• Published 3rd Jun 2024
  • 541 Views, 200 Comments

In Space, We Don't Abandon Innocence - David Silver

In the voyage between the stars, it is easy for humans to lose themselves. Their ship is outfitted with assistants to help with this, to remind them that childish innocence is something to hold and cherish. The Pony Intelligences are ready for duty.

  • ...

22 - Happy Birthday

"Glad your equipment can still communicate this far away." The dragon huffed, smoke curling from his nostrils. "Reviewing video footage, it would seem one of ours made it onto your ship. We just wanted to be clear that this isn't us trying to mess with you. It wasn't our idea at all."

Roger grunted. "This is an awfully long way to go to get in touch with a stowaway."

The dragon hiked a brow. "Huh? What? No. Keep 'em if you want 'em. We just don't want there to be any wars about it. We didn't tell her to go in there, so this is all her idea. Be mad at her if you want somedragon to be annoyed at."

The human pursed his lips as he held his chin. "You sent your own people over here without your knowledge? That's interesting. She seemed to have some idea of what she was doing. Have you been watching us?"

"Duh." They rolled their eyes. "A new species touching down? We had a lot of cameras on you, and we saw her, again, looking back, sneaking onto your shuttle. She isn't making a mess, is she? Again, her idea."

The human chuckled. "She's friendly enough. No real trouble so far."

"Good, good." They rubbed their chin with a claw. "Well, then enjoy. I'd get her back before she molts. Teenagers are a real pain in the scales."

Roger perked at that. "Everything goes down differently for dragons? Should we be expecting anything?"

The dragon tapped his fingers. "Well, there's the smell, one of the first hints of the molt besides the obvious skin blisters. You shouldn't have to worry about attracting monsters in space, so there's that. When it's all done, you have a winged dragon teen with all the attitude to go along with it."

Roger shook his head at that. "Learn something new everyday. Anything else we should know about your dragon stowaway?"

They chuckled at that. "If you're keeping her in jail, smart. Either way, ask her yourself. I was just told to inform you it wasn't our idea. Dragons, out." With no more words shared, the screen went blank.

"Interesting." Roger put his hands behind his back as he stood up. "You think this will make a good report?"

Casey drummed her fingers on her desk. "Dragons aren't interested in any of us, including their own. But we should report this, Captain. She's still the first dragon on a human ship, historical in its own way. Is she still getting along?"

Roger nodded once. "As well as can be expected. The ship's crew are treating her as one of their own, which is nice to see." He cracked a smile. "Keeping a dragon in a jail cell did not go over so well, I heard."

Tela snorted at that. "The ponies would probably start pelting us with produce if we tried that. She hasn't actually hurt anything, or anyone. As stowaways go, Dawning Star has been quite a good guest."

Casey shifted in her seat. "Almost like she wants to stay on the ship, Captain."

Roger shook his head. "What's the alternative? We're not headed back for any place she could get off at, unless we threw her into space, and we have laws about that."

"Plus." Casey looked away from him. "There's always the chance we could use her help later."

Roger huffed. "We still don't know much about dragons. She gives us the chance to try to fix that." He sank into his chair. "Keep an eye on her, for her care as much as everyone else's. They made it sound like she's about to experience the dragon equivalent of puberty."

Casey and Tela both nodded once at that.

Roger turned to the deck. "Are we within sensor range of our destination?"

One of the crew checked her screen. "We are just close enough to confirm there are minor amounts of debris around the planet. It shouldn't impede our approach. ETA is still in years."

Roger let out a slow breath. "In the meantime, we should continue observing Dawning Star."

They continued on towards their destination.

"Oh Captain! I brought you some breakfast!" Susan walked onto the deck with a tray of food in hand.

"Thank you." He accepted the tray and laid it across his lap. "But you didn't have to." He was watching her skeptically. "Do you have something you want to report?"

Susan perked at that with a tense fit of laughter. "It's, um."

Twilight appeared without a sound. "Captain, news."

He kept his eyes on Susan. "Go on."

Susan shuffled in place, her arms folded over her chest. "I figured out how to get pregnant." She let out a sudden breath at having confessed. "Except we kind of skipped the whole pregnant part and got to the next step."

Unbothered by the interruption, Twilight proceeded, "Five progeny have resulted from the cross-breeding spell. Four pony foals and one human child have been entered into the crew database." It was as if she only noticed Susan then. "Congratulations. Are you assuming a mother or father role with your child?"

Susan turned red as she shuffled. "M-Mother? I don't know, maybe. I think I might make a good mom. It's a boy."

Roger held up his hands. "The one human, I gather? How did that happen? I thought two things of the same species wouldn't work."

Twilight went still a moment. "The answer is clear. Sunset Shimmer, data officer, is a hologram. A hologram does not share any DNA similarities with a human, not having a genetic structure. Any hologram is valid for any organic. Her side of the genetics was provided by a thorough scan of her appearance, abilities, and dispositions rendered faithfully by the cross-species program. Because there was no actual genetics involved, a son was possible despite having two mothers."

Susan put her hands behind her back as she gave a weak chuckle. "I've, uh, never actually been with a man, or a woman, so this is kind of..."

Twilight looked at Susan. "Would you like to see him?" She held up her hooves to project a hologram into the air. The hologram showed the young child eagerly exploring the library with Sunset following after them.

Susan let out an aw at the sight. "He's growing so fast!"

