• Published 7th Oct 2012
  • 871 Views, 17 Comments

A Blaze Brought Forth Again - Tyler-the-Brony

A Brother Returns to Equestria, an army behind him, and hatred in his heart.

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Part 3-1

The Lost Era: Warriors Past and Present

Chapter 1: The Final Plan

“You really think it’s the best idea to confront them about it?” Sky Wing asked Peach, a little worried over his friends current behaviour.

“We’ve waited long enough. We need to know about the Lost Era.” Peach answered Sky Wing, determined as ever to go through with his plan of confronting Shining Armor and Zuli Archer about the Lost Era of Equestria.

The Lost Era refers to a time blotted out of Equestria’s history, much like Discord’s Reign was. The Lost Era occurred near 11 years ago, or so the newest recruits of the Canterlot Royal Guard had been told upon the end of their two month probation. Since then, not a single other word had been utter about the Lost Era, and Peach for one was sick of the waiting.

“Is it really smart to ask them though? What if they report us to the Princesses?” Sky Wing worried, not wanting to forgo his current position within Canterlot.

“We’re Lieutenants of the Royal Guard, the third highest position there is in the hierarchy of Canterlot. If they won’t trust us now, then why should we bother to stay?” Peach retorted, certain that his current argument with Peach would play well against the Captains as well.

As Sky Wing prepared another response for Peach, the both of them rounded a corner and glimpsed their respective Captains a short ways away, delivering their final orders for the day.

“Captain Shining Armor! Captain Zuli!” Peach cried as he saw them, hoping he got their attention as he galloped forward towards them both, Sky Wing flying quickly behind him.

“Peach. Sky Wing. What brings you here in such a clearly urgent rush?” Zuli asked the Lieutenants, his voice truly echoing his age as he did.

“I’m wondering the same thing.” Shining Armor added, turning and saluting Peach and Sky Wing as he did.

Peach and Sky Wing saluted the Captains back before Peach continued with his explanation and questions.

“Captains. I wish to know about the Lost Era. I think that I and Sky Wing are more than ready, as we’re Lieutenants in the Royal Guard now. We’ve been kept in the dark long enough don’t you think?” Peach questioned his superiors, hoping he had pleaded his case properly.

Shining Armor sighed before he answered Peach.

“We don’t willing keep it from the rest of the Guards. It was a decree by Princess Celestia and Princess Luna that only the most important of soldiers be informed after it happened.” Shining Armor shivered as he subconsciously remembered the Lost Era.

“Indeed. This Era happened whilst I slumbered, but I have been informed thusly by the Princess of the Sun about what transpired then.” Zuli added, again showing his age through his words.

“What do you mean? What exactly did happen then Captain Zuli?” Sky Wing asked, his curiosity at last piqued.

“A war happened. A war that forever isolated Equestria.” Shining Armor breathed, remembering the terrible years as though they were yesterday.


“Fall in soldiers! The battle preparation is over for today!” Crimson Edge called out to the troops in his division, wanting to be rid of the battlefield as much as they did.

Within a half hour, all of Crimson Edge’s soldiers had fallen back to the barracks, including his lieutenant, a young Shining Armor himself.

“Look alive Shining Armor. Even though the War gets to me and you as much as the others here, we gotta look stronger to inspire them.” Crimson Edge told his young charge, hoping he wouldn’t have to repeat his words too often in this accursed war.

“Sorry sir. I was just caught up in thinking about my family is all. I got a letter from my mother yesterday. My little sister Twilight just got her Cutie Mark last week and was made Princess Celestia’s personal prodigee.” Shining Armor smiled a little despite all the hardships of the war at the thought of his sister bouncing around Canterlot Castle as she learned even more magic.

“Congratulations son. Hopefully you’ll be back soon to congratulate her in person.” Crimson Edge tried to buck up his young lieutenant, knowing he succeeded as Shining Armor again fully lifted his head above his shoulders.

