• Published 7th Oct 2012
  • 871 Views, 17 Comments

A Blaze Brought Forth Again - Tyler-the-Brony

A Brother Returns to Equestria, an army behind him, and hatred in his heart.

  • ...

Part 6-2

The Wait

Chapter 2: Discussions, Actions, and Arrivals

“I wish I knew what I could do to help. Breeze Rider says I have some power within me and a mysterious past, but I don’t know how any of that will help if I can’t figure it all out in time.” Shift spoke aloud to himself as he walked around the Canterlot Gardens for the near 5th time, having nothing else to do at the moment.

“Ugh. I can’t listen to this anymore. You really want to know how you can help? I’ll tell you.” A voice echoed within Shifts mind, confusing him as to just where it was coming from or who’s voice it was.

“Who’s there? Who said that?” Shift called out, wondering just who had been listening to him this whole time.

“Honestly, ponies have no respect for their elders anymore. Shouldn’t you be able to just guess who this is considering where you are?” The voice teased Shift, causing him to turn about more as he zeroed in on the source of the voice.

The only thing before Shift from the direction the voice was coming from was the statue of Discord, God of Chaos. Shift couldn’t believe that Discord was choosing to talk to him, but he could come up with no alternatives to that scenario.

“Are you Discord?” Shift questioned the voice, hearing a laugh as response first.

“Finally! See? All it took was a little hard fact and guesswork. That wasn’t so hard now was it?” Discord taunted Shift, knowing none could resist his words for a time.

“Why are you speaking to me? Why now?” Shift asked Discord, wondering what the God’s plans were for him.

“Honestly, I want you to save Equestria for me. That upitty little alicorn that went away before I even ruled the first time doesn’t deserve to destroy it while I can’t do anything. That’s why I’m talking to you here and now.” Discord explained, his voice appearing to hold no lies or hidden meanings within it at the time.

“How can I save Equestria? I’m just a regular pony like everypony else. Breeze Rider said so.” Shift elaborated, wondering just what Discord saw in him.

“Ah. Breeze Rider said that eh? Did Breeze Rider tell you he wasn’t originally from this dimension or race though? He said you were like him, which makes you the same sort of being.” Discord elaborated, eliciting a shocked look from Shift.

For a moment, numerous strange images flashed through Shift’s mind, causing him to drop to the ground and feel extremely hot for a moment.

“I…wasn’t always a pony? Then what was I?” Shift asked Discord, a laugh following his question again.

“I’ll tell you my boy, but again, only my way. Ahem.” Discord paused as he prepared a riddle within his mind.

“You were once like me, a deity of sorts.
You possessed power, one that distorts.”

“But where I was chaos, you were light.
If you should awaken again, save Equestria you just might.”

“For you, I have these words of advice:
Heed your power, for it is not you own.
You will not battle alone.”

“Do what you can for what matters most
Or else Equestria shall surely roast.”

Discord fell silent at his last three words, a final laugh the last thing Shift heard. Shift stayed within the Gardens for quite a time after, trying to decipher Discord’s words, and hoping one day would be enough time to do it.


“Why can’t I fight Twilight? I’m a dragon, same as the ones that Blaze Bringer’ll bring against us. I might be able to help. I don’t wanna stay locked below with the Cutie Mark Crusaders if I can help at all.” Spike pleaded with Twilight, hoping he might be able to convince his pseudo-mother to let him fight.

“It’s not a matter of whether you’d be able to help us fight or not Spike. It’s a matter of how much I’d worry about you while I’m fighting. Sweetie Belle had the same argument with Rarity over how her singing could help the sound defence system, but Rarity would never willingly put Sweetie Belle in harm’s way just to mildly increase our chances. And I won’t do the same with you, and neither will Rainbow Dash or Applejack when it comes down to it. You’re too important to me.” Twilight told Spike, tears in her eyes heavily as she did so.

Spike could see the pain he’d cause Twilight by continuing to argue this with her, so he did the most mature thing he could think of.

“Okay Twilight. I’ll stay out of the main battle. But it’ll be my duty to protect Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle if they find us alright?” Spike smiled at Twilight, seeing her mildly smile again too.

