• Published 20th Oct 2012
  • 9,680 Views, 433 Comments

Touching Rainbows - dontexistanymoresorry

The story of a mare out of place, and a boy trapped in his own

  • ...

Eyes Wide Open

Rays of golden light pierce the icy windows of the cabin, and bake Twilights now soft cheek. She stirs and turns over, there’s a little brush and comb with some purple and violet hair in it.

“I’m sorry dear, I hope you don’t mind… perhaps it was a little invasive, but I had noticed that you in fact are quite gritty and dirty, so I took the liberty of brushing off the dirt from your head and neck! Personally, I always hated it when my hair was all knotty! It’s a miracle you stayed asleep while I was un-knotting your hair!” George says, speaking with concern, and hint of guilt.

“You, you brushed my hair?” Twilight says, a little taken a back.

“I’m sorry, I should’ve waited until you were awake, I do apologize… please forgive me for that little invasion.” He says with guilt and shame.

Twilight lifts a hand up, and strokes her cheek, it’s as soft as silk. Her hands glide down do her neck, her fur clean and uniform. She raises her other hand to her hair, and sits up a little. She glides her hand up her forehead and runs her hand through her hair, it’s just as silken as her fur, her hands glide through her hair like a soft wave gliding past your legs.

“Thank you, it’s wonderful.” Twilight ways softly, still feeling the tangible beauty of her hair.

George carefully stares at Twilight as she runs her hands through her hair. He softly smiles. His thin lips tilt skywards in a grin, glad to see Twilight so happy.

“Can you…” Twilight considers for a moment if what she’s about to ask is acceptable, but after little thought, she determines it can’t be a wrong move, “can you… do the rest of me?”

These words echo in Twilights head, Georges eyes widen, and his lips now spread straight across his face, no longer a look of happiness and relief, but of semi-awkwardness. But as soon as the look came, he smiles again.

He slowly and rather gracefully gets out of his armchair, and walks over to Twilight. Twilight pulls the covers down, and swings her legs over the edge of the little bed, revealing herself to him. The golden light from the new sun beams down on her back.

“You’re glowing…” George says softly, in awe of this beauty. “The sun I mean… it’s… it’s making you glow…” He tries to recover his brutally honest comment. “You’re beautiful…” These words exit his mouth like the rays of light enter the cabin, as gently as possible. Twilight blushes, and stares into his green eyes.

George gets on his knees, grabs the brush, and inches towards Twilights legs. He reaches his hand behind her calve, and gently lifts up, placing the brush carefully on the end of her knee. He stares up at Twilight, she blushes again, but doesn’t break eye contact. George smiles, and then looks back down to her legs. He pushes the brush down against her legs, and strokes downwards, gently aligning her fur. He repeats this process five times for each leg, all around it.

His expression is one of gentle focus, so in sync with his actions that he has no need for anything else in the world. Twilight reaches a hand down, without quite knowing it, and runs the tips of her fingers through the perky ends of his long black hair, it feels just as silken as hers. She lifts her hand back to the bed, and looks down at her legs, becoming more and more silken as his hands work her fur clean.

George softly speaks, “I’ve learned quite a bit about you, about your ‘kind’ I would say… I was up all night reading about it, quite fascinating really.” His voice is soft and has none of its usual comedic ‘rise-and-fall’ swing to it. It’s almost enchanting, to hear him speak without his mask of sass and laughter, just listening to him replace that flare with vocal passion.

“You’re from a place called Equestria, in case you can’t remember,” George says calmly, “There are many more, really only in populated areas, primarily first-world countries. Not sure why… There’s been a lot of hype over you folks. So no fear, apparently you’re nothing out-of-the-ordinary. There’s quite a lot of new coverage as I’m sure you can imagine. Most of you come down to us in lightning strikes, which would explain the crack I heard yesterday.”

Twilight says nothing, she’s not sure what to say. Her eyes speak volume however, and George picks it up rather quickly.