“Hopefully sir. Are there any projections for the coming days?” Shining Armor asked, ready to become a soldier fully again.

“Actually yes. Commander Blaze Bringer himself delivered some information that will aid us greatly. It appears that the Zebras are preparing some sort of new spell or curse over there on quite a large scale. The Dragons are staying dormant through all this which seems suspicious to me and the Commander. He suspects that it’s because the Zebra’s are preparing their ultimate final attack with this new spell.” Crimson Edge paused as he and Shining Armor arrived at their Command Tent to further discuss details.

“A new spell? Do we have any information at all? I know Zebra Spells are a lot harder to decipher than Equestrian magic, but we should try our best all the same.” Shining Armor piped in as he took his place on the left hand side of Crimson Edge as they studied the magical map of the battlegrounds in detail with this new information.

“We don’t have any information on it that we can use or would be helpful. We have Intelligence that knows the Zebra language of Magic, but even they have never seen these sort of markings anywhere in their studies.” Crimson Edge huffed as he loomed over all the unknown variables of the approaching final attack.

“What do we do then with so little to go on sir?” Shining Armor asked his Commanding Officer, worry clear in his voice as he too tried to create battle plans.

“We attack first if possible.” A deep voice boomed from the doorway of the tent, causing both Shining Armor and Crimson Edge to look up at its possessor.

Leader of the Equestria War Forces Blaze Bringer was the one who stood there. Blaze Bringer moved slowly into the tent due to his size as Shining Armor and Crimson Edge saluted him.

“At ease soldiers. I simply happened to overhear you and decided that then would be the best time to interject my plan of action. Had you not been here, I would have called an immediate War Council and told you then.” Blaze Bringer continued, hoping that his plans would indeed play out as he hoped.

“When do you wish to launch the attack sir? We’re ready at most anytime, but we do have to inform the masses quickly if you were hoping to initiate it soon.” Crimson Edge asked Blaze Bringer, certain that the mind of the ruler would have already thought of an answer.

“In 2 days time at dawn. I will personally lead the attack, and I wish you to be my second In Command Crimson Edge. Shining Armor, you shall be Battlefield promoted to General in order to take the place of Crimson Edge. Understood?” Blaze Bringer asked as he prepared to leave and inform the other Generals and Lieutenants of his plan.

“Understood. Thank you sir.” Shining Armor and Crimson Edge echoed each other as Blaze Bringer took his leave of them for the moment.


The forces of Celestia of Equestria gathered at the peak of the Charred Mountains in order to initiate the final push of this long war. The war had tired and strained everypony, including the enemies. Every creature present on either side simply wanted the war to end, only differing in their ideals of which side should emerge victorious at the end of this day.

Blaze Bringer flew above the rest of the army, preparing himself to be ready to move anywhere the first move might be made as fast as possible. Crimson Edge paced along the rows of soldiers in front of him, watching the enemies, his troops, and his Commanding Officer in alternating paces.

Shining Armor was positioned slightly behind Crimson Edge alongside the other Captains, nervously worrying his magic wouldn’t be enough to help at all in the final battle. It was at that point that another Captain approached Shining Armor to try to help calm him.

“You should stop shaking so much son. You’re beginning to sink into the ground a bit.” Blunt Blade told Shining Armor, his sense of tension telling him he had enough time to calm the young stallion before any words would be said.

“Sorry sir. I’m just not used to being a Captain yet. I was a Lieutenant two days ago.” Shining Armor piqued up, glad the older officer had come over to him.

“It ain’t all that different son. Just be like ya were when you were a Lieutenant and forget about your technical position for a while. The stress’ll just melt away.” Blunt Blade chuckled as Shining Armor looked quizzically at him, and then smiled as at last a sense of calm flowed through him.

“Thank you sir. I feel much better now. Might I inquire your name sir?” Shining Armor asked as he moved his eyes about, hoping he still had a little time left for banter.

