• Published 3rd Dec 2023
  • 953 Views, 56 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls: Ice Sprint. - Red Tagg

Rainbow Dash is tasked to deliver a heart to a patient in a blizzard. But there are people trying to stop her. All while on her Birthday.

  • ...

Hospital Visits

Outside the Seattle hospital, a portal opened, and out came the Turtles, Allies, Rainbooms, CMC, Principal Celestia, Vice-Principal Luna and Rainbow Dash's parents.

"This is the place?" Sunset asked.

"Yes, this is the hospital Rainbow delivered the heart to," Donnie confirmed.

"Okay, I'll talk with the receptionist, but I doubt they'll allow all of us to go in at once," Principal Celestia inquired.

"Don't worry about that; I can get you in."

The gang turned to see Carmen and Shadowsan standing by the wall, waiting for them.

"Carmen!" the ninjas approached her, happy to see an old friend.

"Hey guys, it's been a while," Carmen said as she shook Leo's hand.

"Glad to see you as well," Leo replied. He then bowed to Shadowsan, who returned the favour.

"Good to see allies again."

"And I see there are some new faces." Carmen noticed new faces she hadn't seen before.

"Right, first off, these are Buffy, Carter and his sister Angel, Chaplin, Cailyn and her brother Zach," Leo introduced.

"Your name is Zach as well; what a coincidence. My teammate is named Zack as well."

"And these are Rarity's and my sisters and their friend. Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo," Applejack introduced.


"We're the CMC..."


"The Canterlot Movie Club!"

Carmen couldn't help but chuckle at the kid's introduction. Sunset continued introductions.

“And this is Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna of Canterlot High School," Twilight introduced.

“Pleasure to meet you,” Principal Celestia greeted.

“Nice to meet nice Principals, unlike four of my last ones,” Carmen humoured, thinking about the faculty.

"Well, they must've not been acceptable," Principal Luna inquired.

"And these are Rainbow's parents, Bow Hothoof and Windy Whistles," Fluttershy introduced.

"Nice to meet you, dear, but I need to ask right now, how's Rainbow?" Windy Whistles asked.

"Don't worry, she's doing fine right now. I'll take you to her."

Carmen led the group inside the hospital. The turtles activated their disguise cloaks to blend in, and Spike hid in Twilight's bag. Carmen led them to a hospital room, where they saw Rainbow on the bed resting.



Everyone came in and hugged her gently, relieved to see her alive. The turtles dropped their disguises as Carmen reassured them they were alright to do so.

“Thank goodness you’re okay.” Rarity hugged her.

“We were worried when you didn’t answer our calls,” Fluttershy said while hugging her.

“Well, I’ve been hurt here and there, but I’m alright.”

Rainbow’s parents went to hug her.

“We’re just glad that you’re alright,” Bow Hothoof said as the couple let go.

“Thanks, mom and dad.”

“It’s nice that many friends and family support you.”

Everyone turned to see Yod standing in the corner. The group was concerned about the stranger in their friend’s room, but Rainbow reassured them.

“It’s okay, guys; he’s cool.”

The others trusted Rainbow and were relieved.

“Greetings, I am Yod Nyaa. Grandson of Queen Unna and future Guardian of the country of Reinkani.”

The others introduced themselves. Sunset then realised.

“Hold on, if you’re grandma’s the Queen…”

… then that makes you…” Rarity realised.

“A prince? Indeed,” Yod finished. “But I see myself more as a warrior, a fighter.”

“He’s very skilled. Saved my butt from VILE twice.” Rainbow looked at him with adoration.

“So, what exactly happened?” Principal Celestia asked.

Rainbow explained how she ran across the country to deliver the heart and encountered Spinkick and Flytrap.

“They seriously called themselves that?” Raph asked.

“I know, names are kinda on the nose,” Carmen inquired.

“You know what I would call them? Roundhouse and bola-trapper.”

"Anyway, out of nowhere, they were attacked by some bird," Rainbow Continued.

She told them about her encounter with Coach Brunt. The group were shocked that Brunt herself would come out to deal with Rainbow. And Applejack was surprised that Brunt hadn’t forgotten about her. Rainbow then told them about Paperstar.

