• Published 3rd Jun 2024
  • 541 Views, 200 Comments

In Space, We Don't Abandon Innocence - David Silver

In the voyage between the stars, it is easy for humans to lose themselves. Their ship is outfitted with assistants to help with this, to remind them that childish innocence is something to hold and cherish. The Pony Intelligences are ready for duty.

  • ...

25 - Top. Men.

Roger glanced up towards the door of his room. "Who is it?"

"Dawning Star," replied Twilight. "She looks nervous. Should I allow her in?"

He spread his hands. "Certainly." He stayed seated on his bed, letting her enter at her own pace. "What's up? I hear you're hanging out with Sunset Shimmer?"

Dawning flashed a toothy smile at Captain Roger. "She knows some interesting games, but getting lost in games is for wyrmlings." She joined Roger, hopping up onto his bed to sit next to him. "I'm a grown dragon."

Roger chuckled warmly. "Most of the time."

"Pfft." She tossed her head. "So, as a dragon, I'd like to talk with you. I think it's about time I got closer to the one in charge, and that's you."

Roger sat up a little straighter. "What's on your mind?"

Dawning pursed her lips as she gathered her thoughts. "Sunset said you're all working towards an unknown future, right?" She rolled her hands in the air. "No idea what's coming, but you plan to run towards it."

Roger lifted his chin. "That's the plan."

"It's been interesting so far." Dawning touched her chest. "But if it's unknowns that I can handle, well, I am a dragon." She chuckled with some tension. "We can handle anything." She clasped her hands together. "Sounds like you plan to be out here a long time, huh?"

Roger chuckled softly. "Twilight told you, didn't she? We have several years to where we're headed now, and several more coming back from there, and that's assuming we don't need time to resolve that situation, which we probably will." He considered Dawning. "You picked a curious boat to sneak onto."

Dawning winced at the way he said 'sneak'. "Yeah, uh, sorry about that. So, are you guys looking for crew?" She lifted her chin as she waited for his answer.

Roger hiked a brow at that. "You're already crew, Dawning Star, Private First Class." He pointed to the badge on her shoulder. "That's what that means, your rank."

"What does it do?" Dawning tilted her head at the badge. "It looks nice, but what does it do?"

Roger sighed softly. "The ranks and badges mean nothing, and everything, Dawning. They say who's in charge of what. If someone of a higher rank tells you to do something, you do it, unless you're damned sure that would jeopardize the mission as a whole."

"Oh, okay." Dawning smacked her fist into her palm. "So I just gotta not screw things up. I can do that." She stood with hands on her hips. "So how do I get to higher ranks? We dragons don't like taking orders, if we can avoid it. I want to be in charge."

Roger smirked at the idea. "I'm in charge, and there are a lot of steps ahead of you to reach my rank. I applaud your initiative, but I'd recommend being a good crewmember first. That's the first step to any kind of authority. Then you work your way up."

Dawning sank down slowly. "Well, how do I do that?"

He gently pat her head. Why were Equestrians so pattable? He didn't know. "Get your jobs done, and keep this ship sailing smoothly. Speak up when you have good intel, and be someone everyone else can rely on."

Dawning closed her eyes as she felt him pat her head. She enjoyed the moment, then it was over. She straightened up. "Got it. I'll start with doing all my jobs, and figure out how to get other ones." She hiss-clicked her tongue against her teeth. "So, mmm, you have a mate?"

Roger lifted a brow. "Why do you ask?"

Dawning pouted at him. "One fast way for anyone to get higher in rank is to get closer to the one already in charge." She curled her tail with a devilish smirk. "I'm not above those techniques."

"Ahh." Roger put a hand on her shoulder. "But you are, or we'll make you be. You're too young to be trying things like that."

Dawning pulled back with her nose wrinkling. "But I'm a grown dragon."

He smiled sadly at her. "You are still maturing. I look forward to the day you get your wings."

Dawning colored sharply. "You know about that?!" She yanked at her sleeves as she turned away from him. "I wasn't going to tell anyone yet."

"We've been informed of dragon puberty, which you are getting close to. As a young child, your thoughts should be towards growing and developing, not reproducing. Be your own dragon for now." He folded his hands in his lap. "As for me, I am not currently interested in mating."

Dawning glanced up at him. "You seem smart, and nice." She batted her lashes gently. "I don't see what the big deal is."

Something about her was off. Roger could feel a warmth radiating from her. "Twilight?" She appeared on a monitor on the wall. "Is Dawning alright, health wise?"

Twilight raised her hooves. "My knowledge of the specifics of dragon biology is nowhere near as robust as human and pony, but she appears to be in good condition. She also appears to be ready."

"Ready?" He kept his eyes on Dawning, who was busy trying to not meet his gaze. "For?"

Twilight spread her wings. "She wishes to create a child. It is an immature thought, but genuine, from her point of view. If you returned her feelings, a child would result."

