• Published 10th Oct 2012
  • 6,984 Views, 795 Comments

A Shadow’s Grave - Pinkies Imagination

CJ wakes up in Equestria after a year of his own dead sleep. A miracle right? Far from it... there is a dark entity... a forgotten enemy, stalking his every move, waiting to strike... (Sequel to Where the grass is green and the girls are... PONIES?!)

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Nightmare Night

This is it! the beloved Nightmare Night! Hope you are all pumped! GET PUMPED! NAOW! And yes... writing with a hangover SUUUUUUCKS

Chapter 39: Nightmare Night

As I walked through Ponyville I saw the town's square has the concert stage finished. I smiled and made my way to the library. When I got there I knocked on the door.

"Ugh... Just co-" Twilight began.

"Don't even say it." I said from the other side.

The door opened and there stood an annoyed Twilight, wearing her star swirled costume again. "You know you can come in whenever... just don't burst in like before." She said.

I put on the best surprised face I could. "ME? Not do things over the top?! Preposterous!" I said.

She shook her head and stepped aside. I walked ina dn she shut the door behind me.

"So... what brings you to the library." She said.

"Oh nothing, I just wanted to see if you were ok." I said.

She raised an eyebrow. "Ok.... why?" She asked.

"Because after I showed you the computer you passed out.... remember?" I said.

She blushed. "Oh... right... sorry... I just couldn't get around how something so small could have so much information." She said.

I nodded. "Yup, you can use it whenever... well... when I turn into a human... can't push the buttons with hooves." I said.

She nodded. "Ok... anything else?" She said.

"Yes actually.... I ran into the unicorn in charge of the fireworks today." I said.

She raised an eyebrow. "Oh? And who is that?" She said.

"Her name w-" I was cut off at a knocking on the door.

"One sec." Twilight said rolling her eyes.

She used her magic to open the door and her eyes went wide. She watched as Trixie came walking in to the room blushing mad. She stopped in front of me and Twilight. I had a confused look and Twilight looked like she wanted to see death.

"What are YOU doing here...." Said Twilight.

Trixie's ears went back a bit. "T-Trixie w-wanted to come and apologize for her actions...." She said.

Twilight immediately lightened up and had a surprised look grace her features. "Apologize?" She repeated.

Trixie nodded. "Trixie is really sorry for all of the boasting... Trixie hopes you can see that she never meant to really harm anypony.... and the ursa minor...." She began.

Twilight nodded. "I know... that was not entirely your fault."

Trixie looked up with a glimmer of hope in her eyes. "Does this mean you forgive Trixie?"

Twilight nodded. "I do yes... but you may need to work harder to get the others to think so too...." She said.

Trixie nodded. "Yes Trixie knows. If it wasn't for CJ here... Trixie would still be back in the fields silently regretting her decisions."

Twilight turned to me.

"Remember the firework pony?" I said, She nodded.

I motioned to Trixie. Twilight let out an "Ooh" and turned to Trixie.

"Well... that makes sense... you are great with pyrotechnics." Said Twilight.

The rest of the day we spent talking about random things and laughing with each other. Trixie looked like she was absolutely enjoying every moment of it. But she kept looking back to me...


Twilight, Trixie and I made it to the town square. when we got there it was already pretty dark out. We saw lots of ponies playing games and such and having a good time. I turned to Trixie and Twilight.

"I'll probably have to before soon, so you two go and have some fun." I said.

they nodded and walked off together. I turned and looked at the crowd. It looked like everypony had showed up that was in town. I felt something tap me on the shoulder. I turned around and saw two mares looking at me.

"Oh hi daring, Hey Spitfire... what are you two doing here?" I asked.

"We decided to stop by and watch your concert. How have you been?" Asked Spitfire.

"Pretty good... other than the transformation thing." I said.

They chuckled a bit until I got an idea. "Hey girls, can you do something for me?" I asked.

They looked at each other and shrugged. "Sure why not."

I nodded. "Good, wait here." I said as I ran off.

I began searching the crowd. It didn't take long to spot a rainbow. I walked up to RD and smiled.

"Hey RD." I said.

She turned around and smiled, she was wearing the shadow bolt costume again.

"Hey Blaze, what's up?" She asked.

We both hoof bumped (So awesome!) and I shrugged. "Oh nothing..." I said in a strange tone.

She raised and eyebrow. "Alright, what did you do?"