“I can’t begin to imagine how this all feels… I’m not sure why you’re here… but you’re here, and that’s okay. You’re in good hands, this is a good country to fall into, we’ll figure this all out. Don’t worry.” George says as his brush raises up to Twilights thighs.

Twilights lips quake, and her pupils shrink, tears trembling in her eyes. George looks up, and sees her face, defeated and depressed. He climbs up next to Twilight, and holds his arms around her, pulling her close to him. He smells of the ash of the fireplace by the armchair.

“Oh sweety, it’s okay… shh it’s alright.” George says comfortingly. “Everything’s going to be okay…”

Twilights eyes give way, and the tears she’s been repressing, the fears, worries, and questions all come out of her in this sorrow. She buries her head in Georges shoulder, it seems fitting, and she feels safe with him, after all he’s done. George rests his head gently against hers, closing his eyes.

He begins to hum.

Twilight stops crying, the beauty of the gorgeous complexity his melody brings is overwhelming peaceful. She sniffles, holding the tears back, and pulls her head closer to his chest, feeling his lungs power this beautiful song. She hears his heartbeat, perfectly in sync with his hum. She holds him tighter. George keeps humming.

“It’s okay darling, it’s alright…” the next words exit his mouth without his knowing,

“I’m here…”


I open my eyes, I can feel Rainbows warm, steady breathe against my neck. She’s still in her dress, there’s a blanket over us… Mrs. Harem must’ve draped it over us last night. I can’t remember last night all that well. I remember crying… I don’t know why though… stress? Not really my style to cry though… Personally I just hold it in… I don’t want to burden anyone with anything…

Rainbows starting to stir, I should probably let her rest. The summer air is wonderful, which is ironic considering the recent news of turmoil on the edge of my world… I look at Rainbow… Why on earth are all these anthros being teleported here? Why aren’t they back home, fighting for their land, and families!? That’s how it is here… I wonder… So much of their lives are built off of happiness and love… I don’ think they’ve ever truly seen such violence in their lives… would they just fall and die in a war? But then… Well actually… that would explain why it’s primarily teenagers and kids here… the rest of the population must be fighting… or rather… dying…

Rainbows eyes open, slightly, she smiles as she sees me, she kisses my cheek and nuzzles her head on my chest, closing her eyes again.

Why are the Changelings and Griffons battling Celestia? Celestia and Luna commanded the Sun and Moon… but… how can just two people do that!? Isn’t that… I dunno… a little stupid? Like, surely they must’ve messed up sometimes… maybe that’s why, perhaps… oh wait… if the Equestrians control it… Then that means that they can affect the harvest of the entire planet… maybe… Maybe they use it as a weapon… That must be why… Still, it’s terrible to not try to settle the matter diplomatically, but perhaps the other species feel there’s not much use in diplomacy…

I look up, Discord is standing over me. “HELLO KIT-KAT! Oh wait! She’s sleeping! Isn’t that sweet, perhaps a little louder this time? Hmm?” he takes in a big breathe, “HELLOOOO KIT-KAT!!!!!”

Rainbow shoots right up and I get up to, “What do you want, Discord!?” I say angrily.

“Nothing, just dropping by!” He smiles. I shoot him a look of anger, “alright, alright! Celestia wants me to come here to let you know that I’m now being pledged to protect you.” What? Discord, pledged to protect me? Why?

I stare at him, he now has a bandage over the wounds on his face.

“Why are you protecting us?” I say pronouncedly.

“Because Kit-Kat, if war is a reality we may face here, in your world, we want you alive.” Discord says plainly.

Still doesn’t answer my question… Why!?

“I must go, I have important matters to attend to, and apparently I botched up a teleportation job… not sure who… and not sure where… so I must get to work figuring out where this little hiccups landed… Anyhoof! Good morning and goodbye!” Discord pops into nothingness again.

“Kit, why do you think he’s been told to protect you… I mean… It’s not like it’s out of the goodness of his heart… I mean… he’s been ordered to…” Rainbow says concernedly.

