• Published 24th Jul 2023
  • 578 Views, 2 Comments

Darling and Date - Silk Rose

Pinkie and Rarity throw a party to announce their relationship. Pinkie asks Rarity on a date, getting the rest of their friends to help plan it, all while Rarity and Pinkie try to help Fluttershy and Rainbow deal with their feelings for each other.

  • ...

Chapter 4: Darling and Date

Rarity opened her door, expecting Pinkie Pie, which she found. What she wasn't expecting, was the dress she had on. Pinkie Pie was wearing the dress Rarity gave her when they got together.

"Hello, darling," Rarity said. "I didn't know we were wearing dresses, or I would have put one on."

Pinkie said, "Can I come in? I have a gift for you."

"Sure," Rarity said before she stepped aside.

Pinkie entered the shop as Rarity noticed a large flat present on Pinkie's back.

Pinkie sat the present on a modeling pedestal. "This is from me and Fluttershy."

Rarity smiled. "Oh, you didn't have to get me anything."

"We didn't have to, but we wanted to."

Rarity slowly opened the present.

I know Fluttershy wanted to make me a dress, but how could they have made it so fast?

She lifted the lid and her suspicions were confirmed, they had made her a dress.

Rarity picked the dress up with her magic and inspected it. "This is spectacular, it matches your dress so well!"

"Rainbow Dash helped too," Pinkie clarified, not actually clarifying anything.

"Thank you so much, I'm going to put it on right now," Rarity said before she went behind her privacy wall and put the dress on.

"You're welcome," Pinkie called out to her.

Rarity trotted back to Pinkie after she had put the dress on.

"You look so pretty!" Pinkie exclaimed.

Rarity blushed and said, "You too, darling."

Pinkie blushed in turn and asked, "You ready to date?"

Rarity giggled. "Yes."

Pinkie led Rarity outside, after which a royal chariot pulled by two royal guards stopped in front of the shop.

Rarity's mouth hung open for a second before she asked, "Is this for us?"

"Yes," Pinkie answered before she gestured for Rarity to enter first.

Rarity smiled as she got in the chariot.

Pinkie has put so much effort into this. I'm impressed.

Pinkie stepped into the chariot and moments later it took off.

As the chariot moved along, Pinkie offered Rarity her hoof to hold.

Rarity took her offer, holding Pinkie's hoof and nuzzled her cheek, causing her to blush.

Rarity said, "This is lovely, darling."

Pinkie replied, "You are lovely."

Rarity held Pinkie's hoof tighter, and nuzzled her again.

Both mares blushed as they enjoyed the moment they were in.

Rarity, against her best wishes to revel in this moment forever, interrupted the silence. "Where are we going first, darling?"

"Dinner," Pinkie answered.

"That's good, I am rather famished. I skipped lunch because I figured you would want to eat on the date."

"I wanted to do dinner first, so we could start the date off with a dialogue. A little birdie told me you had something we should talk about," Pinkie said, winking at Rarity.

"That little birdie sure is a good friend, we should do something nice for her after all this."

"Yes, that's a great idea."

Rarity could practically see the gears turning in Pinkie's head as she smiled, no doubt idea after idea was flying through her mind as to how they could repay their dear friend Rainbow for helping with their relationship.

Rarity hugged Pinkie. "You're too cute, you know that?"

"Aw, thanks," Pinkie said as she returned the hug.

After the hug, both mares sat in silence and smiled, both content to enjoy each other's company.

A short while later, the chariot stopped.

Rarity stepped out of the chariot, followed by Pinkie.

Rarity looked at the building they were in front of, the sign read 'Horse Dēla Hay' in one of those hard to read cursive fonts. The building stood out from the surrounding rest, as it was made of brick, while the others were wood affairs. It had two large double doors leading into it and a nice outside eating area surrounded by a black wrought iron fence.

I think I've heard good things about this place.

Pinkie led Rarity into the establishment, holding the door for her. They trotted up to the greeter's podium.

The greeter was a dark gray unicorn stallion with a jet black mane, he was wearing a deep crimson suit and had dark green eyes. He greeted them, "Hello madams, welcome to Horse Dēla Hay. Do you have a reservation?"

