• Published 27th May 2023
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 15 - twilightsparkle3562

Welcome to Season 15 of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic!

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Episode 6: "Death of a Power Ranger"

Author's Note:

Episode Summary: After Dr. Tommy Oliver dies in the line of duty, Sunset Shimmer and her friends in the human world try to come to terms with what had happened.


Rebecca Shoichet as Sunset Shimmer

Tara Strong as Sci-Twi/Evil Twilight

Ashleigh Ball as Applejack/Rainbow Dash/Evil Rainbow Dash

Andrea Libman as Pinkie Pie/Fluttershy/Evil Fluttershy

Tabitha St. Germain as Rarity/Evil Rarity

Nicole Oliver as Daybreaker

Catherine Sutherland as Kat Hilliard

Richard Steven Horvitz as Alpha 5

Kim Strauss as Ninjor

Barbra Goodson as Rita Repulsa

Steve Blum as Lord Zedd

Tom Wyner as Master Vile

"My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" Season 15, Episode 6

"Death of a Power Ranger"

Written by Jeff Snyder (TwilightSparkle3562)

Edited by SuperPinkBrony12

Night was falling on Sunset Shimmer's world. The house of Tommy and Katherine Hillard sat with all the lights turned off, seemingly everything was quiet and peaceful.

But at that very moment, a car pulled up to the front of the house as the engine turned off and the doors opened. Stepping out of the car, a group of girls similar to Sunset's friends had their eyes locked on the house.

"All right, you fools," A girl similar to Twilight Sparkle's human counterpart said, a knife hidden under her sweatshirt. "You know what to do…you know the plan."

"Yeah," A girl similar to Fluttershy's human counterpart laughed, holding a hammer. "I can't wait any longer to take care of this…Dr. Oliver."

"Ooh, I can't wait to find what they have hiding," A girl similar to Rarity chimed in. "I get dibs on any jewelry and clothes that his wife has."

But Evil Twilight gave Evil Rarity a stern glare as she brandished the knife. "What? They must have some in there?"

"We can take whatever booty we can find after we dispose of our target, girls," Evil Twilight protested. "Now stick to the plan."

Advancing towards the house, the six girls split up, covering every square inch of the house. Each and every girl had a weapon on them, eager to do their part assigned to them.

"The greatest power ranger who ever lived," Evil Twilight laughed as she watched Evil Applejack and Evil Rainbow Dash cut several telephone cords attached to the house. "Won't know what hit him when we are done. Say goodbye to your friends, Dr. Oliver! Prepare to join Zordon in the hereafter!"

Back on the M51 Galaxy, Master Vile paced back and forth in his space skull which was parked in the backyard of his castle, while Rita and Zedd watched anxiously waiting for news.

"Daddy, must you pace back and forth?" Rita asked. "You're making me uncomfortable."

"Don't you see, my daughter?" Master Vile explained while continuing to pace back and forth. "With the great Tommy Oliver disposed of, Sunset Shimmer's friends won't have the confidence to aid that Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends. His loss will demoralize them, they won't have it in their hearts to continue the fight. And they won't have him to rely on for advice."

"I still say we should have killed them after we reversed time on Earth," Zedd suggested. "But no, you had to have Professor what's his name lead a bunch of buffoons!" The emperor of evil sighed and threw his face in his hands, seemingly still shadowed by his father-in-law. "What good are Equestria's evil counterparts good to us?" Zedd continued. "Must you have sent them instead of us?"

"They were eager for this task, and you know our agreement with Queen Opaline," Master Vile eagerly explained. "If we help her defeat Equestria's human allies, then she will give us the human world while she conquers the ponies."

"And gives us slaves." Rita added.

Staring at the mirror, Master Vile, his daughter and son-in-law waited for the news to come in that the deed had been done. A full twenty minutes passed, however, and there was still no word.

"Okay, maybe they failed, big deal," Zedd began. "We failed all the time. It's not like anything else is going to…"

But suddenly, the image of Evil Twilight came on the mirror with a smile on her face! Eagerly, Master Vile rose to his feet and slowly approached the mirror.

"Master," Evil Twilight declared, bowing her head with a look of satisfaction on her face. "It is done. We have carried out your orders…Tommy Oliver is no more."

Delighted, Master Vile let out a loud laugh of triumph. He had once again succeeded where others had failed! Now he had caused the death of the greatest Power Ranger who had ever lived!

The next morning, Sunset Shimmer was fast asleep in her bedroom. It was Saturday, so she had no classes. Right now, she was dreaming of going back to Equestria for a visit with Twilight, and especially Celestia. With graduation soon approaching, she would have more free time to go to Equestria. So far, her life as a Power Ranger had been quiet. And until it changed, Equestria was an excellent home away from home.

Suddenly, Sunset's phone next to her on her nightstand began to vibrate wildly. Sunset ignored it and tried to go back to sleep. The phone just kept buzzing and eventually stopped, much to the girl's relief. But then suddenly, a loud ringing sound was heard and Sunset woke up with a start! "What was that?" She cried out, before realizing that it was her phone that was ringing. "Oh.."