“Okay Spike. I trust you with them, and the others do too.” Twilight conceded to Spike, hugging him close as she did.


“Applejack! Ya need to calm down some! What’s this all about anyway?” Apple Bloom called after her sister, wondering just why she was so intent on finding Twilight anyway.

“Not now Apple Bloom. This needs ta happen if it’s really gonna turn out to be our last days.” Applejack hastily called back to her sister, still continuing to gallop around the Castle in search of her friend.

Applejack rounded a corner and at last saw Twilight sending Spike off to the area she and Celestia had chosen to put him and the Crusaders in before the battle began.

“Twi! Ah need your help!” Applejack called out to Twilight just as she reached her.

“What is it Applejack? What’s got you so worried?” Twilight asked Applejack, worried about why her friend seemed so scared at the moment.

“Can ya please bring Hay Bale here with a teleport spell? I didn’t bring him here with me cause I assumed we’d be going home, but if this might be then end, then I gotta see him again and tell him something. Please help me Twi. You’re the only one I can ask this of.” Applejack begged Twilight, tears flowing freely down her face as she did.

“Okay Applejack. Just give me a little while okay? It will tire me a lot to teleport myself all the way from here to Ponyville, and then I have to bring Hay Bale back with me.” Twilight lifted Applejack’s head to make sure she saw her most sincere smile as she disappeared in a flash of purple light.


“Got ya finally!” Sky Wing called out to Rainbow Dash as he passed her after having touched her wing, finally proving he could outpace the Wonderbolt.

“No fair! I’m not at Rainboom speed yet!” Rainbow called out as she finally slowed down and allowed herself a minute of rest from racing Sky Wing.

“That’s why I had to catch you now. If you hit a Sonic Rainboom, I’d never catch you. You’re the only pony that can reach that level of speed after all.” Sky Wing told Rainbow Dash as he turned about and met her at the same point in the sky above Canterlot.

Rainbow Dash blushed at Sky Wing’s compliment as she prepared to ask what she’d always intended to after he told her of his feelings.

“So, where do you wanna take me out when we get the chance?” Rainbow asked Sky Wing, brushing her mane in front of her face nervously as she did so.

Before Sky Wing could do more than open his mouth to prepare to answer Rainbow Dash, a cry from the ground reached the ears of Rainbow Dash and Sky Wing.

“Rainbow Dash! Mister Sky Wing! Can I join you guys up there?” Scootaloo called out to the two Pegasi as loud as she could, eliciting a smile from both of them.

“Sure thing squirt. We’ll pop down there and get ya. Come on Sky Wing. She has trouble flying.” Rainbow Dash explained as Sky Wing nodded and prepared to dive with her too.

“No!” Scootaloo cried out as Rainbow Dash and Sky Wing stopped a few feet short of the ground.

Sky Wing and Rainbow Dash especially looked quizzically at the young filly.

“I can make it that high myself. I have to. I can’t spend my whole life afraid.” Scootaloo explained as she pumped her wings up and down, slowly gaining speed and control.

After a few minutes, Scootaloo kept her promise and had flown up high enough to place herself on Rainbow Dash’s back all by herself. Scootaloo was tired, but she was extremely happy too.

“I really did it! I flew a few feet!” Scootaloo squeed from Rainbow’s back, causing both older Pegasi to smile at her.

“You sure did Scootaloo. Now why’d you want to join us in the air so bad anyway?” Sky Wing asked her, curious as to the filly’s intentions.

“Since Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle are off with the families, and I don’t have one myself, I thought I could spend some time with the mare I consider my awesome older sister and her new coltfriend.” Scootaloo smiled widely at Sky Wing as Rainbow Dash blushed profusely.

“That all sounds cool to me. How about you Rainbow?” Sky Wing winked at Rainbow, causing her to blush more, but smile at the same time.

“Sounds perfect.” Rainbow Dash said as she, Sky Wing, and Scootaloo climbed to the heights Nova’s AIED would allow within Canterlot at the time.


Applejack sat waiting, hoping Twilight would have enough strength to bring Hay Bale back to Canterlot with her. Applejack knew that Twilight was the most powerful unicorn she knew, but that she still had her limits.