Pinkie spoke up, "Yes, for Miss Rarity and Miss Pinkie."

He gestured for them to follow him. "Right this way."

The greeter led them into the back of the restaurant, into a closed off section through a weighted red curtain. He showed them to their private booth, opening its privacy curtain before the two mares entered in.

The greeter said, "Here are your menus," as he levitated two menus onto the table. "Your waiter will be with you shortly," he said before he left, closing the curtain.

Rarity picked up her menu and started looking around.

She was about to ask Pinkie what she was thinking of getting when the lights dimmed real low. Looking up, she found the culprit, Pinkie, was playing around with the dimmer switch.

Rarity's initial reaction was to chastise her for fooling around, but she stopped herself.

I can't do that to her, not after all she's put into this date.

Rarity decided to play along.

As the lights changed in brightness from Pinkie's touch, Rarity slid down in time with the lights, hiding under the table in the dark and sitting up proper at full brightness.

When Pinkie noticed, she watched Rarity out of the corner of her eye.

Pinkie did it a few more times before a devious grin formed on her lips.

Pinkie turned the lights up and down rapidly and watched as Rarity did her best to match them.

Rarity couldn't keep up, deciding to stay under the table as the lights went to full brightness.

Rarity smiled under the table as she waited for Pinkie's next move.

The lights went out and Rarity could hear movement from Pinkie.

What's she planning?

She found out soon enough as Pinkie wrapped her hooves around her.

Rarity hugged back. "That was… fun."

"Anything is fun when I do it with you," Pinkie replied.

Rarity blushed in the darkness as the two mares enjoyed each other's embrace.

Letting go of the hug, they got back into their seats. Pinkie turned the lights back on as both mares smiled at each other.

Rarity was glad the waiter hadn't shown up when they were under the table, but the thought did make her giggle.

Pinkie tilted her head curiously. "What's got you giggling?"

"I thought about what if the waiter showed up while we were under the table."

Pinkie giggled. "Yea, they might have some questions."

"We should probably pick out our food," Rarity said before she picked up her menu with her magic.

"Good idea," Pinkie said as she looked over her menu.

Rarity took a moment to look over the menu. Nothing looked interesting to her.

I might get what Pinkie is having, I don't know.

"Is anything looking good to you? I'm not seeing anything jump out at me," Rarity said, flipping her menu over.

"I was thinking the tomato soup with grilled cheese sandwich looked good."

That's Pinkie Pie for you, goes to a fancy restaurant and orders a grilled cheese sandwich.

"I think I'll get that too," Rarity said.

"Are you sure? You don't have to get the same thing," Pinkie said in a concerned tone.

"I want to. I bet it will be great here."


They both placed their menus at the end of the table and waited for the waiter.

As they waited, Rarity filled the air. "You know, dēla means deliver, so the name means horse deliver hay."

Both mares shared a small chuckle at the restaurant's name.

Moments later, the waiter showed up, knocking before opening the curtain.

The waiter was a dark red earth pony mare, she had yellow eyes and a black mane. She said, "Hello, my name is Balance Trick and I will be your waiter. Do you know what you will be having this evening?"

Pinkie said, "Yes, I would like a grilled cheese sandwich with tomato soup."

Balance turned to Rarity and asked, "And for you, miss?"

"The same thing as her," Rarity said, gesturing toward Pinkie.

"What would you girls like to drink?" Balance asked.

"I'll have fruit punch," Pinkie said.

"I'll have a cup of coffee, three cream, two sugar, please," Rarity said.

"Okay, I'll have that right out for you," Balance said before leaving, closing the curtain behind her.

Rarity turned to Pinkie. "I guess now is probably a good time to talk about us."

"What's on your mind?"

"How do you want to be loved? I don't know how to show you my love. I have a few guesses, but it would be nice to hear it from the horse's mouth."

Pinkie took a while to respond, eventually she answered, "Physical affection is probably my favorite, hugs, kisses. I'd love to cuddle you." – Pinkie blushed – "I love any contact. After that, I would say, seeing your smile," – Pinkie's blush intensified – "it just makes me happy. And words, I love it when you say 'I love you', or call me pretty, it makes my day."

