• Published 10th Oct 2012
  • 6,984 Views, 795 Comments

A Shadow’s Grave - Pinkies Imagination

CJ wakes up in Equestria after a year of his own dead sleep. A miracle right? Far from it... there is a dark entity... a forgotten enemy, stalking his every move, waiting to strike... (Sequel to Where the grass is green and the girls are... PONIES?!)

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I hate magic

Hope you all loved the awesome cliffhanger last chapter. And I hope you all enjoy this chapter just as much!

Chapter 34: I hate magic

Everything was completely black for what felt like a lifetime. After a while longer, I started to get my senses back. First my hearing...

"Why did you do that Twilight?" Asked a soft voice.

"I didn't mean to! I meant to use it on the mouse!" Said Twilight.

"Well... how long will he be like this?" Said the soft voice.

"I don't know Fluttershy, I need to do some research on the effects it has on larger beings..." Said Twilight.

Then I started to get my sense of sight back, but everything was beyond blurry, so I kept my eyes shut.

"Oh my... he's waking up." Said Fluttershy.

I began getting my sense of touch back....

"Do you think he is in any pain?" Said Fluttershy.

"I don't think s-" She was cut off almost immediately.

I felt a surge of unimaginable pain shoot through my body. Imagine being punched in the face while someone is stomping on you balls while getting paper cuts in the middle of your fingers x12.

"GRAAAAAAAAH!" I shouted through the pain.

I then felt something warm hit me in the chest and the pain go away instantly.

"Oh dear... I didn't think that would happen... that painkiller spell should last about an hour. Lets bring him in my room." Said Twilight.

A moment later I felt a warm sensation surround me and I was lifted off the floor. After about a minute I was set down on something soft.

"Fluttershy, hand me that blanket." A moment later a blanket was draped onto me.

"This is not good... I need to go and find out how long this will last." After that I heard hoof steps decreasing in volume until there was no sound.

Then I felt something get on the bed with me. I tried to open my eyes, but everything was still to blurry. I felt a hoof be placed on my chest.

"CJ.... CJ can you hear me?" Said Fluttershy.

I mustered all of my strength and was able to nod.

"Good, can you open your eyes?" I shook my head...

"Hm... well I want you to stay here and rest... maybe we can fix this in the morning..." She said.

I wanted to just get up and ask what had happened... but I still can't see let alone talk. As the hoof steps left the room I heard a door shut. Then silence.

'............ GRAAAA.... this is SOOOOOOOO boring.....'

Eventually I just started entertaining myself in my head until sleep finally took me.


>>>Perspective change: Twilight<<<

I was running around the library franticly looking for the book I had been reading not an hour ago.

"Ohhh where is it where is it!" I said as I searched.

Fluttershy flew down the stairs and flew to the other side of the library.

"Is this it?" She asked as she picked up a book.

I took a look at it for a moment. ".... Yes! It is! Here, give it to me."

Fluttershy tossed it over to me as I took it in mid air with my magic. I held it in front of me and began flipping through the pages.

"No... No.... No...... Definitely no.... No.... AH HA!" I said as I dug my face into the page.

"Shape and being transformation spell mark II.... It says that on small critters it can last up to about two weeks, and for anything larger.... depending on its size and weight, could last anywhere from one to five days. Judging by his height I would say probably three days." I finished.... Closing the book and placing it on a shelf.

"Three days? How will he stay like that for THREE days?" Said Fluttershy a bit concerned.

"Don't worry Fluttershy, He'll be fine."

"I hope your right Twilight...."


>>>Perspective change: CJ<<<

I slowly began to wake up and to my surprise had no pain left. The only thing I could feel was a slight head ache. The sunlight was going through a window and landing right on my face. I rolled over to the left when I found I couldn't turn all the way over into the pillow.

'What the...'

Without opening my eyes, Still avoiding the light, I reached my hand up to my head. What I felt both shocked and confused me. I felt something sticking out of my head that felt like a bone.

'Wow... what the hell did I do to have a bone come out of my head like that... shouldn't I be like strapped down or something then?'

I continued to feel it with both hands until I noticed something strange about my hands. They weren't there. I went into panic mode a bit as my eyes shot open. I began staring at my hands trying to get my eyes to focus. From what I could see I had two greyish blotches of color with white on the ends in front of my face. I began blinking rapidly until they finally focused... though I wish they hadn't. Now in front of my face, there were two objects that appeared like hooves. I moved my right arm and saw the right one move as well.

'No... Nonononono... no... just no............ no.....'

I threw the covers off to look at myself. I was greyish colored with a white tatooish thing on my flank. Resting on top of that was a blue colored note object that seemed to be on fire. My tail and my mane were both black with white tips wherever the hair ended. As I looked at my mane I noticed something sticking from my head.

'....I-Is that....'

Realization struck as I noticed that sticking out of my head was indeed a horn. I continued to inspect myself over and over... each time coming to the same answer.

