• Published 24th Jul 2023
  • 569 Views, 2 Comments

Darling and Date - Silk Rose

Pinkie and Rarity throw a party to announce their relationship. Pinkie asks Rarity on a date, getting the rest of their friends to help plan it, all while Rarity and Pinkie try to help Fluttershy and Rainbow deal with their feelings for each other.

  • ...

Chapter 1: Announce and Ask

Rarity stood with Pinkie in the latter's room, waiting on their friends to show up for the party. The two stood in silence for some time, Pinkie smiling, while Rarity pondered their friend's reaction to their new relationship.

What if they don't approve?

What if they don't want to be friends with us anymore?

What if one of them had a crush on one of us, and we ruin the entire party, and they become miserable and resentful?

Thinking about it made Rarity fidget slightly, she hoped Pinkie hadn't noticed.

Pinkie's gaze told a different story, however.

"Rarity, are you alright?" Pinkie asked, head tilting slightly.

Rarity responded, "Yes, just a little nervous, darling."

Pinkie asked, "Why? It'll be fine; our friends will be nothing but supportive!"

Rarity smiled. "Yes, I know, but it still makes me a little nervous thinking about it."

Pinkie hugged her, and said, "Everything will be fine; they'll all be super supportive and excited for us."

Rarity smiled in the hug, and replied, "You're right, thank you darling."

After the hug was over, their first guests appeared, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash.

Pinkie greeted the pair with a hug, both returning it, in kind.

After the hug, Rainbow asked, "What's this party for? Anything special?"

Rarity, not knowing what to say, turned to Pinkie, who luckily had an answer.

Pinkie replied, "You'll see when everypony gets here; it's a surprise."

Good job, Pinkie.

Rainbow replied, "Okay, sounds exciting." She turned to Rarity and asked, "Does this surprise involve you or is it a Pinkie thing?"

"It's an us kind of surprise," Rarity said, trying not to give it away.

Before Rainbow could reply, Rarity said, "Nice to see you again."

"Same," Rainbow said.

Rarity turned to Fluttershy, "I'm glad you could make it darling."

"Glad to be here, Rarity," Fluttershy said with a smile.

Moments later, Applejack trotted through the door.

Pinkie hugged Applejack, who hugged back.

After the hug was over, Pinkie said, "Once Twilight gets here, we can get this party started."

Rarity said, "Welcome, Applejack."

Applejack replied, "Thank you kindly. What's the occasion? Or is it a regular Pinkie party?"

Rarity answered, "You'll know soon enough, just waiting on Twilight."

As if on cue, seconds later, Twilight opened Pinkie's door. "Hello everypony."

Pinkie hugged Twilight. "Hi Twilight."

After the hug was over, Pinkie said, "Thank you all for coming, it means a lot to me and Rarity."

"What's going on?" Rainbow asked.

Pinkie stood beside Rarity, about to make their big announcement when she looked over at Rarity.

Rarity felt herself start to become nervous. Come on, Rarity, you can do this.

Pinkie had noticed. Putting her hoof around Rarity, she leaned over, whispering, "Are you okay? We don't have to do this if you don't want to."

Pinkie's embrace calmed her. We can do this, together, Rarity thought.

Rarity whispered back, "I am now; let's do this," as she smiled in Pinkie's comforting embrace.

The two turned to the rest of their friends, who looked confused as to what was going on.

Pinkie explained, "Rarity and I are together; in a relationship," then smiled, happy to share the news.

Immediately, the two ponies were showered in congratulations and cheers, their friends excited for them. Their smiles grew as a group hug formed, both ponies feeling accepted and loved.

After the hug was over, Pinkie let go of Rarity; excitedly exclaiming, "let's get this party started!" as she hopped over to a turntable, pressing the start button; a second later, music started playing.

Pinkie started dancing, a few of her friends deciding to join her. Twilight stayed with Rarity, keeping her company.

"Exciting news, I'm happy for you two," Twilight said.

"Thanks, Twilight, it means a lot to me. Pinkie helped calm my nerves, I was letting my thoughts get away from me, I'm sorry," Rarity replied.

"Happens to us all, don't worry about it" Twilight replied; hugging Rarity.

Rarity returned the hug, smiling.

Pinkie Pie stopped dancing, wanting a break. She walked over to the food table to grab a drink. She poured herself some punch, turning back towards her friends, when she noticed Rainbow had followed her.

Rainbow poured her drink, then turned to Pinkie, saying, "Congratulations, you guys are cool together."

