• Published 2nd Jan 2012
  • 7,969 Views, 319 Comments

Fabrication - Bomber

One human runs for his life. One pony will be there to catch him when he falls.

  • ...

Chapter 4: Capture

They had split into several different teams. Each team was sent in a different direction than the others, to maximize their coverage area. There was no way to tell where the alien had decided to move on, unless they could find tracks from the shoes that it was wearing. Lyra had been put into a team with Luna herself and her two wicked looking guards. It seemed like she was very interested in Lyra’s visions of the strange, alien homeworld of the Earthlings.

While they were searching, the two discussed about Lyra’s dreams. Luna had no explanation as to why Lyra was having such visions about the Earthlings during her sleep. She figured that Lyra was possibly a very powerful unicorn, and wondered why Lyra never enrolled in Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns. With a pony that could see distant planets while it was asleep, would be a pony with a wonderful knack at magic, and one that could be as talented as Twilight Sparkle.

They had continued down a path for at least several miles, with no signs that the Earthling had been anywhere nearby. The sun would set in a matter of hours, and if they still couldn’t find the Earthling, they would have to call it a night and call off the search until the next day.

Lyra’s hooves were beginning to feel sore. She had been walking for almost the entire day, and never really had much of a chance to take a break. There was no way she was going to stop though. As she was so close to actually communicating with an Earthling! She had almost completely forgotten about the previous night, the memory of the alien attacking her was already fading away. It was a dream come true indisputably, and even if she had to face hardships to capture that dream, she would take it.

Now with only an hour left before Luna had to call it quits so that she could raise the moon, as she did every night, Lyra’s hope that they could find the alien was dwindling, until they saw smoke. It was at least a half a mile away from where they were, but it was a sure sign that the alien had built a camp there, and was resting near a campfire.

Luna turned to both of her guards. “Grab everypony you can as quickly as possible. Have them meet us at this exact location. Once we get a large enough party, we’ll be able to surround the Earthling and capture it before it can escape. Is that clear?”

Both the guards saluted and said simultaneously, “Yes, Your Highness!”

The two bat-winged guards took off with astonishing speed. Those two are probably highly trained, Lyra thought.

“What will we do while we wait?” Lyra asked.

“I think this’ll be a good opportunity to try some new spells I’ve been experimenting with. Maybe a spell that greatly increases one’s vision would be good one to test, perhaps?” Luna replied.


Blake finished tying the shoelace on his right foot, then began to work on the other one. His clothes had finally dried from all the water and he had already put them on as quickly as he could. He may be out in the wilderness, but that didn’t mean he was safe from prying eyes. The concealment of the clothing lifted a weight on his shoulder. He absolutely despised being naked out in the open. He then wondered how streakers at football games were idiotic enough to run out in a stadium full of people with his balls dangling out like he wanted convey a message to the people of the Internet. Blake had now fallen into the routine of daydreaming about random, stupid things whenever his past memories tried to creep on him. It was a good way to push those memories deeper and deeper into the abyss, where he hoped no one would ever be able to unlock them again for the rest of eternity.

After tying the shoelaces on his Nike sneakers, he opened his backpack to check to see if his electronics had shorted out or not during the storm. Thankfully, his iPhone was still in working condition. That device was a great reliever of boredom, which was by now a travelling companion with him. However, even though that he had accidently forgot to turn his iPhone off to conserve power, the battery still read as completely charged. This was unquestionably strange and otherworldly to Blake. He felt like it should have died days ago, but yet it somehow kept going. Blake decided he shouldn’t care. As long as it kept working, he’d be good.

He next took out his flashlight, where both AA batteries had been knocked loose. He sighed as he picked up each battery and checked where to insert the positive and the negative sides. By accident, his thumb hit the switch and the craziest thing happened: It turned on, without electricity. Blake’s jaw dropped wide open. He rubbed his eyes to make sure it wasn’t some crazy illusion, but light still illuminated from the should-be-powerless device. He clicked the switch several times. The flashlight responded as the bulb inside turned on and off, on and off, on and off. Was this place he was at, wherever the hell it was, somehow powering his electronics without the need of electricity? Blake couldn’t believe it, but if he had devices at his disposal that would never run out of power, he would be set for a long time.