I was a fuckin pony.

A unicorn to be exact. After a few minutes of looking myself over and a few hits to the face to make sure I wasn't having some weird dream, I accepted (Sort of) That I was indeed a pony. I took in a deep breath and let out a long sigh. After a few moments of taking in breaths I calmed myself down. I edged off to the side of the bed. As I leaned off I had a split second for a thought to run through my mind.

'I don't know how to walk...' I thought as I face plant into the ground.

I let out a long groan as I lay there. A moment later the door burst open and Twilight came running in. She looked around very worried but when her eyes landed on me she began to laugh a bit.

"You tried to walk... didn't you..." She said snickering.

"Ha ha... very funny." I said a bit annoyed.

"Help me up." I asked with my hoof out.

Instead she lifted me up with her magic and placed me on the bed. I began nearing the edge again but got pushed to the center.

"No... you need to stay here until you are all better."

"Aw come on! Let me walk around town Twi!" I asked.

She shook her head.

"Pleeeeaaaasssse?" I said looking at her.

She shook again.

"Pleeeeaaaasssse please please please please please!" I said, while strangely I could feel my face changing shape... if that makes sense.

She took at look at me and her face changed to one of almost fighting. Finally she gave up and sighed.

"Fine... how did you learn to do that?" She asked looking at my eyes.

"Learn to do what?"


I went to get up only to be held in place.

"Hey you said I could leave!" I shouted.

"Yes... but you don't even know how to walk yet!" She said a matter of factly.

I blushed a bit and nodded. "Oh... right...."

After nearly an hour of learning how to walk. I had finally made progress. I was able to stand.

"Ugh... finally!" Shouted Twilight.

"Hey! I'm not used to having four legs! Cut me some slack!" I shouted back.

She rolled her eyes and looked back at me.

"Alright, now take a step forward. One hoof at a time."

I nodded and looked down, I moved my right foreleg forward and placed it back down. I grinned like a complete idiot. I looked back up at Twilight who again rolled her eyes.

"...'Good' Now... Move your left hind leg." I nodded and began to move my left hind leg forward.


I faceplant for the hundredth time. I grunted in annoyance and got back up.


After another three hours of learning how to walk, I could now do so without looking at my fee... er.... hooves...

"Good, you can now walk normally." Said Twilight.

I shot her a look causing her to smile and roll her eyes again. I followed her out of the room and towards the stairs. I hadn't even noticed what was going on until I was rolling down the stairs like a slinky. I reached the bottom and shook the ache from my head. I looked behind me up the stairs and saw Twilight facehoof. I stood up and walked towards the library door quickly.

"Oh... that reminds me... I was so distracted learning how to.... walk.... that I forgot to ask when this will wear off." I said smiling sheepishly.

Twilight looked up from a book she had already dug her face into.

"What? Oh... well, about three days." She said.

'Three days huh? Hm... Might as well enjoy it... oh! Maybe I can learn some magic! Wait... no.... would rather not blow anything up...' I shrugged and walked out the door.

Well... sort of.

As soon as I opened the door I saw a cyan Pegasus standing there looking at me.

"Oh! And who are you?" Said RD.

Before I could speak I found myself being inspected by the mare. I could say I felt a LITTLE weirded out. When she stopped she stood in front of me and looked at my eyes for a moment.

"Hm... I like you mane..." She said.

"T-Thanks... Yours is awesome too."

She nodded. "Hay ya it's awesome. It's about 20% cooler than any others." She said in a cocky tone.


She stopped and looked at me. "Hm... where have I heard your voice before..." She said.

'Oh god... If she finds out who I am... She will never let me live down this moment.'

I started thinking of an answer. "I-I'm... uh.... ah..."

'hm.... OH!' "I-I'm.... Blaze!"

She raised an eyebrow. "Blaze?" She said.

"Yup... uh... Shadow.... Blaze...." I said.

'Shadow Blaze... wow... I really should have thought of a name sooner.'

"Shadow Blaze huh? Well I-" She was cut off when Twilight walked out of the Library door to see us.

"Hey C-" I pushed her inside and shut the door.

"Don't say my name!" I said in a loud whisper.

"Why not?" She whispered back.

"Because I know RD... she will bug me the rest of my human life if she found this out... Just call me Shadow Blaze."

"Shadow Blaze?" She repeated.

"I know... But I had to come up with it on the spot!" I said back.

She walked towards the door. "It's fine... I kinda like it." She said as she opened the door to see RD still standing there.

"Hey Rainbow... How's it goin?" Said Twilight.

RD looked at Twi then back to me. "Twilight, do you know this stallion?"

Twilight shook her head. "Nope, he just came here looking for a book." She said.

"Oh... then where's the book?" She said looking at me.

"I... uh... couldn't find it..." I said.

She stared at me for a moment longer then shrugged. "Whatever... I just wanted to tell you that we need your help setting up for nightmare night. It IS two days away."