Discord pops right back to where he left, “Hello love-birds! Just in case you were wondering, I am in fact still protecting you, even when I’m gone, I’ll be dedicating some of my magic to that. Oh, and before I go, Kit, get practicing, you can do it, you just need practice…”

“What?” I say, but Discords already gone.

“Kit, what’s he talking about?” Rainbow says curiously.

I don’t reply, I just hold her hand. I think… he wants me to learn magic…

“magic…” I say quietly… “He wants me to learn magic… I don’t know why though…”

“Kit… maybe… it’s because you’ve learned so much about us… you probably know more than anyone else does about us.” Rainbow says, as if she has the answers.

“Why do I have to get involved in this!” I snap. Rainbow lets go of my hand and looks at me a little repulsed.

“What the matter with you?! What’s happened, why are you yelling!” Rainbow retorts.

“I don’t want this!!! I don’t want war, I don’t want to practice, I don’t want any of this!” I shout.

Rainbow stares at me… shock in her eyes. I realize what I’ve said… I look down at her hands, they’re shaking…

“Rainbow… I-“ but before I can finish my sentence she’s flown off. “Shit… you’ve done it Kit…”

I see her flying off… I need to go to her… I didn’t really mean any of that… I’m just scared. Discords being all cryptic, war could very well be coming, and now I have to learn to become some wizard… undoubtedly to fight for the Equestrians… or perhaps just to be able to defend myself… and Rainbow… fuck… I let my head get to hot… this hasn’t happened in a while. I run towards the edge of the roof. I feel my heart drop as I see her flying away… I have to fix this… I’m good at fixing things, right? Let’s hope so…

I think back to what Discord said… About practicing… Rainbows flying away, I need to catch her… I back up a bit and crouch, gearing myself to run for her. For her, I’m going to go to her, I have to prove myself to her, prove that I’m for her. I run.

My hearts hope fades as I take the last few lunges towards the edge. I see Discords eyes flash before mine, and I jump. I feel the wind against my face as I fall, I keep falling.

This is it.

What the fuck was I thinking…

I feel hands holding me up, and wind against my face as I’m propelled forwards.

“You are really as dumb as you look Kit, I hope you know that…” Discord says gruffly.

“I-I’m sorry, thank you, I don’t know what I was thinking…” I say.

“Well I do.” Discord says, as he speeds up racing towards Rainbow. “Do as I say, a lot of magic is really weird, not how you’d expect, don’t trust yourself, trust that if you don’t succeed, you will die. There’s a difference, one is arrogance, one is motivation. Now on three, you fly… one…”

“Discord, wait…” I say.




Discord throws me forwards, I raise my arms, and see the ground beneath me closing in, then I see Rainbows tail… and I see her, when she first took flight here, off the roof, leaping into new world.

In one swift burst I feel my body rise, without aid, and I rocket towards her. Within moments I’m alongside her, she wasn’t flying very fast thankfully.

“Rainbow! Please! Land! I can’t do this much longer!” It’s true, I’m nearly completely exhausted. Rainbow looks to me in disbelief, she yells to me.

“How are you doing that!?”

“I’m practicing!” I yell back, “I’m sorry, I’m truly really sorry, I wasn’t thinking, I was scared, this is so much, it wasn’t fair of me still though! To allow myself to become self-centered when it’s your life that’s been taken away from you!”

“It’s okay! I forgive you!” Rainbow replies.

“Really?! Why?!”

“Because you gave it back to me!” She says as a few tears stream behind her.

I reach my hand out and hold hers. I begin to fail in keeping my flight, but Rainbow notices and helps me back down. Once back on the ground, we embrace.


“Yes Rainbow.”

“Promise you’ll talk to me, about everything, about you.”

These words echo in my head a bit… I’ve always neglected myself… I know this… but now… I have someone who cares about me, and they want to be there… even though they have it worse… they want to be here…

“I promise.”

“Thank you, I love you.”

