• Published 24th Jul 2023
  • 578 Views, 2 Comments

Darling and Date - Silk Rose

Pinkie and Rarity throw a party to announce their relationship. Pinkie asks Rarity on a date, getting the rest of their friends to help plan it, all while Rarity and Pinkie try to help Fluttershy and Rainbow deal with their feelings for each other.

  • ...

Chapter 2: Practice and Plan

Fluttershy knocked on Rarity's door again, this time a little louder. Getting no answer, she sighed as she realized she wasn't loud enough. She hung her head for a second, then opened the door and walked inside.

She looked around the main room, unable to locate Rarity. She tried calling out to her, "Rarity, are you in here?"

Her call was answered, when from the kitchen she heard Rarity, who said, "In here, darling."

Fluttershy walked into the kitchen, where Rarity was sitting at the table.

Rarity asked, "Ready to practice?"

Fluttershy said, "Actually Rarity, I wanted to ask you a few questions about relationships, if that's fine?"

Rarity answered, "Yes."

Fluttershy sat down at the table, before she asked, "How do I know if Rainbow likes me back?"

Rarity answered, "The easiest way is to ask, but there are other signs you can look for."

Fluttershy asked, "Like what?"

Rarity replied, "Behavioral changes are probably the biggest tell. Do they walk closer to you? Do they want to spend more time together? Do they stare at you? Are they more shy around you? Are they more intimate with you? There's more, but you most likely get the idea."

Fluttershy asked another question, "Do you think she might like me back?"

Rarity answered, "From what I saw last night and what you said, I think it's possible."

Rarity continued, "When I was pinning for Pinkie, I waited a while before deciding to just ask her. She ended up beating me to it, maybe that will happen to you too."

Fluttershy said, "I'd love that."

Rarity asked, "Any more questions?"

Fluttershy said, "No."

Rarity asked, "Are you ready to start practice?"

Fluttershy answered, "Yes."

"Let's go into the main room, we can sit on the couch for this," Rarity said before she walked into the other room.

Fluttershy followed her and sat on the couch. She looked at Rarity for guidance.

Rarity explained, "Pretend I'm Rainbow Dash and ask me out."

You can do this, Fluttershy thought.

Giving it her best shot, Fluttershy opened her mouth and… mouthed the words with nothing coming out.

Rarity said, "Well, that's a start."

"How do I make the words come out?" Fluttershy asked.

"You've got to make them come out," Rarity said. "Your desire to be with Rainbow must be greater than your fear of rejection."

"How is practicing going to help do that?" Fluttershy asked.

"Hopefully, it's going to lower your fear of rejection, by showing you how it could go," Rarity answered. "We will also practice being rejected."

"What do I do now?" Fluttershy asked.

"Continue to practice, even if it is just mouthing the words," Rarity answered.

Fluttershy tried again, still only mouthing the words.

Come on, Fluttershy, you can do this!

She tried again, same result.

She kept trying again and again, all while Rarity sat there patiently.

Every time she failed, she only wanted to prove she could do it more.

You got this. You must do this if you want the chance to be with her.

She tried again, this time making a sound, not even a full word or part of a word, but a sound.

"That's progress, you're doing great," Rarity said.

This made Fluttershy feel better.

You will ask Rainbow out! she thought.

She tried again.

"R…" she managed to say.

Rarity smiled at Fluttershy. "You can do it!"

Fluttershy tried again. "R…" she said. Same result.

She tried over and over, each time giving herself a little pep talk before each attempt.

You can do this, Fluttershy!

You will overcome this obstacle!

You must be able to do this!

You will do it for her.

Eventually, she managed something resembling a word.

"Rain…" Fluttershy said.

Rarity hugged Fluttershy. "You got this, you're doing great, darling."

Fluttershy returned the hug. "Thank you."

Fluttershy closed her eyes, letting her mind wonder. She thought of the pony she yearned for.

Oh Rainbow, I wish I could just tell you. Hopefully, this practice works.

Rarity had let go of the hug, but Fluttershy only hugged Rainbow tighter. Rarity just sat there for her friend, letting her have a break.

A few moments later, Fluttershy realized she wasn't holding Rainbow Dash. "Oh, sorry Rarity."

"It's nothing, darling," Rarity answered. "I'm always here for you."

"Thanks," Fluttershy replied.

"Do you want to keep practicing?" Rarity asked.

"Yes," Fluttershy answered with a determined look.

Fluttershy continued to practice. "Rainb…"

She would get so far and then just freeze up, taking her a moment before she could try again.


Come on, Fluttershy, you can do this!


She kept going until she was able to say her full name.

"Rainbow Dash…"

Rarity congratulated Fluttershy on her progress. "You are doing great, darling."

"Thank you, Rarity," Fluttershy replied. "Your patience and support are really helpful."

Fluttershy leaned back on the couch, lowering her shoulders and letting out a tired breath.

Rarity asked, "Would you like to take a break, darling?"

"Sure," Fluttershy answered. "Overcoming social interactions is hard."

"Yes, it took me quite a while before I was able to just ask her out."

"Do, you really think I can do it, Rarity?" Fluttershy asked in a demure tone.

"I know you can, I believe in you and will do anything I can to help you ask her out!"

"Thank you, Rarity."

After a few seconds of silence, Rarity asked, "What made you realize you liked her more than a friend? If you don't mind sharing, of course."

Fluttershy said after a few seconds, "I feel safest around her. She is always there for me and does things for me even when I know she doesn't want to.

"We have been close friends since childhood, I feel a closeness to her that's hard to explain. When she puts her wing around me, I can barely keep it in, my heart just flutters…

"Don't get me started on her looks, she's so pretty. How does she look so cool and beautiful at the same time? How am I supposed to get her attention? Oh, I want to kiss her so much…"

Fluttershy realized she was rambling, she stopped speaking and turned to Rarity.

"Sounds like you love her," Rarity said.

"I do."

"You need to channel your love into asking her out, use it as your determination to ask her out."

"I'll try, Rarity."

After a moment of silence, Fluttershy asked, "How about you?"

"Beg your pardon?"

"What made you realize you liked Pinkie romantically?"

Rarity answered, "How she can always make me smile. She is always doing her best to make everypony smile. Whenever I'm having a bad day, she is always there for me. Even her just around me makes me feel better.