“Hold on, she used paper as a weapon?” Buffy asked.

“Yeah, paper that can cut things like steel,” Pinkie pointed out, still remembering her first encounter with her.

"That's when I first met Yod. The Bird that was following me was his." Rainbow turned to Yod. "What did you call it again?"

"His name is Aaserak, and he's a Lagger Falcon. When I was told about the heart, I had him follow you to ensure the heart got here safely."

Rainbow then told them about the fight with VILE in the parking lot, where she first saw Bisp. How he cut her side and how she escaped. And how she managed to trick Bisp into confessing his crimes.

“And that’s brings us to now.”

“Wow, all this was to get Bisp on the throne?” Twilight asked.

“And if he did, VILE would have the whole country’s resources at their disposal,” Shadowsan gravely pointed out.

"Not only that, the country would've suffered due to losing so much riches to them," Carmen pointed out.

“Wow, no wonder VILE was involved,” Leo said.

“I’m afraid it’s more than that for one of them.” Everyone turned to Yod. “The one you know as Dr Bellum.”

“Dr Saira Bellum?” Rainbow asked.

“But she went by a different name once. Samira,” Yod revealed.

“How do you know that?” Donnie asked.

“And why was she more involved in this?” Karai asked, as she and April still remembered how Bellum nearly experimented on them.

“Because… she’s my cousin.”

The gang were surprised by this revelation.


“Yes, but she left us long before I was born.”

“Due to her almost destroying the half of Reinkani?” Shadowsan asked, knowing the story from his time with the VILE Faculty.

“Yes. Around twenty-five years ago, when Samira was 14, she came to Reinkani from India with two of her uncles, one of them being my father, after her other uncle got a job there. She shared some of her scientific genius with our country. A few years passed, and she became one of the top scientists of Reinkani, but she became too ambitious, and her experiments became dangerous and inhumane. Father tried to get her to stop, but she refused to listen. Then, one day, her invention went out of control, nearly destroying half of our country. One of the assistants managed to shut it down, but it cost him his legs in the process. After that, Samira lost all her credibility; she went mad, although some say she was already mad to begin with. Father tried to reason with her, but she wouldn’t listen. She was banished from the country forever.

The group were shocked by this revelation.

“I remember hearing about it from Dr Bellum during my time on VILE's faculty," Shadowsan remembered.

"No doubt helping Bisp was also about her getting revenge," Carmen pointed out.

“But now their plan has failed. The Queen and Princess are safe,” Rainbow reminded them.

“And we thank you for that.” The group turned to see the Princess in the hospital bed, with the Queen beside her.

“Okay, how did we not notice them when we walked in?” Raph whispered, which earned him an elbow to the gut by Applejack.

“Allow me to introduce My grandmother, Queen Unna Shaah and my cousin, Princess Saundra Shaah of Reinkani,” Yod introduced.

“Greetings,” Queen Unna said to them.

The others immediately bowed to the Royals they had just realised were in the room.

“Greetings, Your Majesty. We are honoured to be in your presence,” Leo started as he bowed.

“You can skip the formality. Right now, I’m just a simple loving grandmother here for her granddaughter.” The gang introduced themselves to the Royal Family.

"I must say, I was not expecting giant turtles, but if you're with Rainbow Dash, then you're all right with us," Saundra said.

“So, Reki, Reenka, Rinko?” Mikey tried to say. "How do you pronounce it?"

“Ren-Kahn-nee,” Princess Saundra clarified.

“Right. I’ve never heard of that place,” Mikey admitted, and some of the group agreed. Carmen knew how to help with that.


On the hospital screen, Player appeared.

“Thought you’d never ask.” Player began to look up the information, doing his usual geography and country history facts. “The country of Reinkani is an island nation just a few miles east of eastern India, in the middle of the Indian Ocean. It was first settled there in the early 20th century before World War I. But it wasn’t just Indians who settled there; it was also those of both Spanish and African nationality. It became an official individual country in 1948, after the Partition of India, when more Indians secretly fled there and settled there as well. The country is also rich in a special gemstone that isn’t well known to outsiders, not even me. The country has five small villages, plus its main capital, Pohizi, where the royal family lives. There's also the country’s tallest mountain, Mount Veehulu, where people climb to watch its lovely sunsets.”