Picking up the receiver, Sunset answered the phone. "Hello?" She asked, before her eyes widened with shock at the news that greeted her ears! "WHAT?! When…?!"

Sunset laid back against her bed with a shocked look on her face, it seemed like her world had already come crashing down! "How did it happen?!" She asked quite firmly. "The house…don't move, I'll be right there! And tell the girls I'll meet them there!"

Panicked, Sunset raced out of bed and quickly got dressed, her mind focused on getting to Dr. Oliver's house as quickly as possible! When she arrived, she saw police surrounding the home,

"Sunset!" Sci-Twi cried, hugging Sunset as she arrived. "Sunset, it's horrible! Dr. Oliver… He's…"

All Sunset could do was look in disbelief at their mentor's home. All of the windows on the ground floor had been broken, but Sunset knew that this was no ordinary robbery.

"We tried to go in, but they wouldn't let us!" Applejack added, a hint of panic in her voice. "Kat's in there, and so are Alpha and Ninjor!"

"We gotta get them out!" Pinkie Pie added.

Just then, they saw several paramedics carrying Katherine out on a stretcher. Covered up, she had cuts and bruises on her face in addition to raw emotion building up inside of her. Suddenly, they saw several police officers assisting Alpha 5, who appeared dozy and out of place.

"Alpha!" Sci-Twi cried, running towards the officers. "Alpha!"

Weakly looking up to his friends, Alpha 5 tried to get himself going again, but he couldn't do so. "R..r..rangers?" He asked, sparks coming out of his body. "Is that you?"

"Alpha, what happened?!" Sunset firmly asked. "What happened to Katherine and Dr. Oliver?!"

"Intruders…came and killed Tommy…ay yi yi yi… He, he was fighting them off. And then, suddenly, just as he was sure the fight was over and he was about to de-morph," Alpha 5 explained to the best of his ability. "He… he…" But he came choked up with emotion, overloading his circuits!

All of the girls were left in a state of shock at what they had just heard. Their mentor, Dr. Tommy Oliver, the one who inspired them to become Power Rangers to begin with, was dead! He had fallen in the line of duty.

"How was he killed?" Sunset inquired. "What did they do to him?! He wouldn't give up without a fight, they must've done something!" But Alpha couldn't answer, he was too shaken up.

Just then, Ninjor was the next to be taken out of the house, his right arm missing as police escorted him out.

"Ninjor! Are you all right?!" Sunset yelled as she ran towards him! "I'll be fine, Sunset," he gasped as Sunset ran over to him with a concerned look on her face. "It came quick as lightning…much more than I'm used to. Oh, I wish I had seen it coming! Why couldn't it have been me, not him?! I never expected it to happen to him!"

Growing more anxious, Sunset dashed into the house, which was now more of a crime scene. The house had been ransacked with broken dishes on the floor, furniture had been turned over and pictures of Tommy and Katherine from their days as Power Rangers had either been destroyed or badly damaged.

Sunset then looked upstairs and taking a gulp, she proceeded to climb the stairs, not knowing what she was going to find.

Taking a right, she proceeded into Tommy and Katherine's room and found something on the floor…Saba, the talking saber from her mentor's White Ranger form. "Oh, Saba," cried Sunset, tears forming in the corners of her eyes. "Saba…" Kneeling down, she picked up the two broken halves of Saba and placed them back on the bed. She then proceeded to search the room for any more weapons that may have been used.

Sunset then came across a blade blaster that was also seemingly used by Tommy. Like Saba, it was broken in half. But she then noticed something from the far end of the room, a green helmet was lying on the ground, but it wasn't just any helmet. The helmet had a huge hole in the visor and this to Sunset caused her to be filled with raw emotion. "Oh, Dr. Oliver…" She quietly sobbed, falling to her knees and pulling the helmet close to her chest. "Dr. Oliver! Why?! Just when we were getting to know you!"

Outside the house, the rest of Sunset's friends could wonder what or who would have committed such a crime.

"I can't believe this, y'all," Applejack gasped, shaking her head in disgust. "Dr. Oliver, I mean…we were just startin' to get to know him. And now… now he's gone, forever! We couldn't protect him, or the ones he cared about!"

"Whoever did this must have been working for someone, but who?" Rainbow Dash wondered, her voice filled with exasperation. "The Dazzlings, maybe? Perhaps they killed him because he was teaching at our school?"

"The Dazzlings don't strike me as the killer type, one of them likes tacos," Pinkie Pie corrected. "The last time Sunset and I saw them, they seemed to have moved on from coming after us. Doubt they even knew about Dr. Oliver."

Still, Sci-Twi had her suspicions. "Perhaps Alpha or Ninjor might have a story they can share," She suggested. "After all, they were with Dr. Oliver and Kat at the time of the attack. They saw something." Channeling her inner detective, she looked over to Ninjor as he was being loaded into an ninja sage looked back at Sci-Twi as the doors to the ambulance closed.

Fortunately, Alpha 5 was still being checked out for any damages, so she went over to him. "Alpha?" She asked, the robot's visor flashing red. "Alpha! You've got to remember! What happened last night?!"