This echos even longer… “I love you”, those words fill my heart and head with a feeling of weightlessness that I can’t begin to explain. It feels so right. Love feels so right. I pull her closer.

“I love you too.”

Comments ( 71 )

Well... here it is... after over a years hiatus, here it is... the next chapter in Touching Rainbows! I hope you all enjoy... I'm getting back into the writing groove, so forgive me... it's 5 am, I've been writing this since 2am... so yea lol... enjoy! I hope you can find it in you to trust me again, to keep this story going! i love you all and am very grateful for your support! :rainbowkiss:

Liked the chapter really good..........now I must wait again

This looks and sounds good..... Lets go

You, sir, have written the first description I've read in awhile that has piqued my interest. This is definitely getting a read :D

This story is pretty decent, but could use a good edit for spelling and grammar.

3964585 yea i typically write these at insane hours... so the end up kinda sucking lol, i usually wait until some one goes full grammar nazi and points out all the errors then i correct them lol, im lazy sorry :trollestia:

3964509 huh, i always thought the description sucked lol

3964687 Well I could go full grammar Nazi on you, but I'm too busy enjoying smiting my enemies and bathing in their blood.

3964696 i do not blame you one bit :) thanks for your comments by the way :) i really enjoy receiving feedback :twilightsmile:

3964706 You're most welcome. I hope to see the next chapter (and improvement) soon.

3964709 holy hell you've finished it already? well i guess that's no surprise, i just finished half of the hunger games trilogy in a day, but still man lol. Next chapter, I'll probably write it tonight, improvement, I'll try, but no promises. I wrote this chapter from 2 to 5 am, and i usually don't edit until someone points shit out lol. It's selfish and lazy, but considering i don't really even qualify as a "brony" anymore I'm feeling free to take some liberties. the stories going to continue, and i don't plan on taking any shortcuts, however that being said, i will continue to be lazy lol. I hope you enjoy/enjoyed the story :) I'd love to hear your feedback on the plot and characters! (I'm fully aware that my story is littered with grammatical errors, most are intentional, but then there's just a lot of stupid errors. So I know this is weakpoint, but I'd be really curious to hear your opinions on the less 'technical' stuff, it's not often i get criticism there)

3964182 don't worry, I'm writing it tonight :)

3964725 Well your longest chapter is only 3k words. Even if there's 16 of them, it's not going to take me longer than an hour or so to read. That being said, if you wish for honest criticism, I'm more than willing to give it.

3964728 that would actually be wonderful, I've received a lot of grammar criticisms, and over time it's improved (i hope lol, dyslexia is wayyy too much fun :derpytongue2:), but rarely do I get legitimate story critique, I'd really love to hear what you have to say! and yea, I'm working on length, that's always been a week point, 2k is my new minimum, 3k+ is my new standard, and I'm going to try to strive for 5k, as well as frequency. I mean, to be honest, this chapter would've been 3k or 4k but it was just so late i didn't want to put up with it, and i wanted to see how mush traction a comeback chapter could make, and it got me to the banner so im pleased :)

3964746 Yeah. Lysdexia can be a pain, but it's all doog.
Anyhow, I'll simply say that you should focus more on quality and adequate details than chapter length. Don't be in such a fit to lengthen your story that you end up using redundant filler material, but neither should you be in such a hurry to get a chapter up that your quality becomes subpar.

3964757 i feel you, I'll keep that in mind

3964802 Good. I wish you the best in your future endeavors.

3965016 not over yet! new chapter soon!

Oooooooh its just getting good.... And how can you hiccup twilight sparkle?