Pinkie replied, "Thanks," then took a drink of her punch.

Pinkie noticed Rainbow's eye dart towards the rest of their friends, then back to her.

Rainbow, in a hushed tone, asked, "Who asked first? Did you both have feelings for each other?"

Pinkie Pie, taking the hint, replied in a hushed tone, "Technically me, but she was about to ask too. And yes."

"How long did you wait before you asked her out?"

"A few weeks, but at the end, it was hard not to just blurt it out and kiss her then and there."

Rainbow muttered under her breath, "Tell me about it…" as her eyes flashed to Fluttershy.

Pinkie, not quite hearing it, asked, "What was that?"

Rainbow quickly replied, "I mean… Uh… I have one last question, have you guys gone on a date yet?"

Pinkie Pie replied, "No, not yet," as gears in her head started turning, "but I'm going to change that soon."


Pinkie Pie, her mind now in full motion thinking about how she was going to plan their first date, asked Rainbow, "Can you help me?"

"Sure, with what?"

"The date, silly."

Rainbow, while looking at Fluttershy, replied, "Okay, but I'm not the best at this sort of stuff."

Pinkie hugged Rainbow. "Thank you."

After the hug, Pinkie looked over at Rarity, seeing those blue eyes staring back.

Rainbow followed her gaze, seeing the pair's locked eyes.

"Pinkie, go ask her to dance," Rainbow said before she went over to the turntable.

"Okay," Pinkie said, starting for Rarity.

Rarity found herself staring at Pinkie from across the room, watching her whisper back and forth with Rainbow Dash.

Wonder what they're talking about?

"Rarity," Twilight tried to get her attention.

Maybe they're planning something?

"Rarity," She tried again.

Pinkie sure is cute when she's being sneaky.

Finally, Rarity noticed Twilight, who poked her with a hoof.

"Sorry darling, I was a little distracted," She answered.

"It's okay, what were you looking at?" Twilight asked.

"Take a guess," Rarity replied with a slight blush.


"Beg your pardon," Rarity replied, a little confused.

"Go be with her. If you're distracted by her, you should probably be with her."

"Thanks Twilight," Rarity said before giving her a hug, "you're right."

After the hug, Rarity noticed Pinkie was on her way to her. Deciding to meet her halfway, Rarity walked towards her.

The pair met in the middle of the room, staring at each other before Pinkie spoke.



Catching Rarity off guard, Pinkie asked, "Care for a dance?" as somepony changed the music, playing to a slow song, perfect for a waltz type of dance.

Does Pinkie know how to waltz?

Stopping herself from embarrassing herself by pausing for too long, she answered, "Yes."

The two ponies came together, holding each other close, and started dancing.

As they danced, Rarity couldn't help but smile. Of course, Pinkie knows how to waltz.

Rarity looked around as they danced in circles, looking at the smiling faces of their friends. How could I have ever thought these ponies would be anything but supportive. I have the best friends a pony could ask for.

She held Pinkie closer in the dance, sneaking a peck on her cheek, causing Pinkie to blush a little.

After the song was over, they stopped dancing. Standing in the middle of the room, staring into each other's eyes, Rarity thought, This day can't get any better.

And then it did.

"Rarity, would you want to go on a date with me?" Pinkie asked.

Rarity, not having any qualms about her friends seeing, kissed Pinkie, holding her close.

Pinkie returned the kiss.

Their friends all watched the pair share such an intimate moment.

Out of the corner of her eye, Rarity noticed Rainbow Dash putting her wing around Fluttershy, holding her close as they sat together.

Rarity had no time to think about it, as their kiss ended and her and Pinkie stared into each other's eyes.

"Is that a yes?" Pinkie asked a little bashfully.

Rarity, blushing slightly, replied, "Yes."

Fluttershy cheered for her friends, causing the pair to notice their friends watching, they turned to them and smiled.

Rarity looked at Fluttershy cheering for them, happy to have such a supportive friend. Changing her gaze to Rainbow, she saw Rainbow staring back at her, before looking at Fluttershy in her wing, then tensing up.

Are those two together? Why does Rainbow look so tense all of a sudden?

She didn't have long to ponder, as Rainbow quietly removed her wing from around Fluttershy, who, by Rarity's best guess, hadn't noticed the wing at all.

A few seconds later, Fluttershy stood up and trotted over to the refreshments table and started getting herself a glass of punch.

This made Rarity realize how parched she was, saying, "Excuse me," as she followed Fluttershy and got a drink.