I looked back at her. "What would you do to personally hang out with Spitfire right now and Daring Doo." I said.

She gasped. "Y-You didn't...." She said.

I nodded. "Follow me." I said as she smiled widely and flew right above me.

As we neared Spitfire and Daring Doo I would guess RD saw them because she let out a loud "SQUEE"

They both turned and looked at me and smiled.

"Hey girls, I want you to meet a friend of mine, Rainbow dash." I said pointing to the mare that was now beside me.

"She is a big fan of you both, and she was wondering if you would like to hang out?" I said for her.

They both shrugged. "I don't see why not." Said Spitfire.

Spitfire walked forward and looked at RD. "Your the one who won the best flier award and did the sonic rainboom at the wedding... right?" She asked.

RD nodded slowly. Daring Doo shot forward. "Really? You did the sonic rainboom? I have been looking for the pegasus who did that for like EVER! Tell me what it was like!" She said pulling out a notebook.

'She is like a freaking pegasus Twilight.'

RD slowly turned her head to me and I could see her jaw on the floor. I silently chuckled to myself. I was about to say something when I heard mayor mare on the speakers.

"Now... we would like to ask our DJ for the day to come up and perform his show for tonight!" She said.

I turned back to RD "Looks like they are calling for me on stage, have a good time!" I said as I walked away.

I could hear RD behind me yelling. "Wait... CJ? CJ THAT'S YOU?!"

I shook my head and got to the stage. I began walking up it hearing all of the cheering. Once I got to the mic they all went silent and stared at me confused.

"Now... I know you are all thinking... 'He's not the DJ!' But I am here to tell you... That yes.... I am." I said.

They looked even more confused. One shouted out. "But we thought CJ was performing!?"

I chuckled a bit. "I AM CJ."

They all started whispering around and looking at each other.

"Allow me to explain... Twilight.... spell... wrong..." I said summing it up.

I heard them all let out "Oooh's" So I nodded.

"Don't worry... after tomorrow night.... I'll be back to myself! But without further a due... Lets get this thing started!" I said causing the cheering to get louder than before.

I walked over to the other side of the stage where the table was and as I did Zecora walked into the center of the stage. She nodded to me and I nodded back. She took out some green powder and blew it out of her hoof. It formed a small cloud. And walking out of the cloud was Luna, Disguised as Nightmare moon. All of the ponies gasped in shock. I looked at Luna and she nodded back. She jumped in the air and flew over all of the ponies. While doing so the night skies stars glowed even brighter and then turned a shade of gold. All of the Ponies let out more "Ohhh's" And "Aahhh's"

Luna landed in the front row somewhere. All of the other ponies were cautious at first but settled after a few moments. They all lay their eyes on me (Including Luna). I flicked the table on and put my mouth to the mic.

"Everypony ready?" I said.

They all cheered.

"I said... I Everypony READY?!" I yelled.

They cheered louder. I smiled and looked down at the table. I plugged in my I-Pod I had in my hidden pocket I STILL didn't know I had. And hit play. (Listen to this as you read)

I let the music play for about 40 seconds before I began singing.

"Yeah. Watchu know 'bout Nightmare Night, son?!

Welcome Fillies and Gentlecolts; No reason to scream
Your favorite Princess is back; She's walkin' up on the scene
She has been stuck on the moon, but that's no reason to fret
She's not a Nightmare no more, so buckle down and get set
She's comin'; Gracin' her subjects. She ain't leavin' no choice
She's gonna blow you all back with her Equestrian Voice
So cover all of your fears and stowe away all your fright
The Lunar Princess is back; to bring the Nightmares Tonight"

"She's living in the past
so you won't last
Without the proper care

With a royal farewell
And an animate spell
You won't have long to prepare"

During the pause I gave myself time to figure out how my voice had changed.

'That sounded great.... but how did I....'

I noticed a glare at the top part of my view. I looked up and it moved too. Then it hit me. I was using magic to change my voice.

'I hadn't even noticed I had been using it.... oh well... this is great!' I smiled as I began singing after the pause finsihed.

