• Published 7th Oct 2012
  • 871 Views, 17 Comments

A Blaze Brought Forth Again - Tyler-the-Brony

A Brother Returns to Equestria, an army behind him, and hatred in his heart.

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Part 8-2

The End

Chapter 2: The ‘Common’ Ponies

“Are you sure you can’t stay longer?” Fluttershy asked Rainbow Dash and Sky Wing, already knowing the answer in her heart.

“Sorry Flutters. Sky Wing’s gotta go back on the train today since his breaks over, and I’m gonna go with him for a few days before I have to go back to the Wonderbolts.” Rainbow explained to Fluttershy, smiling at Sky Wing as she did.

“Finally testing out living together now are we?” Breeze Rider teased Sky Wing and Rainbow Dash, causing blushes to appear on both their faces at his comment.

“Breeze Rider!” Fluttershy jokingly tapped Breeze Rider on his forehead, secretly enjoying the chaos he could cause between Rainbow and Sky Wing too.

“Sorry. Have fun you two. Though we still expect invites to the wedding at some point in time.” Breeze Rider laughed as Rainbow almost immediately got up and flew out the door in embarsasment.

“I know you see the future bro, but even you didn’t need to have a Vision to know you’re both invited as Best Mare and Stallion respectively when it happens right? Now please stop teasing Rainbow about it until it actually does happen won’t you?” Sky Wing quickly asked his brother, before leaving to go and collect Rainbow before boarding his train.

“That’ll happen the day my wings grow back of their own free will Sky Wing.” Breeze Rider whispered to Fluttershy, and both enjoyed a giggle before moving to close the door to their cottage and prepare for their evening.


“Another great day today Jonas.” Cream spoke up as she and Dr. Saltlick prepared to end their day at Ponyville General.

“Same to you Cream. Any plans for the weekend?” Dr. Saltlick asked her, hoping Cream could surprise him again like she had by using his first name without being asked to.

“Actually, Waffle is picking me up for a date tonight. And then I’m going to visit my brother Peach tomorrow. He recently got promoted from a Lieutenant to a Captain of the Royal Guard.” Cream proudly told Dr. Saltlick, eliciting a happy grin from the other doctor.

“Your brother sounds like an impressive pony. That makes him the second Lieutenant promoted in the last 9 months right?” Dr. Saltlick asked Cream, hoping he’d read the headlines of the Ponyville Times right these past few months.

“Yes. After Zuli Archer retired from his formal position, his Lieutenant Sky Wing was promoted to take his place. And Shining Armor is going on Vacation with Princess Cadance once Sky Wing returns, so Peach is being promoted to take over his place til he returns.” Cream explained, feeling pride for her brother as she did.

“That date you mentioned also sounds like it’ll be good. Have fun you two crazy foals.” Dr. Saltlick added, jokingly calling out to Cream as she left the Hospital to go and get ready for her date that night by picking up some beauty supplies and tips from Rarity, and then hitting the Ponyville Day Spa for the first time with Fluttershy.


“I can’t believe it…I’ve got a son!” Hay Bale shouted as he at last saw fully saw the face of his newborn colt, Apple Turnover.

“He sure is a handsome one ain’t he? Looks just like his daddy.” Applejack added as she held her newborn foal, prouder than she’d ever been before.

“He’s got your eyes, which makes him just as beautiful as you in my opinion.” Hay Bale added, kissing first Applejack on the forehead, and then Apple Turnover.

Applejack smiled at Hay Bale’s comment, and then decided to voice an opinion she’d had for a while to Hay Bale.

“Ya know, he wouldn’t even be here right now if it weren’t for Blaze Bringer. None of us would be.” Applejack told Hay Bale, causing him to smile surprisingly.

“We owe him a lot. Blaze Bringer died a true hero in the end.” Hay Bale added, looking up as he did.

“That he did. That he did.” Applejack concluded, looking up along with Hay Bale, as though hoping Blaze Bringer himself was watching and listening.


“I still can’t believe Diamond Bolt and Clockwork both had to leave Ponyville and Cloudsdale. This is gonna make our lives so much more hectic for the next little while.” Nova told Quick-Fix as they made their way across Ponyville on another repair call.

“It’s a bit our fault for volunteering. In any case, at least it’ll make the days go by faster right?” Quick-Fix asked Nova, hoping there’d be some way to make this situation seem better.

“Another day, another dollar, another glass of Spectra eh?” Nova jokingly asked Quick-Fix, causing her to smile as he did.

“To you maybe. I still prefer Zap Apple Juice though.” Quick-Fix replied, causing both her and Nova to break into laughter as they continued along their way to Sweet Apple Acres, to help fix some additions Apple Bloom had tried to add to the barn.