Taking a drink of her punch, Rarity looked at Fluttershy, seeing her hiding behind her mane more than usual, eyes staring at her glass of punch.

"Fluttershy, are you alright?" Rarity asked in a concerned tone.

Fluttershy took her time answering, as she looked up at Rarity, pondering what to say.

"Can we talk in private?" Fluttershy eventually asked.

"Of course, darling, come with me," Rarity said as she led Fluttershy out of Pinkie's room.

What could be wrong? I hope everything is alright.

Pinkie Pie decided to go talk to Twilight after Rarity went to get a drink.

"Hi, Twilight," Pinkie said, as she approached Twilight.

Twilight smiled, and replied, "Hi Pinkie."

"Enjoying the party?" Pinkie asked.

"Most definitely, you two go great together."

"Thank you," Pinkie said, giving Twilight a hug.

As the hug ended, Rainbow Dash walked up to the pair.

Rainbow looks over her shoulder at Fluttershy and Rarity, then spoke to Pinkie. "You should ask our friends for help too, I'm sure they'll all love to help, besides, I'm not that good at that stuff, so you'll need more than just me helping."

Pinkie thought, That's a great idea.

Looking at Twilight, who had a confused expression on her face, Pinkie asked, "Will you help me and Rainbow plan my date with Rarity?"

"Yes, I'm not exactly sure how, but I'll do my best."

"Thank you," Pinkie said, smiling.

Twilight had opened her mouth, about to say something, when she was cut off by the sound of Pinkie's door closing.

The trio looked up to see Rarity and Fluttershy were no longer in the room, only Applejack, who was approaching them.

Applejack asked them, "Do any of you know where they went? I was about to go talk to them when they up and walked out."

Twilight, Rainbow, and Pinkie all shook their heads.

"Oh, Applejack, will you help us plan my date with Rarity?" Pinkie asked.

"Sure, I can probably provide something useful," Applejack answered.

Pinkie hugged applejack, saying, "Thanks."

Rarity led Fluttershy into Pinkie's upstairs bathroom, closing the door behind them.

Rarity looked at Fluttershy with concern, "Is everything alright, dear?"

"Yes, I… I…"

Rarity could see it on her face, she was having trouble saying it. Oh, darling.

Rarity sat in front of Fluttershy, putting her hooves around her, holding her in a comforting embrace, "It's alright darling, I'm here for you; I won't judge you or tell anypony."

This calmed Fluttershy, as she relaxed into the embrace before holding her back.

Speaking at almost a whisper, Fluttershy said, "I… have a… crush on Rainbow Dash…"

"Are you planning on asking her out?"

Fluttershy meekly said, "How? I can't ask her out, I've tried… I just choke and give up…"

"You know what you want; that's the first step. You can work towards your goal, and I can help you."

Fluttershy, in a more hopeful tone, asked, "How can you help?"

"I can help you build courage; you can pretend I'm Rainbow and ask me out."

"You think it will work?"

"It's worth a shot, isn't it, you'll never ask her out if you don't try, besides, maybe she likes you and will ask you out first; that's how it happened to me and Pinkie. I was about to ask her out, when she said she wanted to say something, and asked me out first."

"You really think she might like me already?"

"Didn't I see her wing around you earlier tonight?"

"Well yes, she put her wing around me and I leaned into it, then she tensed up and removed her wing. I don't know what I did wrong, I thought…" Fluttershy trailed off.

"I think she removed her wing because of me. I was looking at her when she tensed up; she's probably just self-conscious about being affectionate in public. You know Rainbow."

"You really think I can ask her out?"

"Yes, I believe in you."

Fluttershy in a determined tone, asked, "When can we practice?"

"How about tomorrow? We shouldn't spend all night in Pinkie's bathroom; they'll probably wonder where we went."

"Sounds good, and Rarity?"

"Yes, darling."

"Thank you," Fluttershy said, holding Rarity a bit tighter.

"You're most welcome," Rarity said, hugging back.

Pinkie looked up when she heard her door open, she saw Rarity followed by Fluttershy returning to her room. The pair split; Rarity walked up to Rainbow and Applejack, while Fluttershy walked to Twilight and Pinkie.

"Welcome back," Pinkie said excitedly to Fluttershy, giving her a hug.

"Thanks Pinkie," Fluttershy said, returning the hug.

"Hey, Fluttershy, can you help me plan my date with Rarity? I already asked everypony else. Well, except Rarity," Pinkie said.