“Perfect, young one,” Queen Unna complimented Player on his knowledge of her country.

Just then, they heard footsteps coming. They looked to see Crowned Princess Vera Shaah entering the room in one piece.

“Saundra, Grandmother.”

“Vera!” Saundra said as the girl, Vera, walked past the others, approached the Princess, and hugged her.

“Thank goodness you both are alright,” Vera said as she let go and hugged her grandmother.

“As are you,” Unna said as she hugged them.

“I am, thanks to these brave people.”

Casey, Gabby, Zack, and Ivy came in as well.

“Casey, Gabby!” The others were relieved to see their friends

“Hola, guys,” Gabby said as Buffy hugged her.

“S’up, dudes,” Casey casually said.

“Glad to see you both alright,” Raph said as he and Casey locked hands

“Zack, so good to see you again, brah,” Mikey greeted the red-haired brother.

“Good to see you as well, Mikey,” Zack replied as the two fist-bumped. This got Zach’s attention.

“You're Zack, right?”

“Yeah, why?”

“My name’s Zach as well.”

“Cool.” The two fist-bumped.

Ivy and Caitlyn rolled their eyes at their baby brother's playfulness, then looked at each other.

"You got one too?" Ivy asked.

"Oh yeah," Cailyn admitted.

Vera then turned to see the others, particularly the Rainbooms.

“Hold on, you’re the Rainbooms, the famous American High School band,” Vera inquired.

“Uh, yep, that’s us,” Twilight confirmed.

“A Princess actually knows us,” Rarity said, feeling honoured.

To say Vera was shocked was an understatement.

“Play it cool, Vera. Keep it regal,” Vera tried to calm herself, only to jump excitedly. “Oh my goodness, I’m meeting the famous Rainbooms in real life. I’m a real fan of your music."

The Rainbooms were honoured and weirded out that a Princess was excitedly about meeting them. Queen Unna smiled as she rolled her eyes.

Saundra decided to change the subject. "So, what happened? How did you survive?"

"You see..."

After the message, Vera was heading straight into the wall, but coming from behind them was another car, a red car. Out from the side of the red car's window, a bunch of hockey pucks with explosives attached to them flew out in front of the Driver and Mechanic's car.

"Aaahh." The both of them were blinded by the blasts and skidded out of the way.

Then, the red car drove in front of the Princess and blocked the vehicle, which caused the Princess' car to slow down to a stop. Vera got out and fell to the ground. She then saw Zack, Ivy, Casey, and Gabby.

"Are you alright, Your Majesty?" Zack asked as she helped her up.

"The proper term is Your Highness," Ivy whispered to her brother. "Don't be nervous, Your Highness; we're working with your cousin, Yod Nyaa." That made Vera calm down a bit.

The gang then heard the Driver and the Mechanic getting out dazed. Casey and Gabby knew what needed to be done.

"Por favour, allow us."

Gabby walked up to the Driver, who was getting her bearings.

"As someone who comes from a family of street racers..." Gabby then gave the driver a right hook to the face, knocking her out. "Your driving needs some desarrollo."

"You little Barney Rubble," The Mechanic said as she got out her wrench. "You love, are going..." But then she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around and was electrocuted, courtesy of Casey.

"Knock you out, love," Casey said, mocking her accent. Casey and Gabby then fist-bumped.

"After Casey and Gabby knocked those two out, Zack drove us here."

Unna turned to the four and smiled.

“Thank you for saving my granddaughter,” Unna said to them.

“Uh, you’re welcome, Your Highness,” Zack said, then Ivy's elbow hit him in the gut as he got the title wrong again. “I mean, your majesty.”

Unna rolled her eyes in amusement. She then turned to Shadowsan.

“And I never got to properly thank you for saving me.”

“I am honoured to be at your service, Your Majesty.” Shadowsan bowed.

