• Published 2nd Jan 2012
  • 7,952 Views, 319 Comments

Fabrication - Bomber

One human runs for his life. One pony will be there to catch him when he falls.

  • ...

Chapter 16: Festivities

Lyra arrived in Canterlot in the welcoming coolness of the early morning to prepare for the Grand Galloping Gala. She had ridden aboard the Friendship Express the previous night to allot herself enough time to get ready. By the time she found herself within the corridors of the immense castle, the majority of the decorations had already been set in place from streamers to balloons to ribbons. It was almost as if Pinkie Pie was the devious mastermind of the whole thing from the beginning. To be frank, it wouldn’t surprise Lyra if the hyperactive pink earth pony really was in charge of the entire Gala.

She smiled in content, insanely excited for the upcoming Gala. She immediately set her sights on the ballroom, where she would be performing her lyre for the entire duration of the dance. As she made her way to her destination, she couldn’t help but shake in anticipation. This was the most prestigious event in Equestria, and performing for it would be a huge breakthrough in her music career. Plus, she really was desperate for a little extra cash. She was a little behind on her share for this month’s rent and Bon-Bon was becoming fed up with her baseless promises of more cash soon. But after tonight, she could literally bathe in all the bits that would be showering upon her. Not like she wanted to do that, but it was rather tempting…

As she reached the ballroom, she couldn’t help but forcefully halt in her tracks and shift her attention to the two mares arguing in the far corner of the room. She recognized one of ponies as Octavia, a world-renowned cellist she would be performing alongside. The other mare she was unfamiliar with, but it rather was easy to deduce that she was a servant based on the black maids’ outfit she adorned. Their argument was evident as the pair were both shouting as obnoxious as their vocal chords would allow.

“Because of you, I lost everything!” the maid pony cried, getting right up in Octavia’s face.

“You never had to quit the Symphony!” Octavia claimed, moving her own face forward until their foreheads were literally up against each other. Lyra swiftly cantered over to where the mares were bickering nastily, but kept a good distance apart just in case. “You could’ve just happily stayed as a second chair, but no, you had become a whiny son of a mare who cried to the conductor whenever somepony was better than her!”

“Both you and I know that first chair was rightfully mine, hooves down!” the maid pony yelled, spitting into Octavia’s right eye.

“Ouch!” Octavia yelped, staggering several paces away from the maid pony. “You dirty, little…”

“What was that?” the maid pony rhetorically asked, lifting a hoof next to her ear. “Cat got your tongue?”

“Sidestep, you are the most despicable pony I have ever had the ill chance to meet!” Octavia abhorrently said. In return, she spit a wad of saliva in the direction of Sidestep, however missing her target and nailing her dead center on her nose instead.

Sidestep’s expression was bemused, and she made no effort into wiping away the disgusting saliva off of her face. She stuck her tongue out —and without muttering another word – began childishly tramping away. “Just remember to watch your back tonight!” she called. “You’ll never know when I’m right behind you ready to strike!” The maid pony stomped out of the room, leaving a heavy atmosphere behind her.

Lyra cantered over to the mare left to her lonesome. “What was that all about?” she asked with a clear tone of honest concern.

“It wasn’t my fault she decided to stroll in here and start barking at me for no reason whatsoever,” Octavia replied flatly, cautiously rubbing her bloodshot eye.

“I’m sorry that you had to go through this. It must not be easy for somepony to start yelling at you like that, but if you ask me, she seemed to have a reason,” Lyra said, Octavia replying the death glare. “Whoa, whoa, whoa… I never said it was a good one.”

“Nevertheless,” Octavia said, removing her hoof from her eye, “that argument has certainly taken a toll on my conscience. I think I need a drink.” The dark grey earth pony wandered over to a decorated table, where all the miscellaneous foods and drinks were being arranged for the Gala. The mare placed a glass ladle inside a nearby punch bowl, scooping a large portion of purple fluid into the container of a plastic cup. Judging by its color, it was probably grape juice or some sort of fine wine.

“Isn’t that for the guests?” Lyra curiously asked, raising an eyebrow.

She merely shrugged as she chugged down the cool liquid. Watching her made Lyra’s throat a tiny bit more dry. Once the cup was thoroughly finished, she set it back on the table and slowly began to meander away. “I believe that I never got your name,” she said.

“Lyra Heartstrings,” the quirky, mint-green pony introduced, holding out a hoof. “I’ll be playing with you tonight at the Gala.”

“Yes, I’ve noticed the lyre case that you’ve been carrying, so I figured as much,” she drabbed, almost as if she really didn’t care for her name in the first place.

“And your name would be?” Lyra asked as Octavia stood up on her hind legs, resting against her cello. Even though she already knew her name, she felt that it would still be polite to ask.

“Octavia,” she replied, beginning to tune the well-crafted instrument.