'Oh shit... I forgot... well... guess I'm going as a pony...'

"Sure thing Rainbow!" Said Twilight.

They both began walking to the door, and I overheard something that made me blush slightly.

"So Is that stallion already taken or is he available?" RD said to Twilight.

'Oh god help me...'

When they left I took a few moments to recollect my thoughts.

1: I'm a pony.
2: I'm going to spend nightmare night as a pony.
3: I'm not sure how to tell Scoots about this.
4: I'm a pony.
5: It's gunna be a long three days.
6: I'm a unicorn...
7: I have to go to work tomorrow...
8: I'm a freaking pony...

Yup... sounds like a normal day in ponyville.'

I walked to the door and pushed it open. I stepped outside and took in a deep breath. I opened my eyes and I saw that all of the ponies that had been trotting around outside the library stopped to look at me. I gave a forced smile and waved.

"Hey everypony... nice day huh?" A few of them shrugged but all of them decided to walk away.

'Whew... I don't want attention like that... I would rather get these days over with and turn back into a human...'

I made my way through ponyville getting the occasional glace. But no matter how many stares I got, I was just happy none of them came from a certain mare.

'Pinkie Pie...'

I continued to trot through ponyville. Then my brain clicked on.

'Oh.... shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit'

I galloped through ponyville ignoring all the stares and made it to the doorway of the costume shop. I looked inside and saw two mares packing up.

'Oh good... I'm not late... oh crap... how am I gonna explain this...'

I shrugged and walked through the door. I walked up to daring and cleared my throat. he turned around and looked at me, as did Spitfire.

"Yes?" Said Daring.

"Uh... heheh.... it's me... CJ..." I said.

Spitfire just rolled her eyes. "Go away kid... you look nothing like him... this is just an excuse to hang out with Daring isn't it?"

"What? No!" I said back.

I looked back to Daring and saw her staring at my eyes. This went for a few moments longer then she spoke.

"Say something."

"....uh.... Hi?" I said confused.

"Yup.... it's CJ." Daring said.

Spitfire looked at her more confused than me. "How can YOU tell that?"

"Well... I'm an explorer, and an explorer has to remember everything about all of their encounters. He has the same color eyes and the same voice."

Spitfire turned back to me. "Now that you mention it... His voice does sound the same."

Spitfire began inspecting me like RD had done. "And wow... you turned out nicely." She said.

"W-Well... about that 'Hanging out'." I said to Daring... changing the subject.

"Oh... right... I have a lot of questions for you." She said back.

'Oh no... I should have stayed at the library.'

I nodded and all three of us walked out the door. Spitfire turned to me. "I got to go... I'll be here nightmare night, Hope to see you around.... Bye..." She said in a strange tone.


I turned to Daring to find her staring at me. She instantly turns away. "Oh... um... ok... lets go get something to eat."

I nodded in agreement. We made our way to a restaurant but I didn't stop to check the sign. I had food on the brain. We walked in and up to a small podium with a white stallion who spoke in an accent.

"Good morning... and how shall we serve you tonight?" He asked looking at us.

"Oh... miss Daring... How nice to meet you... please, follow me."

We nodded and followed him to a table that was more separated from the rest. I sat down and picked up my menu. To tell you the truth... I was getting really sick of eating the same vegetables and only eggs every day.

"Hm... aw what the hell..." I muttered.

The waiter came back to the table after a few minutes. "Have you made your selections?"

"I'll have a daisy sandwich with a side of hay fries." Said Daring.

"Ya... I'll have the same."

He nodded and walked away. When he did I looked at Daring and she did the same. After a few minutes of awkward silence I decided to talk.

"So.... the questions?" I asked.

She snapped out of her trance and looked away. "Oh right..."

The night went on... we ate.... and we sat there for a total of two more hours. Her asking questions and me answering them right away.

"Do you have a mare friend?" She asked.

I hesitated for a moment. "Well, no I don't, but I am enga-" Before I could say 'Engaged' Daring spoke up.

"Really? You don't? Huh... well... it was nice meeting you. C ya soon!" She said As I payed the bill along with the tip.

She shot off giggling a bit.

'I know I had just been through one not to long ago but my gut says there is another tactical shitstorm inbound and it's gonna make one hell of a mess....'

I shook my head and left the restaurant making my way back home. Ready to just drop on the bed and just let sleep take me.

'Why did I have to get turned into a pony... Why is every mare acting so weird...' I thought as I walked.



'... I hate magic...' I thought as I continued through ponyville.

This is what he looks like!

Also, Here is his cutie-mark... for some reason it wouldn't show up on the pony, so I'll just show you here!

So? What did you think? And no... I'm not planning on keeping him as a pony. But doing this helps form another... twist.... in the plot... trust me -_- Anyway... Let me know in the comments what you thought about the chapter. Always accepting new ideas and such! Also, I hope you guys r pumped for the "Nightmare Night" coming up!

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