• Published 27th May 2023
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 15 - twilightsparkle3562

Welcome to Season 15 of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic!

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Episode 7: "The Greatest Show in Equestria"

Author's Note:

Episode Summary: When a traveling circus comes to Ponyville, the young six are chosen to do their own act in an effort to fundraise for the School of Friendship.


Lauren Jackson as Silverstream

Gavin Longello as Gallus/Icarus

Katrina Salisbury as Yona

Vincent Tong as Sandbar

Devyn Dalton as Ocellus

Shannon Chan-Kent as Smolder

Jim Carrey as Whirling Wonders

Mark Acheson as Ringmaster Rounder

Derek Stephen Prince as Scooter Skeeter

Nicole Oliver as Celestia

Tabitha St. Germain as Luna

Kelly Sheridan as Starlight Glimmer

Ian Hanlin as Sunburst

Kathleen Barr as Trixie

Sabrina Pitre as Luster Dawn

Brad Swalie as Cherry Tomato

Brenda Crichlow as Carrot Top

"My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" Season 15, Episode 7

"The Greatest Show in Equestria"

Written by Jeff Snyder (TwilightSparkle3562)

Edited by SuperPinkBrony12

Silverstream stood at the top of a tall tree at the edge of the Everfree Forest, her forearms stretched out and her eyes closed. Taking a deep breath, she jumped into the air and grabbed onto a set of rings! she twirled in the air just as Gallus attempted to grab her.

Grabbing her, Gallus twirled Silverstream as she landed on the other platform. Opening her eyes, Silverstream then heard the sounds of applause and cheering from down below.

"Very impressive, Silverstream!" Smolder remarked as she flew up to Silverstream. "Have you ever thought of joining gymnastics at school?"

"Smolder, how many times are you going to ask me that?" Silverstream remarked as she climbed down the ladder. "Gymnastics isn't for me. I always wanted to be way above that, doing my talents for something that I enjoy!"

"This isn't about that circus that is coming to Ponyville soon, isn't it?" Ocellus wondered, holding up a poster featuring a flying trapeze artist. "You've been talking about it ever since it was announced!"

"Hey, there's nothing wrong with dreaming," Gallus said as he took a sip out of a water bottle. "Professor Luna said so recently, remember?"

The rest of the young six nodded at this remark.

"Face it, Silverstream, your chance is going to come eventually. If there's anycreature who'd fit in at a circus, it would definitely be you." Gallus added and Silverstream could only dream of what was to come and it would come sooner than she expected.

The next day, the students at the School of Friendship couldn't stop talking about the impending circus. However, there was something far more important that was happening.

"Good morning students," Starlight announced as she stood by the school's entrance. "Don't forget to consider taking part in our school's fundraiser! Every little bit helps, you know? Whatever you decide to do is optional."

"I've heard of many fads, but this is different," Luster Dawn remarked as she and Cherry Tomato came into the building. "I mean, how are we going to fundraise? What are we supposed to do?"

"Why not just do a lemonade stand?" Cherry asked. "It's practically the oldest trick in the book."

"It's not that simple, Cherry," Luster Dawn cautioned as they got to their lockers. "Fundraising for the School of Friendship is a big deal. I mean, what would Princess Twilight say if I didn't participate? If I didn't do my part for the school she founded?"

"I'm sure that she would be fine with whatever you decide to do," Cherry advised with a shrug of his hooves. "But don't do this for Princess Twilight, do it for you!"

Luster then looked at the poster of the Equestrian circus that was plastered on the inside of her locker. It was then that she got an idea. "Cherry, you know the circus is coming to town, right?" she asked, turning back to face him. "There must be something that's in it for me. Maybe I could work my own act into it."

"Well, sure there is, if you don't want to be picking up after the animals," Cherry Tomato remarked in a joking tone of voice, causing Luster to nudge him in the side.

"Stop it!" She laughed.

"I'm kidding!" Cherry Tomato replied. "You're quite the comedian sometimes, you know that?"

Meanwhile, a large circus train was traveling towards Ponyville. On board the train, the head of the circus, a gray coated pegasus stallion named Whirling Wonders, sat in his car looking over the earnings his circus had received at their last stop. But there was something else on his mind.

"Mr. Wonders?" An earth pony mare wearing a secretary's uniform called. "Still brooding, aren't you?"

"It's such a tragedy, isn't it?" Whirling sighed as his secretary came into the car. "Our most famous trapeze act can't go on at our next stop because the Flying Colossals are hurt. Carrot Top, Mr. Colossal should have warned me if his back was bothering him. Why would he hide it from me?"