“Just Octavia?” Lyra asked, feeling that couldn’t be her entire name.

“I like to keep my last name to myself until I can get to know a pony more. I have had trouble trusting ponies ever since… her.” It was obvious that she didn’t want to reveal too much about herself, and Lyra decided it would be best not to press her any further.

Three more ponies entered the ballroom, all lively chatting amongst each other. Each of them was wearing fancy dresses or suits that appeared to be far out of Lyra’s budget. They then immediately stopped their conversation and introduced themselves to Lyra. All three even complemented her dress, claiming it was “lovely” and “breathtaking”. She would have to jot a mental note to thank Rarity at later time for creating her such a beautiful dress. After their idle chit-chat, they began their one and only practice before the Gala. Most of the pieces were easy, yet fully complicated at the same time. It was true their real purpose was for playing background music, except for a few pieces of ballroom dancing tunes that were saved until near the end of the Gala.

The practice lasted several long, drawn-out hours. Lyra was more than prepared to exhibit her musicianship, even if it was in front of hundreds of higher class ponies. The practice at least gave her the chance to hear what her accomplices’ parts were like, and it gave her some much needed time to adjust and balance her sound into theirs. By the time they adjourned their rehearsal, Lyra’s stomach felt as if it were going to shrivel up from the hunger pangs that were constantly badgering her.

She helped herself to the food that was supposed to be for the guests, wolfing everything in sight quickly as possible. Once her stomach was satisfied with hundreds of calories of miniscule snacks, she settled her lyre back into its golden case and started to seek out Blake. It had been several weeks since she had last seen him, and she couldn’t think of any other to spend the next few hours until she had to be back down in the ballroom before the Gala commenced.

She briskly searched up and down the hallways, the library, the castle gardens, the front gates, but he was nowhere to be seen. She tried to communicate with him telepathically, but her thoughts failed to reach his own. The last place she thought he’d be at was his room, since he told her he was normally hitting the books day in and day out. The only time he was able to be in his room was for when he slept or needed to clean and shower.

Lyra changed directions, heading for the opposite end of the grand castle. The deeper she made her way through the enormous halls and corridors, the more servants and hired ponies preparing for the Gala she almost accidentally bumped into as they frantically tried to touch up any last-minute preparations.

“Princess Luna!” Lyra called out, recognizing the Princess of the Night. The princess was by her lonesome, staring deeply into a gracious painting of herself and her sister. Lyra’s sudden voiced startled the princess, but she still welcomed the unicorn with a warm smile.

“Hello, Lyra Heartstrings,” Luna greeted. “I trust that you’re settled in and prepared for tonight’s festivities?”

“You bet, princess,” Lyra winked, returning the smile. “You don’t happen to know where Blake is, do you?”

“Unable to conceal your anticipation to see him, are you?” Luna joked.

“Yeah, it feels like it’s been a lifetime.” They both awkwardly gazed into each other’s eyes with nothing more important to add onto the conversation. Lyra fumbled with the golden bow that held her mane in a ponytail while Luna broke contact and stared again into the portrait like she was lost to the world.

“Is there anything wrong, Princess?” Lyra worringly asked.

“Oh, it’s nothing,” Luna swiftly replied, stumbling over her own words.

“It certainly doesn’t seem that way. Is there anything you want to talk about? If it’s anything too bothersome, I’m sure I can find some way to—”

“I understand you want to help, but I believe it is something that only I can discuss with my sister. It’s more of a personal matter than anything else.” It was obvious that the Princess was in a melancholy mood, but there had to a reason why.

“I don’t want to pry or anything, but if you need somepony to talk to, I’ll be here, okay?” Lyra supported, patting Luna on the back if her neck. In response, she received a small half-smile which transformed back into a depressing frown. “And don’t be so sad, tonight’s the Gala! This should be a happy occasion.”

“You’re right, it should be,” Luna said, “but I have a feeling it’s going to be trashed just like the year before this one.”

Silence had eventually befallen the hallway again, and Lyra parted away after saying her good-bye. Her conscience was nagging her to go back to the Lunar Princess and try comforting her again, but it was obvious that it was a lost cause. She offered her help but Luna politely refused it without a second thought. She trotted briskly along the long hallways until she came across the outside walkway that led to Blake’s private room.

She paused for a moment, trying to catch her breath. She had been wandering for the better part of a half-hour, save for the minute she chatted with Luna.

“Hello, miss. I’m sorry that I have to inform you that this area is off-limits,” a teenage voice said before she could take another step. She turned around, quickly taken aback when she saw the tall, broad guard standing before her. His armor was much different than the rest of the Royal Guards, and the crest that he bore looked vaguely similar to Twilight’s Cutie Mark.

“I’m sorry,” Lyra apologized. “I’m just trying to visit a friend.”

