• Published 27th May 2023
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 15 - twilightsparkle3562

Welcome to Season 15 of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic!

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Episode 4: "Three Strange Neighbors"

Author's Note:

Episode Summary: Tirek, Chrysalis and Cozy Glow move from the Halfway House to their new farm, but Applejack has a hard time coming to terms with the adjustment.


Mark Acheson as Lord Tirek

Kathleen Barr as Queen Chrysalis

Sunni Westbrook as Cozy Glow

Venus Terzo as Blackarachnia

Scott McNeil as Dinobot

Robby Benson as Scorpan

Ashleigh Ball as Applejack

Peter New as Big Macintosh

Rebecca Shoichet as Sugar Belle

William Shatner as Grand Pear

Brad Garrett as Fair Chance

"My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" Season 15, Episode 4

"Three Strange Neighbors"

Written by Jeff Snyder (TwilightSparkle3562)

Edited by SuperPinkBrony12

As the sun rose over Equestria, not everypony or everycreature was out and about. Hauling a large cart, a centaur pulled several silver buckets towards the place where he felt like he was contributing to Equestria, a debt that he was forever going to pay for his misdeeds and the misdeeds of his lover and daughter. "So, this is it," Tirek thought to himself, stopping in front of the farm and wiping the sweat from his brow. "The farm I longed to have."

Taking several paces forward, Tirek admired the location where he, Chrysalis and Cozy Glow would now live. Stepping into a barn, he brought the buckets inside, placing them on a stand near where the cows would be standing. All Tirek could do was stand in the barn, absorbing the new lease on life he had been given. He was starting to get out of his father's shadow and put his evil past behind him. But just then, the sounds of knocking interrupted his thoughts. "Yes?" he asked, turning to see Cozy Glow behind, catching the young Pegasus filly off guard. "What is it, Cozy Glow?"

"How did you know it was me?" Cozy asked.

"I'm your adoptive father, I know everything," Tirek answered. "Have you and Chrysalis brought the furniture from the halfway house?"

"Yes, Tirek," Cozy nodded. "Although, it is a lot for Chrysalis to handle."

"Of course it is," He muttered, stepping out of the barn and seeing Big MacIntosh pulling all of the furniture from the halfway house. This made Tirek somewhat surprised. "Why is Applejack's brother doing the pulling? I don't recall inviting him."

Rolling his eyes, Big Macintosh transformed back into Chrysalis, collapsing on the ground from exhaustion. "That's because you didn't invite him," Chrysalis gasped, looking back towards the large load. "I had to assume his identity to pull this monstrosity. How I wish I had servants to help me."

"Well, we can't think about that now, Chrysalis," Cozy Glow remarked, flying over to Chrysalis and helping her to her hooves. "Golly, can't you just not live like a queen for one minute? We have a second chance now. Let's not blow it."

"If you say so, Cozy Glow," Chrysalis reluctantly agreed. "Then again, I am your adoptive mother, so…"

"Not legally," Tirek cautioned. "As soon as we get Redemption Farms up and running, we can focus on becoming a legalized family. Now, there's a lot to do and very little time, so let's get to it!"

As the trio returned to their tasks, one could only wonder if anyone wanted the former villains to live and operate a farm of their own.

From her bedroom as Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack was watching them through a pair of binoculars, still trying to process how three of her enemies were now living next door to her.

Walking downstairs, Applejack came into the kitchen and joined her family for breakfast, still holding her doubts about Redemption Farms.

"Mornin' all," Applejack said quietly. "They're here."

"Who is?" Applebloom asked as Applejack sat at the table.

"Tirek, Chrysalis and Cozy Glow," Applejack explained with a sigh. "They just moved into their farm next door this morning."

"Well, isn't that a good thing?" Apple Bloom asked, much to Applejack's chagrin. "They admitted their actions and we've got to welcome them. Sounds like they're truly sorry for what they did."

"Eeyup," Big Macintosh nodded. "Sugar Belle's been workin' on a jell-o mold."

This made Applejack blink her eyes in confusion. "A jell-o mold? What for?"

"Well, it's always good to give Jell-O molds to new neighbors," Grand Pear explained. "We Pears always did it back when your mother was a filly. It taught her good manners, you know."

Rising from the table, Sugar Belle peeked into the icebox and saw the Jell-O mold slowly starting to shake in the form of a red heart. "Looks like it is nearly ready to go," She smiled while taking the mold out of the icebox. "I think we'll go over after breakfast to greet them, what do you think?"

While the rest of the Apples were eager, Applejack wasn't. She still had her personal feelings about the former Legion of Doom.