"That's good to know, thank you."

"What about you, how do you want to be loved?"

Rarity thought about it for a moment before she said, "I think words of affirmation are my favorite, 'I love you', 'I missed you', compliments, anything of the like. Second is physical touch, your hugs are the best, almost as good as your kisses. Might change to number one once we cuddle." – Rarity blushed – "Physical presence is probably next, just being around you makes me happy," Rarity said before she smiled.

"I'll be sure to remember that, cutie."

Rarity blushed harder. "Thanks."

They sat in silence before Pinkie asked, "When was the moment you realized you like me as more than a friend?"

Rarity smiled. "It was a day like any other. I had noticed we were hanging out more than usual, but didn't think anything of it. When it was time for you to leave, you gave me a hug. It was that hug that tipped me off; I remember not wanting to let go. When you left, it hit me. I missed your presence, a lot. I missed the hug."

"That's really sweet, like you." Pinkie blushed.

She's taken to giving compliments well.

"Thanks, how about you? When did you realize?"

Pinkie's blush intensified. "When you told me I was pretty. I was excited to spend another day hanging out with my friend Rarity. Then you told me I was pretty, and my whole world turned upside down. I realized I liked you, but didn't know if you liked me. I spent all day with you, trying to look for signs. When it was time to leave, I gave you a hug. I wanted to stay in that hug forever, but I couldn't. I left, walking slow the entire way home, missing you."

"Pinkie, I think we are talking about the same day!"

"We are?" Pinkie asked in a surprised tone.

"Yes, I remember telling you that you are pretty on the day I realized. When you showed up to hang out, I couldn't help but notice your beauty. I kept thinking that you looked extra pretty that day. I just had to tell you."

"Oh, wow, that's amazing!" Pinkie smiled.

"It sure is," Rarity said, smiling back at Pinkie.

They sat there in silence and smiled at each other.

Moments later, they hear a knock before the curtain opens.

Balance Trick sets down a tray with their food and drinks on it.

Rarity helped, using her magic to place the contents in front of Pinkie and herself.

Balance said, "Thank you."

Rarity said, "You're welcome."

Balance removed the tray, and sat a bill on the edge of the table. "Enjoy the food."

"We will," Pinkie said enthusiastically, before looking down at her food.

Balance closed the curtain, leaving the two mares to eat.

Pinkie began to eat immediately, leaning over the table as to not get anything on her dress.

Rarity started to eat too. She used a napkin levitated under her sandwich to protect her dress.

They both dipped their grilled cheese into their tomato soup before each bite.

This is surprisingly good.

With each bite Rarity took, she counted two that Pinkie had taken.

Pinkie is definitely enjoying it.

They ate their food in silence, occasionally exchanging glances.

Pinkie finished her grilled cheese. "That was delicious." She started eating her soup.

Rarity finished her sandwich. "I concur." She didn't immediately start eating her own soup, instead she watched Pinkie eat for a bit.

It was true when we got together, and it's true now; that mare is cute when she eats.

Pinkie noticed Rarity watching her, and blushed.

Rarity smiled in response to Pinkie's blush, and started to eat her soup.

This is nice.

Pinkie finished her soup, taking the opportunity to watch Rarity eat. It was Rarity's turn to blush.

Pinkie smiled at Rarity, who smiled back.

Rarity finished her soup soon after, then asked, "Are we having desert here?"

Pinkie replied, "No, I made something special for later on."

"Oh, how exciting."

"I'm going to go pay, I'll be right back."


With that, Pinkie left their booth.

The date has gone splendid so far.

I'm excited about what's next, maybe I should ask?

Pinkie is amazing, so whatever it is will be great.

Rarity waited for Pinkie to return, smiling the whole time.

"Having a good time?" Pinkie asked after she opened the curtain.

"Absolutely, darling. I love it, and you," Rarity replied, her voice going serene on the last part.

Pinkie said, "I love you too," before she hugged Rarity.

Rarity returned the hug as her smiled grew wider.

After the hug, the pair trotted out of the restaurant, complimenting and saying farewell to the greeter.

