• Member Since 4th Sep, 2023
  • offline last seen June 15th


Heyo, name's Laina and I've been writing MLP stories since 2018!


Inspired by Mulan, Frozen 1 & 2, Aladdin, and Moana!

The land of Equestria, though filled with many different races and cultures, was once one; ponies, dragons, kirin, yaks, changelings and more were what inhabited the land. It was not to last, unfortunately, as the differences between the races drove them to war... eventually leading the fabled Windigos to the land. In a last effort, the alicorns used every bit of their magic to create a creature that could fight them, using five special stones from the five pony kingdoms.
But one thousand years later, the world is no closer to defeating them than at the beginning.
Allyra Pyxis Cadenza- heir to the Crystal Empire throne, and daughter of the noble Queen Flurry Heart- has lived her entire life shut within the shield that protects her home from the blizzard raging outside. However, despite all the warnings, despite everything that tells her no, she is drawn to the outside world by a strange magic deep inside, but it's never enough to pull her away from her only home.
Then her mother decides to put her in an arranged marriage, and everything, even her duty, is pushed aside.
Led by the mysterious power and drawn to four ponies who know the former land of Equestria by heart, Allyra begins her battle through the unknown. However, facing racism, sexism, a bounty on her head, the raging blizzard, memories of her mother, and a festering darkness in her heart, it's much harder than she ever believed possible.
Perhaps... it will take much more than herself to win a battle fought over the ages.

On hiatus indefinitely

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 3 )

Inspired by Mulan, Frozen 1 & 2, Aladdin, and Moana!

Does this mean this story will have songs in it?

Yes it does, chapters 1 and 2 already have songs in them :)

Can't wait for the next chapter.

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