• Published 20th Oct 2012
  • 9,680 Views, 433 Comments

Touching Rainbows - dontexistanymoresorry

The story of a mare out of place, and a boy trapped in his own

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I’m in the bathroom, I asked Mum if she could cook some food for us all to eat. Before I could object she had started planning, what I would call an over the top meal, but she insisted, “This is Rainbows first dinner in our world, and we should make it grand!” Her accent only made it harder to say it wasn’t necessary.

I’m still in the bathroom, except now I’m washing my hands… God I am so boring… I walk to the kitchen, and see on the table: a huge salad, a pitcher of water with ice and a few lemons, corn, and a full turkey.

Wait a minute…

Equine… Equine Human hybrid… No, she can eat it, it’s just…

I don’t think she’s ever eaten meat before in her life…

Rainbow walks in, and she gives out a smile, and takes a look at the food. I don’t think she’s seen the turkey yet…

“Wow, this is awesome! Thanks Mum!” She says.

She just called her Mum… Not even think about it, just said it like it was always her name. I think… she feels apart of this now, or maybe I’m jumping the gun. Rainbows eyes pane down the table, and then as expected, she sees the turkey. She just stares at it, as if she wants to ask it a question. I half expected her to say, “Are you REALLY a turkey? Or justa’ big chicken?”

Instead, she takes a seat, and says, “Dinners on?” Mum smiles and nods. And Rainbow tears a wing right off and takes a bite outta it almost instantly. Her eyes fastened shut, and her mouth working hard to chew. Her teeth are human so she can break it down, but she’s never used them like this before. She swallows, opens her eyes, and smiles. My mouth must’ve been at the floor, cuz Rainbow was shooting me this look that read, “That’s right, I ate it.”

“B-But… Y-You’re… You haven’t e-ever… that was meat… you just swallowed it…” I say, totally stunned, struggling to make words, I’m stunned. Like literally stunned, I can’t seem to do anything coherently.

“Yeah, I saw a commercial for McDonalds or something on the TV when you were in the bathroom. I figured you guys might eat meat, ya know, having a bunch of knives in the kitchen n’ stuff. I figured, ‘ya know what, I’m a human, I may as well not get all worked up about it and accept my new diet.’ And wow, this is awesome.” She says, very proud of her accomplishment, of not freaking out over the consumption of animals.

I have more control now, but can’t say anything, Mum and Rainbow are both laughing lightly, and continuing to eat. Rainbows tail waves back and forth, I’m guessing this is like when a dog is happy, except with her it seems to happen when she’s pleased. Hell, if I had a tail that’s how I’d use it, to fuel my feelings, and also ya know, snuggle with my tail. I would seriously rock a tail, I’d be so cute, honestly.

Mum, settles her fork and knife down, and looks up at Rainbow.

“So Rainbow, darling, you’re planning on going into town tomorrow?” Mum says to her.

“Yea, Kit and I were gonna try and get me used to this place. Meet some people maybe, learn the town. Oh, by the way, I think I’m gonna need more clothes. Back in Equestria we didn’t really get… dirty the same way… Like, my coat wouldn’t be as oily after justa day. So like, just how does this all… work… being clean n’ all.” Rainbow asks, her ears going flush against her, embarrassed at asking how to do such a basic task of hygiene maintenance.

“Oh dear, it’s not bad at all, honest. Every day, in the morning or night perhaps, simply take a shower and wash your ha- mane and tail. Actually, now that I think about it, you’re going to need plenty of conditioner and shampoo, your whole body is going to need equal treatment with shampoo. And your wings! Oooh this is no problem however, the shower down the hall of your room is quite large and should work just fine. And regarding clothes, Kit will help you pick out and buy some clothes when you’re in town. That would probably be the best time for it.” Mum says, picking her fork and knife back up, and starting on her salad.