“I can only let you through if you have a note of approval from Princess Celestia. If you don’t, then I’m going to have to ask you to leave this area,” the guard said.

“Are you sure you can’t make an exception?” Lyra pouted, trying to look as cute and helpless as possible.

The guard chuckled. “No note. No access. That’s what I’ve been told. No ifs, ands, or buts.” Lyra changed her facial expression, trying to imitate a helpless puppy as best she could. “No note. No access. Again, that’s what I’ve been told and that’s final.”

“You had to say that twice?” Lyra questioned. She wondered who exactly this guard was. He didn’t seem dark and grim like the rest of the detachment stationed at the castle. He certainly spoke with a more joyful smile on his face. He acted like the two had known each other for a while, and even if what he said was spoken like a guard, his tone made him seem friendly and approachable.

“Good, then I hope I don’t have to repeat myself for a third time,” the guard said. “Enjoy your evening at the Gala, ma’am. I hope you have a great time here tonight.” With that, the guard politely marched off, his stature tall and firm.

Lyra glanced towards the walkway which now lied unbarred and unobstructed. Not a single living, breathing soul lied near her. Her mind began a war of epic proportions, each side attempting to decide the inevitable consequences that would befall upon her if she was caught wandering around restricted areas. She sat motionless for more than a minute. Did the risks really outweigh the benefits?

Sorry, Blake, Lyra thought, turning away despite her greatest wishes. I guess I’ll see you later tonight.


Blake blankly stared out the rectangular window of his room-now-turned-prison. Tonight was the Grand Galloping Gala, and his desperate attempts to persuade Luna in allowing him to attend were in vain. He frankly didn’t care if he was huddled in a dark corner, solemnly observing from afar. Luna was very clear earlier that day that he was to stay away from the Gala, and under no circumstance he was granted permission to leave on his free will. The princess continually stated that the vast land of Equestria was unfit to receive the news of an alien making his home amongst them. Thus, he was wonderfully stuck in his boring, dull room with nothing to do but sit tight and ponder in deep thought. The scene outside was breathtakingly incredible. He’d never seen the capital so lively and so energetic before. He watched a plethora of carriages being pulled by miscellaneous earth ponies of varying size, shape and color.

Laughter and music tickled the interior of his ears, which seemed close to impossible considering he was trapped within the confines of his dimly lighted room. The atmosphere around Canterlot seemed so happy and chipper; he even bore a slight smile on his lips. He recalled that Lyra would be visiting him sometime later that night. It had been at least a few weeks since he had conversed with her in face-to-face, and he anticipated their meeting with a hint of excitement and joy.

However, there was still one item that his conscience mercilessly nagged in the back of his mind. He still hadn’t apologized to Sidestep for his recent malevolent behavior. He didn’t mean to snap like an angry German Shepard, but he let his disordered emotions get the best of him… again. Sidestep avoided him like the plague ever since the incident, and would always quietly slip away whenever he would try to speak with her. He sincerely wanted to make up with the mare, but she wasn’t allowing him the opportunity.

Blake inhaled wearily, leaning back into the velvety chair he was situated in.

Knock, knock.

Who could be possibly knocking at a time like this? He assumed it couldn’t be a member of the Royal Guard to summon him. There was no reason why Luna positively needed to see him at the moment. After a couple moments, he figured it was just some pony that had just gotten lost. He dismissed the badgering thumps as if he never heard them.

Knock, knock.

Who wanted to pester him so badly? Lyra and Sidestep were out of the equation as well, as both of them would be too busy with the Gala to even have a moment to spare until it was all said and done

Knock, knock.

If he patiently waited it out, there was a good chance whoever it was would give up. Out of the very few ponies that he had met and befriended, they were all unable to tarry at this time, so who was it?

Knock, knock.

Blake ultimately caved in, sluggishly sliding out of his chair and onto his two feet. He paced towards the door, his mind trying to solve the mystery as to who wanted to see him so badly. Maybe it was a door-to-door salesman. They never give up. He reached out his hand, grasping the shiny, metallic doorknob and twisting it counter-clockwise.

He swung open the door, and standing before him was a yellow stallion dressed in a newly tailored tuxedo, sporting a polka-dotted bowtie. The stallion was grinning widely, showing off two neat rows of pearly white teeth.

“Are you lost?” Blake asked with a slight tone of annoyance, hoping to be rid with the passerby as soon as possible.

“Oh surely you haven’t forgotten me already, my dear Blake. Do you not remember me?” the stallion asked with an ever so familiar British accent. His name was on the tip of Blake’s tongue, but he simply could not recall from where he had been introduced to him before.

Blake shrugged his shoulders, quickly admitting defeat. “Well then allow me to reintroduce myself then. I am Professor Day Break. I am the one who brought you here, and therefore, I am responsible for you. You will be coming with me, my little human. There is much work to be done,” Day Break said, reaching out to grab Blake.