Once outside, they boarded the chariot, which was waiting for them.

The chariot took off with no input from either of them.

Rarity asked, "What's next?"

Pinkie answered, "Entertainment."

"Sounds lovely."

"I'm positive it will be."

Rarity offered her hoof this time, Pinkie taking it in hers.

They sat in silence for the rest of the trip, leaning against each other, holding hooves.

The chariot stopped behind the bleachers at Ponyville's fairground field.

The pair exited the chariot before Rarity said, "Must be some show to be taking place here."

"I bet," Pinkie said before she led Rarity up into the bleachers.

The pair sat in the lowest row, in the middle.

Pinkie tapped her hoof on the metal floor of the bleachers twice.

Rarity didn't think anything of it.

Moments later, she realized what it was for, as Rainbow Dash flew up and hovered in front of them.

Rainbow asked, voice full of bravado and gusto, "Are you ready for a show?"

Pinkie and Rarity cheered. "Yeah!"

Rainbow said, tauntingly, "I can't hear you."

Pinkie and Rarity practically screamed. "YEAH!"

"That's better, let's get the show started."

With that, Rainbow flew to the center of the field.

This is exciting.

She flew from the center to the left side of the field, a decent way off the ground.

She started flying, leaving trails of cloud behind her.

How does she do that?

Rainbow flew fast, making corners and bends with precision and accuracy.

She's spelling something.

Rainbow wrote the letters one by one.

Rarity read the sentence out loud after it was complete.

"Rarity & Pinkie forever!"

How sweet.

Rarity smiled as she watched.

Rainbow waited ten seconds after she finished the writing, hovering in the air at the end of the words.

Rarity couldn't believe what she saw next.

Rainbow flew through the letters in reverse, in the exact path she took to draw them.

As Rainbow flew, the gray cloud trail that made up the letters changed colors as she passed over them.

The exclamation mark turned pink.

The word 'forever' turned purple.

'Pinkie' turned pink.

'&' turned blue.

'Rarity' turned white.

How did she do that? That was amazing!

Rarity stared at the words in the sky.

I certainly hope there are no truer words than these.

Rarity put her leg around Pinkie, holding her as they watched the show.

Pinkie leaned into Rarity, snuggling into her embrace.

Rainbow flew through the center of each letter, making each one dissipate into moisture, that fell to the ground.

After she was done, Rainbow flew out of the fairgrounds. A minute later, she returned, pushing a giant cloud to the left side of the field.

Once in place, Rainbow flew around the giant cloud, sculpting it.

She flew so fast around it, she was just a blur, with each pass the cloud became more recognizable.

It's Pinkie.

Rainbow worked fast, adding details here or there, mane, eyes, nose, mouth.

Rainbow finished the sculpture.

Pinkie and Rarity stared in awe.

That's so cute!

"You look adorable as a cloud," Rarity said playfully.

"So will yours," Pinkie said with a blush.


Rainbow flew off again, presumably to get a cloud for a sculpture of Rarity.

Moments later, Rainbow returned, she had another large cloud. She took it to the right side of the field.

Rainbow began sculpting the second cloud.

This show is amazing, Rainbow has outdone herself.

After a few moments, the cloud became recognizable as Rarity.

It's me, like Pinkie said.

Rainbow took longer to sculpt Rarity, adding more detail in the mane.

After Rainbow had finished, Pinkie commented, "See, cute!"

Rarity blushed, squeezing Pinkie slightly as she kissed the top of her head.

Rainbow pushed the Rarity cloud toward the center of the field.

Rainbow flew quickly to the Pinkie cloud, pushing it toward the center too.

What's she doing?

As the two clouds met, Rainbow flew around them. She pushed them together, merging the two clouds into one massive cloud.

Once the clouds had merged, Rainbow flew around the massive cloud, shaping it.

Moments later, Rarity realized what she was making.

It's a giant heart; how cute.

Once the heart had been made, Rainbow flew around it in circles, getting the heart to spin.

Rainbow made the heart spin at a good pace before she backed off.

Rainbow let the heart spin for a while before she went to the bottom of it.

Rainbow pushed up from the bottom, moving the heart upward, spinning with it as she did.