"Her creativity, if I'm out of ideas for a dress, she tries so hard to help come up with some, sure some of them don't always work, but she gets there in the end.

"She's so pretty, my heart skips a beat just looking at her. Her smile is just so infectious, it's impossible to not smile back at her. Her kisses are like magic, each one makes my head spin and my ears drop.

"I wish we could spend more time together, but we're both very busy mares," Rarity finished.

Fluttershy replied, "You should get your wish when you go on your date."

"Yes, I'm very excited about it, I can't wait to see what Pinkie has planned. I thought about making a new dress to wear on the date, but I don't really know what type of date she's planning," Rarity said.

"The idea of going on a date with Rainbow Dash makes me nervous. I would probably ruin it by being too shy," Fluttershy lamented.

"Oh, don't say that, I bet you two would have a lovely time. I do hope she says yes, I'm positive you two would be great together!" Rarity said.

"You really think so?" Fluttershy asked.

"Absolutely darling," Rarity answered.

"Thanks Rarity, I hope so too," Fluttershy said with a smile.

"Do you want to get back to practicing?" Rarity asked.

Fluttershy answered, "Yes."

Rainbow Dash stepped out of her front door, closing it behind her. She took a few steps to the ledge of her house's landing, before falling off and spreading her wings. She flew towards Sugarcube Corner while grappling with her feelings for Fluttershy.

You've got to ask her out at some point.

But what if she says no? She argued with herself.

Then accept it, go cry to yourself and move on.

I would rather not cry, I want to be with Fluttershy…

The only way you will find out if she likes you back is to ask.

I know…

Why are you putting it off?

I would rather not be vulnerable, I'm supposed to be tough.

Rainbow saw Fluttershy walking into Carousel Boutique below her, but didn't comment on it.

You are tough, but you of all ponies should know that to get the reward, you have to accept the risk, besides, would Fluttershy ever want to hurt you?


Then when are you going to ask her out?

Rainbow thought for a moment before deciding.

After Rarity and Pinkie go on their date, don't want to get in their way of having a good time.

Okay, I'm holding you to it.

But you're me?

Before she could think about it anymore, she spotted her destination and started descending to it. Landing a few steps from the door, she trotted into the establishment. She looked around, not seeing Pinkie anywhere, she trotted up the stairs and knocked on her door.

She waited a few moments with no answer, she knocked again. After another moment with no answer, she asked, "Pinkie, are you in there?" She placed her ear against the door.

Not hearing any response, she opened the door and walked inside. Looking around, she found out why she hadn't got an answer, Pinkie was still in bed.

Rainbow trotted to her bedside and placed her hoof on Pinkie's resting form. "Pinkie?" She gently shook her.

Pinkie didn't wake up, instead whispering in her sleep, "Rarity… I want to kiss… you…"

Rainbow tried again, shaking her a little harder. "Pinkie?"

This time it seemed to work, as Pinkie opened her eyes and started to yawn.

Turning to Rainbow, Pinkie asked. "Hi Dashie, what's up?"

"I came over to help you plan your date, and to eat breakfast if you're willing to make some," Rainbow answered as her stomach growled.

"Sure," Pinkie said with a smile as she got out of bed.

Pinkie started to stretch before trotting to the door. "Let's go downstairs, and I'll make us something delicious."

Rainbow followed her downstairs into the restaurant's kitchen.

"Got any requests?" Pinkie asked.

Rainbow thought for a second before deciding. "Pancakes."

"Okay, coming right up," Pinkie said before she started to get out the bakeware for pancakes.

"Your pancakes are the best, Pinkie."

"Thanks," Pinkie replied before she started humming to herself.

Rainbow sat down at the kitchen table and watched Pinkie work.

Pinkie looked back at Dash. "How many you want?"


"You got it," Pinkie said before continuing to hum.

Rainbow stared off into space as she thought about Pinkie's words from last night.

Has Fluttershy's behavior changed lately?

Well, there was last night, I put my wing around her, and she leaned into me.

But then I ruined it by tensing up, that's probably why her and Rarity left the room.

I hope not…

But Fluttershy is at Rarity's right now, doesn't that make Pinkie's theory of Rarity needing help make sense?

You make a good point, me. We'll find out for sure when I ask Rarity today.


Rainbow lost her train of thought as Pinkie sat a stack of pancakes in front of her.

Rainbow said, "wow, you make them fast."

"Thank you, these are made from pancake mix, which is a lot faster than homemade."

Pinkie started making her own pancakes.

Rainbow started eating, she finished three of her pancakes by the time Pinkie sat down with her stack, twice as high as Dash's own.

Rainbow finished her last one, then said, "That was good, thank you for the breakfast."

"You're welcome," Pinkie said in between bites of her pancakes.

Rainbow thought about Fluttershy while Pinkie ate.

Fluttershy sure is awesome, I hope she says yes.

Staring at her empty plate, she thought, maybe one day I'll make pancakes for Fluttershy, that'd be cool.

Pinkie would be happy to teach you, you know.

Yea, I'll ask her when she's done eating.

Isn't that a crazy idea, Rainbow Dash making pancakes for her marefriend. That's a future I'd like to see. Love makes you do stuff you never thought you would. I'd be happy to do it for her, though.

As Pinkie finished her pancakes, Rainbow looked up at her and asked, "Hey, Pinkie, do you think you could teach me how to make pancakes sometime? I was thinking it'd be cool if I could make them for Fluttershy."

"Sure," Pinkie said before she got up from the table. She picked up their dishes and placed them in the sink. Sitting back down at the table, she asked, "When do you wanna learn?"

"How about tomorrow morning? So it doesn't get in the way of the planning."


"How are you wanting to plan the date?"

"I can use my party planning skills and all our friends ideas to make the best date we can."

"Okay, do you have any idea what I could contribute?"

"I want you to keep the weather clear for the date."

"I can do that, but I want to do more, if I can."

"Like what?"

"I don't know yet, got any ideas?"

Pinkie thought for a moment before she said, "Maybe you could pull us around on our date in a chariot."

Rainbow thought on this for a moment.

While I think that would be helpful, I don't know if that would be awkward or not.

I don't think I'd fit the part, they'd probably want a fancy chariot, and I'm no fancy pony.


"Aha," Rainbow Dash said. "You should ask Twilight for a royal chariot, I think that would suit Rarity far more than a boring old chariot pulled by me."