"He probably didn't want to disappoint you, Mr. Wonders." Carrot Top suggested.

"Well, we've got to find someone at the next stop who can temporarily fill in for our star attraction," Whirling Wonders sighed. "Especially since we will have former royalty in attendance and everypony will have their minds set on not thinking about the war with Opaline. Who could ever be on the same level as our main flyers?"

In the next car over, another part of the troupe had the same idea. The circus' ringmaster and chief clown were also considering the circus' dilemma.

"Ponyville is the famous location in Equestria next to Canterlot," A white coated unicorn stallion with a straight black mane said while looking out of the car window. "Are you certain that one of their celebrities would be willing to participate, Scooter?"

"I would think so, Herr Rounder," An overweight earth pony stallion with an accent replied. He was reading a magazine that was covering the whereabouts of the young six after the battle with Grogar. "Look at this hippogriff, she looks as if she can fill in for The Colossal."

"But it's a two figure act." Rounder protested.

"Which is where he comes in, the griffon." Scooter then turned to the page that featured Gallus, showing it to the ringmaster.

"You must really like these two, don't you?" Rounder questioned. "But all they did was help defend a school, not help a circus like ours."

"Ah, but that's where you are mistaken, Herr Rounder," Scooter chuckled. "Just wait and see."

Just then, the door knocked and in stepped Whirling Wonders. "Rounder, Scooter," He declared. "I've decided that we are going to hold an audition in Ponyville to find a temporary replacement for The Colossals. Can you have some of our troupe go around Ponyville and put up posters when we arrive?"

"Of course, Whirling. I can do that." Rounder replied.

"Excellent, Rounder!" Whirling Wonders smiled. "This is the important stop we've been thinking about. And I don't want any mess ups. Understood?"

So, the train continued to move on towards Ponyville with Whirling Wonders' mind set on hiring a temporary replacement for his out of commission lead acrobat.

Silverstream went about the day thinking nonstop about the circus, often daydreaming when alone with her thoughts. Gallus could see that Silverstream wanted to live her dream, so he decided to pay Professor Luna for a visit at the Castle of Friendship to see what her thoughts were. She'd been helpful to him in the past, and he hoped this would be no exception.

"I just can't help but wonder what is going through her mind right now," Gallus thought to himself. "Is the circus really that big a deal to her? Has she never even heard of them before? Surely, by now, a circus would've made its way out to Mount Aris."

Approaching the castle, Gallus took a deep breath. "Professor Luna," He called, before shrieking out loudly as he did the Luna call. "PROFESSOR LUNA!"

The door opened and Luna emerged wearing a towel on her mane and holding a rubber ducky in her aura, much to Gallus' embarrassment.

"Oh, uh, Professor…I didn't know that…" Gallus stammered.

"You know it's impolite to interrupt a pony's bathtime, Mr. Griffon." Luna frowned.

"Uh, yeah. Sorry." Gallus chuckled as an embarrassed look befell his face

"But, I think I know why you are here," Luna sighed, stepping down the stairs, leaving behind a few wet puddles. "It's about Silverstream, isn't it? That she longs to be in…the circus or something?"

"We both do," Gallus answered. "Well, her mostly. I just want her to live her dream and then say that we did it…that we performed in a circus."

"That's no excuse for daydreaming in class, Mr. Griffon," Luna replied. "But if Miss Silverstream wants to live her dream, let her when the moment comes, even if it's for one day."

"That's the other reason why I've come," Gallus replied. "I think that the only way Silverstream can live her dream is if she performs in the circus this weekend and raises money for the school."

A sly chuckle came onto Luna's face, much to Gallus' annoyance. "I'm serious, Professor! Silverstream may not get another chance! She really, really wants to do this! I can tell!"

"Well, if the circus has any openings then she is more than welcome to audition. But I will warn you, Gallus," Draping a cold wet wing around Gallus, Luna pulled him forward. "Sometimes it's important to be careful what we wish for in life because the dream we desire may not be the perfect fit for us in the end."

"If you say so, professor," Gallus replied while noticing Luna's wetness getting onto him. "But, um…don't you think that maybe you should dry off?"

Slightly embarrassed, Luna sent Gallus on his way and made her way back into the castle, but not before tripping on the wet stairs. "Gotta learn to say no when he does the Luna call sometimes." She muttered under her breath.

The next day, Whirling Wonders and his troupe went about promoting their upcoming show to the citizens of Ponyville, putting up posters at any spot that could be found.

