me what the problem is?"

"I miss my family…my homeland," Calibos sighed. "If only Master Vile would have sent me to live with them."

Stepping forward, Evil Twilight placed a wing around the mutated pony. "Well think of it this way," She said with a grin. "You have a fine home here with all of us, serving under Master Evil. And once we have obtained our ultimate goal, you can go be with your family again."

But Calibos pushed Evil Twilight away. "And when will that be?" He bitterly remarked. "When will that time come?"

"It will come sooner if you fight for it," Evil Twilight answered. "Just wait and see. Master Vile hasn't let us down yet, and he never will. One way or another, we'll all get what we want in the end."

Calibos considered Evil Twilight's words and contemplated what was being said. . He then looked towards the dying and dead prisoners in their cells Calibos then pictured himself amongst these poor unfortunate souls. For too long, he was at risk of being just like them, forever rotting in the dungeons as loser to the victors.

"Uh, Calibos?" A voice that belonged to Rito Revolto called. "Hey, weirdo!"

"What do you want, skull boy?!" Evil Twilight sneered.

"Dad wants you upstairs," Rito explained. "Your mama has a proposition. She says it's important"

This made Calibos feel excited that perhaps his impending return to Equestria was closer than he realized.

Heading up to the throne room, Calibos joined Master Vile while he sat in front of the spell screen.

"He is here, Queen Opaline," Master Vile bowed. "Safe and sound, here with me."

"Mother, it's me, Calibos!" Calibos insisted as he stood before the screen and gazed at Opaline.

A look of sympathy befell Opaline's face, knowing that Calibos could never return in his hideous form. "My son, our enemies will pay for what they did to you. Mark my words."

A small amount of reassurance fell on Calibos' face upon hearing this.

"Now, Master Vile," Opaline continued. "I have come with a proposition. Are you familiar with the planet Cybertron by any chance?"

"The land of robots who call themselves Transformers?" Master Vile replied. "Yes, I do. It's a planet that I have heard much of, but never been able to successfully conquer. What can I do to help you get there?"

Opaline smiled. "I am building an army to wipe out the ponies of Equestria, and I need Predacons to join my ranks. If you could provide me with protection…"

"Of course, of course, I'll provide protection!" Master Vile eagerly agreed! "But, what's in it for me if I do?"

"Well, a little bird told me that you intend to conquer the world Celestia's rebellious student went to," Opaline pointed out. "A land of…humans? If you were to help me conquer the ponies of Equestria, I will help you conquer the human world that Sunset Shimmer and her allies call home."

Master Vile liked the idea, but he had reservations. "Delightful, but there is a catch to the situation if you ask me," He cautioned. "The creature you speak of has the power of the ninja along with her friends. Not to mention that they have two former Power Rangers as allies."

"Power Rangers?" Opaline asked.

"My enemies…or rather the enemies of my daughter and her so-called husband," Master Vile snarled with a sneer. "In fact, Zordon's most prized Power Ranger is among the allies."

"What would you like me to do about it?" Opaline questioned.

An evil idea began to develop inside Master Vile's mind. He was going to carry out a plan to assassinate his greatest rival.

At the same time, Opaline then turned to her son and knew that he had a chance to prove himself to her. "Calibos," She asked. "How would you like to return to Equestria again?"

"Mother, it would mean more than anything!" Calibos eagerly agreed!

"Then, I need you to go to the land of humans and eliminate the allies of Sunset Shimmer and her friends," Opaline commanded! "Do so and you will return to Equestria where you belong."

The more Calibos listened, the more excited he became.

"And I think I know just who you should destroy, my friend." Master Vile grinned.

Back in Canterlot, the sun was already setting as Twilight and her friends boarded the Autobot Shuttle, dressed in space suits colored in their respective colors.

"Twilight, don't you know how dangerous this mission is?!" Celestia cautioned, a hint of fear in her voice. "Please be careful."

"Don't worry," Twilight replied as she briefly lifted up her visor. "My friends and I will be back soon with the Maximals. Have you ever lost faith in me yet?"

Silently, Celestia nodded nervously that she hadn't.

"Good," Twilight smiled back. "You will see. You will both see. As supreme princess of Equestria, I must do whatever I can to ensure Equestria's protection from the forces of evil."

Just then, Luna stepped forward next to her older sister. "The perils of outer space are very real, Twilight," She warned. "Remember that I spent a thousand years imprisoned on the moon, left with only my darker self for company."

"Of course, Luna," Twilight nodded. "But this is a mission that my friends and I must do. I wouldn't undertake this mission unless I was confident it's what Equestria needs. You and Celestia, along with the rest of our allies will keep Equestria safe until our return. We won't come back until we have the Maximals on our side again!"

"Twilight! You ready?!" Rainbow Dash called.

"Mark my words, we will return safely." Twilight pulled her mother and big sister figures in for a group hug before turning to join her friends and Spike inside the shuttle. Once they were strapped in, the shuttle was moved up out of the chamber and was now staring right up at the sky.

"T-minus 60 seconds to lift off." A voice over the intercom that belonged to Agent Sweetie Drops announced.

"Ready for this, Pinkie?!" Rainbow Dash asked, her hooves clutched onto the yoke in the cockpit.

"Ready as I'll ever be!" Pinkie Pie excitedly replied. "I'm finally going to space!"

"T-minus 30 seconds." Agent Sweetie Drops announced again.

"Starting engines!" Applejack declared as she switched on the ignition.

"Pressure stable," Fluttershy announced. "All systems go!"

"T-minus 10 seconds," Sweetie Drops called as the engines started to roar. "9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Ignition!" The sounds of the engines roaring were heard as the shuttle began to move upwards. "Liftoff!"

Roaring loudly, the shuttle shot up into the sky with its destination Cybertron ahead of it. Soon, the six princesses of Equestria would be reunited with their old allies.