Smiling, he took out the can of peanuts and began to snack. He didn’t feel hungry at all, but it would be best he could pack as much energy as possible in case that his new pursuers found him. Blake then realized if he wanted energy, he shouldn’t be eating peanuts. Remembering more lessons from school, he knew that peanuts were a good source of protein, but the body hardly uses proteins for energy. Protein is instead used as building blocks for muscles. He also remembered that carbohydrates were a better source of energy for a quick, fast workout. Sadly enough, he didn’t have any carbs with him, so the fruit would have to do instead.

He opened one of the cans of peaches, and began eating them from the can itself. He didn’t have any forks or spoons, and he knew that his hands were easily contaminated by bacteria (as he was still careful to not get sick), so slurping the peaches would have to do for now. He wished he was back home, digging into a fat, juicy steak. The beef jerky had been his only source of meat for the past week, and the thought of becoming a vegetarian make him go crazy. Maybe if he had to, he could shoot a rabbit or dear, and cook that.

He then felt the sense that someone or something was watching him. He turned around in a three-sixty degree angle to check his surroundings for any intruders. He couldn’t see any, but he still felt weary. He then grabbed the binoculars and again did another three-sixty sweep of the valley, and still saw nothing but lakes, grass, and trees. For some reason, he remembered that in movies when the protagonist was searching for something, they never decided to look up towards the sky. Not wanting to make the same mistakes as those fictional characters, he looked upwards and for the second time, he dropped his jaw.

Pegasi, probably over a dozen, were flying towards him in all directions. He turned to run, but several unicorns literally teleported next to him, and barged his escape route. He quickly found himself surrounded with nowhere to run. This was a fight or flight situation, and flight had been immediately dropped off the list. The AK-47 lied only a few feet from him. He somersaulted, grabbing the weapon and aiming directly at a dark indigo hybrid of a pegasus and a unicorn. Blake figured that the hybrid was either their commander or leader or whatever he wanted to call it. If worse came to worse, he could kill the leader and while the rest were stunned he could make a dash for it. He was hopelessly outnumbered, but on the bright side, he figured that he at least outgunned them.

He was still strong, he could still fight. But the thought being surrounded and helpless had unleashed a bombardment of recent memories to flood his mind. He remembered the brave voices of the people that helped him survive a little longer.

“Python Four is down! I repeat: Python Four is down! One pilot’s dead and the other’s seriously wounded! We’re getting swarmed over here and we need reinforcements!”

“Dammit! We’re being jammed!”

“Left side, left side! Bad guys comin’ in at ten o’ clock!”

“Get those RPGs! They’ll tear us to shreds unless we take ‘em out!”

“FUCK! I’m hit! They got me in the arm!”

“Ah shit! Rodriguez is down! They’ve got snipers camping out in those trees forty meters to the front!”

“Kid… take this and start headin’ west. We’ll hold these fuckers off as long as we can. Just get to France! I’m sure the UN will get you back home safe and sound!”

His memories were now tearing him apart, and the converging horses were now the least of his worries.


The sneak attack was successful, almost too successful in Lyra’s mind. It seemed that the Earthling had failed to live up to its past reputation of being able to escape tricky situations.

Both Lyra and Luna had spent the last twenty minutes watching the Earthling from afar. Something Lyra had noticed was that it had built more than one campfire around the valley. When she pointed this out to Luna she had replied, “It’s a simple ruse. My guess is that it was hoping that when one of our teams went out to investigate the fires, it would know where to run next. Why do you think it had decided to pick a hill in between all of the campfires and not camp next to one itself?” It made sense to Lyra.

When the rest of the ponies finally arrived, Luna commanded the pegsasi to come down on the alien from above, while the rest of the ponies would be teleported by the combined power of herself and Twilight. Unless the Earthling could see into the future, it would not be able to evade such a lightning fast strike.