"Ooh, that's a great idea," Pinkie said. "But what would you do then?"

Hmm, what am I good at?

Oh yea, being awesome!

"I could perform for your date as private entertainment, what do you think?" Rainbow answered.

"That's a wonderful idea," Pinkie said.

"I can practice for it every day until the date, I'm sure I can come up with something awesome by then," Rainbow confidently said.

"Okay, thank you."

"Now, what are you planning on bringing to the date, besides yourself?"

"Rarity," Pinkie answered earnestly.

"No, I mean what is your contribution," Rainbow clarified.

"Oh, I haven't figured that out yet."

"What are some ideas you think you could contribute?"

Pinkie sat there in thought for a bit, before she said, "I'm good at singing and baking sweets. Maybe I could make our dessert."

"That's good."

"But I feel like I want to do more," Pinkie lamented.

Rainbow thought for a moment before she said, "Well, you said you're a good singer, so write her a song to show her your love."

"That's a great idea."

Pinkie got up from the table and hugged Rainbow. "Thank you."

Rainbow hugged back. "You're welcome Pinkie."

After the hug was over, Pinkie asked, "Who should we go talk to next about planning the date?"

Rainbow thought for a moment as the memory of Fluttershy entering Carousel Boutique entered her mind. "Rarity and Fluttershy, they're both at Rarity's, I think."

Pinkie said, "Okie dokie lokie," before she started for the door, Rainbow followed behind her.

After leaving the establishment, Rainbow said, "I need to ask Rarity about why her and Fluttershy left the room last night."


"Is it okay if we separate them? You talk to Fluttershy about the date plan, and I can ask Rarity about last night."

"Sure, but what about asking Rarity about her part of the date?"

"I can ask her if you like."

"Okay, sounds like a plan."

"What day are you planning to have the date?"

Pinkie thought for a few seconds before she said, "The day after tomorrow. Today we plan, tomorrow we get everything ready, and the next day we date."


"Rainbow Dash, w…" Fluttershy managed.

"You're doing great, darling," Rarity exclaimed.

"Rarity, how do I know I won't just lose all my progress once I'm in front of Rainbow Dash?"

"I saw that coming, and I am prepared. After you can fully say it, I am going to barrow a Rainbow Dash costume from Pinkie. I will wear the costume, and we can practice you asking me out while I'm dressed liked Rainbow."

"Oh, my, you thought of everything."

"I do my best."

Fluttershy continued her practicing. "Rainbow Dash, W…"

You will ask her out.

"Rainbow Dash, W…"

You can do this, Fluttershy!

"Rainbow Dash, Wi…"

"You got this!" Rarity said.

"Rainbow Dash, Wi…"

You will overcome your anxiety.

"Rainbow Dash, Wil…"

Fluttershy continued to practice, each time giving herself encouragement.

You can do it!

Rainbow Dash will hear you.

You must be able to ask her out.

She will know how you truly feel.

Fluttershy managed to say, "Rainbow Dash, will you…"

Rarity gave Fluttershy a congratulatory hug. "You are doing great, darling, you've made good progress."

"Thanks Rarity," Fluttershy said, returning the hug.

After the hug was over, Rarity asked, "How do you feel now? Do you have more confidence than when we started?"

"I feel better, I feel like I have hope that I could actually do it eventually."

"That's excellent, darling."

Fluttershy started practicing again, determined to do this.

You got this, Fluttershy!

"Rainbow Dash, will you…"

I will do this!

"Rainbow Dash, will you g…"

You will succeed.

"Rainbow Dash, will you g…"

"You can do it," Rarity said.

"Rainbow Dash, will you go…"

Make progress, Fluttershy.

"Rainbow Dash, will you go…"

Rarity sat there patiently, occasionally giving Fluttershy words of encouragement.

"You will ask her out," Rarity said.

"Rainbow Dash, will you go o…" Fluttershy said.

You're doing great!

"Rainbow Dash, will you go o…"

I believe in me.

"Rainbow Dash, will you go ou…"

I am determined!

"Rainbow Dash, will you go ou…"

My feelings will be known.

"Rainbow Dash, will you go out…"

You are so close, Fluttershy.

"Rainbow Dash, will you go out…"

Two more words and you can take a break.

"Rainbow Dash, will you go out…"

I will do this.

"Rainbow Dash, will you go out w…"

"I know you can do it!" Rarity cheered.

"Rainbow Dash, will you go out wi…" Fluttershy said.

Come on, Fluttershy, you can do it.

"Rainbow Dash, will you go out wi…"

I am able to do this.

"Rainbow Dash, will you go out with…"

I am brave enough to ask her out.

"Rainbow Dash, will you go out with…"

I am determined to ask her out!

"You are doing great!" Rarity said.

"Rainbow Dash, will you go out with me?" Fluttershy asked.

Rarity cheered for her, "You did it, darling, you did it!"

Fluttershy smiled. "I did it!"

Rarity hugged Fluttershy, patting her on the back. "You did amazing."

Fluttershy hugged her back. "Thank you, Rarity, I couldn't have done it without you."

Rarity pulled away from the hug and asked, "Would you like some celebratory pancakes?"

"Yes, is it Pinkie's recipe, I really like her pancakes."

"Yes," Rarity answered. "Let's go to the kitchen," she said before she got up from the couch and went into the kitchen.

Fluttershy followed her into the kitchen and sat down at the table. "Thanks for the pancakes, I need the energy if we're going to do more practicing."

"You are most welcome, darling, you've earned it."

Rarity began making the pancakes while Fluttershy waited patiently. She was about to pour the pancake batter into a pan when she heard a knock at her door.

Rarity sat everything down on the counter and trotted out of the room to see who was at the door, Fluttershy stayed in the kitchen.

Fluttershy waited patiently for Rarity to return. Moments later, Pinkie trotted into the room, not Rarity.

"Hi Fluttershy, how's it going?" Pinkie asked.

"Good, how is your day going?" Fluttershy said.

"Great, I wanted to ask you about helping with my date with Rarity," Pinkie said before looking around the room, noticing the pancake paraphernalia.

"Sure, do you have any suggestions for how I can help?"

"No, but I can tell you what we have planned so far," Pinkie said as she started to make the pancakes.

"I'll take four."