"Twilight?" Alpha 5 asked. "Ay, yi, yi! It happened so fast! I'm still having a hard time trying to process it."

"What happened?! Who did this?!" Sci-Twi asked, bending down to Alpha's level.

"Teenagers, they looked just like you but with a different color," Alpha 5 replied. "They were dressed differently, they had weapons and were crying out that they worked for Master Vile. Tommy was fighting them, and then they went for Kat and he… he tried to protect her and that was when they killed him! They attacked him all at once, there was an explosion, and the next thing I knew Tommy was on the floor and they had left"

A sense of dread befell Twilight, knowing just how dangerous Master Vile was. "Rita's father sent the attackers?!" She gasped in disbelief!

Just then, Sunset stepped out of the house holding Tommy's damaged green ranger helmet along with his master morpher. The rest of the girls raced over to her side.

"Dr. Oliver?!" Rainbow Dash gasped, seeing the damaged helmet. "No…no, it can't be! It can't actually be true! There's no way someone like him would've…"

"-I'm afraid it is. Dr. Oliver went down fighting," Sunset Shimmer glumly and gloomily answered with tear stains on her cheeks. "But why didn't he call us? We could have helped him. We have Ninja Ranger Powers, for crying out loud! He trusted us!"

A sense of anger befell Sunset as she tried to process everything that had happened. To her, betraying Celestia was one thing. Having another mentor violently taken away from her was another. "I don't know who did this," She said quietly, looking down at the broken helmet. "But whoever did this will pay dearly. Mark my words! If it's the last thing I do, I will avenge Dr. Oliver! I won't give up the fight, not for his sake and not for mine! I will honor his memory and continue his battles."

This caused the rest of the girls to become very, very nervous. Even Pinkie Pie felt like this was on the verge of something that was not going to end well. In fact, none of them had seen Sunset this angry, not even when she'd stolen Princess Twilight's crown.

"If there is ever a time to use our new ninja powers, it's now." Reaching into her pocket, Sunset pulled out her power morpher containing the Falcon ninja coin. She had a responsibility to keep as Tommy's legacy was now in her hands.

Back on M51, Master Vile and his extended family waited in his throne room as the Mean 6 walked inside, their faces filled with triumph. Once they arrived, they all bowed to him.

"It is finished, Master Vile," Evil Twilight declared. "The deed has been done. It took longer than anticipated, he fought hard until the end. But he was no match for our combined strength. Just as you told us, his love and care for others was his downfall."

Gesturing, Master Vile ordered them to rise to their feet.

"And what of sweetie pie, Katherine?" Rita asked in a mocking voice.

"-Well, we did rough her up a bit," Evil Applejack started to say.

"-Oh please," Evil Rainbow Dash interrupted. "We beat her to a pulp, boss! She'll never fight again! So we took out two threats in one blow! Heck, we roughed up their robot friends too. That'll teach anyone who thinks about coming after us what fate awaits them!"

"Goody, goody gum drops," Lord Zedd replied in a sarcastic tone, still feeling as if his glory was stolen from him. "Once again, I'm the second banana! I should've been the one to slay Tommy, just like I almost did after I took away his green ranger powers!"

"You might as well get used to it, radiator face," Master Vile hissed, rising to his feet. "With Tommy dead as a doornail and the rest of his friends beaten to within an inch of their lives, we have given Queen Opaline the advantage she needs. There won't be any interference from that so-called Sunset Shimmer and her friends!"

Master Vile then gestured Calibos to step forward along with the clones of Nightmare Moon and Daybreaker, who were standing at the far right corner of the throne room. "And I intend to keep it that way. But just in case they do…"

The mean 6 and their allies then knew that their work wasn't done. Master Vile had other plans for them."I'm sending you all down to the human world to keep an eye on their activities," He ordered. "I don't want them interfering with Queen Opaline's plans of conquering Equestria! Do whatever you must to make sure they don't join the fight on behalf of Princess Twilight!"

"Ha! I can use the challenge!" Daybreaker laughed, straightening out her large, fiery wings. "In fact, I'll burn them to a crisp if necessary!"

"I love your desire for blood, Daybreaker!" Master Vile snickered. "And you shall have it! Now go, and ensure there is no interference!" Raising his wand, Master Vile sent the clones back to the human world and then turned back to his daughter and her family.

"So, what do we do now?" Lord Zedd asked. "Do we sit around and have a jolly time doing nothing?"

"No, not exactly," Master Vile replied. "Ninjor bestowed on those girls the ninja powers. I want them for Queen Opaline!"

"But why not destroy them again?!" Lord Zedd asked. "It makes sense."

"Don't you see that with the ninja powers in her possession, Opaline can have a much higher advantage in conquering Equestria?" Master Vile pointed out. "If we give her the ninja ranger powers, she'll be unstoppable and that will be our ultimate contribution!" Master Vile then raised his wand in the air and fired several beams of dark magic. "Seat belts, everyone!" He shouted. "It's about to be a bumpy ride!" And as he cackled, Master Vile set about the next phase of his plan in motion.