• Published 20th Oct 2012
  • 9,680 Views, 433 Comments

Touching Rainbows - dontexistanymoresorry

The story of a mare out of place, and a boy trapped in his own

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Good Things Only Last So Long

Good things only last so long. Like Cheerios, or a sandwich. Uhg, why do I have to find out, like… Fuck, I hate these kind of things.

Need to get this train moving. Okay, she’s just about done. Here it goes.

“Hey Rainbow, uh-”

“One sec buddy- still eating.” She says, cutting me off.

“Err, yea, sure.” I say, as she finishes her last bite, setting that plate on the table.

“So what were ya gonna say?” She says, as she reaches to wipe her mouth, misses, recalibrates and tries again, succeeding this time.

“Uh, well. We need to talk about… where you’re… uh, from…” I say, rather unsure of how to phrase the question of where the fuck did you come from?

“Oh, yea.”

“Here, let’s talk about it in the living room.” I say as I walk to the next room over, same one I fixed her wing in. She sits down, back on the couch as yesterday, I pull over an arm chair.

“So uh, where did you come from?” She looks at me a little funny, and I rephrase the question, “So what country are you from? Are you like, some secret experiment or something or like, I dunno.”

“I’m not an experiment buddy, and I’m from Equestria. But, this place looks a lot different. Not like that, like… The way things feel, and look. So gritty, and defined. Kinda ugly almost."

“I’ve never heard of Equestria, is it like, some island or something? Oh wait! I bet it’s in Africa!” I say, getting a little to exited over my second guess.

“Uhh, no, just Equestria. Actually, where is… Here?” She says, looking at me like I’m daft or crazy.

“We’re in America. Uh, can you, describe Equestria for me?”

“Well, it’s kinda awesome. We got all sorts of cool stuff there! Like Cloudsdale! It’s a whole city in the sky! You have to be a Pegasus to live there, otherwise you’d just fall right through the cloud layer. And we got this awesome city on the side of a mountain! Canterlot! The Princess lives there, and-”

She continues to tell me all about her home. Maybe she was an experiment after all, and got some pretty nasty brain damage in the explosion. That’s probably it. Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, some sparks start to appear and disappear, as if trying to manifest themselves here.

“Uh, Rainbow, as much as I’d love to hear about your home n’ all… I think you got a visitor.” She turns her head to me, then the sparks. As soon as she does, the area where the sparks were explodes into a fury of lightning, forcing me to raise my arm up to shield my eyes.

Once I lower my arm, standing there, is a white haired man, with a long brown over coat with a red and a blue sleeve from different coats sewn in the place of the original ones. Under the coat he wore a white button down shirt tucked into a pair of brown dress pants with pink suspenders. He had mismatching sox, one bright pink, the other cyan, which went surprisingly well with his red and yellow convers. He’s looking down at a sheet of paper that appears to be levitating in front of him, he looks up and reveals his human face, good human. Sort of, his eyes are of differing colours, purple and green, he smiles at us, displaying his teeth, well kept, with the exception of a single tooth that droops like a fang out of his mouth.
“Ah, hello there, Rainbow Dash. I take it you’re enjoying your new home?” He says, his voice is quite legitimately the living definition of sarcasm.

“Discord?” Rainbow says, standing up, taking a few steps back, before raising her fists.

“Woah there friend, I’m not here to say hello, this is true, however I do not come with bad intentions.” Discord says, again with his sarcasm, perhaps it’s just how he speaks.

“Okay, enough of this, who are you, how did you get here, and how do you two know each other?!” I say, making sure I’m loud enough to pause any thoughts they had. Discord looks at me, the way a child would when he finds his favorite toy after a week of it being lost.

“Why of course, Earth dweller, you are in for an explanation. I am Discord, the God of Chaos, and I am here on a mission from Princess Celestia, the ruler of Equestria. That is where we, Rainbow and I are from!” I look at him rather confusedly, as does Rainbow. “Allow me to further explain why I am here. About nine months ago, Princess Celestia had found out about an alliance between the Griffin Kingdom, certain Dragon Colonies, and the Changling Empire. They were planning an invasion to take over Equestria to both expand land, and to release the sun and moon from the Royal Sisters. They seem to believe that the sun and moon do not need a little shove to orbit.”

“But, they don’t. You can’t control a satellite, let alone the sun.” I say, matter-of-factly.

“Allow me to elaborate, in this dimension no, they do not need assistance. In ours, things are a little different. So anyhoo, so this triple alliance was planning a large scale invasion. So the Princess decided it would be best to develop a contingency plan that would guarantee success. She released me from my stone prison, and bargained with me. She asked me to tour the realms of existence for a suitable habitat for the randomly selected ponies to be transported to. I found this dimension, a parallel universe, one without any echo of our realm.”

“Echo? What do you mean, echo?” I say to Discord.

“My goodness, I’m explaining a lot. Okay, so imagine a bubble, that bubble is what’s known as the main realm, and all other dimensions are attached to it. Like other smaller bubbles attached to the big one. Now, the main realm is funny in the way that it actually creates dimensions. If an idea is created, and enough people believe it, a collective energy is formed, and one of the infinite parallel dimensions begins to develop into that idea, which then makes it a realm, no longer a mirror of the main realm. So my realm is a creation of the main realm, so people there invented it, and then we are an independent realm. In the main realm we’re a TV show, and a lot of those events actually happened. Sometimes, those that are very active in delivering that idea, will get visions of the realm itself. So for example, when Rainbow breaks her wing in a flying accident, someone in the main realm had a vision of that, and made it an episode. So fear not, you still have freewill!”
“How nice, I have freewill. So what separates my realm from the main realm then?” I ask, this is hard to follow, but I’m getting the hang of it.

“Well, in the main realm there are plenty of fans of the TV show, and with that comes those who disapprove. So naturally, they began to all think about a place where there was no show. And enough of them wanted that, so their collective minds spawned your realm! One with no footprint of my realm! So of course I selected this realm as the best host for relocation.”

“Why am I here Discord, take me back!” Rainbow yells.

“Why I’d love to, honestly. But Doctors orders! Celestia selected those who she wanted away from this war, and had me send them here, along with some randomly selected citizens as well. Rainbow, you were one that Celestia demanded I have moved. It’s for your safety, and just so I save your breath, she also said that I could tell no one of who else has come with you.”

“Wah? Okay, whatever! But why do you look like Kit, when I look like a mix!” She yells.

“Well, I’m the one sending you here, so I’m the one that’s made the connection, dragging others along is difficult, and makes the conversion process get funny. When one travels from realm to realm, they inherit the dominant traits of that realm. Unfortunately, my magic is not powerful enough to convert people fully, whenever I bring somepony else over, that happens.” He says gesturing at Rainbows physique. “Look I’d love to stay, really, but I’ve got tons more people to have the same talk with. Not saying that I’m not looking forward to it, but time flies when you’re having fun!”

“Wait! So I’m here because Equestria’s under attack, so will I go back once the war’s over?” Rainbow says, almost desperately.

“Why yes of course, and to answer your next question, I have no idea how long it’ll be. Could be two months, could be two years. I really don’t know, I’ll be visiting again, fear not. But really now I must be off. Toodles!” He vanishes.

Rainbows eyes are fixed at where Discord was, expressionless, motionless. I myself am probably lacking emotion as well. Realms, war, other people like Rainbow Dash. Jesus, how the fuck am I gonna keep up?!

Good things really do only last so long.