Pinkie talked while making the pancakes, "Okay, I'm going to write Rarity a song, and make our dessert. Rainbow will provide entertainment and clear the weather. We plan to ask Twilight to see if we can use a royal chariot for the date."

Fluttershy thought for a moment, trying to figure out how to help.

A royal chariot sounds fancy, and Rarity did comment on making a new dress, maybe I could help make it with Pinkie.

"Maybe I can help you make a dress to give her for the date, a royal chariot is rather fancy, it would be fitting for you both to wear dresses," Fluttershy suggested.

"That's a great idea, Fluttershy," Pinkie said before making the next pancake.

"Pinkie, I know it's your date, but is it okay if the dress is from me and you? Rarity is helping me a lot and I wanted to do something nice for her."

"Absolutely, it's always nice to share," Pinkie exclaimed happily.

"Thank you."

Pinkie paused the food making to give Fluttershy a big hug. "Thank you."

Fluttershy returned the hug. "You're welcome."

After Pinkie returned to making the pancakes, Rarity and Rainbow Dash entered the room together.

Rainbow goes over to the table and sits in the chair beside Fluttershy. Fluttershy wasn't paying close attention, but she swore Rainbow had scooted her chair a lot closer to her.

Probably just your imagination.

"I could eat one more, Pinkie," Rainbow said to Pinkie, who had turned around and noticed the pair.

"Got it," Pinkie said before setting a plate of four pancakes in front of Fluttershy.

"Thank you, Pinkie," Fluttershy said before starting to eat her pancakes.

"You're welcome," Pinkie said before asking, "How many pancakes would you like, Rarity?"

"Thank you for making them, darling, I'll take four," Rarity said before walking over to Pinkie.

Pinkie turned to Rarity and gave her a hug. Rarity returned the hug, and started whispering to Pinkie. Pinkie whispered back for a second.

After they're done hugging, Rarity surprised Pinkie with a kiss. Pinkie graciously started kissing back as both of them began to blush and Rarity's ears folded back.

Fluttershy looked at Rainbow, curious about her reaction.

Rainbow was looking at them kissing before she looked down at the table, her ears folded back as her face became expressionless. Fluttershy became worried about her.

Fluttershy stopped her eating and leaned over to Rainbow and gave her a hug, whispering, "Are you alright?"

Rainbow hugged back before whispering, "Yes, just a little distracted."

As Fluttershy and Rainbow hugged, Fluttershy could hear Rarity say, "A little birdie told me you wanted a kiss."

Fluttershy closed her eyes and tightened her hold on Rainbow.

Rainbow whispered, "Thank you," as she also tightened her grip.

If only this could last forever…

After the hug was over, both ponies turned to look at Rarity and Pinkie.

Pinkie had returned to making pancakes, while Rarity had taken the seat across from Rainbow.

Fluttershy said, "These pancakes are delicious, Pinkie," before starting to eat again.

Pinkie responded, "It's because they're made with love."

Moments later, Pinkie slid a plate with one pancake on it in front of Rainbow.

Rainbow said, "Thank you," before beginning to eat.

"You're welcome," Pinkie replied before starting to make Rarity's pancakes.

Fluttershy finished her pancakes, getting down from the table, she took her dishes and placed them in the sink before returning to her seat.

Fluttershy asked, "Do you two have a set date for your date?"

Pinkie answered, "I was thinking the day after tomorrow, if that's okay with you, Rarity?"

Rarity answered, "That should work for me, darling."

Fluttershy remarked, "That party was great last night, I'm happy for you girls."

Rarity said, "Thank you, I'm glad it went well."

Pinkie replied, "Me too, I love when my friends are happy."

All four ponies went silent for a moment as Pinkie continued to make pancakes.

Rarity broke the silence when she asked, "So, Rainbow, do you think you could see yourself having a special somepony anytime?"

Everypony turned to look at Rainbow, awaiting her answer. Fluttershy's heart started beating faster.

I hope so…

Rainbow played it cool, simply answering, "Yes."

Rarity followed it up with another question. "Pardon the intrusion, but would you rather be with a mare or a stallion?"

Fluttershy's mouth hung open at Rarity's boldness. I hope she likes mare…

Rainbow, a little perturbed, answered, "If you must know, I like both, but I prefer mares. Now, if you don't mind, I'd like to change the subject."

Rarity apologized, "Sorry darling, I was just curious, I do think you'd look absolutely adorable in a relationship."

Rainbow, having calmed herself, said, "Well, I appreciate the thought, but I can handle my own dating life."

Everypony went quiet again, this time being interrupted by Pinkie. "Pancakes are done."

Pinkie brought over two plates one at a time, setting them in front of Rarity, and herself.

Rarity and Pinkie began to eat.

I should tell them I like mares, it will let her know I'm available, right?

Fluttershy practically whispered, "I like mares too."

Rainbow, who was closest to Fluttershy, turned to her. "Did you say something?"

Fluttershy tried again. "I like mares." This time louder, but still nopony could make it out.

Rarity and Pinkie both noticed she was trying to say something.

Fluttershy sat there, all three pairs of eyes trained on her.

You can do this, Fluttershy, remember your practice.

Fluttershy confidently said, "I like mares." But Rainbow was the only one able to hear it.

"Could you repeat that, I'm not sure if I heard you correctly?" Rainbow said.

Fluttershy took a deep breath, you got this.

Fluttershy achieved her small victory. "I like mares too," she said, speaking at a normal volume.

Rainbow Dash and Pinkie's mouth were agape, both ponies surprised.

Rarity recovered the quickest. "Oh darling, that's wonderful."

Rainbow did her best to not act excited. "That's cool."

Pinkie encouraged her. "I hope you find that special mare soon."

Me too, she thought as she looked at Rainbow.

Rainbow buried her head in her food as she ate. Fluttershy could have sworn she saw her blushing.

Pinkie and Rarity started eating their pancakes again. The room was silent except for the sound of eating.

Fluttershy thought about Rainbow.

I can't tell from her reaction. She's acting weird, but I don't know if it's in a good way or not.

Rainbow finished her pancake, mouth covered in pancake debris. Fluttershy looked at her a giggled.

"Your mouth is a mess," Fluttershy informed her.

Rainbow wiped her mouth. "Thanks."

Fluttershy offered, "Want me to get that for you?" as she gestured towards her plate.

"Sure," Rainbow said.