"Hurry, hurry, hurry!" Roundling Rounders cried as Whirling Wonders and his troupe rode through the streets of Ponyville aboard a musical calliope. "Step right up and come see the greatest show in Equestria! Aerial stunts, tightrope walkers, juggles, anything that you could ever dream of! It'll all be here in Ponyville for one night only! And don't forget to contribute to our fundraiser for the School of Friendship! Every bit you donate gives a student the chance to learn about friendship!"

"Not bad, Roundy," Whirling remarked to his ringmaster and right hoof pony. "But maybe put a little more oomph into it."

From a nearby shop, Gallus and Silverstream along with Luster Dawn and Cherry Tomato joined the crowds of onlookers.

"Not very often we see a circus come to town," Cherry Tomato remarked. "Especially when Whirling Wonders is running it."

"I'll bet he'd give Countess Coloratura a run for her money," Luster Dawn added. "No one likes helping to brighten up lives like he does. Countess Coloratura' always big on charity."

"Just look at him, Gallus!" Silverstream dreamily sighed. "If only I could be a part of the circus, even just for a day. Oh, it would be a dream come true!"

"Anything for you, Silverstream," Gallus replied. "There's nothing like a wonderful day at the circus. Under the big top, there is no better place to be."

Suddenly, Whirling happened to spot Silverstream and Gallus in the crowd and took notice of them. "Stop the caravan!" He called with a sudden jerk, pointing right to Gallus and Silverstream. "You young creatures! I've heard great things about you!" Jumping off the caravan, he approached Silverstream and Gallus.

"Um, you have really?" Luster Dawn wondered.

"Of course" Whirling nodded in reply as he gave his full attention to Silverstream. "A little birdy told me that you're big into the trapeze, and yet there is no one in Equestria who can help you live out your dream, right?"

The more that Whirling spoke, the more Silverstream became excited. "Oh yes, yes, yes!" She screeched and shook Whirling's hoof! "I want to be in your circus! I'll do anything! Anything!"

"Good, then come swing by our tent this afternoon and show me what you've got," Whirling encouraged. "And that goes for anyone who is interested in helping us bring the greatest show in Equestria to life! The big top always has a place for those looking to make a name for themselves in showpony business." Then he departed as the crowd broke into thunderous applause.

"Well, that was easy," Scooter chuckled to Carrot Top. "Whirling still has that magic touch, nein?"

Later that day, Silverstream and Gallus along with the rest of their friends arrived at the circus tent. There stood Whirling Wonders, eagerly awaiting their arrival. "Welcome my friends," He beamed. "Welcome to the Whirling Wonders Circus…the greatest show in…"

"-In Equestria, we know." Sandbar interrupted.

"Anyways, come on in, why don't you?" Whirling offered. "Come see what the big top can do for you."

Stepping into the tent, the young students saw various acts around the tent being rehearsed: Including elephants standing on their hind legs, a pony being shot from a cannonball, and a fire breathing pony. The very sight of which terrified Ocellus, causing the young changeling to hide behind Smolder!

"Relax, it's only an act," Smolder reassured Ocellus. "Just like turning yourself into a fire breathing dragon."

"And here it is, everyone! Our great flying trapeze!" Whirling Wonders announced, directing the students to look up at the trapeze high above them. "Fifty feet of air for the greatest flyers to showcase their flying abilities! You've never seen anything like it!"

"Nothing we can't handle, right Gallus?" Silverstream excitedly asked, nudging him in the side.

"Yeah, right," Gallus nervously chuckled, trying to remember Luna's words as he looked up at the platform fifty feet above. Even though he had wings, it was still terrifying to think of how high off the ground he'd be if anything went wrong. "S-shall we go up?"

"Of course," Whirling encouraged. "Show me what you got! Only the best of the best can join my circus."

So the two young bird-like creatures climbed up the two separate ladders towards the top of the tent. However, as Gallus climbed, he began to feel a sense of unease. In his mind, this was not like they'd ever practiced. But he swallowed hard and tried his best to be brave. "Ready, Silverstream?" He called over to his friend and love interest.

"So ready, Gallus!" Silverstream called back! "Just like we rehearsed, remember?!"

Grabbing onto the rings, Silverstream jumped off the platform and Gallus did the same, reaching his claws out to grab Silverstream, flipping her over as they switched rings before he did the same. They repeated the process several times before stepping back down.