Once Applejack had finished her current line of thought though, a bright purple flash appeared in front of her, and Twilight and Hay Bale both emerged from within it.

Applejack rushed forward and embraced Hay Bale, letting some tears flow as he was able to hold her again.

“Thank you Twilight. Ah’ll never forget this. I promise ya that as the Element a Honesty.” Applejack told Twilight, feeling newfound appreciation for the unicorn as she never had before now.

“You’re welcome Applejack. I have to go trade watch positions with Cream in a while, so I’ll leave to go and rest some while you and Hay Bale discuss what you need to.” Twilight waved at Applejack as she began to ascend the steps leading to Canterlot Castle’s best Watchtower and what was temporarily her sleeping quarters.

“Applejack! I heard that Blaze Bringer guy the other day threaten Canterlot. Why are you staying? You should have had Twilight bring you back to Ponyville instead of bringing me here.” Hay Bale questioned Applejack, worried over his wife’s thought process in the current timeframe.

“Ah have ta stay and do my best Hay Bale. Ah’m the Element a Honesty. None o’ the others Elements would even work if Ah wasn’t here. Plus, Ah don’t trust myself ta travel right now.” Applejack explained to Hay Bale, blushing and turning away at the last sentence.

“What do you mean Applejack?” Hay Bale asked her, wondering just what Applejack meant by not trusting herself to travel.

Applejack paused for a time and attempted to begin explaining several times. Each time she just wasn’t able to say it though. Eventually, she decided to just let the Element of Honesty influence her.

“Ah’m pregnant Hay Bale. We’re gonna have a foal.” Applejack blurted out to Hay Bale, shocking the stallion for a moment, before immeasurable happiness overcame him and he simply held Applejack closer to him to enjoy the moment while he still could.


Diamond Bolt and Clockwork sat on top of the roof of Canterlot Castle again, simply watching the skyline fade together. Both were afraid, but neither wanted to admit their fear to the other. Eventually, another pony joined them.

“It is alright to admit to fear you know. Fear is natural, primal. It’s unavoidable in life. You’re not the only ones afraid of what tomorrow brings.” Zuli spoke up as he walked onto the roof, guessing what the silence between two such close ponies meant at this time.

“I suppose you’re right Zuli. Are you afraid of Blaze Bringer too?” Clockwork asked the elder unicorn, only being able to guess his answer herself.

“I faced Nightmare Moon many long years ago. I felt fear then at the being Princess Luna had become, but I overcame it. It is the same with Blaze Bringer. I will not ignore my fear, but I must overcome it to perform my necessary duties to Canterlot and to Equestria. You and all others would be wise to do the same.” Zuli explained, taking a few more steps that placed him at the edge of the roof of Canterlot Castle.

“Thank you Zuli. That’s exactly what we needed to hear. We’re ready for tomorrow now.” Diamond Bolt thanked Zuli and wrapped his wing around Clockwork once more.

“Glad to help.” Zuli smiled as he spread his wings and soared from the roof of the Castle to survey Canterlot as it was now one last time.


“I have to go now. I wish I could stay.” Shining Armor whispered to Cadance, getting up off of their bed to gather at Canterlot Castle for the coming battle that morning.

“Stay safe as best you can. Protect Twilight and Canterlot like I know you can.” Cadance told Shining Armor as he finished preparing his armor.

Shining Armor smiled at Cadance, and gave her one last kiss as he prepared to leave. Shining Armor saluted his house, beyond which lie Canterlot, making a promise to protect it and the city as best he could from Blaze Bringer this day.


Twilight climbed the last step to the top of Canterlot Castle’s Watchtower, to relieve Cream of her duty so that she could prepare herself and her magic to heal wounds in battle.

“Anything Cream?” Twilight called out to the stock-still unicorn across from her, approaching closer as she did so.

“Unfortunately Twilight, yes.” Cream called back, urging Twilight forward faster.

“What do you mean Cream? What is it?” Twilight hastily asked upon seeing Cream’s terrified face up close.

“I just spotted Blaze Bringer and his army. And they’re not far out at all Twilight.” Cream breathed as Twilight felt the colour run from her face as well at the news.