“I’m Blunt Blade from Hockland. And your name?” Blunt Blade responded promptly as his neck began to itch, a sure sign that tensions were building.

“Shining Armor from Canterlot sir.” Shining Armor saluted as he repeated his name and hometown to the Captain.

“Canterlot eh? My daughter’s stationed over there. Maybe ya should look her up when ya get back.” Blunt Edge laughed lightly as he saw Shining Armor shuffle slightly at his last words.

“No offense meant sir, but I can’t do that. I already have a special mare back home waiting for me.” Shining Armor truly relaxed as Cadance permeated his thoughts again.

“S’alright son. But look alive. Time for talking and freelance thinking is over.” Blunt Blade called out his last sentence as he turned about and watched Blaze Bringer begin his plan.


Blaze Bringer landed just below the peak of the Charred Mountains as he prepared to face the enemy Zebra’s and the few dragons that had decided to remain until the end.

“This is your last chance. Simply surrender and we shall be merciful. You may not be ever truly welcomed in Equestria again, but at least you will not be feared when you do enter it if you should simply lay down your animosity here and now.” Blaze Bringer called out to those he was forced to call his enemies.

The leader of the Zebra revolution, Zazyun, stepped forward from the masses, knowing he answered for his people as he did so.

“We shall not falter, we shall not fall. Come you curs and face us all.” Zazyun spoke in a booming voice, ending any hope for a peaceful conclusion as he did.

Once Crimson Edge directed his hoof towards the Zebra’s, everypony charged. As the ponies charged over the rough ground towards, Zazyun smiled as his Chief Sorcerer’s unleashed the new spell they had developed for just this battle.

The markings hidden along the ground lit up and began to ensnare anypony that came in direct contact or near them. The strange new spell began to sap them of their strength and snake markings onto their bodies. Not one single pony had avoided being caught by the spell’s initial release. The zebra’s had planned their attack well.

Shining Armor struggled as he began to feel his magic wane within him and the strange energy begin to snake its way up his forelegs.

“What is this?!” Shining Armor screamed as he fought to tried and free himself from this most evil of magical incarnations.

“I don’t know son! But fight it as long as you can! If we give up now, we’ll never see the ones we care about the most again!” Blunt Blade screamed as visions of Dewdrop and Rafiq came into his vision and gave him a bit more strength.

“None shall not return home this day.”

Blaze Bringer boomed his voice much like his younger sister once had as he charged within the middle of the incantation, the center of its power. From there, he wielded his own magic in order to draw forth the spell from all others.

“Commander Blaze Bringer!” Crimson Edge called out as the spell redrapped itself entirely over the alicorn that had led Equestria against its enemies.

“Do not argue this! Go now! I will end this war myself and protect those most important to me!” Blaze Bringer echoed as he prepared to unleash his most powerful spell even through all the restrictions of the Zebrikan Seal.

Everypony, including Shining Armor, charged back beyond the Charred Mountains. Some had clearly not escaped the effects of the seal though and had strange markings that caused them pain, prevented them from the use of their wings or magic, or had clearly aged them within.

Shining Armor pushed out all the magic that he could muster and protected as well as moved forward every pony that could not do so themselves. Just as Shining Armor finished pulling across the last soldier to safety on their side of the Charred Mountains, an orb of light brighter than Celestia’s Sun or Luna’s Moon appeared over the battlefield.

If one could glimpse past the initial brightness, then the slowly disintergrating figure of Blaze Bringer could be glimpsed within the orb of light. As he spoke his last words, not a single creature there moved.

“Do not forget what has occurred here. Do not allow any of this to happen again. Any of you.”

Blaze Bringer’s magic then peaked as he destroyed the Charred Mountains, forever sealing Equestria from direct travel with Dragaria, Zebrika, and Griffalon. Blaze Bringer had sacrificed himself to destroy the hatred the war had created by isolating each involved party from the one for whom they harbored hatred.

Even in his death, Blaze Bringer had proved himself a ruler of the ponies, for the ponies.