"Oh, um, sure."

"Thank you!"

Twilight was about to say something, when Rarity walked up to the trio.

"Pinkie, I hate to leave so early, but it's getting late, and I need to make dinner for Sweetie Belle," Rarity said.

"That's fine, the party was great!" Pinkie said, then giving Rarity a big hug. "Love you."

Rarity returned the hug. "Love you too." After the hug, Rarity said, "Goodbye Twilight, Fluttershy, I'll see you later."

Fluttershy replied, "Bye Rarity, see you tomorrow."

Twilight replied, "I'll walk with you Rarity, I was about to say that I needed to leave soon anyway."

Rarity said, "Okay, darling."

Twilight said, "Goodbye girls, see you next time."

Pinkie said, "Goodbye," as she hugged Twilight.

Fluttershy hugged Twilight after her previous hug was over and said, "Goodbye Twilight."

Twilight and Rarity walked away from Pinkie and Fluttershy, towards Rainbow and Applejack, exchanging goodbyes and hugs with the two.

Once the pair reached Pinkie's door, Rarity turned back, looking at Pinkie she blew her a kiss before smiling at her.

Pinkie caught the kiss and smiled at Rarity as a slight blush formed on both their faces.

After the exchange was over, Twilight and Rarity walked out of Pinkie's room, closing the door behind them.

Soon after, Applejack and Rainbow walked over to Pinkie and Fluttershy.

"I've got to get goin' too, sugarcube. I've got a few chores around the farm that need doin' before the day's end," Applejack said.

Pinkie hugged Applejack. "It's okay, thanks for coming."

Applejack returned the hug. After the hug, she turned to Fluttershy. "Do you want to walk with me, seeing as your cottage is close to the farm."

"Sure," Fluttershy said before turning to Pinkie. "Goodbye Pinkie, it was a great party."

Pinkie hugged Fluttershy. "Thanks, bye."

Turning to Rainbow, Fluttershy asked, "Are you coming with us? I know we came together…" trailing off at the end.

"Sure, but I'll catch up. I'm going to stay a bit longer and help clean up," Rainbow said.

"Okay," Fluttershy said.

With that, Applejack and Fluttershy trotted to the door. The pair quietly left, Fluttershy turned to look back at Rainbow one last time before closing the door behind her.

After they had left, Pinkie turned to Rainbow. "Thank you for helping clean up," then giving her a hug.

Rainbow returned the hug. "You're welcome, but I also wanted to talk while we clean."

"Sure, what's up?"

Rainbow started cleaning up some streamers, taking a second to respond, "Don't tell anypony, okay?"

"You have my Pinkie promise," Pinkie said as she did the motions.

Rainbow looked at Pinkie, and quietly said, "I… have a crush on… Fluttershy."

Pinkie, overwhelmed with excitement at the news, bounced over to Rainbow and gave her a big hug, exclaiming, "This is so amazing!"

Rainbow, expecting this reaction, laughed a bit. "Slow down there, Pinkie," she said before she returned the hug. "I have more to say."

Pinkie let go of the hug and looked at Rainbow with a smile, awaiting her continuance.

Rainbow continued, "I wanted to ask you more about your relationship with Rarity and how it started, just so that I'm more prepared in case me and Fluttershy start dating."

Pinkie replied, "Okay, ask away," as she started cleaning up.

"How did you work up the courage to ask her? Not that I'm having any trouble with that," Rainbow said, a tinge of nervousness in her voice on the later half.

Pinkie answered, "For a long time, I couldn't do it, I would be hanging out with her and wanting to ask, but just unable to ask. It went on like that for too long, eventually I just said today was the day and did it. After all, it's just a question, the same as any other."


"Besides, I know you can do it, I believe in you Dashie!"

"Thanks, Pinkie."

"Any other questions?"

"Yes, what do I say?" Rainbow asked, a bit bashfully, averting her gaze to hide a blush.

"Just be honest with her, tell her how you feel, maybe she secretly has a crush on you and just hasn't asked because she's you know, shy. I had suspicions Rarity liked me, but no way to confirm them without asking," Pinkie answered as she started cleaning again.

"Wow, that's surprising good advice, thanks Pinkie."

"You're welcome," Pinkie said, picking up the last of the ribbon from the ground.

"What made you want to date Rarity?"