Fluttershy took Rainbow's plate to the sink and placed it atop hers. Returning to her chair, she sat down and looked over at Pinkie and Rarity, both were still eating, but Pinkie was far closer to finishing.

Fluttershy looked at Rainbow, seeing her staring back. Both ponies just stared at each other for a moment until Fluttershy broke eye contact, averting her gaze to look at Pinkie and Rarity.

Pinkie had finished her food and was getting down from the table and taking her plate to the sink. Fluttershy looked at Rarity, who still had two pancakes left to eat.

Fluttershy heard water running, looking over, she saw Pinkie had started to do the dishes. How nice of her, Fluttershy thought.

Fluttershy turned back to Rainbow, who looked like she had something to say.

Rainbow looked at Fluttershy. Might as well get this started, she thought.

When Fluttershy looked back at her, she said, "Fluttershy, could you come with me for a second, I wanted to talk to you in the other room."

Fluttershy replied, "Sure," with an unsure look on her face.

Getting up from the table, Rainbow trotted into the other room with Fluttershy behind her.

The pair sat down on Rarity's couch, turning to face each other.

Here goes nothing, she thought.

"Would you like to have breakfast at my place in three days?" Rainbow asked.

Fluttershy looked a little confused. "Sure, but why the secrecy?" she asked with genuine curiosity in her voice.

Rainbow sat there in thought for a moment.

Why did you need to go to another room?

Because I'm afraid…

Of what?

Showing emotion in front of my friends.

But Fluttershy is your friend.

I'm trying… Alright… I'm showing her emotion.

Rainbow sighed. "It's hard to explain… I just wanted to show you how much I care… I don't deal well with emotions, I'm trying, it's just… you'll understand after breakfast."

Fluttershy didn't immediately respond, taking a moment to take in her emotional answer.

Fluttershy said, "Okay, I'm looking forward to it," before she hugged Rainbow.

Rainbow hugged back. "Me too."

After the hug was over, Fluttershy said, "I'm always here for you, I would never judge you for feeling any way you do."

"Thanks, also, could you not tell anyone, for now?"


"Let's go back in there, they are probably done eating by now."

The pair trotted back into the kitchen. Rarity was sitting at the table, while Pinkie was just finishing the last of the dishes.

Rarity greeted the two, "Welcome back."

Fluttershy said, "Thank you."

Rainbow said, "Thanks."

Pinkie looked over at Rainbow. "Are you about ready to leave, I'm almost done here."


Pinkie finished the dishes before going to Rarity, giving her a hug.

Rarity hugged back and said, "Goodbye, darling."

Pinkie replied, "Goodbye."

Fluttershy addressed the two, "Goodbye girls."

"See you later," Rainbow said.

"Bye," Pinkie said.

Pinkie and Rainbow left the room and trotted out of the building.

Rainbow closed the door behind them and started walking next to Pinkie.

Pinkie said, "We need to go back to Sugarcube Corner first, Rarity needs to barrow something from me. Could you fly it back to her once we get there?"

"Sure, what is it?" Rainbow asked.

"A costume."

"Of what?"

"A pegasus, I think she needs it for modeling a dress."


They trotted in silence for a moment before Rainbow asked, "Did you think Fluttershy was acting weird in there?"

"How so?"

"Why would she say she likes mares?"

"She could have just been trying to keep the conversation going, or my theory of her secretly having a crush on you is true."

A moment later, Pinkie continued, "Probably the first one, but you never know."

"Yeah," Rainbow said.

They walked in silence again for a bit before Pinkie said, "Oh, what did Rarity say she wanted for our date?"

"She said all she wants is to spend quality time with you."

"Aw, how sweet. Does the date count as quality time?"

"I would think so, but maybe you should add something to it where you two can be together in private."

"That's a good idea."

"What did Fluttershy say about her helping with the date?"

"She's going to help me make a dress to give Rarity for the date, and she suggested I can wear the dress Rarity gave me when I asked her out."

"Sounds like you two will have a fancy date as long as Twilight can get you a chariot."

"Oh, that gives me a great idea, we can go to a fancy restaurant on the date."

"If you got a private booth, I'd consider that quality time."

"Me too."

I'd consider any time with Fluttershy as quality time.

"Your date is going to be awesome," Rainbow said.

"Yes, I just know Rarity will love it," Pinkie said.

"What about you? I know Rarity would want you to have fun on your date."

"I will love it, we just need to think of more stuff, right?"

"I guess."

"We should probably make a schedule, I was thinking we could watch the sunset at the end. What do you think?"

"Yea, that's a good idea, Twilight might be able to help, she's good at scheduling."

"Sounds like a plan."

"We should probably go to Applejack then Twilight, so we have as much info to give to Twilight as we can."

"Good idea."

"We're here," Rainbow said. "Do you want me to just wait out here?"

"Sure," Pinkie said before she went inside.

While Pinkie was inside, Rainbow tried to think of something to add to the date for Pinkie.

Pinkie is going to sing Rarity a song, so that's one thing she will love, what else?

I know Pinkie loves games, maybe they could play a game together?

But which game is suitable for a date?

Pinkie should probably pick the game, since it is her date, I'll tell her my idea later.

Rainbow's thoughts drifted to Fluttershy.

I'm starting to think she likes me, I feel like she wouldn't announce her interest in mares if she wasn't trying to tip me off.

Fluttershy's very shy, so I bet that took a lot to say.

I sure hope I'm right, that mare is so cute.

I don't know why Rarity asked that kind of question. I'm probably reading way too much into this, but she could have been prying for a reason.

I guess I'll get an answer whether or not she likes me in three days.

Before Rainbow could think of anything else, Pinkie came out of the shop's door holding a box.

"Here you go," Pinkie said, giving the box to Rainbow.

Rainbow took the box. "You start going towards Sweet Apple Acres, I'll catch up after I drop this off."

"Okay, thanks," Pinkie said before trotting away.

Rainbow held the package to her chest and took off, flying over Ponyville.

While she flew, she thought of the package in her hooves.

Why does Rarity need a pegasus costume?

Fluttershy is there, and she's a pegasus, couldn't she model for her?

Even then, I've seen her make dresses for pegasi on her ponnequines.

I'm going to ask her about it when I get there.

Should I open it?

Pinkie didn't say I couldn't open it.

But I would still feel bad if I did, I don't know.

I better not open it, hopefully Rarity will tell me what's up.