“How’d you save the Queen, Shadowsan,” Mikey asked.

The Queen thought back to a few hours ago…

Queen Unna was sitting in a room outside, staring at the room her granddaughter was in. A nurse wearing a surgeon's mask and hat. She was distraught because the heart still hadn’t arrived. She was currently praying.

“Please let that heart get here soon for Saundra. I already lost my son, Kanu, and daughter-in-law, Uvel, years ago. And I lost my husband, Bhalo, last year. I can’t bear to lose another loved one.”

Just then, a nursemaid approached her and offered a teacup filled with tea.

“Here, miss. This should help calm the nerves.”

“Thank you.” The Queen took the cup as the nurse left, who smirked evilly.

But before the Queen could take a sip, a swift hand swiped the cup from her.

“Hey!” Unna looked up to see the nurse hanging a few feet from her. “What is the meaning of this?! That's my tea!”

"Observe," the nurse replied, pouring the tea into a nearby plant. Almost instantly, the plant shrivelled up and died. Unna gasped in shock. The nurse pulled down his mask, revealing himself as Shadowsan. "Your tea was laced with a fatal toxin intended to kill you."

"What? But how? Why? Who are you?" Unna asked in surprise.

"A friend, here to protect you and your granddaughters," Shadowsan explained. "By request of your grandson, Yod Nyaa."

Just then, the nurse who had given the tea showed up. The nurse was none other than VILE Operative... Lady Dokuso.

“You’ll have to do better than that, Lady Dokuso.” Shadowsan was prepared to defend.

Instead of fighting, Lady Dokuso ran around the corner. Shadowsan ran after her, but she was gone when he turned the corner.

“I still don’t understand why she didn’t try to attack me?” Unna wondered.

“Because we were in a private area. Attacking you there would draw unwanted attention, and they prefer hiding in plain sight.”

"But wait, what about Uncle Deepack and Aunt Chaara?" Vera asked in concern.

"Don't worry, mom and dad are all right. I even called in a favour from a friend to help protect them," Yod revealed. Just then, they heard a beeping sound. "Speak of the devil." Yod pulled out a phone, which was the source, and answered it. "Thanks again for the help."

"It was no trouble," the voice on the other side said. But it wasn't just any voice. It was the voice of... Kim Possible.

"KIM!?!" the ninjas said as they heard their friend.

"Hey guys, how is it?" Kim said on the other side.

"You were helping Yod?" Rainbow asked.

"We worked together a few months ago to stop the one you call Monkey Fist from stealing a sacred relic of our country," Yod explained.

"Yod asked me to help guard his parents when he got wind of Bisp's plan."

"Thanks again for the help."

"No problem, bye, guys." Yod then hung up the phone.

"So, how did you get wind of Bisp's plan?" Donnie asked.

"I once used to look up to Dushta, but when I began my training, I saw him from a different perspective. One day, I overheard him talking VILE about 'the plan'."

"That's when we came in," Carme continued. "Player intercepted VILE chatter about a plan involving the country of Reinkani. When we got there, we met Yod, who told us about Dushta."

"Grandmother, Vera and Saundra had already left the country for Saundra's surgery. That's when we realised what they were trying to do," Yod explained further.

"We even told Yod to contact Chief to help. Because Chief and I aren't on good terms at the moment," Carmen admitted.

"How come?" April asked.

"Let's just say I learned some things about her. Then I stole some top secret files from ACME,"

“Heads up, Red,” Player said from the monitor as he typed on the keyboard. “ACME’s in the house.”

“Sorry guys, got to go.” Carmen, Shadowsan, Zack and Ivy made their way out of the room.

Just then, Agent Zari came into the room.

"Ah, so you've arrived,” Zari said as she saw them.

“Agent Zari,” Sunset greeted her.

“I take it both ends of the mission were successful?”

“Yes, the Ice Fortresses were destroyed, and the Princess’s heart was delivered,” Leo informed her.

“So you know about the Princess?”

“Yeah, the doctors told me when I came in. Along with Dushta Bisp trying to stop me,” Rainbow revealed.

