• Published 10th Oct 2012
  • 6,984 Views, 795 Comments

A Shadow’s Grave - Pinkies Imagination

CJ wakes up in Equestria after a year of his own dead sleep. A miracle right? Far from it... there is a dark entity... a forgotten enemy, stalking his every move, waiting to strike... (Sequel to Where the grass is green and the girls are... PONIES?!)

  • ...

Choosing Sides (END OF A SHADOW'S GRAVE! Read end notes.... very important!)


Chapter 47: Choosing Sides

I sat there for a moment unable to process what I had just heard.

"Missing? What do you mean MISSING?" I said looking straight at him.

He looked straight back at me. Even though he had no eyes. We sat there silent for a bit until he broke the silence.

"After you left, things started to go wrong...." He said looking away.

"Define... 'Go wrong'?" I said back to him.

He stayed silent for a moment. Then began to explain what had happened to the best of his ability.

"I'm not exactly sure what had happened to cause her disappearance. All I know is there will be blood shed soon. But I have a very bad feeling about what is going on here. It doesn't feel... natural..."

I looked at the ghostly horseman. "Really? Not natural? REALLY?"

He shook his head. "You wouldn't understand." And without another word he began walking again.

I turned to Shy who just shrugged and continued to walk with me. We stayed silent for a long time until we reached my house. Hecarim stopped and turned to me.

"I want you to take your family and stay indoors until this mess gets sorted out. I can sense.... unusual power within you. I need time to prepare anyway. Now go, do not answer the door to anyone you do not know. And do NOT leave the house unless absolutely necessary... and if you do, do not go alone. Alright?" He asked looking at me.

I nodded. "Alright, I'll stay here and I will PROMISE not to get into any trouble." I finished putting my hand across my chest.

"Okay, I'll come to check on you every hour." He finished as he walked behind us letting us walk up to the door.

I opened it as everyone ran in. I began stepping inside when Hecarim placed his hand on my shoulder. I turned around to look at him.

"One more thing..." He began. "It's good to have you back." He said as he reached out with his hand.

I grabbed his hand and shook. Nodding to him. "Great to be back."

And with that I turned and walked into the house. I closed the door and noticed a large lock on it. Hecarim probably had it installed. I turned to latch and a loud Clang ringed out. I turned and walked towards Shy and Scoots who were sitting on the couch.

"So... what do you want to do while this all gets sorted out?" I asked.

Scoots started getting excited and jumped a bit. "Oh I know! Look at the new tricks Rainbow Dash taught me!" She said happily.

I nodded and sat down on the couch next to Shy.

We spent the next few hours watching Scoots and playing random games. Hecarim checked up on us every hour like he said. But no matter how much we played, I couldn't shake this awful feeling..... I knew it was probably Discord's power in me just settling or something. But I wasn't sure.

It was now around 11:00 PM, so I turned to Scoots.

"Alright, it's time for bed missy." I said to her.

"Awwwww.... Can't I stay up a bit longer?" She asked looking at my eyes.

"Sorry but, you need to get to sleep, I'll come up and check on you in a few minutes alright?" I said with a smile.

She nodded. "Alriiiight." She said as she walked up the stairs.

I looked at Shy who was sitting next to me on the couch. "Are you going to bed too?" I asked.

She nodded. "Yes, but I'll stay up a bit longer with you." She said.

I nodded back. "Well, what do you want to talk about?" I asked.

She shrugged then winced. "Ow...." She said.

I lifted an eyebrow. "What is it?" I said looking at her neck she was now rubbing.

She shook her head. "I... I don't know... felt *Yawn* like a bug or something.... bit me." She said tiredly.

I looked at her. "You know, maybe you should go to bed, you look really tired now." I said.

She shook her head. "No no.... I'm... I......" Then she dozed off and began lightly snoring.

I chuckled a bit. I lifted her up and slowly walked up the stairs. I opened my door and walked in. I saw Scoots laying in the bed. I put Shy next to her and tucked them both in. I gave them both a kiss on the forehead.

"Sleep tight." I said as I walked to the door.

I turned and began to slowly close it, just before I closed it I looked inside to Shy and Scoots. My Family. And smiled one last time. I closed the door and walked down the stairs where I sat back down on the couch.

"Heh..." I chuckled to myself. "I don't remember Scoots ever falling asleep so fast...." I said to myself.

Before I could say anything else I felt a tiny prick on the back of my neck. I winced a bit at the pain. "Sunova...." I rubbed my neck a bit.

I rolled my eyes. "Damn bugs." I said out-loud.

I then gave a yawn.... then another. Then my eyes began to feel a bit droopy. I began finding it hard to stay awake.

"Why am I so tired... I feel... *Yawn* I feel like I just ran a marathon....." I finished as my eyes drooped more. I then felt my head hit the couch. I opened my eyes a little bit and saw something standing there.

