• Published 24th Jul 2023
  • 578 Views, 2 Comments

Darling and Date - Silk Rose

Pinkie and Rarity throw a party to announce their relationship. Pinkie asks Rarity on a date, getting the rest of their friends to help plan it, all while Rarity and Pinkie try to help Fluttershy and Rainbow deal with their feelings for each other.

  • ...

Epilogue: Breakfast and Bonding

Fluttershy stopped pacing in her living room and took a deep breath.

You can do this, Fluttershy.

Fluttershy walked to her door and opened it, resolving that this was it.

Rainbow Dash will know today what is in my heart.

Fluttershy closed the door behind her and started trotting to Rainbow's house.

Fluttershy thought of her crush as she trotted.

Rainbow said she wanted to show me how much she cares. I sure hope it's love.

I certainly know I love her.

Fluttershy decided, I'm going to ask her out after we eat, I hope she's okay with me going first…

Wonder what's for breakfast? Is Rainbow making it?

I bet she'd put in significant effort if she was cooking.

She always goes hard at anything she does.

I hope she says yes.

I can only imagine what a relationship with her would be like, I bet it'd be fun.

All I can do is ask, right?

Rarity is right, I'm ready, yes or no, I can handle it.

Besides, it's a far shot, but maybe Rainbow has feelings for me too?

That sure would surprise her, asking her out right before she was going to ask me out.

Fluttershy giggle to herself, probably not, but I hope she gives me a chance…

Her thoughts changed to how she was going to ask.

I want to ask her out on the couch if I can, like how I was practicing.

I just have to ask, be brave.

If she says no, you need to keep it together, don't cry.

If she says no, you need to talk it out, like Rarity said.

Fluttershy's thoughts ended as she stopped, looking up she saw the cloud home of her crush.

She flew up and stood at the door, giving herself one last pep talk before knocking.

You got this!

Moments later, Rainbow answered the door with a smile. "Hi."

Fluttershy smiled. "Hello, I'm here for breakfast."

"Come on in," Rainbow said as she stood aside.

Fluttershy trotted inside, closing the door behind her before following Rainbow into her dinning room.

Rainbow pulled out a chair for Fluttershy.

Fluttershy sat down. "Thank you."

"You're welcome," Rainbow said. "I'm going to make us breakfast."

"What are we having?"

I hope it's pancakes, the ones I ate at Pinkie's the other day were awesome.

"It's a surprise," Rainbow said with a grin.

"Oh, okay."

"I'll be back when it's done," Rainbow said before disappearing into the kitchen.

Rainbow trotted into the kitchen, the door closing behind her.

Why didn't you just say pancakes, it wasn't a secret.

She shook her head, trying to clear her mind.

Come on Rainbow, don't blow it now, focus.

Rainbow went over to her mixing bowl and starting adding the ingredients one at a time, mentally checking them off after adding them.

Flour, check.

Baking powder, check.

Sugar, check.

Salt, check.

Rainbow picked up her whisk and began to sift the ingredients as her mind wandered to the mare in the other room.

I love her.

It's just, does she love me like that?

I'll know soon.

I hope she does.

Her thoughts drifted to her desires.

I just want to hold her.

To kiss her.

To protect her.

Her train of thought ended when she looked down and saw she was done sifting.

She shook her head again, trying to clear away the intense blush that had formed.

You'll never have the chance to kiss her if you mess this up. Remember, pancakes.

Rainbow pressed a hole into the dry mix, and added the wet ingredients, checking them off in her head, again.

Butter, check.

Milk, check.

Egg, check.

Rainbow picked up her whisk again and mixed the ingredients for the last time.

As she mixed, her thoughts again turned to Fluttershy.

I want to tell her she's the prettiest mare I've ever seen.

…and I want her to say it back to me, she admitted to herself as the idea of Fluttershy calling her pretty brought her blush back in full force.

I'm willing to be vulnerable for her.

She thought about her plan.

We're going to have a lovely breakfast.

We will move to the couch, where I will open my heart up to her.

Hopefully, she says feels the same way.

Then we kiss? she thought as her blush intensified.

That would be so awesome!

She finished mixing the batter, setting it to the side.

She turned the burner on, placing a frying pan on top.

As she waited for it to heat up, she prepared the dinning ware. She got out a serving tray and placed two plates on it, along with a bottle of syrup and two forks and two knives.

Rainbow cut off a piece of butter and placed it in the pan to melt.

She placed a heart shaped metal cookie cutter into the pan, using it as a wall to make heart shaped pancakes.

She's going to love these pancakes, I bet.

Rainbow made eight pancakes, four for Fluttershy, and four for herself. She made sure to give the four best-looking pancakes to Fluttershy.

After turning the burner off, she did a double take to make sure she had everything she needed on the tray.

Pancakes, knives, forks, syrup, hmm.

Milk, I forgot milk.

She poured out two glasses of milk, setting them onto the tray.

Okay, I think that's everything.

Rainbow picked up the tray and headed back into the dinning room.

Rainbow walked out of the kitchen door, holding a tray with their food on it.

She set the tray between their two seats, before she said, "Breakfast is served."

Rainbow cleared the tray, setting the food, drinks, and silverware in front of each of them.

Fluttershy was taken aback by the presentation, Rainbow had put a lot of effort into this.

That's when Fluttershy noticed the pancakes, they were shaped like hearts.

Fluttershy's mind immediately went in two directions.