"Well, at first, I didn't realize I liked her, I just wanted to spend more time around her. I started noticing her perfume more, savoring her hugs. Once I realized I had a crush, I noticed more, I was more giddy in her presence, I liked how she is generous and tries to make ponies smile. I really like her sparkle, as a pony from the far distant future might say. And she is super-duper pretty, I could stare at those eyes for hours, so beautiful," Pinkie answered.

"That's awesome, I'm glad you two got together," Rainbow replied.

"Thanks," Pinkie said, smiling as she worked.

"Last question, I swear. You said you thought she liked you before you asked her, what were the signs?" Rainbow asked.

"The way she acted changed, we spent more time together, her smile was more radiant. Our hugs were longer, and tighter. I'd catch her staring, then looking away when I noticed. She even blushed around me a few times. Looking back now, it is all so clear, but at the time I didn't know if they were real or just my imagination wanting them to be real," Pinkie said.

"Thanks, Pinkie, you've helped me a lot and given me a lot to think about."

"You're welcome."

They continued to clean for a bit before Pinkie broke the silence.

"Do you think Fluttershy likes you?"

Rainbow thought for a moment before answering, eventually she said, "I don't know, sometimes I think she does and others I don't. At this party, while you two danced, I was distracted and put my wing around her. At first, she leaned into it, I thought that was a sign, but then I tensed up when Rarity was looking, I probably ruined the moment… then she went real quick to get a drink and left the room with Rarity."

"Maybe you should ask Rarity what they did, they could have been just using the bathroom."

"But why would they go together."

Pinkie thought for a second. "Hmm, perhaps Rarity needed help with something and wanted to ask for help in private."

"I'm going to ask Rarity tomorrow."

"Okie dokie lokie."

After a bit more cleaning, Pinkie asked another question, "What made you realize you liked Fluttershy?"

Rainbow thought for a few seconds, before she said, "I feel a connection with her, I want to always be there for her. I want to protect her. I feel safe around her in a sense of judgement, I know you girls would never judge me, but it's different with her. I feel like I don't always have to be the tough, cool pony all the time with her. I feel like I could let my guard down and she would never hurt me. Also, she's really hot."

"I hope it works out, I love seeing my friends happy."

"Thanks, me too."

Rainbow put away the last of the balloons into Pinkie's cabinet, then turns to Pinkie. "That's almost all the decorations cleaned up, I'm going to head out, so I can catch up with Fluttershy and Applejack before they get home."

"Okay, thanks for the help," Pinkie said as she walked to Rainbow and hugged her.

Returning the hug, Rainbow said, "Goodbye."

Pinkie replied, "Goodbye."

After the hug was over, Rainbow flew out of Pinkies window, eager to see her crush.

Pinkie closed the window behind her. Then finished cleaning up the rest of the party, she yawned as she looked around the room, seeing nothing left to pick up. She thought about starting to plan her date, but decided she would be more prepared after a good night's sleep.

Going to bed early tonight, Pinkie laid down in her bed. She smiled as she fell asleep thinking of all the possibilities for her date, and the idea of her two friends dating.

I hope everything goes well for them, she thought as she drifted off to sleep.

Rarity closed the door to Pinkie's room with a smile and a slight blush on her face. She and Twilight walked down the stairs, trotting out of the store. The pair turned towards Rarity's house.

The pair walked in silence for a moment before Twilight started up a conversation.

"Must be pretty excited about your date?"

"Yes, very much so, knowing Pinkie, it could be anything."

"That's good to hear, I'm sure she will come up with something amazing."

"I wonder if it will be fancy or casual. Do you think I need a new dress for it? What if I accidentally overdress? Oh, so many possibilities."

Twilight took a moment to answer, thinking before she said, "I'm sure she will give you notice of what to wear before the date, she's good at planning."

"Yes, you're right, Twilight. How did you like the party?"

"It was good, it didn't last as long as normal, but what was there was great."

"Thanks, we spent a lot of time talking about the best way to tell the news, I was a bit worried about the reactions like I said earlier, but Pinkie always assured me that it would be fine, and she was right."

"We will never judge you for being who you are, we all love both of you for being yourselves unabashedly."

"Thanks Twilight," Rarity said as they stopped in front of her door, she turned to Twilight and gave her a hug. "I probably sound like a broken record with how much I've thanked you guys."

Twilight returned the hug. "Don't worry about it, we're all here for you and want you to be happy."

Letting go of the hug, Rarity said, "Goodnight," as she smiled at Twilight.

Twilight smiled back and said, "Goodnight." A moment later, Twilight started walking towards her home as Rarity opened the door to her boutique.