• Published 7th Oct 2012
  • 871 Views, 17 Comments

A Blaze Brought Forth Again - Tyler-the-Brony

A Brother Returns to Equestria, an army behind him, and hatred in his heart.

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Part 6-1

The Wait

Chapter 1: Confessions, Toasts, and Prayers

Blaze Bringer’s words echoed throughout the minds of all who heard them, as if becoming some sort of maniacal counter that would sound repeatedly until he arrived. Within an hour from the original time his words were heard, everypony was busy with one thing or another.

Some ponies wanted the embrace of that one special somepony in this dark time. Others went to tell their special somepony of their importance. Some finished projects they’d always delayed or ate meals they’d always wanted to. All had one thought in mind though;

“This may be my last chance to do this.”


Rafiq stood before two familiar names in the area behind Canterlot Gardens. Behind the Gardens lay the Royal Graveyard, where all who had ever served in Celestia and Luna’s courts lay upon their death.

Rafiq kneeled before the tombstones of his father and his sister, hoping they could hear the words he was about to speak. Rafiq chose to speak to Blunt Blade first.

“Father. I apologize for not having visited more often. But Canterlot has kept me busy, much like you predicted it would when I finally journeyed here from Hockland. I now prepare to face the Alicorn you once so greatly defended in battle. Though Blaze Bringer was once a ruler of Equestria too, my loyalty lies with Princess Luna and Princess Celestia now. I apologize for what I may have to do, but you know better than anypony that duty often must override your own inherent sense of justice. You died believing that philosophy, and I believe it as well. This may be my last chance to speak to you like this should the battle go badly, so I say a Thanks for all you have done for me and Dewdrop, and I pray you will have a peaceful afterlife without me until I too fall in battle. Farewell Blunt Blade, Captain of the Royal Guards of Canterlot.” Rafiq paused, a tear silently falling at his side as he finished the prayer to his father.

Rafiq turned next to the tombstone of his sister, knowing this prayer would be harder to say than his father’s had been.

“Dewdrop. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry I couldn’t protect you. That was my one duty as your older brother for all time, and I couldn’t do it. If I only hadn’t so avidly refused to go to Canterlot with you when you left, it might be me in your place, and you in mine. Though I know I can’t live my life simply wondering what might have happened, I must apologize for not having done some things differently. I hope you can forgive me as I too prepare to give my life for Canterlot. If I survive, I will pray to you again. If I don’t, then I hope you’ll greet and forgive me upon the other side of life. Goodbye my sister.” Rafiq concluded, grabbing his shield and mallet as he turned to leave, knowing each might now carry a blessing from his family to aid him.


“So Blaze Bringer’s really alive and he’s coming to Canterlot with an army of vengeance eh?” Quick-Fix rhetorically asked Nova as she leaned up against a nearby wall.

Nova and Quick-Fix had decided to simply relax in the company of each other for their last few war-free hours. Nova closed his laptop at Quick-Fix’s words and went over to his bags to unpack some things he had packed last minute.

“Sure looks that way. You want a drink Quick-Fix? Might be our last chance to enjoy one.” Nova called out to her as he brought out two flasks from his bag, one that was gold and one that was silver.

“You know I don’t like Spectra Nova.” Quick-Fix looked quizzically at him as he set down the silver flask in front of her.

“Yeah I do. That’s why I have two flasks. Mine’s filled with Spectra,” Nova indicated his gold flask respectively, and then Quick-Fix’s. “Yours is filled with Zap Apple Juice. I brought both options just in case as a last minute thought.” Nova finished as he took a swig from his flask.

Quick-Fix looked down at her flask, picked it up, and then also took a swig from it. The Zap Apple Juice tasted sweet with a surprisingly sour aftertaste that reminded Quick-Fix of live electricity.

“Thanks.” Quick-Fix called out to Nova as she took another swig, eliciting a nod from Nova.

Nova and Quick-Fix stayed in silence for a while, their only actions to take swigs from the flasks and breathe. Eventually, Quick-Fix broke the silence.