Blake’s primitive instincts instantaneously kicked into gear, violently slapping the intruding hoof away. Day Break cursed, but still proceeded to try and grab a hold of Blake by lunging forward. Blake easily outmaneuvered the scientist and forcefully shoved him back several feet.

“Stand still, why don’t you?” Day Break hissed. “Vigilant! I believe it’s time we gave our friend the human here our little surprise.” Blake mentally flinched, but he was primed for whatever cunning tricks or gimmicks they threw at him. He escaped the pits of hell before; it wouldn’t be too hard to do it again. But this time, he didn’t have the grateful assistance of friendly soldiers.

“Of course, boss,” another pony chuckled with a distinct Brooklyn accent. A silhouette emerged from seemingly out of nowhere. Not just any silhouette, but the one that had been stalking Blake these past few weeks.

Blake winced, withdrawing several spaces backwards and holding up his hands to show he didn’t want any trouble. “It’s you,” he murmured. “Why’ve you been following me everywhere I go?”

Neither of the two approaching ponies replied to his inquiry. Instead, a distinct, colorful glow began emanating from their horns. Without warning, two beams of energy shot rapidly through the air. Blake instinctively used his arms to cover his face. Several seconds passed, but nothing seemed to hit him. In fact, it was as if the beams shot past him like light passes through a transparent window.

The two stallions eyeballed each other with astonishment and confusion. “Boss, was that supposed to do anything?” Vigilant asked curiously.

Day Break’s mouth was wide enough for a small cart to pass through it. “It was supposed to knock him unconscious, but I suppose we’ll have to—” he began before a foot collided with his lower jaw, sending him wobbling onto the hard concrete below him.

“What the…” Vigilant gasped, not expecting his employer to get knocked out so suddenly.

Blake switched targets, tackling the jet black unicorn to the ground. The stallion grunted in pain, but immediately retaliated by bucking the human off with his hind legs, causing Blake to stumble back into the interior of his room.

“You alright, boss?” Vigilant worried, rushing towards Day Break’s side. The yellow unicorn responded only with a loud groan before passing out cold. Vigilant slowly craned his head in the direction of Blake, who was fiercely gasping for oxygen after getting the wind knocked out of his lungs. The unicorn glazed at his side, wear a small dagger was sheathed. He pulled it out with his mouth, balancing the small blade between his jaws.

“So not fair…” Blake gasped, raising his fists in a defensive stance.

Vigilant grumbled something incoherent before breaking towards the human at full gallop. In that instant, everything seemed to move in slow-motion, like every second lasted an hour. The dagger shined brilliantly in the moonlight, its gleam making it seem all the more deadly. Blake frantically searched for an item or projectile to use against the charging unicorn, but nothing was in reach. He stood his ground, estimating how long it would take for his aggressor to reach him, which was right about… now!

He swung wildly, his fist connecting with the top of the unicorn’s head. His fine-edged dagger was sent sliding across the floor towards the opposite end of the room. Blake groaned in triumph, but his victory was short lived. Vigilant was already back on top of his hooves, ready to continue the skirmish. A jolt of pain shot through his arm, causing Blake to yelp in agony at the burning sensation. The dagger had sliced into his wrist when he punched the unicorn. The wound wasn’t of much importance, but a small trickle of crimson blood came rushing out of his flesh.

Blake ripped his shirt off, wrapping the cloth around his wrist to obstruct the blood from flowing out. Vigilant was through waiting for the human to initiate the next move, so he viciously commenced his next attack. The unicorn swung several times, his last punch finally able to connect with the agile human.

It felt as if a sledgehammer had nailed Blake in the back of the head. He fell onto the ground with pain shooting all over his body. He was lying face down until the unicorn forced him so his eyes could catch the ceiling. The dagger was now right up against his throat with an forest-green aura engulfing it. “Game over, kid,” Vigilant panted, sweat streaming down his forehead.

Lyra, if you can hear me… get Luna.

He cried out in anguish before the world turned to black.

Author's Note:

GUESS WHO’S BACK?! (though I was never really gone, I simply became bored of writing this and thus it was placed on hiatus. But on the bright side, I finally got myself to finish this thing, finally!)

I know it’s been around ten months since I updated, but after this long, freaking hiatus, I finally have the next chapter up. I’m super, super sorry that I ditched on you guys. This chapter I’m still not proud with, mostly because it follows more of my old writing style because it was already mostly complete when I started editing this. I just spent the last couple of hours going through and changing things to make sure this was at least a decent comeback chapter.

Note that the end is neigh, and Fabrication will reach its inevitable close within the next few chapters. I promised myself from square one that I was going to finish this, and I will! TRUST ME ON THIS, GUYS!
Anyways, I’ll update as fast as I can. Hopefully there won’t be any thousand-year-long breaks in the future.

Siege, out.