Roger stood up from his bed with a groan. "Good grief. Really? Okay, well, I'm not, so that's that. Twilight, take care of it." He opened the door with a grumble, leaving the room behind.

That left Dawning to slump with a sigh. "Wow, am I that ugly?"

Twilight smiled at the young dragon. "On the contrary, he cares for you considerably and does not wish any harm on you. Breeding with immature sapients is incredibly taboo in his culture." She raised a hoof to her chin. "And mine as well. Is it more typical among dragons?"

Dawning pouted slightly as she listened. "Of course it is. You have your needs, and everyone's been there." She slid off the bed onto her feet. "I'll get there one day. Now how did he know what I was thinking? I didn't say nothin'!"

Twilight waved her hooves as a panel of dense information appeared. "For one, I informed him. Due to the cross-species breeding spell in operation, hints were given that you were giving consent for a child to be created. If he returned that consent, a child would be created. That is the nature of that spell."

Dawning wandered towards Twilight with wide eyes. "You can do that? Just make kids without having sex? Wow, dragons have nothing on that." She blushed deeply. "Okay, how does it work?"

"As I said." Twilight leaned in, though still trapped on that screen. "If two members of different species wish to have a child with one another, than a child is created. It's that simple."

Dawning nodded once, but had to shake her head. "So it only works if both people want a kid?"

Twilight furrowed her brow with concern. "That is correct. Captain Roger did not return that feeling because he does not wish to harm you by giving you a child at such a young age. He feels, rightly so, that it would be a burden during such a time when you should be exploring who you are, as a person."

Dawning crossed her arms over her chest. "If it's just between us, I think I can handle it. I'm pretty tough, you know." She slapped a hand on her bicep. "I can handle it! Besides, I thought this ship was big on teamwork. I wouldn't have to do it all on my own. I bet Sunset would help, she already knows how to raise one!"

Twilight held up her hooves. "Slow down, Dawning Star. You are still young. Much more than I anticipated, but it is a reality. You have so much to experience before you choose to be a mother." She considered a moment. "Your mind is your own. You are free to continue wishing what you want to wish, but don't hold it against Roger if he doesn't return that."

Dawning dragged her claws through her white hair with a long sigh. "Yeah, I guess so. Thanks for talking with me, Twilight." She smiled up at the screen. "You're pretty nice for a computer."

Twilight smiled brightly at Dawning Star. "A pleasure to assist. I was, and am, a pony. I may be operating the ship, but I'm still a pony. If you have any questions, you can call out to me. I will respond to Twilight or computer, whichever is easier."

Dawning reached up and pushed the button that turned off the monitor. "That's good to know." She stretched her arms over her head with a groan. "Okay, time to work on making some more friends around here." She jogged out of the room with a calculating smile. "I'll show them I have my head on right."

She headed for the mess hall, where there were people. It was a room where humans usually hung out. She spotted a small one, one of the new foals that had joined their crew. Even as she examined the colt, the colt rushed up to her. "Hi!" He offered a hoof. "Never saw you before. What are you?"

Dawning snickered at him, gently giving his hoof a shake. "I'm a dragon, pipsqueak." She put her hands on her hips. "You got a name?"

The colt looked quite pleased that he had found a new friend. "I'm North Star." He bounced in place with boundless energy. "Dad's getting a snack, then he's gonna take me hiking on the holodeck!"

"North Star?" Dawning crouched down to see eye to eye with him. "Oh, that's clever." She rubbed his head, tousling his hair. "You go have fun on your hike, I gotta find some friends of my own."

North pounced her without warning. "You found a friend!" He hugged her in a warm envelope of eager young fur. "Wanna go hiking with me?"

Dawning squirmed out of his grip. "No, no, that's alright. It's your special time with your dad." She gave him a little shove. "Now go on, shoo."

But he wasn't retreating. "It'll be fun. Dragons like to hike, don't they?"

She closed her eyes with a smile. "Fine, fine, you're right. You know where your dad is? We can go meet him."

"This way!" North hurried ahead, his hooves clopping against the floor as he ran. Eagerly, he led her to a male human enjoying a sandwich. "Da! I found a friend." He whirled to point a hoof at Dawning Star. "She's a dragon," he whispered loudly as if that was some secret he was revealing.

Dawning chuckled lightly at the behavior. "Hey, uh, you mind if I join in on the hiking?"

The man swallowed his mouthful of food before answering. "Certainly. Welcome to the hike. I'm Commander Dakota Jones, but everyone calls me Dex." He reached down to pat North on the head. "And this here is my son, North Star."

North made a scrunched up face as he giggled. "I already told her my name, silly." He moved aside of Dawning. "We're gonna have so much fun! Dad loves challenging hikes. Expect lots of logs and vines an' things in the way. It's fun!"

Dawning grimaced at the thought. "Right. Exercise. So exciting." She patted North on the head, showing a toothy smile. "Sounds like fun."

North trotted alongside Dawning as they walked through the ship to the holodeck.

Author's Note:

That got awkward a moment.

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