Rainbow saw Carousel Boutique coming into view. She slowed down and dropped to the ground in front of the shop.

She knocked on the door a few times and waited.

A few moments later, Rarity answered the door. "Hello darling, is that the package from Pinkie?"

"Yes, what's inside it? Pinkie said it's a pegasus costume," Rainbow replied.

"Yes, that's it," Rarity said.

"What do you need it for?"

"I'm going to use it to model a dress."

"Why? Isn't Fluttershy still here?"

Rarity took a second to answer, "Well yes, but the customer's coat is a different color and I wanted Fluttershy to wear the costume, so I could make sure it matches."

I guess that makes sense.

"Oh, okay."

"Was there anything else?"


"Goodbye, darling."

"See ya."

Rarity took the package inside with her magic and closed the door.

Rainbow flew up into the sky, heading for Sweet Apple Acres.

Fluttershy was sitting on the couch when Rarity came back from answering the door. Rarity had a package in her magic.

"I'm going to go put this on, when I get back we can start practicing again," Rarity said.

"Okay," Fluttershy said.

Rarity left the room.

Fluttershy sat on the couch and thought about Rainbow's request.

Rainbow said she wanted to show me how much she cares, wouldn't it be wild if she was planning on asking me out.

No, I don't know about that, but maybe I should ask her out after we eat breakfast.

Yea, that's a good idea.

She's going to be so surprised when I ask her out, I hope she says yes.

It makes me really happy knowing she likes mares. I'm glad Rarity asked.

I hope this practice goes well, hopefully I don't lose a bunch of progress from Rarity being dressed as Rainbow.

As if on cue, Rarity trotted into the room, She looked just like Rainbow Dash, except her eyes were still blue.

"Wow," Fluttershy said.

"I knew Pinkie would have what we needed," Rarity Dash said.

"Isn't it hot in there?"

"A little, but I'm alright."

"Okay, if you say so."

"Ready to practice?"


Rarity Dash came over and sat next to Fluttershy on the couch.

"For now I'm not going to say anything, once you get more confident I can try to respond like Rainbow Dash," Rarity Dash said.

"Okay," Fluttershy said.

Fluttershy looked at Rarity Dash, her heart started beating faster. She knew it wasn't really Rainbow, but still, this felt a little more real now.

Time to prove you can do it.

Fluttershy said, "Rainbow…"

That's better than nothing, but you can do this Fluttershy.


I can do this!

"Rainbow D…"

I will not back down.

"Rainbow Da…"

You will ask her out.

"Rainbow Dash…"

She will know how I feel.

"Rainbow Dash, wi…"

I got this.

"Rainbow Dash, will…"

I will not give up.

"Rainbow Dash, will you…"

Rainbow will hear me say it.

"Rainbow Dash, will you g… g…"

I will overcome my shyness.

"Rainbow Dash, will you go…"

I will succeed.

"Rainbow Dash, will you go ou…"

I am going to ask her out.

"Rainbow Dash, will you go out…"

I cannot give up.

"Rainbow Dash, will you go out wi…"

This practicing will not go to waste.

"Rainbow Dash, will you go out with…"

I will surprise her.

"Rainbow Dash, will you go out with m… m…"

I will tell the mare I love how I feel.

"Rainbow Dash, will you go out with me?"

I did it!

"You did it, darling, congratulations!" Rarity Dash said.

"Thank you so much, Rarity! I'm going to ask Rainbow Dash out, and it's because you believed in me," Fluttershy said as her eyes started to water.

Rarity Dash leaned over and gave Fluttershy a big hug. "You did this Fluttershy. You were able to do this all along, you just had to believe in yourself."

Fluttershy returned the hug, closing her eyes as tears streamed down her face.

Rarity Dash held her tight and patted her back. "I'm so proud of you, darling."

They held the hug for a while, Fluttershy's tears slowed to a crawl, then she opened her eyes, seeing the blue coat of Rainbow Dash.

"I love you, Rainbow Dash," Fluttershy said.

"I love you too, darling," Rarity Dash said.

They let go of the hug, pulling back, Fluttershy saw Rarity's eyes. "I'm sorry Rarity, I didn't mean to call you Rainbow Dash."

"It's alright, I mean I am wearing a Rainbow Dash costume after all," Rarity Dash replied. "Besides, I do love you, you're one of my best friends."

"Thanks, love you too," Fluttershy said with a smile.

Rainbow landed next to Pinkie. "Delivered."

"Thanks," Pinkie replied.

"So, earlier when you were inside getting the costume for Rarity, I had an idea for your date."

"Ooh, what is it?"

"You two should play some game together."

"I like that idea, but what about Rarity?"

"I think if she loves you, she will have fun doing it because it's with you, you know."

"I think you're right, but what game?"

"I don't know, I think you should pick it, pick a game you want to do specifically with Rarity."


"We're almost there, be on the lookout for Applejack."


The pair made it all the way to the Apple family home without seeing Applejack.

"Must be inside," Rainbow said.

Pinkie knocked on the door and waited, moments later, Applejack answered.

"Howdy y'all," Applejack said.

"We're here to talk about my date with Rarity," Pinkie said.

"Well, come on inside, I was just baking some pies," Applejack said, moving aside for the pair to enter.

Pinkie and Rainbow followed Applejack into her kitchen, sitting down at her kitchen table.

"What can I do you for? How can I help with this here date?" Applejack asked.

"Well, we haven't figured that out yet, we should probably tell you the stuff we have planned, and maybe we can think of something together," Pinkie suggested.

"Okay, what's all in this plan so far?" Applejack asked.

Rainbow answered, "I'm going to do an air show for their entertainment, and keep the weather clear."

Pinkie said, "I'm making the dessert, and I'm going to sing Rarity a song, oh, and I want to play a fun game with Rarity."

Rainbow continued, "Fluttershy is going to help Pinkie make a dress to give to Rarity for their date."

Pinkie continued, "I'm going to wear the dress Rarity gave me when I asked her out. And we're going to a fancy restaurant for dinner."

Rainbow continued, "Rarity said she wants to spend quality time with Pinkie. Also, Pinkie would like to watch the sunset with Rarity on the date."

Pinkie finished, "We're going to ask Twilight to see if we can use a royal chariot for the date, and to see if she can help schedule the date."

