• Published 3rd Dec 2023
  • 935 Views, 56 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls: Ice Sprint. - Red Tagg

Rainbow Dash is tasked to deliver a heart to a patient in a blizzard. But there are people trying to stop her. All while on her Birthday.

  • ...

Paper Snowflakes

As Leo's group continued to take out the defences, Leo kept dodging Tora's blasts from his freeze ray.

“So what exactly is the real reason?” Leo asked the polar bear.

“What do you mean?” Tora asked in confusion.

“This kind of thing, no way you could've built it by yourself. You had to have some help, like VILE,” Leo pointed out.

“Yeah, what exactly is their game here?” Raph demanded.

“Sorry, but that's for me to know and for you never to find out.” Tora then blasts at them with his freeze ray.

Twilight and Chaplin were hacking into the controls of the fortress.

“I just hope we can get it,” Twilight said as she continued the hack.

“We’re almost there,” Chaplin encouraged.

The two geniuses continued to hack away when they finally got what they wanted.

“Leo, it's done!” Twilight confirmed.

“We set it to crash in an abandoned area,” Chaplin explained. “But we only have a few minutes.”

“Everyone, back to the Turtle Blimp!” Leo ordered the team for their safety.

As the ninjas got onto the blimp, Tora was outraged as he put on a backpack.

“This is not over,” Tora declared as he jumped off the platform. A parachute then opened up for Tora.

Leo and the group looked down to see Tora floating down.

"He's getting away," Applebloom pointed out.

Twilight noticed something and then smirked.

"I don't think so," Twilight said as she pointed.

Tora continued to float down.

"I may have been stopped, but I'm VILE. I will still pay me top dollar," Tora said to himself as he floated down.

But then suddenly, Tora stopped floating and fell before being dangled by the parachute.

"What the...?" Tora looked up to see the Foot Clan helicopter, which released a harpoon which snagged his parachute.

Inside the helicopter, Fluttershy manned the harpoon shooter.

“Nice aim, Fluttershy,” Karai complimented.

“Thank you,” Fluttershy said in her timid voice.

As Rainbow continued to run. She was nearly at her destination.

“Nearly there, hopefully, it's not too late,” Rainbow said with hope.

But just then, some projectiles came towards her. Rainbow dodged them, then took cover behind a nearby tree as more hit the trunk. Once she was sure they stopped, she peaked to try and see who was doing it. She then noticed something wedged into the trunk. Rainbow grabbed it to see it was... a paper star.

“Oh no,” Rainbow realised. That's when she heard the singing.

“La, la la, la la.” Skipping through the snow was none other than deranged VILE operative, PaperStar. “Enjoying the snow, are we?”

“What are you doing here, Paper Star?” Rainbow demanded the VILE Operative.

“I'm here to make sure that there will be heartbreak,” Paperstar declared as she equipped with more paperstars. “Both hearts.”

Paperstar began to throw multiple stars, but Rainbow used her speed to dodge them as she hid behind the tree.

“Wait, how does she know about the heart?” Rainbow wondered. “Wait a minute, Coach Brunt, Spinkick and Flytrap. They were all after the heart.”

“Come out, come out, wherever you are. I want you to play with me in the snow,” Paperstar playfully said as she had some paper snowflakes in her hand.

“I got to get away from here and fast,” Rainbow thought.

Just then, paperstar appeared around the tree.

"Boo.” Paperstar then tried to slice Rainbow with a paper knife. Rainbow dodged and kicked the paper knife out of her hand.

Paperstar was about to throw another star when that same falcon swooped and snatched it from her.

“What the?” Paperstar was confused, as was Rainbow Dash.

That bird again?”

Paperstar was about to throw another when a knife was thrown out of nowhere and sliced the paper that was in her hand.

“Who did that?” Paperstar said in anger.

The two looked to see the cloaked figure walking up to them in the snow. The falcon landed on his stretched-out arm, showing it was his pet.

“Who are you?” Rainbow asked the figure.

“I am a guardian, here to make sure that heart goes to that girl,” the guardian declared.

“Fat chance,” Paperstar declared as she threw more stars at the guardian.

The guardian then drew out his sword and used it to block the stars as the guardian got close to Paperstar. They then turned to Rainbow.

“Get the heart to the girl. I'll deal with her!”

Rainbow hesitated to trust the stranger but knew time was running out. So she had no other choice but to run. As she ran, she grabbed one of the throwing knives the guardian left behind.

“You just made a big mistake,” Paperstar declared as she prepared more stars.

“The only one who made a big mistake here is you.” A second blade appeared from the handle, becoming a double-bladed sword. The guardian charged at Paperstar.

Rainbow saw the hospital coming into view. Her body was aching, and she was hungry, but she saw the hospital was right there, and her mission was complete.

Outside was a woman wearing scrubs, a headcover and a surgical mask. Rainbow thought there was something familiar about her, but she didn’t worry about that for a moment.

“Here's the heart for the girl,” Rainbow said as she handed the carrier to the doctor.

“I'm very sorry, but the girl died twenty minutes ago,” the doctor sadly said.

“What? Twenty!? Those fights lasted longer,” Rainbow said with realisation. Her delays had killed a little girl.

“You did your best,” the doctor said, touching Rainbow's shoulder.

Rainbow was filled with guilt that her negligence got a little girl killed.