“I really hope this isn’t really gonna prove to be our last drink though.” Quick-Fix told Nova, her fear of the coming days showing itself for a short moment.

“I hope so too. I really do.” Nova answered her as he took a look at the sky over Canterlot, hoping his AIED would be able to help in the coming attack.


Skeptic sat on top of the highest tower of Canterlot Castle, clacking his hooves together in worry over what was coming in less than 48 hours.

“Do you mind if I join you up there?” A voice called out to Skeptic from below, causing him to pause and look down to discover just who it was.

Violet Melody was the pony who was calling up to Skeptic, the same look of worry about her as was prevelant on Skeptic.

“Not at all. Where’s Diam and Shift?” Skeptic asked Violet as she landed next to him.

“Diamond’s off with Clockwork, and I dunno where Shift went. Last I saw him, he was with that former Wonderbolt and that pony who’s a surgeon…Breeze Rider and Cream I think they’re called.” Violet explained as best she could, finally settling into a comfortable seat on the tower.

“I see. Funny how everypony seems to have somepony special right now, or at least somepony they can be around. I didn’t want a marefriend all through yesterday and today before a while ago, but I kind of wish I had one right now. Foalish thoughts right?” Skeptic laughed at himself as he explained his thoughts to Violet.

“Not really. Everypony wants somepony they can be with when Equestria seems to be falling. I wish I had a coltfriend right now too.” Violet answered Skeptic, inching a bit closer as she did so.

“You do?” Skeptic asked, wondering where this might go, but already having a subconscious idea of it himself.

“Yeah. You know…since I don’t have a coltfriend…and you don’t have a marefriend…” Violet began, edging closer to Skeptic a little more as she did.

“Yeah?” Skeptic whispered, now fully certain he knew where this was heading.

“Maybe, just for now, we can think of each other as our respective special someponies. Just so that we have somepony to support us through all this.” Violet finished, now sitting directly beside Skeptic.

Skeptic smiled to himself as he unfurled his wing and draped it around Violet. Violet blushed at the action, and then looked at Skeptic again.

“I think I’d like that a lot Violet.” Skeptic told her, leaning his head down to rest it on top of hers, as she leaned her head into his shoulders.

Violet and Skeptic simply sat on top of the tower for a time watching the Sun’s unstoppable progression across the sky, happy to simply be there with somepony else at their side.


“Do you think we’ll all be okay after it’s over?” Fluttershy asked Breeze Rider, holding her husband close as he held her close.

“I wish I could say for sure Fluttershy, but I can’t see anything. My Premonitions are useless for right now.” Breeze Rider cursed his inability to properly soother his wife in this time of turmoil.

Fluttershy silently cried for a few moments, and Breeze Rider only held her tighter and closer as she did. Eventually, Fluttershy calmed down a bit.

“Where’s Sky Wing? Shouldn’t your little brother have somepony to be with now too?” Fluttershy wondered as she loosened her grip on Breeze rider slightly.

“I wouldn’t worry about that too much Flutters. My visions may not be good for what’s going to happen in two days, but I wasn’t once called the ‘Breeze of Love’ for nothing you know.” Breeze Rider smiled to himself as he imagined his little brother with the mare he’d always liked in Flight School.

“Hmm?” Fluttershy questioned Breeze Rider’s statement, looking up at his face fully as she did so.

“I’d tell you myself right now, but something tells me that Rainbow Dash would rather beat me to it.” Breeze Rider chuckled as he gave his wife a kiss of her forehead.


“You…you really mean that?” Rainbow dash asked Sky Wing, still not certain she’d heard him right.

“I do Rainbow Dash. I’ve admired you since Flight School for your confidence, and that eventually turned into what I can only call love. I never had the courage to come and talk to you about it, but some advice from my brother and this whole Blaze Bringer thing seems to have given me a shot of courage.” Sky Wing explained, making a subconscious note to thank Breeze Rider later on.