Rainbow stopped pushing, letting the heart shaped cloud drift upward by itself. She then flew quickly to the ground, going under the bleachers.

She's good at keeping me on my hooves. I have no idea what could be next.

Rarity took advantage of Rainbow's absence and nuzzled Pinkie's head.

Pinkie said, "Thanks."

Rarity asked, "What do you think she's doing?"

"I don't know. She didn't tell me what the show would be. She did say the ending would be awesome."

"I can't wait."

Seconds later, Rainbow emerged from under the bleachers, but she looked different.

What did she do to herself?

Rainbow had dyed her mane and tail, they were now a two-tone pink and while.


Rainbow took off from the field, flying fast towards the heart cloud, which had made it far up into the sky.

Rainbow's regularly colored rainbow trail had now changed to pink and while.

That's why she dyed her hair.

Rainbow was speeding up, flying faster and faster.

Is she doing what I think she is?

Rainbow continued to gain speed, a cone formed in front of her.

She is.

Rainbow reached the heart with perfect timing, right as she entered the heart, she did a sonic rainboom.

This rainboom was different, however, it was bands of while and pink, not its usual rainbow hue.

It evaporated the cloud immediately.

"That's amazing!" Rarity said, a giant smile plastered on her face.

"Wow!" Pinkie said.

The rainboom spread out, far and wide, as the two ponies gawked in awe.

By the time they had stopped looking at it, Rainbow was halfway back down to the ground.

They watched as Rainbow descended to them, landing on the bleachers in from of them.

Rainbow smirked. "So, best show you've ever seen or what?"

Pinkie jumped up and hugged Rainbow. "Yes!"

Rarity stood up. "Yes, it was absolutely spectacular!"

Rainbow said, after the hug was over, "I do not disappoint, especially for my friends."

Rarity hugged Rainbow. "Thank you."

Rainbow hugged back. "You're welcome, now go have fun on the rest of your date."

"We will," Pinkie said ecstatically.

"What about your mane and tail?" Rarity asked.

"I'm going to go wash it out, if that fails, I don't know," Rainbow said.

"Good luck, bye darling," Rarity said.

"Goodbye Dashie," Pinkie said.

"Goodbye," Rainbow said before she flew off in a hurry.

Pinkie and Rarity trotted back to the chariot, and got into it.

The chariot took off moments later.

Pinkie wrapped her hoof around Rarity, who leaned into her.

Rarity nuzzled Pinkie and smiled.

This is nice.

Pinkie kissed Rarity on the cheek, causing her to blush.

Rarity reciprocated, kissing Pinkie on the cheek.

Pinkie blushed.

Rarity said, "You're really cute when you blush."

Pinkie said, "You too," before she held Rarity tighter.

Both mares' blushes intensified.

Rarity wrapped her hooves around Pinkie, holding her.

Pinkie said, "Thanks, Pretty."

Rarity replied, "You're welcome, Pink."

Both mares giggled.

They were silent for the rest of the chariot ride, occasionally exchanging nuzzles and blushes.

The chariot stopped at the entrance to Sweet Apple Acres.

They departed the chariot.

"Oh, we need to leave our dresses in the chariot," Pinkie said.

"Okay," Rarity said.

"The guards are going to take the chariot to Twilight's. We can pick up the dresses there later."

"Sounds good."

Both mares took off their dresses, placing them neatly in the chariot.

The chariot took off, leaving the two alone.

"What did we do that for?" Rarity asked.

"For this," Pinkie said before she poked Rarity. "Tag!"

Pinkie ran off into the field of apple tress.


We're playing tag?

We're playing tag!

Rarity started to run after Pinkie.

It is on!

Pinkie evaded Rarity, weaving around trees and taking random corners.

"I'm going to get you," Rarity shouted in a playful tone.

"Catch me if you can!" Pinkie said, taunting her.

Rarity sped up, gaining ground on Pinkie.

Pinkie dodged to the left as Rarity lunged for her.


Rarity tried again, this time succeeding. "Tag, you're it!" she said before she heel-turned, running the other way.

Rarity ran as fast as she could, doing her best to evade Pinkie.