"Wow, sounds you two are planning a mighty fine date," Applejack said.

"Yes, I hope she loves it," Pinkie said.

Applejack sat there in thought for a moment, thinking of how she could help, before offering, "I can give you my land, I can find a nice secluded spot for you two that has a great view of the sunset. I can even prepare it with a picnic blanket and such."

"Thank you, Applejack, that's a great idea," Pinkie replied before the gears in her head started to turn.

Moments later, Pinkie asked, "Can we play our game here?"

"Sure, just try not to damage anything," Applejack answered.

Rainbow thought about the date activities.

Dresses, Song, Dinner, Chariot, Game, Sunset, Show, Time, Picnic.

What am I missing from the list?


Hmm, when is dessert?

Rainbow decided to ask. "Pinkie, when were you planning to have dessert? I don't think the restaurant will let you bring in your food."

Pinkie thought for a moment. "Maybe we could eat it later on the date?"

Applejack suggested, "Like before you watch the sunset?"

"That's it, I can bring you the food beforehoof, and you can have it there waiting for us," Pinkie exclaimed.

"Good idea," Rainbow said.

Pinkie said, "I'll be right back, I need to use the bathroom," before walking to the bathroom.

Applejack seized the moment to ask, "When are you going to tell Fluttershy how you feel?"

Rainbow's face froze for a second. How'd she know?

"I know Pinkie didn't tell you, how'd you know?" Rainbow asked.

"It was more obvious than the start of cider season, the way you were fawning over her last night the whole way to her home," Applejack answered.

"Was it really that obvious?" Rainbow asked.

"Yes," Applejack answered in a dry tone.

"Do you think she likes me back?" Rainbow asked as she felt her face turning red.

"I'm surprised you couldn't see from how close you were walking to her, she had a blush to match the one you got right there," Applejack answered.

Rainbow's blush intensified.

"I think she might like you back," Applejack finished.

In a softer voice, Rainbow said, "I sure hope you're right."

"Even if she does like you back, you know how that girl is. You are going to need to make the first move," Applejack said.

"I am, the day after Pinkie and Rarity's date. Me and Fluttershy are having breakfast at my place, after we eat, I will ask her out," Rainbow said.

Pinkie walked back in the room. "I'm back."

"I wish you two the best of luck," Applejack said as she tipped her hat to Rainbow.

"Thanks," Pinkie said with a smile.

Rainbow got up and went over to Applejack, giving her a hug, "Thank you."

After the hug, Applejack said, "Goodbye y'all."

"Bye," Pinkie said before also hugging Applejack.

"Goodbye," Rainbow said with a smile.

With that, the two ponies walked out of Applejack's house.

Rainbow looked up in the sky, noticing how late it had become.

We need to hurry if I am going to have time to practice for the show.

Pinkie turned to Rainbow. "Onward to Twilight," she said, but as she was about to start trotting, Rainbow stopped her.

"Pinkie, you wanna make the trip to Twilight's a little more fun?"


"Let's race there, I won't even use my wings."

"Let's do it," Pinkie said with a smile.

They lined up next to each other, Rainbow getting in a running stance while Pinkie just stood there.

"On your marks," Rainbow announced.

"Get set," Rainbow continued.

"Go," Rainbow finished.

With that, they were off, Rainbow dashed off the line, running as fast as she could.

"Are you ready to continue practicing?" Rarity Dash asked.

"Not yet, I wanted to ask you something first," Fluttershy said.

"Okay, what is it, darling?"

"Can I barrow a ponnequin? And could I have some fabrics?"

"Well, of course, are you making a dress?"


"Would you like any help making it?"

"No, you can't help."

"Who is it for?"


"Me?" Rarity Dash asked in surprise.

"Yes, I want to make you a dress," Fluttershy explained.


"You've practically taken up a whole day to help me out, you are literally dressed like Rainbow Dash. I want to give you something for all you've done today."

Rarity Dash said in a loving tone, "You don't have to do anything for me. I'm your friend and would help you do anything without expecting compensation, darling."

"I know, but this is something I want to do."

Rarity Dash hugged Fluttershy. "Thank you, darling, I can't wait to see it."

Fluttershy hugged back. "Thank you."

After the hug was over, Rarity Dash asked, "When do you need the stuff?"

"Tomorrow morning, if you can."

"Okay, I'll set everything by the door, you can just come by and grab it."

"Okay, now I think I'm ready to start practicing again."

"Okay, this time after you ask me, I will either say yes or no, and you won't know which beforehoof."


You got this. Just pretend she is Rainbow Dash.

Fluttershy asked, "Rainbow Dash, will you go out with me?"

She is Rainbow Dash

"Yes," Rarity Dash said.

Fluttershy's trick worked, as her heart exploded, beating fast, she hugged Rainbow tight. "I love you," she proclaimed.

Rarity Dash held Fluttershy, rubbing her back.

When Rainbow didn't respond, Fluttershy remembered this wasn't real, letting go of the hug.

"I'm sorry," Fluttershy said, looking down at her hooves.

"No, darling, you did great."

"I did?" Fluttershy asked, looking up at Rarity Dash.

"Yes, you reacted like I was Rainbow Dash, it let you experience it, so you can be prepared for when she says yes."

"Thank you, Rarity."

"You're welcome, darling, let's keep going."

"Rainbow Dash, will you go out with me?"

She is Rainbow Dash

"Yes," Rarity Dash answered, again.

Again, Fluttershy's trick worked, but this time she realized much sooner, right after giving Rarity Dash a hug.

Letting go of the hug, Fluttershy asked, "was that right?"

"Yes, darling."

"Are you going to say no?"


"But, why not?" Fluttershy asked in a confused tone.

"You've achieved your goal, darling."

"What, how so?"

"You have the courage to ask her out."

"But what if she says no?"

"I could have said no, and you still asked me twice. You don't need to practice how to get rejected, you just needed the courage to ask her out. That feeling when I said yes, imagine that but for real, it will feel so much better darling. If she does reject you, that's something you need to handle with Rainbow Dash, you and her are the only ones qualified to deal with your friendship. If you really want to practice being rejected I will, I'm your friend and I will help you however I can, but I don't think you require it, I think you are ready now," Rarity Dash said.

Fluttershy's eyes were watering by the end of her speech. Fluttershy hugged Rarity Dash tightly. "I'm ready."