“Buck that Breeze Rider. Even if he didn’t have those Premonitions, something tells me he’d always be able to know or be able to tell others just what to say.” Rainbow Dash blushed to herself as she imagined the smile Breeze Rider must be wearing right now.

“So…will you give me a chance?” Sky Wing interjected, hoping he’d managed to sway Rainbow enough.

“Nopony’s ever thought of me just as a mare before. That certainly gives you a head start. But you’ll have to outrace me first for me to truly give you a chance.” Rainbow Dash winked at Sky Wing as she took off through the closest window.

Sky Wing blinked for a moment before the full impact of Rainbow Dash’s words hit him like the Friendship Express would.

“Hey! You said I had a head start!” Sky Wing called out after Rainbow as he followed her out the window, Sky Wing hearing a laugh from Rainbow Dash as a response.


“Thanks for understanding why I couldn’t visit Pinkie, Bam. It means a lot to me that you do.” Octavia smiled at her sisters as she gave them a hug for understanding her so well even after so many years apart.

“No problem Octy. We all get busy from time to time. I’m just glad that we can still be all together as sisters when it really matters.” Pinkie told Octavia, brushing her mane some as she did so, much like she had done for her and Bam when they were sad as fillies.

“Plus, we still get to have a big party to celebrate the Finale of your tour once this is all over! Don’t forget that sis!” Bam added in, smiling at her older and younger sisters as she did so.

Pinkie and Octavia smiled back, but neither of their smiles were as full of as much innocent hope as Bam’s was. Both sisters secretly believed that everything really was about to end, and that there was very little they could do to change any of that. They never let Bam know that know. Their sister deserved a little bit more childish freedom before the end, so Pinkie and Octavia let her have it.


“I’m glad Octavia finally reconnected with them.” Vinyl told herself aloud, wondering why exactly she was choosing now to start talking to herself.

“Shouldn’t you follow her example Vinyl dear?” A voice called out from behind Vinyl, causing her to quickly hide her tear filled eyes behind her signature sunglasses and turn around.

The voice belonged to Rarity, who in turn had brought Sweetie Belle along with her. Vinyl smiled and stood up as she realized it was them.

“What are you two doing here? Shouldn’t you be with your friends or family?” Vinyl jokingly asked, heaving a huge sigh of relief on the inside that they had come to see her.

“You ARE part of our family Vinyl Scratch. And our friends all have alternate duties to attend to at the moment.” Rarity told Vinyl, jokingly tapping her on her horn as she did so.

“Even your friends Sweetie Belle?” Vinyl asked the young filly as she smiled earnestly at her cousins.

“Apple Bloom had to go and try to calm Applejack down some. She was running about looking for Twilight the last I saw her. And Scootaloo went to follow Rainbow Dash. We agreed that for now, we have to grow up a bit and stop our Crusading. One Blaze Bringer’s gone, we’ll do more Crusading then ever!” Sweetie Belle smiled up at Vinyl and Rarity, surprising the mares with her forethought into this.

“That’s….very impressive Sweetie Belle.” Vinyl choked up a bit at the smiling filly’s face, hoping her sunglasses could still hide her tears from view.

“I wholeheartedly agree Sweetie.” Rarity told her sister as she nuzzled her slightly.

Sweetie Belle looked up at Rarity and Vinyl at their responses and was confused as to why they were both so openly crying.

“Why are you crying? Did I do something wrong?” Sweetie Belle worriedly asked, hoping she could fix what she’d done if it was her fault.

“Not at all Sweetie Belle. It’s just…you’ll understand when you’re older.” Rarity told Sweetie Belle, pulling her close into a hug as she did so.

“Listen to your big sis Sweetie. She knows just what she’s talking about.” Vinyl added as she too joined Rarity’s hug.

Rarity, Vinyl Scratch, and Sweetie Belle stayed in their group hug for a long time, simply hoping to enjoy it for as much of their remaining time as they could.