"Now little fillies, this is Nightmare Night
Your ruler Nightmare Moon is back to come and fill you with fright
So Hurry
Now get your goodies and fill up all your bags
And go and leave a candy offering for that big ol' hag
Get runnin'
And pray above that she's not coming back
To come and take away your soul and eat you up for a snack
So run away and go hide; just keep your head out of sight
The darkness is rising again cause this is Nightmare Night"

"She's living in the past
so you won't last
Without the proper care

With a royal farewell
And an animate spell
You won't have long to prepare"

During the final pause I looked around at the crowd. they were all smiling widely. But none cheering as they wanted to hear everything. I looked at Luna who was just slack jawed. I noticed Trixie hopping up and down like a school filly. I smiled knowing they had enjoyed it.

When the song finished I began getting off stage. As I did I was swamped by colts and fillies. The first was Pip.

"Wow CJ! I didn't know you were a pony now!" He said.

I nodded. "Yup... and I owe you guys some autographs." I said.

After a few minutes of signing (Hard to do with mouth but I went really slow and careful) I walked towards Luna who still had not taken her eyes off the stage. I walked up beside her and tapped her shoulder causing her to jump.

"EEep! Oh... it's you CJ... THAT.WAS.AMAZING!" She said hugging me again.

After she broke the hug she asked. "How did you learn to use that magic and change your voice?" She said.

I shrugged. "Honestly... I hadn't noticed I was doing it. It just... HAPPENED." I said.

She nodded. "Oh! I can't wait until you perform at the Gala!" She said.

She immediately saddened. So I had to ask. "Luna... what's wrong?" I said.

She looked at me and sighed. "W-Well... it turns out... the upcoming Gala... is on the same days me and my sister... um... go into..... uh... you know what... never mind... everything is fine, I can't wait to see you there!" She said flying off.

I shrugged and searched for my friends. I found RD talking to Daring Doo and Spitfire. I walked up to them.

"Hey girls!" I said to them.

They all turned to me. RD began walking towards me. "One moment girls...." She said.

When she got to me she slapped me across the face.

"OW! What was that for?!" I said.

"THAT. Was for not telling me the truth." She then looked around to make sure no one was looking.

Spitfire and Daring had began talking to each other. RD leaned forward and.... kissed my cheek?

"And that... is for tonight...." She said smiling.

I froze up as she walked away towards Daring Doo and Spitfire. I shook my head and quickly walked away.

'I need some sleep' I thought as I looked for Scoots.

I found her playing with Sweetie belle and Appleboom just outside the crowd. They saw me approaching. They all ran over to me.

"That was AWESOME!" They said at once.

I shrugged. "Eh..."

We stayed for a while and watched the fireworks. I saw Scoots yawn. So I decided to call it a night.

"Hey Scoots, how about we start makin our way home, and get some sleep. It's Monday today so tomorrow you DO have School." I said.

Scoots nodded and turned to her friends. "I'll see you girls at school tomorrow!" She said.

After they said their goodbye's we began making our way to my home. When we got there I opened the door. Scoots immediately ran into my room for bed. I sat down on the couch and waited. After a few minutes I heard a knock at the door. I got up and opened it. Standing there was an ecstatic Trixie.

"You were SOOO amazing! Yo-" I cut her off by placing a hoof on her mouth.

"Shhhhhh, Scootaloo is sleeping upstairs." I said.

She raised an eyebrow. "That little filly?" She asked.

I nodded. "I am her parent now, I adopted her. Now... about why i wanted you here." I said motioning inside.

She walked in and looked around. I pointed to the couch. "You are welcomed to sleep here for a while until we can find you a new home." I said.

Her eyes went wide. "Trixie can stay here?" She said in awe.

I nodded and she hugged me, softly sobbing into my shoulder. "Trixie thanks you. She has never met anypony as nice as you..." She said.

I began stroking her mane to calm her down. After a bit she stopped crying and I broke the hug. "Come on, its cold out." I said closing the door.

She walked to the couch and got on. I gave her a pillow and blanket and smiled. "Good night Trix." I said.

She blushed and smiled back. "Goodnight CJ.... and thank you...." She said.

I chuckled a bit. "No problem." I said as I began walking upstairs.

I got into bed and as I did Scoots curled around one of my hooves.

'I love my life...' I thought as I drifted off to sleep.

As I fell asleep, a memory flooded it's way into my mind. A memory that happened a few days before coming here...

My drinking contest I had with the other bronies.....

I subconsciously shivered as the memory played in my head.

Yes! The memory IS based off of what happened to me last night! It will be shown next chapter, hope you are all ready for more awesomeness! Also.... THERE, the three chapters are out..... hope you enjoyed em! (Subconsciously punches self for making the bet)

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