• Published 3rd Dec 2023
  • 953 Views, 56 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls: Ice Sprint. - Red Tagg

Rainbow Dash is tasked to deliver a heart to a patient in a blizzard. But there are people trying to stop her. All while on her Birthday.

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White Birthday Surprise

It was a typical day in Canterlot City… if you consider a snow day normal. It was snowing outside, which was unusual for this time of year, but no one complained.

At Rainbow Dash's house, Rainbow’s alarm was beeping, which meant it was time to wake up. Rainbow groaned as she sat up in her bed and stretched.

“What day is it?”

She checked her phone to see the date, which reminded her that today was special.

“Oh yeah, today's my Birthday!” Rainbow Dash realised with excitement. She then looked outside to see the snow. “And it’s snowing? This is going to be a good day.”

Rainbow then got dressed and went downstairs, but once she got down there…


The sound of party poppers going off was made by Rainbow’s parents, Bow Hothoof and Windy Whistles.

“Happy Birthday, Rainbow Dash,” Bow Hothoof said to his daughter.

“Thanks, guys,” Rainbow Dash thanked her parents. Before recently, she would’ve been embarrassed by her parents. But after a kidnapping from the Purple Nightmares, Rainbow has gained a much better appreciation for her parent's support.

“Another year of our little girl growing up,” Windy Whistles said with tears. “And I hope you have room for your favourite breakfast.”

On the table were Blueberry pancakes, which Rainbow happily enjoyed.

While they were eating, the TV was presenting the weather forecast.

“As an unexpected result, we're dealing with a big snowy day. So, the following schools have been declared a Snow-day. Hollow Shades, Crystal Prep, Canterlot High...”

“Yeah! Snow Day!” Rainbow cheered in excitement.

After breakfast, Rainbow Dash walked through the snow towards Applejack's house. She received a text to meet her friends at the barn.

“No doubt they're planning a surprise party for me.”

Rainbow made her way to the barn and went inside. As she did...


All of her friends were there. There were the Rainbooms, the Turtles, April, Casey, Karai, Shini, Keno, Zak, Caitlyn, Buffy, Gabby, Carter, Angel, the CMC, and the Rock N Beats. They were all dressed in warm clothes and were present as the barn was decked out for her party.

“What, oh, you guys,” Rainbow said, pretending to sound humble.

“We had something planned for later, but with school cancelled, Pinkie insisted we start now,” Leo explained.

“Well then, let's get it startled,” Rainbow declared.

The gang enjoyed themselves, dancing to the music, playing party games and more. Soon, they all gathered around for a rest.

“You guys are the greatest,” Rainbow said to her friends.

“Thanks, but still surprised by the sudden snow,” Twilight admitted.

“Yeah, pretty weird that there was no report of it coming,” Donnie pointed out.

“Since when is the weatherman ever right?” Raph asked. “I was gonna bring Chompy, but the little guy was shivering.”

“Is he okay?” Rainbow asked, worrying about the baby alien turtle she loves.

“Don't worry, we left him with my dad,” April said, knowing her dad would take care of him.

In New York, Kirby was sitting on his couch before the fire. Little Chompy sat beside him on the comfy sofa, sleeping with a little blanket over him. Kirby couldn't help but aww as he tucked the blanket on the turtle more.

“That’s good to hear. Anyway, we'll have a great time in the snow!” Rainbow said in excitement.

“I’m afraid this snow is causing more problems than it seems.”

The ninjas turned to see none other than Agent Julia Argent of the Agency to Classify and Monitor Evildoers, or A.C.M.E. Julia approached them.

“Agent Argent,” Leo said as he greeted her.

“Leonardo, seeing you and your friends again is a pleasure. Along with some new faces,” Julia replied as they shook hands.

“Hey Julia, you here for the party!” Pinkie said in glee. Julia noticed the banner with Rainbow Dash's name on it.

“Oh, well, Happy Birthday, Rainbow Dash,” Julia wished Rainbow.

“Thanks, Jules,” Rainbow replied.

“So, what exactly is going on?” Sunset Shimmer asked.

“Well, it's best that the Chief explains.”

Julia pulled out a pen, clicked it and dropped it on the ground. Soon, a holograph of a woman appeared.

“Greetings, Ninjas, Rainbooms; it's been some time,” Chief greeted them. She then noticed the banner. “And I see we interrupted a party. Happy Birthday Rainbow Dash.”

“Thanks, Chief.”

“So I take it there’s trouble?” Leo asked.

“Indeed,” Chief confirmed.

“Espera! Hold on!” Gabby interrupted the conversation. “Aren’t we gonna get some introductions here?”

“Yeah, who’s the ghost lady?” Zach asked.

“Guys, this is Chief, the leader of ACME,” Leo introduced ACME’s head. “And this Agent Julia Argent.”

“ACME?” Angel asked.

