• Published 3rd Jun 2024
  • 541 Views, 200 Comments

In Space, We Don't Abandon Innocence - David Silver

In the voyage between the stars, it is easy for humans to lose themselves. Their ship is outfitted with assistants to help with this, to remind them that childish innocence is something to hold and cherish. The Pony Intelligences are ready for duty.

  • ...

16 - Okaeri

Crickets chirped in the night air as Sunset sat on a stone bench, her feet flat on the ground, and her eyes roaming the wild vistas of the alien city settling to slumber. "This place is incredible."

Susan hiked a thumb at the shuttle. "They've taken all the crates. We're officially done." Despite that, she sank next to Sunset. "I hear they're going to ferry crew down next, to visit and explore."

Sunset shrugged at that. "Makes sense. We should be able to talk with other races without leaving our ship, but how can we learn more about them if we never go to their home?"

"Exactly." Susan threw an arm around Sunset. "I knew about pony intelligences, and even talked to a few, but meeting one face to face? It's different."

Sunset smiled softly at that. "Thanks. For being my friend."

Susan brushed her lips over Sunset's ear, eliciting a startled giggle from the librarian. "A pleasure, ma'am. So, um, let's explore this world."

Sunset suddenly pushed Susan back a few inches. "One thing. You keep testing things." She folded her arms. "I'm not blind. You have a thing for me."

Susan winced as she shifted on the bench. "Is that a problem?"

Sunset turned to meet Susan's eyes directly. "I am a hologram. That could be an issue. How do you feel about that?"

Susan was quiet for a moment. "How does it feel? Holding your hand, I can feel how soft your skin is. When you let me touch your neck, I can feel a heartbeat. Your words are full of intelligence and fire." She snorted gently. "Sometimes I get burned."

Sunset folded her arms over her chest as she considered that. "Don't want to burn my friend, but at the same time, I really can't change who I am."

Susan leaned back. "I'm not asking you to." She scratched at her neck nervously. "Look, we don't have to say or do anything about it. We can be friends, or we can see where this goes." She turned her eyes skywards. "Neither of us are perfect. But I like the imperfect person I've met."

Sunset nudged Susan with her elbow. "She's pretty cool, yeah." She bit her lip for a moment. "Well, if we're going to take a chance on being more than friends, then you're in charge." She threw up her hands. "I'm no good at this kind of stuff." Sunset hopped to her feet. "So, whatever, putting you all in charge right now."

Susan shook her head slowly. "Okay, fine, if you want me to do this, then... come here." She pulled Sunset in close to kiss her on the lips. It was soft, gentle, but enough to be clearly a kiss. Sunset flinched, surprised, but easing into it slowly as they pressed closer for a moment before she drew away.

"Not an expert, but we're on duty." Sunset dusted herself off. "We could get in trouble, stealing smooches on the clock."

Susan laughed at that. "Fair enough." She ran her fingers over her lips, smiling as she gazed at Sunset. "Look at that face. This could be a good thing."

Sunset marched purposefully back to the ship, rather than meeting Susan's gaze. "Dang living people and their various biological needs."

Up on the ship, planning was underway. Only a small percentage of the ship would actually get to go down to the dragon planet. "And I would like one of them to be a pony." Twilight was facing Captain Roger and Commander Tela. "Only a pony will be able to focus on, and recognize, Equestria marks on the planet."

Roger paced the room as he thought. "You're suggesting we use some of our landing time for an archaeological expedition? Specifically focused on signs of pony civilization." He pressed his lips together tightly. "It'd be quite the coincidence if you happened to find them."

"Will it?" She shook her head. "The dragons are from Equestria. So are the hippogriffons we encountered. It's not coincidence. What I haven't seen are more ponies. What happened to the world I fled from? What happened to the ponies I left behind? I want to know, Captain, Commander."

Tela chuckled at that. "A fair concern. So long as your team keeps clear of local political issues, and isn't too much of a bother, I think we can approve this mission."

Roger was more skeptical. "That means no digging. If you see something interesting, take a picture, but move on. No touching anything they aren't inviting you to touch."

Twilight straightened up at that. "I can agree to that, if you allow us the use of our advanced scanning tools. You can inspect them before we head down, of course."

Roger gestured vaguely towards the door. "Pass it through the labs for approval. One pony. Pick the one you want to send down. It can't be you."

"Of course not." Twilight sat up at that. "We can't have the ship go into torpor while there is crew on board. I won't be leaving this ship until we're safely docked."

Tela patted Twilight's side. "Very good." She drew her hand away slowly. "I know what's next, but you'll have to wait for your friends to return."

Twilight sighed gently. "I hope they find something. This question is occupying an alarming amount of my processing time." She huffed gently. "Permission to begin the selection process?"

Roger nodded as he resumed pacing. "Permission granted."

Twilight saluted even as she vanished off to the digital world to begin.

Tela folded her arms, looking to Roger. "Are either of us going? We can't go at the same time, obviously."