"Well done, very impressive!" Whirling excitedly exclaimed! "You are definitely worth adding into the show. In fact, how does the title of The Friendship Flyers sound to the both of you?"

"We'll take it!" Silverstream screeched! "Gallus and I are The Friendship Flyers for sure! We'll bring in loads of money for the school! Headmare Starlight won't know what to do with it all!"

"Excellent!" Whirling declared and clapped his hooves. "Now go over to our tailor to be fitted for costumes. You've got to look your best for the show tonight! The audience will expect nothing but the best!"

Immediately, Silverstream dashed over to the tailor and Gallus followed (albeit hesitantly). "Come on, Gallus! We gotta get fitted for our costumes!" She encouraged to him! "This is our big chance!"

"And seeing as the rest of you are friends of my newest act, have free tickets to tonight's show!" Whirling encouraged as he hoofed out golden tickets to the other creatures. "Be sure to tell everypony at your school about the new acts. I wanna see a packed big top tonight!"

A few moments later, Gallus and Silverstream came out wearing identical silver and gold laced costumes, fit for a pair of trapeze artists."

"That was fast!" Silverstream chirped. "I mean, look at me! I'm living the dream! If only my Aunt Novo could see me now! Ooh, and my Cousin Skystar too! This would totally blow their minds!"

Gallus could see that his lover's overexcitement was already starting to get to the point where she didn't seem concerned in the slightest about the potential dangers. It was a long way down from fifty feet, even if you could fly.

"Oh, it'd definitely give them something to talk about…" Gallus muttered, turning away to scratch the back of his head.

Little did anyone realize that one of the rings on Silverstream's side of the trapeze was starting to come undone!

Later that night, the tent was filled with eager ponies and other creatures all waiting for the show to start.

Just then, the trumpets sounded and Roundling Rounders stepped into the center of the ring to open the show. "Mares and gentlestallions, colts and fillies of all ages," He announced to the crowd. "We give you now a spectacle of unparalleled beauty with Whirling Wonders' world famous parade of the nations!"

"What's going on?!" Ocellus asked Sandbar as the lights began to dim and music began to blare.

"The parade of nations is how they introduce the entire circus," Sandbar answered as each of the various circus acts walked around the tent to the delight of the crowd. "It's a very big deal."

Towards the end of the parade were Gallus and Silverstream, demonstrating their flying abilities in an enclosed flying cage.

"Yeah, go griffon! Go hippogriff!" Yona excitedly cried!

As all the other various circus acts took place over the next several minutes, Gallus and Silverstream stood in the wings, eagerly awaiting their cue.

"This is it, Gallus," Silverstream whispered excitedly. "Imagine us, soaring high above for all to see!"

"Hey, anything for you is fine to me." Gallus said somewhat nervously, but trying not to show it for Silverstream's sake.

Just then, the trumpets sounded and Roundling Rounders came back out to the center ring again. "Mares and gentlestallions, I call your attention to the western most ring of the tent! Tonight, as part of our fundraising to benefit the School of Friendship, we are delighted to welcome two students who will be standing in for our friends, The Flying Colossals. I give you now, Gallus and Silverstream: The Friendship Flyers!"

Cheering in delight, the audience watched as Gallus and Silverstream stepped over towards the trapeze stands! From within the audience, Luna and Celestia watched with eagerness to see their two students perform their act.

"I hope Gallus takes to heart what I told him." Luna thought to herself with concern, noticing the obvious look of worry registered on his face.

Stepping onto their respective platforms, Silverstream and Gallus positioned themselves, totally unaware of the rope on one of the rings that was about to give way.

Taking a deep breath, the two friends leapt off of their respective platforms and began their act. For the first part, everything went well. And the second part was the same. Then came the third and final part of the act, the big finish.

Only now could Gallus see that the rope on Silverstream's end was inching closer and closer to breaking! He wanted to say something, to call out to Silverstream. But he couldn't, a knot formed in his throat and the words wouldn't come out!

Silverstream, unaware of the danger, motioned to Gallus. They went back to their original sides, ready for the grand finale. Then, just as Silverstream and Gallus were about to reach over to one another, disaster struck! A loud ripping sound could be heard as the rope finally gave way!

"Silverstream, look…!" Gallus started to cry out, but it was too late! The rope snapped, and Silverstream plunged down to the safety net below at a frightening speed! "SILVERSTREAM!"

Looking on and gasping in horror, the audience saw Silverstream transform into her seapony form in fear after clutching her necklace! She fell into the net, only to be bounced out of it! And it seemed for sure she was about to badly hurt herself, or worse!