“The Agency to Classify and Monitor Evildoers,” Chief explained. “And no need for introductions. I know about you: Zack and Caitlyn Roberts, Buffy Shellhammer, Gabrielle Rivera, and Carter and Angel Bridge. We’ve been aware of you since Rio.”

“Let’s just hope she’s nothing like Ms Nowhere,” Angel whispered.

“I assure you I’m nothing like her,” Chief interjected.

“Wait, you know Ms Nowhere?” Rainbow asked.

“Let’s just say she and I have a history,” Chief explained with a bit of disdain, which everyone understood. “But forget about all that. I’m here to tell you about a serious problem we need help with.”

“What’s going on?” Leo asked.

Julia then got out a tablet and began typing, as Chief explained.

“You see, this snow is not natural.” Julia pulled up an image of a giant flying machine producing snow. “Our satellites have detected five of these flying fortresses that appear to be the source of the snowstorm covering North America.”

“Whoa, so the snow isn’t natural weather but man-made?” Twilight asked.

“It would appear so,” Chief pointed out.

“Ooh, that means we’ll have lots of fun in the snow!” Pinkie said with glee.

“I’m afraid that’s not the case, Pinkie,” Donnie pointed out.

“If this snow continues, my family won’t be able to farm our crops,” Applejack pointed out.

“Also, supplies won’t be able to come to and from in this weather,” Twilight inquired.

“So many innocent animals won't be able to get food in this weather. They won't survive,” Fluttershy said, fearing for the little animals.

“Not to mention this winter fashion will start to get old,” Rarity put, which everyone eye-rolled.

“Glad you see the danger these pose,” Chief said. “Two of these have been sighted above your areas, so we need you to shut these down so the snow can stop. Also, we spotted a figure on one of the platforms.”

An image appeared on the tablet. A polar bear-like creature was seen on the platform.

“It would appear the one you call Tora is manning one of the fortresses’,” Chief explained.

"That makes sense since he tried to freeze New York last time,” Carter explained.

“Is he behind all the fortress'?” Twilight asked.

“He tried to do it to New York. Make sense he would go bigger,” Zach pointed out.

“We believe he's collaborating with someone else with means and resorts,” Chief explained.

"VILE?” Leo asked, knowing Chief wouldn't be involved if VILE wasn't involved.

“There has been VILE chatter, but we're unsure why they want to do this.”

“Well, whatever the reason, you can count on us to shut them down, Chief”, Leo declared.

“I know I can,” Chief said with satisfaction.

“Oh yeah, Birthday mission,” Rainbow said with excitement.

“I’m sorry, Rainbow Dash, but I’m afraid you won’t be joining them,” Chief declared, which surprised the group, especially Rainbow Dash.

“What? Why not!?” Rainbow demanded to know.

“Because I have a separate and urgent mission for you that requires your skills,” Chief explained.

“What kind of mission?” Rainbow asked.

“There’s a young girl in Seattle in need of a heart transplant. And because of the snow, air traffic is grounded. So we need you to pick up the heart in Boston and run it cross-country to Seattle.”

Rainbow understood a life was in danger, but she had doubts.

“Chief, with all due respect, I’ve never used my speed to run that far before. And super speed and ice don’t mix well.”

“Whether you’ve done it or not, you’re the best option we have at the moment,” Chief pointed out. Julia then got out a case she was holding. “And as for the snow, we have something that might help.”

Julia opened the case to reveal a pair of long black boots with blue stripes on the sides and rainbows attached to the ankles.

“These boots are designed to be compatible with your super speed while keeping traction with snow, ice and other terrains. We also gave them a colour you might like. Consider this a Birthday gift from ACME.”

Rainbow looked super excited about her new gift.

“Awesome. Now these look like my style,” Rainbow Dash said with excitement.

“And it goes with your look,” Rarity, ever the fashionista, pointed out.

“I trust this means you’ll take the mission?” Chief asked.

Rainbow Dash would've liked to help her friends, but a little girl's life was in her hands.

“You can count on me, Chief,” Rainbow saluted to the Chief.

“Excellent,” Chief said before turning to Julia. Julia then grabbed Rainbow's wrist and attached a wristband with a screen on it. “This wrist tablet will give you the coordinates needed and help you stay on course. It'll also help you communicate with us if any problems occur. Failure is not an option for this mission. Can we count on you?”

“I can do it, Chief,” Rainbow declared with determination.

“Good. You better get going as soon as possible,” Chief declared.

Rainbow turned to her friends.

“Good luck with the snow machines,” Rainbow said to them.

“And good luck on your mission,” Leo replied.

“We know you can do it, Rainbow,” Sunset encouraged Rainbow.

“That girl is in good hands,” Twilight said.

Each friend gave Rainbow the encouragement she needed, as this mission had high stakes.

Author's Note:

Red Tagg here with my first EQNG Story.

It's based on the Young Justice episode, Cold Comfort.

EQNG belongs to Wildcard25