• Published 20th Oct 2012
  • 9,680 Views, 433 Comments

Touching Rainbows - dontexistanymoresorry

The story of a mare out of place, and a boy trapped in his own

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Good News, Bad News

Who was he? What relation did he have with Rainbow? Why is there war being declared on a totally peaceful society? I’m sure some of these thoughts are rushing through her head too. I… I just gotta wrap my head around this whole thing.

She’s starting to regain some life in her expression, which is a relief seeing how she looked as if she had had all the color stripped from her hair when he left. But she looks defeated, I mean, I haven’t really seen much of her, but this just doesn’t feel right. Like, she just carries herself like she has pride, and courage, and this is just, depressing. It’s like the little spark of her personality that was starting to grow, was just smothered out by this. As if there really is very little left for her anymore.

She starts walk, very heavily at first, but then tenses her eyes shut and bolts towards the foyer.

“Rainbow, I-I…” I’m lost for words, I open my mouth and it’s as if dust fell out, but I have so much I want to say. I feel like an engine with no gas, begging to start up but just doesn’t have it in it anymore to keep going.

She’s by the door now, with a hand on it, knob already pulled. She’s just standing there, frozen in thought. She composes herself, tensing her body in one aggressive might and pulls the door open, running straight out, and leaps into flight.

“RAINBOW! WAIT! WE GOTTA TALK ABOUT THIS, RUNNING'S NOT THE ANSWER!” God, I don’t even know what we’d even talk about. But then she stops flying, she just hovers there, 70ft above the ground, looking out at what she must now get used to. She turns her head down to me, and makes eye contact. She angles herself downwards and shoots towards the ground, at 7ft from impact she adjusts and rockets towards me at blinding speeds, stopping inches in front of me. Her face reddened and wings expanded wide, making me feel like the small one, despite my normally greater size.

“JUST WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANNA TALK ABOUT, HUH? About how Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry about all this? You don’t get it! I don’t belong here! I BELONG AT HOME! And the worst part is, right now my best bet of getting home is some freak that expects me to trust everything he says. And I don’t really have that many choices here, do I!?” She starts to get that defeated look again, and stares at the ground to hide it. Her fists are clenched tight, and she looks like she’d rather be anywhere but there right in front of me.

“You’re right, uh, this is. Hard. But I think we have to look at this differently, you’re here because the P-Princess said she wanted you safe. This is what she thought was best right? Maybe we should, you should look at this form a different angle.” I say, trying to be as supporting as I can. God, I sound like a prick. She looks back up at me, her wings pulling to her back.

“So, you’re saying this is my new home for now? I stay here until the war's over, right? So that’ll be a while, so I’ll need to get to know things around here.” Her eyes are glistening with tears begging to fall. She holds them back, like a single Riot Control Officer holding off a mob, it’s futile. She starts to lightly sob, her voice shaking.

“This is my new life, everything’s behind me now. Everything. Gone.” Tears streak down her face, she buries her head in her hands. I move my hand to her shoulder, as soon as it ever so touches her, she jerks away.

“Everything I’ve known is gone! There’s nothing left, and now I have to learn this place. Hell, for all I know everything back home could be destroyed. Completely totaled by those stickin’ fucks!” She yelled, one hand still covering her face.

“Hey, you learn quick, used the word ‘fuck’ right.”

She stops sobbing, lowers her hand to her side, and looks at me sternly, keeping her head turned slightly away from me. I stare back, I feel some sting run down my spine. Her lower eyelid starts to twitch. Mine do too. The edges of her mouth twitch too. My cheeks begin to mimic it. And then she begins to chuckle, dried tears on her fur starting to disappear. I start to laugh myself.

“Thanks, for all this. Like, this is really great. Thanks.” She moves in and hugs me tightly.

“I-uh, of course. I-”

“D’AWWW, THAT’S ADORABLE!~” Discord yells from high above, Rainbow lets go and stares up at him, “I’m sorry am I ruining an important moment? I apologize, so I have some good news, and some bad news. Yes, I’m coming to you first with this news, I figured you’d want to hear it soon, so as soon as I got it I just-”

“Just spit it out will ya!?” Rainbow yells , clearly irritated.

“Fine, I get it, you only love me for my body. Anyways, this planet now has PLENTY of ponies on it, so naturally they’ll be all over media, so they’ll have to be integrated into society in some way. Preferably I’d say keeping the authorities away from it would be the best approach, I know that’s gonna be hard, but that’s life ain’t it. Oh yea, that’s it.”

I speak up, “He wait, was that the good or bad news?”

“That was both.”

There’s a small silence.

Discord breaks it, “All right, it really WAS both though! Honest! here, good news: Plenty of other ponies, you’re not alone, just keep your eyes peeled, they’ll be a regular sight soon enough. Bad news: You have to become a part of society, and by the way Rainbow, you’re sixteen, correct?”

“Yea, why?” She answers.

“Well, it’s required in this country that all minors attend school. So you’re going to High School! Fast Times at Human High!” I raise an eyebrow at Discord, “I know my humans! Anyhoo, I got to go tell thousands more this fantastic news! That’s punishment for ya! A little rough don’t ya think, Rainbow? I was in control for what… Maybe 4 hours? TOPS?! Anyway, love you all, have fun storming the castle!”

I look at him again, he shoots me a wink and vanishes. Again.

“Of all the ponies to be the messenger… It had to be Discord…” Rainbow says in a low disapproving tone.

“I dunno, I sorta like him.”

Rainbow looks at me the same way she did before, sternly. But it then breaks into a wide smile.

“Yea, he’s pretty funny I guess.”