I've got to lose her.

Rarity did a U-turn around a tree, trying to catch Pinkie off guard. This, however, failed as Pinkie poked her.

"Tag!" Pinkie said before turning and running off.

Rarity got on her trail, slowly gaining ground.

"I'm coming for you!" Rarity said.

Pinkie sped up, then Rarity.

Rarity jolted forward, trying to poke her a few times. She succeeded on the last poke. "Tag!"

Rarity ran past Pinkie, trying not to get immediately tagged.

Pinkie chased Rarity, following her as she weaved through the trees.

Rarity looked back at Pinkie while running, she stuck her tongue out at her before smiling.

Pinkie smiled back.

She's so cute.

As Rarity turned her head back forward, Pinkie tagged her.

"Tag," Pinkie said as she turned right.

Rarity turned and followed her.

Pinkie ran for a bit, then slowed down to a trot.

Why's she slowing down? Are we done?

Rarity caught up to Pinkie, trotting beside her.

They trotted in silence for a moment before Pinkie asked, "What brings you out here, beautiful?"

Rarity played along. "Oh, me, I'm just on a date with my best friend, the prettiest mare I know. How about you?"

"What a coincidence, I'm also on a date with my best friend, but she's the most beautiful mare I know."

Both mares giggled before they blushed.

They trotted side by side for a while in silence.

Rarity said, "That was fun, exhausting, but fun."


"This date has been one amazing surprise after another, and that's what I love about you. You're like the perfect present, I never know what I'm going to get, but I know I'm going to love it."

Pinkie blushed. "You're the perfect present for me," she said serenely, before she kissed Rarity on the cheek.

Rarity blushed, and nuzzled Pinkie.

They trotted together in silence again for a bit, until they came upon a picnic blanket laid out.

The picnic blanket had an array of silverware arranged on it, and a covered dish in the center.

They sat down on the blanket.

Rarity said, "This is nice."

"I made this specially for our date. Rainbow and Fluttershy helped design the icing and frosting," Pinkie said before she removed the lid on the covered dish, revealing a cake.

The cake was square. The left side was white with Rarity's cutie mark designed on it. The right side was pink with Pinkie's cutie mark designed on it. Along the sides were a line of dots, yellow on Rarity's side, blue on Pinkie's.

"That's so adorable, thank you, darling," Rarity said with a smile.

"You're welcome, you ready to dig in?"

"Absolutely, that game of tag worked up quite the appetite."

Pinkie cut the cake into small squares before setting a piece on two plates, one for each of them.

Rarity took the plate in her magic and began to eat using the provided silverware.

This is a good cake.

Pinkie ate the entire square in one bite.

Somepony is hungry.

Rarity got lost in thought as she ate.

I love her.

I've said it to her before, a few times, but something's different now.

I don't know what's different, I just have this feeling.

I know this is literally our first date, and maybe that has something to do with it.

But, I just want to hold her, and never let go.

I want to make her smile, like she does me.

I want to cuddle on the couch and read cheesy romance novels together.

I want to surprise her with a random party out of nowhere.

I want to do everything with her.

I want to never stop.

"Rarity?" Pinkie said.

Rarity snapped out of her thoughts. "Yes, darling?"

"You've been staring at me for a while, is something up?"

Rarity blushed. "I love you."

Pinkie blushed in turn. "I love you too."

Before Rarity had even realized it, she was slowly leaning towards Pinkie.

Pinkie leaned in, in response.

Both ponies locked eyes as their lips met. Rarity wrapped her hooves around Pinkie, holding her gently.

I could kiss her a million times and still love every one of them.

They held the kiss for a while, savoring the moment.

Rarity broke the kiss, staring into Pinkie's eyes before she hugged her.

"Thank you," Rarity whispered.

"You're welcome," Pinkie replied, holding Rarity tight.

Rarity nuzzled Pinkie before ending the hug.

Pinkie smiled at Rarity before she grabbed her hoof, holding it.

Rarity smiled back.

Pinkie began to sing a poem to her.

"You're the best gift I ever got,
"Stop loving you, I will not,
"Fur so white, eyes so bright,
"Every day with you just feels right.