“It’s a good thing we got that video of Bisp’s confession.”

To their surprise, the gang turned to see ACME's Chief... live and in person.


"No way?"

"Is she...?"

"Yes, I am," Chief confirmed. Everyone was surprised to see the real thing, not the hologram. Mikey then approached Chief.

"Wow, that hologram looks so real..." Mikey tries to poke Chief, only for her to grab his finger to stop.

"That's because I am real." Chief released Mikey, and he hurried back to the others.

"Sorry," Mikey sheepishly apologised while Raph hit Mikey on the head.

Principal Celestia then took a good look at Chief and recognised her.

"Tamera?" Principal Celestia asked.

"Celestia and Luna, long time no see," Chief, or Tamera, said as she shook Celestia's hand.

"Wait, you two know each other?" Pinkie asked.

"We went to college together," Chief told them.

"Okay, we're getting off track here. Did you know about Dushta Bisp?" Raph asked impatiently.

"Yes, we did. Two days ago, Yod Nyaa cornered me in my usual coffee shop," Chief explained. "Yod told me about the Princess and Count Bisp. Bisp caught our attention a few years ago when he was caught buying illegal arms, only to be released on diplomatic immunity.

"He tried to tell me he was doing it for our country, but I warned him on going behind my back. Now I realise he was using them to overthrow us," Queen Unna said with realisation.

"Afterwards, we used some of ACME's resources to help protect the Royal Family. Of course, we weren't counting on the Ice Fortresses." Chief then turned to Rainbow Dash and the others. "I apologise for not telling you, but the Royal Family's information was classified. But even so, well done on saving the Princess and exposing Bisp."

"He won't be using diplomatic immunity anytime soon," Rainbow boasted.

"I spoke to the doctor about Rainbow Dash's condition. You have a not-so-deep cut on your side from Bisp's sword, which thankfully didn't cut any organs and a few scrapes from the fight. You also have bruising on your ankles and soles, resulting from both the boots we supplied and the long distance. But you’ll be able to be transferred back to Canterlot City.”

“Ah, yes,” Rainbow said, happy to be out of here. But then she felt pain in her side. “Ow.”

“Honey, take it easy,” Windy Whistles said in worry.

Leo then approached Rainbow.

“I got you, Rainbow.” Leo then held his hands together. “Rin, Pyo, Toh, Kai, Jin, Retsu, Zai, zen.” Leo kept chanting as his hands glowed as he pressed them on Rainbow. Leo then finished.

"Thanks, Leo," Rainbow said, feeling a bit better.

The Royal family just stood there in awe at what they saw.

"You used the Healing Hand technique," Vera said as she saw it.

"You know about it?" Leo asked.

"We knew someone who mastered it as well," Vera revealed. "So you were taught it?"

"Yes, by our father. Master Splinter, Hamato Yoshi."

Yod silently gasped as he heard the word ‘Hamato’.

"As in, the Hamato Clan?" Yod asked. "But the Clan was destroyed years ago."

"Well, our sensei survived, and now I'm the head of the clan," Leo told them.

Yod was surprised about this information, but Agent Zari approached Queen Unna before he could say anything.

"Your Majesty, I just spoke with the doctors; they wish to take Princess Saundra for more tests," Zari informed her. "And they wish to move Rainbow Dash into a different room to ready her for transport.

The gang then started to say goodbye to the Royal Family. But Leo had one request for them.

"Your majesty, I know we only just met each other. But, I humbly request that you and your family keep me and my brother's existence a secret," Leo requested as he bowed.

"Very well, young man. Consider this a Royal secret." Queen Unna then turned to Rainbow. "Rainbow Dash, for your services to the Royal Family, Reinkani is humbly in your debt."

"Uh, my pleasure, your Majesty," Rainbow replied nervously. Yod then approached Rainbow. "So, I guess this is it."

"For now, at least," Yod replied. "But I'm sure we'll meet again one day."

Author's Note:

So this takes place after Season 2 of Carmen Sandiego, but before Season 3.

The gang meet Chief live and in person, and Principal Celestia and Luna reveal to have known her in college.