Closing her eyes, Silverstream prepared for the worst. She was too terrified to think of transforming back! Suddenly, her descent stopped! She opened her eyes and felt herself all over, finding that she was not hurt. "I'm…okay?" Then she noticed something else about herself. "How…how did I become a seapony? What happened?"

Then Silverstream saw that she was sitting on top of Gallus, who looked unconscious! He had apparently flown down after her, no doubt trying to catch her after seeing her transform. "Gallus!" She cried, hastily becoming a hippogriff and turning him over. "Gallus, wake up! Please, you have to wake up!"

But the griffon didn't respond as the circus' medical staff rushed over to help him. Acting on instinct, Luna and Celestia flew over as well, ready to offer whatever aid they could.

"Silverstream, are you alright?!" Luna asked in a panicked voice. "Are you hurt?!"

"I'm… I'm fine…but Gallus," Silverstream cried as Gallus coughed up a little blood. Immediately, both Roundling and Whirling raced over to the scene!

"What happened here?!" Whirling cried in dismay! A disaster unfolding in the circus was the absolute worst thing that could happen!

"I think a rope on the ring snapped on my end, and I started to fall. He tried to help me, but…but…" Silverstream started to say, but her voice was filled with panic! Everything had unfolded so fast, it was like a blur to her!

"What ?!The ring snapped?!" Whirling cried as he ran over and picked up a broken trapeze ring. Sighing to himself, Whirling could only watch as Gallus was put onto a stretcher and taken away backstage. "Roundling! Get the next act going, quickly! The show must go on!" Then, racing backstage, he joined Luna and Celestia in their efforts to try to calm down the frightened Silverstream.

"I didn't know it was broken…honest!" Silverstream cried as her eyes became stained red with tears.

"It's not your fault, Silverstream," Luna sighed. "No one could have predicted this. It seems like this circus needed to do a better job inspecting its equipment," Then she turned to her sister and lamented. "I warned Gallus of the dangers and risks of this kind of business. But I never thought something like this could happen."

Hearing those words caused the guilt to well up inside of Silverstream. She had been so caught up in the moment of being in the circus, that she'd failed to give any consideration of the risks.

"That doesn't matter now," Whirling insisted. "What matters is that the griffon is okay. I'll never be able to live with myself if that kid doesn't survive this with no permanent injuries. I've never lost an act in my circus, not once!"

Meanwhile, Gallus had arrived at Ponyville General Hospital. Slowly, he opened his eyes, finding himself surrounded by those closest to him, lying in a hospital bed and clothed in a hospital gown. "What…what happened?" He drowsily asked. "Did I save her?"

"Gallus, you're okay!" Silverstream cried, clutching his claw tightly! "The ring on my side snapped and…"

"I saved you, didn't I?" Gallus chuckled. "You're not hurt, are you?" Then, suddenly, he felt a sharp pain in his chest.

"She isn't, but you are," Sandbar seriously said. "I mean, you gave us quite a scare there. We all thought you might not make it."

"The doctors say you have some broken ribs," Whirling Wonders declared. "But you don't have to worry, we'll pay the medical bills. It's the least I can do after what happened. I should've realized it was too dangerous to put kids in the circus."

To Gallus, that didn't seem to matter in the slightest. All that mattered was that Silverstream was okay.

"Guess this is the end of our trapeze act, isn't it?" Silverstream sadly called.

"For now, it is," Gallus sighed, feeling more pain in his chest as he breathed. "Let's keep our feet on the ground for a while, eh?"

Tears formed in Silverstream's eyes upon hearing those words. True, her and Gallus' circus act was over, but at least Gallus was okay and that was all that mattered.

Just then, all heard the sounds of squeaking coming from down the hall.

"What's that noise?" Smolder asked. "Who is squeaking a chew toy?"

"Oh, that's just Princess Pinkie Pie trying to bring joy to a sick pony," Celestia chuckled. "We could sure use some nowadays."

And the entire group laughed at Celestia's words, not knowing of the condition of the sick pony that Pinkie Pie was trying to cheer up just down the hall.

Comments ( 5 )

It's a good thing Silverstream and Gallus could fly, or that could've ended a lot worse for the both of them! :twilightoops:

How many episodes of this season will there be?

Edit: As a matter of fact, how many seasons do you plan on making for this continuation AU and how many episodes do you plan to include?

Is everything ok?

Will this continue?
Its been almost a year.
Did something happened?

when do you think you will write the next episode.

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