Rainbow notices Mum using utensils and looks down at her. Eyes wide open, looking straight down at her utensils, her left ear and tail twitch. She then raises a hand to grab the fork, and lowers it, focusing as if she’s guiding a missile. Her hand reaches the fork, she picks it up and examines it in her hand. Her grip is primitive, holding it like a sword. She looks over at me for an example. I must look foolish. I’m hunched over my plate, cheeks puffed with food, and a fork with some lettuce near my face, entire posture locked as I stare back at her, unsure of what to do. Some dressing falls off my fork as we continue to stare at each other. She looks back at her fork, and changes her grip to mine, similar to that of a pencil, the curve of the fork pointing downwards. She then uses her fork to stab at a piece of lettuce, and brings it to her mouth carefully. She takes a bite, and retracts her hand. I’m still in the same position. She looks back at me. I look back at her. She looks at her fork, then her plate, then at the corn on the plate. She scoops up some corn, and positions her fork like a catapult. I remain motionless, holding the line from the enemy’s newly discovered artillery. She applies some pressure on the fork, it stretches back, torque building. Must hold the line. Mums’ looking at us like this is the battle of the century. Then, breaking the silence, Rainbow releases her tension and her artillery fly at me. MUST HOLD THE LINE.


I still remain motionless, as her weapons merely bounce off my skin. But regardless to my impenetrable defense, both Rainbow an Mum shoot up in their chairs hands in the air applauding the successful launch. I blink, and look down at my food. There is no artillery available for me. I straighten my posture and shoot a look at Mum, a “not you to look”. She looks back giving a little rapid fury of claps, barely audible and says.

“She got you good! Your stony stance could only last so long! And she broke it! Ha!” She says, obviously very pleased with the fact that the corn ACTAULLY launched. They sit down, but not before giving each other a high five. I open my mouth and begin to speak.

“Ya know, I could very easily-” Rainbow launches another piece of corn, and it lands right in my mouth. Rainbow leans back in her chair, her tail swinging back and forth with glee at her second successful assault. Mum looks like she’s having the time of her life. I swallow the corn, and savor it’s taste.

“Very easily what? I believe you’ve met your match Kit.” Rainbow says.

“Ya know what, I admit defeat. I have never seen a fork ACTUALLY used as a catapult in my life with the exception of cartoons. And that shot was excellent. But I may warn you, should we ever be in an environment that promotes this silly exchange of delegacies, I will respond with a fiery vengeance of food.” I say comically. Lifting up my fork, and eating once again. Rainbow and Mum do the same, having more trouble rather, as a result of their laughing. Not after long, their laughing hysterically again.

Once all the food was done, and we cleared up the plates and mess, we all made our way up. It was around 9:30 I’d say, so not quite my ideal shut down time, however I wanted us to have plenty of time and energy for town tomorrow. Mum however, stayed downstairs, and watched some TV, and said that she was going to call Dad and fill him in on everything as well as try to sign Rainbow up with the school.

Rainbow was already in her room, doors open. I should probably tell her that we’ll waking up earlier than today so that she won’t be totally bummed when I wake her up. I stand in the doorway, she’s not in sight. Her room seems vacant, the bed is made, probably by Mum, the night stands untouched, ceiling fans off. Closet door closed to.

“Uh, Rainbow? Just wanted to te-” She shoots up from behind the bed. Naked. I turn, back towards her. “AH, I-I uh, didn’t see y-you there. Uhhh, I uhhh… I’ll be waking you up at- why are you naked?!” I say, so bewildered and embarrassed.

“I was going to take a shower… Didn’t think you’d come in…” She says meekly.

“With the door open?”

“Still getting used to this whole thing.”

“Okay, well uh, I’ll be waking you up at like, 9 or something if you’re not already awake, and then we can get the day started.” I say. My mind has entered process mode, simply focus on efficiency and GET OUT AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.

“Awesome- I mean- Yea- Sure, sounds good.” She says, “I’m gonna go take my shower soooo, can I… Go… Do that?”

“You’ll want a towel, there should be one in the closet.” I say, still in process mode.

“Awesome- I mean like- Yea- sure, sounds good. I uhh…”

“Don’t worry I didn’t see anything.” That is a lie, “I’ll be heading to my floor, sleep well and enjoy your shower.” I say, must escape.

“Awesome- I mean- Yea- sure, sounds good.”

I walk to the stairs as casually as I humanly can, and once out of view, bolt up the stairs. Isn’t it like, an unwritten law that a guy would be torn shreds if he didn’t make an effort to avoid that situation?

Anyway, I undress, and get in my bed. Must. Sleep. Must. Sleep. Must. Sleep.