3964695 Not at all. It provides just enough meat to entice, but not enough to bloat. :ajsmug:

3967926 uhh... no clue, i mean... if you'd like it, go ahead and go to one of my blog posts... I'm sure I'll have it there

When I saw I had an update do read on my faves I was like "hell ya!":yay: When I saw it was this I was like "wtf?" :rainbowdetermined2::raritywink::derpyderp1::applejackconfused::applecry: when I started reading I was like :facehoof: "I remember this now" :twilightoops::facehoof:

Don't go away again. Ill forget this awesome story until the next chapter if u do:raritydespair: Pls stay:raritydespair: STAY!!!!:flutterrage: I COMMAND YOU TOO STAY!!!!:flutterrage:

3968941 Aw :3 okay then :twilightsmile: any thoughts on the new chapter? I'd love to hear criticisms from an old fan

I felt like this story was incredible rushed, lacked a lot of character development and has a lot of narrative flaws.... but oddly i am in love with this and i cant wait for more!!! (yah i just read in a single sit), the way you narrate makes me feel kinda connected to the characters (And this kinda reminds the defunct "Harmless Shenanigans(?) With Princess Luna ")

Sorry but its gonna be some time for me to give criticism. I need to reread this fic. Only remember bits of it:applecry::facehoof: but ill certainly give some when I can:rainbowwild:

3969199 as new people start to read the story, I find that the ones that were here from Chap 1 have a deep connection with the tale and its characters, I think this is due to the fact that I have terrible posting habits. Also, I've been writing this over a course of two years, I'm 17 now, and well I think my style may have changed as the story goes on. I believe that character development became a lot more prevalent after "A Griffons Tail", and in "Eyes Wide Open" I think my writing talents (or skills) have become more tempered. I greatly appreciate your feedback!!! I'd really love to hear more, and I'm glad that even though the odds are against me for you, you still love the story! I left this fandom this summer just on a whim, just sorta lost it's spark for me, but I feel a great sense of dedication to my readers. I want to deliver the best chapters I can. Thank you again for your feedback, I'll try and improve/enhance the things you mentioned. Have a great day, pce out!

3970157 that's totally fine :) Whenever you can get back to me, that would be excellent, I really like hearing critiques from my oldest readers, helps me know if I've lost my touch or if I've improved it!

Haha ill let u kno

Well its good, i can't seem to find any other stories like ponies as humans on earth or PHE stories... Usually starts with rainbow dash. I'm always willing to read these. First An Interdimensional Rainbow by That Brony over there, and then this. If anyone has a story similar please let me know, these stories seem to intrigue me the most

3987844 :trollestia::trollestia::trollestia::trollestia::trollestia:
(i was actually thinking more Bon Iver)

Looks good... Show me whatcha got!!! :rainbowdetermined2::rainbowdetermined2::rainbowdetermined2:

4114256 Wait... I posted that comment on the main page... Why is it here? :rainbowhuh::rainbowhuh::rainbowhuh::rainbowhuh::rainbowhuh::rainbowhuh::rainbowhuh::rainbowhuh::rainbowhuh::rainbowhuh::rainbowhuh::rainbowhuh::rainbowhuh::rainbowhuh::rainbowhuh::rainbowhuh::rainbowhuh::rainbowhuh::rainbowhuh::rainbowhuh:

how often do you update good sir :D, ps: I hold you to no obligation of answering this:rainbowwild:

Great to see that Twilight made it out okay, I almost forgot it was Twilight's turn at the time before we switch back to Kit and his love for Rainbow, and I also forgot that the war might be dragged to Earth as well, for some reason, and why is it happening now?

Finally read this all the way through, and it still isn't finished? Aww...:ajsleepy: I really want to see this story finish! :trollestia: I'm enjoying the basis even if at times it can get a bit confusing :twilightblush: Is the author's name change a sign that he left FiMFiction?:pinkiegasp: Oh my gosh I seriously hope not!!!:fluttercry:

4813017 Logic? What is this... LOGIC you speak of?

Holy FU- wait we knew that already

wait no more chapters but i must keep reading,i love this story except for what happened to luna. but still it's getting good

stay classy :moustache:

hello all... just read all the recent comments since the last time i updated this story... i gotta say, im really flattered... maybe i'll surprise you guys today ;)

5055068 sigh

stay classy:moustache:

Finally a fiction where Discord is a good guy... Wait! Maybe he is a traitor! O_o

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