Twilight motioned for her to look closer. "The results of the cross-breeding program start as young children and rapidly mature to mid-child. In human years, expect to have a 13 to 16 year old within a week or two. I suggest, Captain, she be given time off to bond with her child before this growth spurt elapses."

Roger picked up his fork and started in on his food. "All right, you're relieved of your duties until further notice."

Susan lit up at that. "Thank you! Thank you so much!" She seemed to consider a hug, but rethought that, with the tray she had brought in the way. "You're the best!" She scampered off with a delighted giggle.

Tella spread her hands. "We should let the other new parents have the same. We don't want to play favorites, I imagine."

Roger wiped his mouth with a napkin. "Very true. Thank you for the suggestion, Tella." He held out his hands to address the rest of the crew. "This is great news. They'll need our help and support. We are a family, with formal ranks or not. We'll get through this together."

The crew murmured at that, those still on duty sharing nods with each other.

He lifted his fork again. "That being said, back to work. This isn't the time to celebrate, but soon it will be." He pressed buttons with one hand, quickly drafting a notice to the other lucky parents that they would have time off to spend with their new children. "Not exactly as I had imagined things when we started."

Twilight inclined her head. "Many parts of this are taking different courses, Sir." She vanished.

He tapped his fork to his food tray. "I can't wait to see how it all turns out." He smiled warmly.

The ship cruised on through the endless void.

Pinkie threw her hooves wide. "Now this? This deserves a party! Thank you all you new dads and moms, for bringing your little ones here." She waved a hoof towards a group of children, adults and digital aides at their side.

Rose made sure her baby was fine before approaching Pinkie. "So, what's with the sudden gathering?"

Pinkie nodded to Rose. "You heard about the spell? Well, that means there are five babies on the ship! So we're having a baby shower!" She pressed a hoof to her cheek. "Sorta. I guess, technically, those are before the babies, but we got surprised! So consider this a first birthday party instead!"

Rose looked over at the families of children. "Thank you." She held out a hand for a hoof bump. "It's appreciated. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help."

Pinkie made gentle shooing motions at Rose. "You go enjoy yourself, Mom! We're here for you today, not the other way around. Go cuddle up with your new little filly and your stallion."

Rose went pink as she perked at that. "Right, okay. Thank you again." She trotted back towards her family.

Pinkie pulled out the scroll with all her planning on it. "Let's see, next on the list, pin the tail on the pony!" She waved at where a picture of a pony missing a tail was on the wall, rump displayed towards the crowd, waiting for the tail to be returned. She held up a pin with a tail dangling off. "Who's ready to try first?"

Some of the children clamored for a chance. A few adults indulged them with a wry smile. One, after seeing their kid fail to land it even close, decided to get in on it. The whole room was in on it, calling out guidance, laughing, and groaning as things went well or poorly. Pinkie made it her job to be sure the organics in the room had fizzy drinks to enjoy as it went.

Pinkie pulled a pony shaped piñata from behind her back. "Who's ready for some sugar?"

The allure of the candy was muted, but battering the toy with the stick proved to be engaging the moment they all got their heads around the idea. When the candy began to trickle out, things changed. Young, calorie-hungry, children eagerly grabbed up the candy and the game reached a new level of intensity.

Dawning Star jogged into the room, eyes wide. "Whoa! How long has this been going on?" She scanned over the kids and took in the party, before settling on Pinkie. "You." She hurried up to the pink pony. "You look like you're in charge here."

Pinkie beamed widely. "Thank you for noticing! If there's a party, I'm probably involved. What's up, my, wait." She gasped in alarm. "You're a young dragon! When did you last celebrate your birthday?"

Dawning blinked with confusion. "Um. Well, about never?"

Pinkie went hopping into the air with delight. "Let me guess! You are a few years late for a birthday! Let me be the first to say, happy birthday! I'd give you some cake, but I don't have any. And oh, that is the saddest thing I ever heard." She pushed Dawning Star down to join the rest of the children. "You sit there, I'll get the cake!" She dashed off into the wall that she vanished into without a sound.

Dawning stared after her before turning towards Rose. "Do you have any idea what's going on?"

Rose nodded once. "There's a program for getting ponies and other species pregnant with a baby." She jostled her filly girl gently. "Here's mine, and we're all here celebrating it. I don't see why you can't have a birthday too."

Dawning's eyes widened. "Wow! Is this going to happen every year? Is this a pony thing, or a human thing?"

Rose pursed her lips as she looked at the festivities. "I think it might be a both thing. I don't know what other species have birthdays. You'd have to ask around."

Dawning covered her mouth with her hands. "Birthday?" She mumbled into her fingers before she moved them away. "Dragons don't do that." Suddenly, a cake lowered into her lap, big, round, sweet smelling, and glittering with too many candles. "For me?!"

Pinkie appeared before her. "It's your birthday! Who else would it be for? Come on! Blow out your candles!"

Dawning let out a puff of breath at the candles. Alas, she was a dragon, and she did a better job at lighting them than blowing them out. She blushed as she tried again, keeping the flames away to gust out the candles with a woosh of air. "What next?"

"Now we get to cut the cake!" Pinkie leaped down from Dawning's head. "Everyone circle up around us and join in!"

She couldn't help but take a deep whiff of the cake before them. Given a cake knife, she sank it into the soft dough and the party cheered as she served them up slices. She got the last slice, but, to her pleasure, it was also the largest one. "This birthday party thing is pretty great."

Author's Note:

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