Roger moved over to a computer panel on one wall, summoning a table and chairs. "We both are staying up here." He leaned back in his chair. "Neither of us are especially trained in this sort of thing, and I'd rather be ready in case something goes wrong."

"Fair enough." Tela stood to her feet. "I'll handle that right now." She pressed a few buttons. "Besides us, we have a selection of crew ready for the first shuttle batch. Some specific experts, and others just to get some shore time."

"Fine." Roger swiped the data over to his personal computer. "I'll look them over. I'd like to keep a stable of scientists down there, or at least, interested parties." He leaned back in his chair as the information scrolled past his view. "Hmmm, not seeing anything I'd object to. Hopefully, they come back with some interesting stories and nothing more than that."

"And no politics." Tela lifted a finger to emphasize that. "It's bad enough that Twilight is itching for trouble. I don't want any more problems than we already have."

Roger chuckled gently. "Fortunately, she's not sending herself. Speaking of that, we'll need a portable holo-emitter or no ponies are going anywhere. How many do we have?"

Tela moved her finger along the screen, tapping as she searched. "We should have four available for transport. At least, according to the manifest. This would be the first time they've been used on this trip."

Roger thrust a finger up. "One's in use right now. Sunset Shimmer. She's on the way back to the ship with the trade crew. Served as backup security. Alright, four total. We can afford to lend one for the purpose of Twilight's mission."

Tela bobbed her head at that. "Let me know if there's any issues. I don't want trouble. Just a peaceful, successful mission."

Roger waved at the table. "As do I. Come on, let's check on those who are about to return. Might as well make sure they get a nice welcoming party."

They walked together through the hallways. A short elevator trip later, they stepped out onto the deck where the shuttles were stored. One was just taking off with the deceptively quiet rumble of its propulsion system.

"Welcome back!" Roger raised his voice and his arms in greeting. "Anything exciting happen down there?"

Susan smiled as she bowed to her captain. "Sir! Everything was given, secured, and transported as requested! Oh." She patted herself down and fished out a strange device. "The dragons insisted this holds the money we were given for what we brought."

Roger accepted the device, nodding slowly. "Thank you. We'll have to get this connected properly, but when we do, we'll be ready for proper trade."

Commander Tela nodded along with that. "We're low on a number of things. If we can purchase them here from the dragons, that would be nice."

Roger tossed the device to Tela. "So get it set up. If they didn't mean to give us the money, they wouldn't have done it. They wouldn't have traded either, unless they thought it was worthwhile."

Tela caught it carefully. "Will do." She marched away to see that task done.

Roger nodded at Sunset as she came closer. "Ah, and there's the fourth emitter." He reached for it directly.

Sunset shied back. "Hey, um, Sir. This one's mine."

Roger cocked a brow at that. "All four emitters of the ship belong to the ship. Where did you get it from?"

Susan coughed quietly, getting their attention. "I gave it to her." She rubbed one arm nervously. "I found it sitting in a box in storage and thought she'd like it, and she did."

Roger chuckled at that. "A nice thought, but it still belongs to the ship, stored away or not. Sunset, do you understand that? If we have need of it, you are to surrender it without complaint."

Sunset gripped the little device tight as she lowered her eyes. "Yes, sir." She finally held it out. "But if it's mine..."

"It's not." Roger grasped the device firmly. But, he didn't actually pull it away. "Fortunately for you, you're crew of this ship. Like I said, you can have it until the ship needs it, then you need to give it up."

Sunset cautiously bobbed her head, gripping it again. "Um, so does that mean I get to keep it?"

Roger rubbed his chin with his free hand. "For now at least. We have four emitters total, including that. We'll be sending a pony down to the planet, so that'll be another in use for a while. For now, we don't need yours, so enjoy it, and keep it in working order."

Sunset gripped the little thing as if it was gold. "Yes, sir."

He chuckled at that. "Well, put that away for now." He patted her on the shoulder. "We've got more work to do, crewman."

Just then, she fell to all fours, becoming a pony with the emitter not actually installed into her. The emitter was spared striking the ground by being held in the magic of her newly reformed horn. "Got it!" She laughed nervously. "Sorry about that. The ship is really sure I should be a pony. I'm a human, ship." She glared at the nearest wall.

Roger waved that away. "We knew you were unique when we brought you aboard. It's fine. Just keep the job done." He beckoned her with one hand. "Now come on. You and Susan did a great job, both successful security agents on our first away mission. If that doesn't deserve a small celebration, I don't know what does."

Susan blushed at that, lowering her head. "Oh, that wasn't bad at all. Some minor jostling, but nothing like a firefight or anything."

Sunset grinned up at Roger. "I won't say no to some celebration time."

Roger waved for the few others on the trade ship to come along. They were all to be celebrated for their successful trading mission.

The whole affair didn't last long, just an hour or two in the rec room. Food was eaten, drinks were had, and stories were told. There were always stories. Nothing serious was discussed, mostly fun events and funny moments.

Author's Note:

They made it back, yay! Now it's time to explore this bold new world. Would you be one of the ones trying to get down there?

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