This means she loves me and wants to date, or I'm reading far too much into this, and she just wanted to show me how much our friendship means to her.

Please be the first one.


As Fluttershy stared at her heart shaped pancakes, an errant thought entered her mind.

"Rainbow?" Fluttershy asked.

"Yes," Rainbow answered.

Fluttershy averted her gaze. "Could you cut up my pancakes for me, please?"

"Sure," Rainbow said without hesitation.

Fluttershy blushed as Rainbow cut her pancakes for her.

"Thank you," Fluttershy said after Rainbow had finished.

"You're welcome," Rainbow said before she sat down and started cutting her own pancakes into pieces.

Fluttershy poured syrup over the pancakes before she gave it to Rainbow, who did the same.

This is nice.

Fluttershy ate her pancakes slowly, savoring each bite as she watched Rainbow eat.

Rainbow noticed her watching and blushed, but didn't say anything.

Fluttershy blushed in response to Rainbow's own blush and averting her gaze.

She's so cute when she blushes. The thought only making Fluttershy blush more.

Looking back at Rainbow, Fluttershy noticed her smiling and smiled back.

The pair had eaten in silence, occasionally trading glances, smiles, and of course, blushes.

After she finished eating, Fluttershy said, "Thank you, they were delicious."

Rainbow finished moments later and said, "You're welcome, I'm glad you enjoyed them."

Fluttershy asked, "Could we go sit on the couch? There is something I wanted to talk to you about…"

"Sure, I was planning on moving to the couch and talking to you about something there too. I'll let you go first."

The pair got up and trotted to the couch, Rainbow sat down first, while Fluttershy took the opportunity to sit really close to Rainbow.

Both ponies blushed from the proximity to each other.

This is it, Fluttershy.

The pair stared into each other's eyes, sitting in silence for a moment.

You got this!

Fluttershy summoned all her courage and asked, "Rainbow Dash, will you go out with me?"

Rainbow's face froze, taken aback from the question.

Moments later, Fluttershy got her answer as Rainbow's mouth grew a smile the likes of which would rival Pinkie Pie. Rainbow's eyes sparkled in delight as they began to water.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, and yes," Rainbow answered.

Fluttershy's eyes began to water too as she grabbed Rainbow in a tight hug.

Rainbow hugged her back as she let the floodgates loose, tears of joy flowing onto Fluttershy's back.

Fluttershy, overwhelmed with emotion, said, "I love you," before starting to cry when she felt Rainbow's tears on her back.

Rainbow responded, "I love you too." She held Fluttershy tighter.

Fluttershy held Rainbow tighter in response, as if not doing so would make this reality untrue.

This is real!


She tried to slow her breathing, but at the same time, never wanted to let go of this embrace, this moment.

Both ponies slowed their tears, and their breath before finally letting go of the loving embrace.

Fluttershy looked Rainbow in the eye, and to confirm, asked, "This is real, right?"

Rainbow enthusiastically nodded before she said, "Yes, absolutely yes."

Both ponies blushed as they just stared into each other's eyes.

Rainbow broke the serene calm that had overtaken the duo, and said, "I was actually about to ask you out, I've kind of had a crush on you for a while now…"

Fluttershy said, "Oh, that's wonderful, I've also had a crush on you for a while now too…"

Both ponies' blushes increased.

Fluttershy admitted, "I was practicing with Rarity the other day. I was asking you out that whole day, pretending she was you. She even dressed up as you at the end."

Rainbow's mouth opened in surprise before slowly turning into another wide smile. "That is possibly the cutest thing I've ever heard."

Fluttershy blush intensified again.

Rainbow apologized, "I'm sorry I didn't ask you out sooner." Her ears dropped apologetically.

Fluttershy smiled. "It's okay, we're together now and that's all that matters."

Rainbow asked, "So, this means like, we're dating?"

Fluttershy giggled. "Yes."

"Awesome," Rainbow said, pumping a hoof in the air.

Fluttershy nuzzled Rainbow, bringing back both of their blushes to full force.

Rainbow asked in a bashful tone, "Can we kiss?"

I've waited so long to kiss you.

Fluttershy didn't answer, instead she leaned into Rainbow, but as they were about to kiss, Rainbow toppled backwards on the couch. Neither pony had paid attention to their balance, causing Fluttershy to fall onto Rainbow.

Both ponies just giggled, reveling in their closeness.

Fluttershy, laying on top of Rainbow, leaned down and kissed Rainbow on the lips.

I love this.

Rainbow wrapped her front hooves around her and kissed back with passion.

I love her.

They held the kiss for a long while, neither pony wanting to be the one who broke their first kiss.

Eventually, they came to an understanding, closing their eyes, they both broke the kiss.

Fluttershy just stared at Rainbow, falling in love all over again.

Rainbow broke the silence. "You know, you are the prettiest mare in all of Equestria."

Fluttershy blushed. "No, I think that title belongs to you, I'll settle for second place," she said before she giggled.

Rainbow blushed back as she smiled again. "How about we call it a tie?"

"Sounds good to me."

Rainbow, who wasn't done making her new marefriend blush, wrapped her wings around her, held her in a comforting embrace. She said in a serene voice, "I love you, Fluttershy."

Fluttershy, who somehow blushed harder, said, "I love you too, Rainbow Dash."

Rainbow initiated their second kiss. Fluttershy reciprocated with passion as both ponies reveled in what would become their most cherished memory in their lives until that point.

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