It was now encircled with no avenues to escape. It clutched a sort of large club in its claws. It was probably some sort of weapon. However, the barrel of it was being pointed directly at Luna’s head. Lyra noticed that the Princess did not flinch. She stood firm, ready to take the alien into custody if it didn’t surrender itself to them.

The Earthling’s pupils then seemed to shrink in size. Its legs began to shake. The club-like weapon began to release from its grip, and gravity pulled it to the ground. The ponies could not comprehend what was going on with the creature to make it act like this. It clasped its claws over its ears, like it was trying to cover itself from a piercing wail.

Luna engulfed the weapon with her magic and levitated it in front of her face to study. Lyra was now examining the features of the club as well. It was long and a little slender. It also had grips where the Earthling could grasp it. She also noticed a small little switch which she guessed triggered a projectile to fly out of the barrel. But out of the corner of her eye, Lyra saw that the alien had regained its senses, and was staring at Luna.

“Put… the gun… down… now…” it commanded, still shivering. Maybe it still hadn’t come out to its senses quite yet.

Luna began to speak in a calm, soothing voice, but did not cooperate with the Earthling’s fiat. “Hello. I am Princess Luna, ruler of Equestria. Would you like to tell me your name?”

“I SAID PUT IT DOWN!” the Earthling shouted. Sweat beaded down the top of its face, which should have signaled that it was hot. So why was it shivering like it was the middle of winter right now? Its response however, shocked everypony to the point that they could not stop their mouths from dropping and their eyes unblinking. Luna howbeit remained the same. She even took a few steps closer to the alien. Lyra noticed that Twilight was taking notes with a quill. Does that pony ever stop studying, Lyra thought, letting her thought wander off for a brief moment.

“Look, it’s just a simple question. Nopony wants to hurt you. We just want to know your name,” Luna said, keeping her cool. It was not every day that you were speaking with an alien from another planet.

“Don’t take another step closer,” the alien threatened.

“Or what?” Luna asked, taking the bait.

“…I’ll kill you.”

Luna stopped in her tracks. Her horn glowed but nothing seemed to happen. Maybe it was to scare the alien or something? After she finished casting her pointless spell, she took another step forward against the alien’s wishes.

“I don’t give second chances!” the Earthling announced. It reached for an object that was holstered to the side of its belt. It pulled out what looked like a miniature version of the weapon it was previously holding… Oh no! It was going to attack Luna! The guards were too late in their reaction. The alien aimed it at Luna’s head, and clicked the switch. An ear-deafening BANG came from the weapon. A projectile that seemed to go fast than the speed of sound came for Luna, but Lyra then gawked at the spell the Princess had casted earlier: A forcefield to protect herself.

The alien was quickly frustrated and fired again and again, each time the projectiles bouncing effortlessly off the forcefield and falling onto the ground. The guards had now tackled and restrained it. It desperately tried to free itself from the guards’ grasp, but the combined power of Celestia’s Elite were too powerful for it.

“Well it looks like this is the end!” the alien said. “I’m ready for my place in hell!”

Lyra felt sympathy for the two-legged alien. Even though she couldn’t believe it had actually tried to kill the princess, she had a strange urge to calm it, and say that everything would be alright. This is the creature from her dreams, this is what she had been struggling to find her entire life, and even because it made some horrid choices, she still didn’t want to let it go. The princesses would now probably lock it away in some dungeon, where it would never be able to steal or hurt anypony ever again, but Lyra knew that wasn’t what this creature was destined to do.

“Don’t lock it away on the moon, Luna!” Lyra pleaded. A dozen pair of eyes turned in her direction.

“Why do you think we would do that?” Luna asked, puzzled.

“Princess, you have to put it in a place it can’t escape! This thing could go on a killing spree on innocent Equestrian ponies!” Twilight argued.

“Twilight, put yourself in the Earthling’s hooves for a moment. What if you found yourself on the Earthling’s planet surrounded by these creatures, with nopony else to help you. Wouldn’t you be scared out of your wits?” Luna asked.

“I… guess so. But this creature is unstable and crazy! We can’t let it roam around freely in Equestria,” Twilight still debated.

“We’re not going to do that quite yet. