• Published 3rd Dec 2023
  • 956 Views, 56 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls: Ice Sprint. - Red Tagg

Rainbow Dash is tasked to deliver a heart to a patient in a blizzard. But there are people trying to stop her. All while on her Birthday.

  • ...

Queen's Announcement/Epilouge

In the country of Reinkani, Queen Unna was wearing a yellow and white Saree and yellow flats, along with her nose ring and a red Bindi. She was standing outside the palace, announcing to her people and those watching around the world.

“Citizens of Reinkani, the Royal Family has been betrayed by one of our own… my nephew, Dushta Bisp.”

Dushta betrayed us and attempted to take the throne for himself…

Inside a prison in Reikani, Dushta Bisp was watching while getting served his meal. The former count, now draped in prison orange just watched angrily when his food was splatted on him.

“A feast for a king,” the prison server mocked as others laughed. Bisp was super angry when he left. His plan failed, he lost his title and was forced into this horrible place.

Bisp walked past a patrolling guard and then sat at his table. As he was digging in, he noticed something in his food. It was a piece of paper. He opened it and looked at what the note said. His anger turned into a smirk as he continued to watch his former aunt’s speech.

He made a deal with horrible criminals to seize the throne. But their plan failed….

VILE Faculty including Coach Brunt after her time in the field, were watching the speech on TV, but it was turned off by Dr. Bellum, who then threw the remote in anger.

“Aaaarrggghhh!!!! My opportunity at revenge against that Queen and her cursed country had failed! All thanks to Sandiego, those turtles and Rainbooms, and my wretched baby cousin!” Bellum was on a rant that the faculty had never seen before.

“Whoa, and I was supposed to be the angry one,” Coach Brunt pointed out.

“Doctor Bellum, control yourself,” Professor Maelstrom ordered. After a minute, Bellum seemed to have calmed down. Maelstrom then chose to point out the results. "So Count Bisp's been arrested. And unfortunately, Roundabout is unable to extract him due to him being found guilty of attempted regicide.”

“Should we be worried about him talking?” Cleo asked.

“Relax Countess, we managed to use the memory wiper on him while he was incarcerated. He has no memory of VILE,” Dr. Bellum said, now feeling calm and proud. “He doesn't even remember me anymore.”

“That's good, we don't want any loose ends,” Maelstrom reminded them.

“Wouldn't the Reinkani Royal Family be considered a loose end?” Coach Brunt asked. “I'll assign operatives to take care of...”

“No. Going after royal blood will draw too much attention to ourselves. Our best option is to remain hidden is to stay as far away from Reinkani as possible,” Maelstrom declared.

The other members of VILE Faculty agreed.

“Good. I know Coach Brunt was extracted, but what about our other operatives?” Countess Cleo asked.

“The Cleaners managed to extract all the other operatives at the Seattle Hospital and everywhere else,” Maelstrom informed them. But then, he had a grim look on his face and said, “But still, Reinkani's resources were right in our grasp.”

“All those jewels, those riches and that palace. I hoped we would base there instead of this cold and dreaded castle,” Countess Cleo was very upset about what they lost.

“Speaking of cold, the ice fortresses were destroyed,” Bellum said with disdain.

“And it wasn't Carmen Sandiego who did it, but those Ninjas and Rainbooms who destroyed them,” Coach Brunt pointed out, still feeling miffed about Rainbow escaping her.

“They are definitely a big problem as Carmen Sandiego,” Countess Cleo inquired. “Especially with that magic of theirs.”

“You know, I'm finding myself quite interested in studying its capabilities,” Doctor Bellum said with fascination.

“Indeed, perhaps we should keep an eye on them,” Professor Maelstrom suggested before having a sinister look on his face. “...and find a way to harness it for our own needs.”

The Faculty agreed, gaining an interest in Equestrian Magic.

Queen Unna continued her speech in her home country, “...Dushta Bisp tried to sabotage my youngest grandaughter's heart surgery, tried to get my eldest granddaughter, our crowned princess, killed in an accident, and tried to kill me, and the rest of my family, just to seize the throne. Thankfully...”

There were people, heroes who helped stop them and saved us...

Carmen Sandiego and her crew were at their lair in San Diego, watching the speech on Carmen's laptop. Player appeared next to the video.

“Look at that Red, someone's acknowledging the good you did recently,” Player pointed out.

“Getting thanked by royalty, awesome,” Zack said with excitement.

“Yeah. Glad that VILE didn't get to finish off the family. But should we be worried about them trying to off them again?” Carmen said in a concerned tone.

“Indeed, VILE doesn’t tolerate loose ends, but VILE wouldn't dare attack someone of high status,” Shadowsan explained. “If anything happens to them, VILE will no doubt be hunted down to the ends of the earth. VILE's only hope is to not step foot in Reinkani again.”

“So a country that is aware of VILE, that's a major victory,” Ivy pointed out.

Carmen smiled, “I'm just glad the royal family won't have to deal with VILE, especially Dr Bellum for a long time.”

The gang continued to watch the speech.

While we are indebted to those that helped up, they wish to be unnamed, and so we respect that decision...”

The turtles and their allies were watching on the TV in the lair.

“Dudes, we've just been acknowledged by royalty,” Mikey said with excitement.

“At least she did it in a way that doesn’t expose us,” Raph pointed out.

“Either way, Rainbow Dash did good,” Leo said, feeling proud of his teammate.

“My family and I are safe now. Our country may be small, but still strong. Especially since in a matter of months, Vera will be coronated as the new queen.” The queen had ended her speech as a few reporters wanted to ask more questions, but the queen declined.

After the speech, Queen Unna walked inside the Palace. Once she was in a specific wing, she took off her shoes, as it was customary in Reinkani to take shoes off when entering a person's home or a sacred chamber. Now barefooted, the Queen made her way down the hall. As she walked, she passed a few portraits that were on the wall.

One was of herself younger with a man, her husband—King Bhalo, along with a toddler boy and a baby girl, who were her children.

Another was at a wedding with her son, Kanu, marrying her new daughter-in-law, Uvel.

Another portrait of her daughter, Chaara marrying her son-in-law, Deepak.

She then passed one of Vera and Yod as kids. And one of a young Vera and a baby Saundra with their parents.

The last one, just taken last year, passed was one of her, the Princesses and her husband, not long before he passed away.

Queen Unna had a sad smile on her face as she looked at them.

She then went on to a room where she heard the sound of a flute. Unna peeked inside to see her family. Princess Saundra was lying in a bed, wearing a white nightdress, sipping on a cup of tea. Princess Vera, now wearing a pink dress, sat at her sister's bedside, playing a song on the flute. On the side was Yodd, who ditched his gloves and boots. He was sitting at the side with Aaserak standing on a table next to him. On the side of the bed was Chaara, wearing a purple dress with a white jacket. She was checking out some equipment that was attached to Saundra. Near Chara was a Deepk, wearing a blue shirt, black pants and glasses. Just like the queen, the family were all barefooted as a sign of respect.

Princes Vera finished the song after that.

“Thank you for playing that song, Vera,” Saundra said, loving the soothing sound.

“You're very welcome, sis,”

“How're you feeling, sweetheart?” Queen Unna gently approached Saundra and kissed her on her forehead.

“I still feel weak grandmother, but a bit better.”

“Wonderful to hear,” Unna said as she sat beside her.

“Her vitals are improving, mother,” Chaara explained. “She still needs rest for another week. And she'll need to be put on a diet and exercise regime. But if we continue for a while, she will be fine.”

“Yes, Auntie,” Saundra said, understanding. She then had a sad look on her face. “I can't believe Dushta would do this.”

“Dushta was always distant from this family,” Unna explained. “I should've seen it. But I didn't, and it almost cost us… everything.” Unna then turned to Yod. “Yod, if you hadn't figured out everything…”

“I've been suspicious of him for a while. I knew it was only a matter of time before…” Yod pointed out. “I also think Dushta is also responsible for…”

The family had sad looks on their faces, as they knew what he was gonna say.

“Mom and Dad,” Vera finished, with tears forming in her eyes as she put an arm around Saundra, who had tears in her eyes.

“And this time he had help… from Samira,” Deepak said, disappointed in his eyes.

Unna then placed a hand on his shoulder, “Samira made her decision, just like Dushta made his. We can't blame ourselves for their choices.”

Deepak knew his mother-in-law was right. His niece made her choice, one there was no turning back.

“It's a good thing Rainbow Dash managed to get the heart to us and helped expose Dushta,” Yod said, with a bit of a smile.

“Yes, Rainbow Dash,” Unna agreed, before having a smirk on her face. “She is a fine young lady.”

“Grandmother,” Yod whined a bit, with a blush.

“Oh, is my son blushing?” Chaara teased her son.

“Mom!” Yod said in embarrassment.

“Ooh, didn't you also put down your number when you sent Aaserak to deliver the medal to her?” Vera teased her cousin.

“No!” Yod denied. Aaserak cawed and nodded, saying yes. “Aaserak not you too!”

The whole family laughed, much to the young warrior’s chagrin. Thankfully for him, they were interrupted.

“Pardon my interruption, your majesty.” The family turned to see a man with a suit addressing them.

“Hassan, I take it you have my schedule for tomorrow?” Queen Unna asked, knowing her duties as a queen were still important.

“Yes, Your Majesty. Tomorrow morning, you got yoga, followed by the meeting with the court, then going over a few items for the coronation, and then your evening royal foot massage…”

“How about we discuss them somewhere else,” Queen Unna suggested, before turning to the family. “Saundra needs her rest.”

After that, the family each left to room to let the princess rest. Yod was walking through the halls of the palace. He was looking at security footage of the Turtles and Rainbooms on the Ice Platform.

“They fought very well together,” Yod thought to himself. “I feel trouble coming to Reinkani. Maybe this is what I need… a team.”

“Yod, wait!” Yod turned to see Vera catching up to him.

“What is it, Vera?”

“I want you to train me.”

Yod was instantly confused, “Come again?”

“I want you to teach me to fight,” Vera explained. “I was nearly killed. My sister and grandmother were nearly killed. I'm meant to be the queen soon. And how can I protect my people if I couldn’t protect my family?”

“Say no more, cuz, I will train you. But I must warn you, it will be hard,” Yod told the Princess.

“I'm willing to do what it takes to protect my country,” Vera said with determination.

Vera needed to be a great queen for not only her people but her family.

Queen Unna entered her private chambers and sat down in an armchair. The Queen was exhausted by what had happened. She then grabbed something on the table stand and looked at it. It was a small photo of her whole family, minus Dushta, wearing casual beach clothes at a lake. They weren’t regal looking, but they looked very happy together.

“I wish you were here, Bhalo, Katu, and Uvel.” The queen had tears in her eyes, as she missed her husband, son, and daughter-in-law. “Saundra is doing better. Vera is gonna make an excellent queen soon.”

Queen Unna then got up and walked to her bookshelf. She then pulled out a book with a robin on the cover. She sat back down in her chair, put on her reading glasses and began writing in the book.

“I've officially met the turtles you told me about, along with their friends and your former student. They are incredible as you said… Princess Celestia.”

Yod made his way to a stone wall. He knocked on it twice, which caused the wall to open, revealing a lit tunnel. Yod walked down it until he reached a door at the end. Once that door opened, Yod removed his boots and walked inside.

In front of the fireplace was an elderly man, wearing yellow robes, meditating in front of the fire.

The man then spoke without opening his eyes, “Young Yod, I must say well done on protecting your family.”

“Master, while I was gone, there were some things I learned and some things you must know.” Yod got on his knees next to the man.

“What is it, my pupil?”

“Master, the Hamato Clan lives.”

The man opened his eyes, which revealed he was blind in his left eye. He said nothing as he pulled down his sleeve, to reveal a tattoo… of the Hamato Clan symbol.

Author's Note:

And here we are readers, the end of the story. But there will be a sequel to this, Wildcard gave me the okay to do it. And in the sequel, some things here will be answered.

Also once again, a special shout out to Wildcard25, Jebens1, AmethystMajesty25, and Postwarmonkey50 for their help in making this.


  • The fact about removing one's shoes before entering a home or sacred place comes from real-life Indian culture, in which Reinkani is an original Indian settlement.
  • The song that Vera plays on her flute is based on the lullaby played in 2011 Thundercats.
Comments ( 10 )

The plot thinking how does the queen know cleastia and who is this man is he really from the turtles clan guse we have to find out

oh snap. things are getting spicy. so spicy that cyan peppers are feeling dull.

“Yes, Rainbow Dash,” Unna agreed, before having a smirk on her face. “She is a fine young lady.”

I am definitely shipping those two. Good call on that BTW.

Hmmmm, in the future, would it be alright if I used him for my TMNT story?

The Faculty had gained an interest in Equestrian Magic

Uh oh. A foreshadow of Rise of the Young Ninjas.

“I’ve officially met the turtles you told me about, along with their friends and your former student. They are incredible as you said… Princess Celestia.”

Wait, she knows Princess Celestia?

That was excellent. I look forward to seeing more of what’s next


Go ahead, my friend.

Well, we will have to wait until Jebens1 starts making that story which won't happen for a while.

And I'm worried that Ville could get their hands on the mane 7 and make them reveal the location of the portal.

There is a another hamoto

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