It reached for me as my eyes closed for good. I suddenly felt myself being dragged forward, and I hear a sudden voice in my head.

"It is time.... to choose... and choose wisely....."

Then darkness overtakes me.


Threequel can be found by clicking HERE!

I had decided I had best get into writing again. I just wrote this ALL today. June 6th. In like 10 mins. So I hope you enjoyed the ride! And are ready for the next one!

Author's Note:


Comments ( 50 )

Jesus fuck is it ever amazing to have you back man.



Either way, remember the me dancing on the roof thing? Yeah... still excpecting that.


Thanks.... :pinkiesmile:

Also... Don't worry, when the moment is perfect....

Also... did you notice what happened? And I hope you are not angry bout a cliffhanger as this stories last chapter XD

I've been waiting for a story. But I still liked you livestreaming :twilightsmile:

Did you say you did this on June 6th because that is my birthday? :pinkiehappy:


Yes, But for some reason I got this problem where it wouldnt let me publish, I was just able to publish today

2722721 Well, either way, I technically got a chapter from one of my favorite story 'series' (and yes it is now) for my 21st birthday. :pinkiehappy:


Oh so this is now a series? :pinkiehappy:

And It's your fav? :twilightsmile:

Well, If I had known it was ur birthday I woulda done something for you, Accept this chapter as a gift then :twilightsmile::twilightsmile::twilightsmile:


I noticed, I'm just happy your back. I saw A Shadow's Grave updated:heart:, squealed, read, commented, went to masterbate:twilightblush:

B-But what side will he choose?:raritydespair:

Yeah there's no way you're gonna tell me:facehoof:

Awesome story Pinkies and the choose is hard. :derpyderp1:


But yet it wasn't a dart or anything. Or they would have found it when she rubbed her neck. Also I don't think he expected anyone to be in his house with a weapon waiting to knock him out :\

Can't always stay on your guard 24/7 :rainbowlaugh:

All jokes aside I just want to say thanks for saying that and for your input, Everyone can expect a VERY large increase in quality in the next one.

I've seen it and I think they could be promising. Just try a bit harder. You will get the hang of it. Age doesn't matter much. I started writing these stories at 15.

2775795 Thank you! And from your comments I see you must be enjoying the story :rainbowkiss::rainbowkiss:

If people enjoy em, I'll keep writing, I can't wait to get started on the sequel to this one.


HOLY! When did you start reading my stories, your already on chapter 30 of my second story! :pinkiegasp: YOU GO MAN!


Don't worry, It will be fine :P Trust me

2776970 Just in time to! My latest story just got Approved!

so how much longer do we wait for the new story to be uploaded


Not completely sure. When I find a spot to fill it in my schedule I'll place a blog about it.

2801030 fair enough i suppose i have no problems waiting for it to come out

How long will it take for threequle. :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::heart::yay::yay::yay::trixieshiftleft:I


Answer to first one (Magic) answer to second, he already has so much money, he doesn't need any more :derpytongue2:

when you get the third started and a chapter written your going to add a link right?......RIGHT!?!

Great story man and cant wait for the next one. nice cliffhanger by the way.

Where is it...?

Where is the next one...?

WHERE IS IT!?!?!?!?!?

Calm down, man. You are freakin me out. @Moon Fire

2904145 Haven't thought of a deadline yet. But if I somehow gain a huge number of followers I will have to get busy and write it.

3105422 How do you like the story so far? Is it decent?

3145129 A question, how did you find this story? Just from a random search?

3145134 Bad endings awesome beginnings was in the featured box, it looked good so i RL it and then saw you had some other ones, clicked them and am just now getting to them

3145236 I see, and it was? when was it in there?

3145253 hell if i know, all i know is that i always peruse the front page a few times per week and sometimes pick out stories. much to my chagrin this has happened alot

3561179 I'll get Fluttershy to fix it for you. I've got her on speed dial. Also Hai thur! Been a while since I saw someone comment on this story.



4848694 its too old of a story to me to change it now. Sorry. It is a pretty old story. If u wanted a story with better pacing check my other story a long way from home


A'ight! *cheat jetpack and money, bought a house somewhere within 5 minutes, save game, press menu, quit game, copy the save gam into a usb, turns off computer, then threw it out of the window...and a car accident just happens below cause I heard screamings = OVERALL TIME: 9 m 57 s* YOU'LL NEVAH GET ME ALIVE!!! HAHAHAHa-- wait, oh right, I'm not alive, duh...

5877049 Jeez Haven't seen a comment on THESE stories in quite some time

5923251 Where was it again? Been ages since I came back to this story

6374052 Hm?

This story is so old... I don't remember anything about it >_>

6535669 Been a while since i've seen comments appear on THESE stories!



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