"Your smile brings joy to my life,
"When I'm with you, there is no strife,
"When we kiss, it feels so great,
"There is nothing about you, I hate.

"Around you, I will always smile,
"For you, I would go every mile,
"You're the most beautiful mare I've seen,
"You make me the happiest I've ever been."

"That was beautiful," Rarity said as tears of joy slowly rolled down her face. She grabbed Pinkie, holding her in an extra tight hug.

Pinkie returned the hug, serenely whispering, "Just like you, darling."

"I don't know what to say. Today has been so amazing," Rarity said, sniffling.

"You don't have to say anything," Pinkie said, tightening her hold on Rarity.

They held the hug for a while after Rarity's tears had stopped.

As they let go of the hug, Rarity noticed the sun setting.

"Are we watching the sunset now? I think it's starting," Rarity said.

"Yes, good eye," Pinkie complimented.

The two ponies sat side by side, one hoof around each other. They leaned against each other, trying to get as close as possible.

"I always knew I was going to love today, but I never expected this; it's like a dream come true," Rarity said tenderly.

Pinkie waited a few seconds then replied, "You're my dream come true, that's why I did all this for you. Because I love you." She emphasized the last part by tightening her hold on Rarity.

Rarity smiled wide, nuzzling Pinkie. "I love you too."

They sat in silence after that and watched as the rays of sunlight thinned out behind the trees and buildings on the horizon.


After the sun had set, they stayed sat like that for a few minutes. Neither pony wanted to break the embrace.

Pinkie stood up and offered Rarity her hoof, helping her up.

"Thank you," Rarity said.

Pinkie gestured for Rarity to walk with her. They slowly walked back towards town, pressed against each other.

Pinkie broke the silence. "You know, planning this date was a lot of fun, but also a lot of work. Do you think you can plan the next one?"

"Absolutely, darling," Rarity answered.

I guess this amazing date is almost over.

They walked in silence until they got to the entrance of Sweet Apple Acres.

"All our friends helped big time with this date. Twilight helped schedule it and got the royal chariot. Fluttershy helped make the dress. Applejack found that spot and set up the silverware and desert. Rainbow cleared the weather and practiced really hard for that show," Pinkie said.

"That's wonderful, we have the best friends a pony could ask for," Rarity said.

"We sure do."

Rarity waited a bit before commenting, "I don't know how I'm going to make a date as amazing as this, but I'll try, for you."

"Your date could be us cuddling on the couch, and I'd love every second of it."

"I'd love that too, actually."

Both mares giggled as an idea formed in Rarity's mind.

Maybe this night doesn't have to end so soon.

"You're walking me home, right?" Rarity asked.

"Yes, sadly, our date is almost over."


Pinkie started walking slower, postponing the end.

Rarity followed suit.

They stayed silent the rest of the walk as they enjoyed each other's company, and occasionally exchanging nuzzles.

"Here we are," Pinkie said in a somber tone as they stopped in front of Carousel Boutique.

"Yes, the end of our first date. This was the best date ever, I loved every second."

"Me too."

"Now we kiss?" Rarity asked, knowing the answer.

"Yes," Pinkie said, blushing.

They kissed in the cool night air, both ponies pouring as much passion as they could into the kiss.

After the kiss, Pinkie said, "Goodnight, Rarity."

Rarity replied, "Goodnight, Pinkie."

Pinkie was about to turn away when Rarity stopped her.

"Pinkie, so our first date is now over?"


Rarity opened her door with her magic. "Would you like to go on our second date? My couch is free."

Pinkie hugged Rarity with a big smile. "Yes."

Rarity giggled, returning the hug.

After the hug, Rarity led Pinkie into her house, and over to the couch.

They laid on the couch, cuddled together. Rarity levitated a blanket over to them and covered them up.

"This is cozy," Pinkie said before yawning.

"Are you tired?" Rarity asked before yawning herself.


Rarity giggled. "Goodnight, Pinkie."

Pinkie kissed Rarity on the cheek. "Goodnight, Rarity."

Rarity blushed and kissed Pinkie back on the cheek. "I love you."

"Love you too!"