"I think it would be nice to give some of our animals to them." Grand Pear suggested.

"Grand Pear, are you sure about that?" Applejack asked. "Those are our animals!"

"It's always good to share and share alike, Applejack," Grand Pear pointed. "Besides, we could use a little more room for new animals, right? Never hurts to be good neighbors."

Once breakfast was finished, the Apple Family proceeded down the hill towards the newly minted Redemption Farms. But Applejack had prepared herself by adding two new members of the party.

"AJ, are you sure it's a good idea to bring a pair of guards with us?" Big Mac asked. "I think it's unnecessary."

"You can't be too careful, big brother," Applejack pointed out. "Especially now that we're at war agaib."

And no sooner did Applejack say those words than did they hear the sounds of rapid walking behind them. "Stop, y'all!" Applejack instructed, making the others halt in their tracks "Do you hear somethin'?"

"Only your anxieties, Applejack," Grand Pear replied with a shake of his head. "Now stop worrying and be respectful to our new neighbors. You know what can happen when we hold onto grudges."

But it was easier said than done for Applejack to drop her anxieties. She was a princess after all, and a princess protected their subjects whether they were family or not. Taking charge, she slowly moved towards a bush where the sounds of light tapping could be heard. Using her forelegs, Applejack forced open the bush! "Gotcha!" She called as she opened the bushes, only to find nothing. "I…I could have sworn…"

"Applejack, we're wastin' time!" Big MacIntosh impatiently called. "And we don't want the Jell-O mold to go bad. Come on! You're not gettin' out of seein' our new neighbors!"

Sighing, Applejack reluctantly followed her family towards Redemption Farms. Once they arrived, they were greeted to a green overhead sign that said "Redemption Farms" in big, gold letters. Quietly, she turned to her two guards and told them to search the farm for any surprises that the Legion of Doom could be springing on them. "So far so good," she thought to herself. "The sooner we get out of here, the better."

Soon, the Apple family approached the front door of a purple colored house and were just about to climb the steps of the porch, when suddenly webbing came from above the house and down onto the Apple Family, entangling them all!

"What in tarnation?!" Applejack cried as a black widow spider with brown legs peeked down on them from above the house.

"Blackarachnia, Maximize!" The spider called out in a female voice and transformed into a humanoid robot, pointing her gun at the Apples.

"Blackarachnia?" Applejack grunted. "What's goin' on here?!"

Seemingly embarrassed by her actions, Blackarachnia lowered her defenses and blasted away the webbing. "Princess Applejack, what are you doing here?" She inquired, putting her gun away. "You could have at least told someone…"

"Told them what? What are you doin' here?!" Applejack demanded.

"Protecting," The Predacon turned Maximal answered. "We've returned to assist you in your war against the Predacons. And I've been assigned to protect the occupants of this home."

At that moment, another transformer came out from inside the house with his sword drawn, approaching the Apples. But he stood down when he saw Applejack.

"Dinobot?" Applejack blinked in surprise.

"Princess Applejack," Dinobot answered while bowing to her. "It is an honor to see you again."

"Yeah, it is," Applejack uneasily replied. "But, why are you protectin' this place?"

"By order of Princess Twilight," A deep voice declared, revealing itself to be belonged to the ex-Legion of Doom's probation officer, Fair Chance. "As part of the agreement, Tirek, Chrysalis and Cozy Glow are to be given protection for their own safety. I'm sure I don't need to explain why."

"Who is it?" Chrysalis asked, calling from inside the house.

"It's the Princess of Honesty," Fair Chance called back. "And her family."

Without hesitation, Chrysalis instructed. "Bring them in at once."

Turning back to the Apples, Fair Chance brought them inside the house, which looked similar to their own home on Sweet Apple Acres. Emerging from the kitchen, Chrysalis came out holding a tray of hors d'oeuvres and setting them down on the table.

"We found them outside," Blackarachnia explained as Applejack stood her ground. "They mean you no harm."

"Of course they don't, at least not anymore," Chrysalis smiled. "Care to sit down?"

Reluctantly, Applejack accepted the invitation.

"Well, I must say, this is a very nice place you've got here," Grand Pear said as Chrysalis saw Sugar Belle holding the Jell-O mold. "Kind of like ours, but better."

"Indeed," Chrysalis nodded, taking the Jell-O mold from Sugar Belle. "What is this?"

"It's called a Jell-O mold," Sugar Belle explained. "New neighbors always get them, it's an Apple family tradition.."

"Interesting," Chrysalis smiled, fascinated by the jiggling blob. "Could have used a different color, though. I prefer green." She took the Jell-O mold into the kitchen as Apple Bloom hesitantly took a bite of the hors d'oeuvres, weakly swallowing it.