Rainbow rounded the last corner, galloping at a good pace. No Pinkie Pie in sight, she thought.

She made it halfway to Twilight's door when she spotted her, Pinkie Pie. She was just bouncing at a leisurely pace towards the door, and she was closer, way closer.


Rainbow sped up, galloping as fast as she could, I'm not giving up that easily.

Rainbow was gaining ground at a quick pace, but not quick enough. It was a foregone conclusion.

Pinkie won.

Rainbow skidded to a stop, almost crashing into Twilight's door. Catching her breath, she just stared at Pinkie.

"How did you win? You weren't even running," Rainbow said.

Pinkie just shrugged. "I don't know."

"Well, you won, good job I guess."

"Thanks, you did great, too."

"Let's talk to Twilight," Rainbow said before knocking on Twilight's tree-house door.

Moments later, Twilight answered. "Hello girls."

"Hi, Twilight," Pinkie said.

"Sup," Rainbow said.

"What can I do for you?" Twilight asked.

"We're here to plan Pinkie's date," Rainbow explained.

"Oh, then come on inside," Twilight said while gesturing them inside.

The pair came into her home, following Twilight. Twilight led them into her kitchen. They all sat down at her kitchen table.

"What's the plan? What can I do to help?" Twilight asked.

Pinkie said, "We wanted to ask you to do two things for the date."

"What's the first one?" Twilight asked.

"Can you get us a royal chariot to use for the date?" Pinkie asked.

Twilight thought for a moment. "I think I can, I'm a princess now, so I should be able to use one on a personal request."

"Thank you, Twilight," Pinkie said before getting up to hug Twilight.

Twilight hugged back. "I'll write to Princess Celestia as soon as Spike gets back home."

After the hug was over, Pinkie returned to her seat.

Rainbow asked, "We also wanted to see if you could schedule the date? Pinkie wants to watch the sunset, so we need the timing to be correct."

"Yes, yes, I can do that," Twilight said with a big smile and a glint in her eye.

"Yay," Pinkie said excitedly.

"What locations will you be visiting on the date?" Twilight asked.

Pinkie answered, "Let's see, my house, Rarity's house, Sweet Apple Acres, the fairground field, and a fancy restaurant."

"Which fancy restaurant?" Twilight asked.

"Horse Dēla Hay," Pinkie answered.

"Okay, what are you doing at each place?" Twilight asked.

Pinkie started, "At my place I will be picked up, at Rarity's I will give her a dress as a gift and pick her up for the date."

Rainbow continued, "At the field they will watch my show, at the restaurant they will eat dinner."

Pinkie finished, "At Sweet Apple Acres we will play a game and watch the sunset and eat dessert, and I'm going to sing her a song."

"You two just almost created the schedule yourselves," Twilight said.

"What do you mean?" Pinkie asked.

Twilight explained, "The date starts at your place Pinkie, then to Rarity's. The middle section will be the dinner and a show. The end will all be at Sweet Apple Acres."

"Oh," Pinkie said.

"That is all well and good, but we need the timing set," Rainbow said.

"That's why I said almost," Twilight explained.

"Okay," Rainbow said.

"Pinkie, let me ask you this, do you want to watch the show or eat dinner first?" Twilight asked.

"Dinner, I feel like starting the date with dialogue would be nice," Pinkie said.

"Okay, so the current timeline is this: Pinkie's, Rarity's, dinner, show," Twilight said.

"Yes," Pinkie said.

"And after that, everything happens at Sweet Apple Acres?" Twilight asked.

"Yes," Rainbow answered.

"Is the sunset going to be the last activity?" Twilight asked.

"That sounds good," Pinkie said.

"So, that leaves, dessert, game, and song," Twilight said.

"Yes," Pinkie said.

"I'd suggest this order: game, dessert, song, sunset," Twilight said.

"That's good," Pinkie said, "what's the full order?"

Twilight answered, "the chariot will start here, I will give them the schedule to follow so you don't need to worry about it. Then they will come pick you up, then to Rarity's, then to dinner, entertainment, game, dessert, song, sunset. After the date is over the chariot can take you two home."

"Twilight, what do you think about the chariot leaving after we arrive at Sweet Apple Acres? I think walking her home sounds kinda romantic," Pinkie said.

"That's fine, it is your date," Twilight said.

Rainbow interjected, "Pinkie, you might want to take off your dresses and leave them in the chariot, you two probably don't want to sweat in the dresses; Rarity would most likely freak out if you eat dessert in your dress."

"Good idea," Pinkie said before turning to Twilight. "Is that fine? Can they bring the dresses back to you?"

Twilight answered, "Yes."

Pinkie smiled. "I think that's it, we planned a whole date, girls."

"Yes," Rainbow said. "The best date I've ever planned."

Also, the only…

Hopefully not for long.

Twilight smiled. "I'm glad I could help."

Pinkie got up from the table, grabbing both ponies into a group hug. "Thank you girls, I wouldn't have been able to do this without you."

Twilight hugged the group. "Anytime Pinkie."

Rainbow hugged too. "I'm always there for a friend."

After the hug was over, Pinkie proclaimed, "Now, time to prepare for the best date ever!"

Rainbow turned to Twilight. "Goodbye Twi."

Pinkie also said bye, "Bye Twilight."

"Goodbye girls," Twilight said.

With that, the two ponies left Twilight's abode.

Rainbow turned to Pinkie once they were outside. "Pinkie, I gotta go practice for the flight show, I'll catch up with you later."

"Rainbow, before you go, I wanted to give you a special thank you."


"You stepped up big time for me. I know you're not the first pony most would think of when they think of date planner, but you did a fantastic job, and I really appreciate it."

"Like I said, I'm always there for my friends, besides, I'm glad you asked me. Helping you gave me a lot to think about, with my feelings for Fluttershy and all."

"Are you going to ask her out?"

"Yes, the day after your date, me and Fluttershy are going to have breakfast together. I'm going to ask her out after we eat," Rainbow said, blushing a little.

"That's awesome, I hope she says yes."

"Me too."

"Good luck."

"Thanks," Rainbow said before giving Pinkie one last hug.

Pinkie hugged back with a smile.

"I gotta go now, bye Pinkie," Rainbow said.

"Bye Dashie."

With that, Rainbow took off into the air, heading toward her practice spot.

Time to make the best show you can, for your friends, she thought.