"Interestin…vittles here." Apple Bloom managed to force out.

"They were brought over from our halfway house," Cozy Glow explained as she came into the room. "Sorry if we don't have anything else."

"Cozy, I…I…I…" Applejack stammered. "As the Princess of Honesty, I…"

"You what?" Cozy curiously asked. But Applejack couldn't finish her sentence, still flabbergasted at the idea of meeting her former enemies turned new neighbors. "Sorry, you must be shocked by the fact that we're neighbors now, aren't you?"

"Of course they are," Tirek answered as he came into the room along with Scorpan as a chicken came into the house. "It's not everyday that we…Scorpan, get this chicken out of the house, now!"

As Scorpan led the chicken away, Applejack remained focused on the three former villains as Apple Bloom let out a small giggle.

Sitting down, Tirek and Cozy Glow studied their new neighbors intently along with Chrysalis as she came back into the room.

"Now, I want us to get one thing quite clear once and for all," Tirek spoke up. "If you think I am going to steal your magic and strength, you are sadly mistaken. I swore off it unless otherwise noted. Don't forget, we helped you to defeat Grogar. Why would we go back on our word now?" Turning to Grand Pear he then explained. "Grand Pear, by order of Princess Twilight, we are to receive a share of five percent of your working animals."

"At least you're not takin' all of them." Applejack whispered to herself as Big Mac nudged her in the side.

"AJ!" Big Mac muttered, trying to get his sister to be somewhat respectful. "Let's hear them out before we do anythin' rash!"

"Well, of course you're welcome to share our animals with us," Grand Pear nodded. "It's good to see other creatures taking up an interest in farming. But uh, how much are you planning to make with such a small group of animals?"

"Whatever is necessary, old pony," Tirek replied. "We will produce milk, dairy, meat…"

"Meat?" Applejack asked.

Just then, Scorpan came back into the house with blood on his claws.

"Scorpan, what is that?!" Applejack demanded, rising to her feet in anger.

"The chicken was being uncooperative and was becoming a threat." Scorpan confessed.

Applejack became outraged at such a statement! "So you just cut its head off?!"

Scorpan nodded quite slowly. "The chicken was becoming dangerous, your highness. I had no other choice."

Sighing, Applejack sat back down in disgust.

"Chickens have claws that cut more than skin," Tirek explained. "I don't want to kill any living creature intentionally. But if I'm going to be a farmer and sell products to make a living, nd protect everyone who lives on this farm, I may need to make that sacrifice from time to time. Just because you ponies choose not to eat meat doesn't mean I have to abide by the same restrictions."

Grand Pear decided to step in after noticing how uncomfortably his eldest granddaughter was squirming. "I've had to deal with many situations that I would much rather forget myself, Tirek," He deeply sighed, fighting back a lone tear. "Rest assured, that you have me for support. I will respect your decision to eat meat and kill animals if you deem it necessary, just as long as it's only your animals and not ours."

"Why not just absorb the magic of the animal you are about to kill?" Apple Bloom asked. "That way they won't feel anythin', right?"

"That's a likely possibility," Cozy Glow suggested, looking over to her father. "You can still be a bit of your old self while living your new self, right?"

But Tirek didn't want to go back to his old self. The memories of what he had endured uder Grogar were too harsh!

"Look, Tirek," Chrysalis said while firmly flying in his face. "Sometimes we need to do things we don't want to do, but we must in order to be sustained. It's like you said, our days of attempting to conquer Equestria are over, but we still have to resort to drastic measures sometimes. We're just trying to make an honest living now."

Tirek said nothing

"I could have one of the Maximals assist with any slaughtering," Blackarachnia suggested. "Perhaps maybe…"

"-No!" Chrysalis interrupted. "Tirek needs to learn what its like to be a contributor to Equestria. If there is ever a time to pay back our debts to Equestria, it's now, with this farm."

The more that Applejack looked at Tirek, the more she began to see that tough exterior that he once had melted away. She could see that Tirek was no longer what he used to be as did Chrysalis and Cozy Glow.

"So, what now?" Applebloom asked and Applejack extended her left foreleg, reluctantly bumping Tirek on his paw.

Once she broke away from him, Applejack sighed and said… "I guess we live side by side now, don't we? I may not like it… but as a princess of Equestria, it's my duty to put aside my personal feelings and set an example for the greater good. We owe these three a debt for helpin' us defeat Grogar. Reluctantly, they have my blessin' to be neighbors."

It was official, the former Legion of Doom were now neighbors to Sweet Apple Acres…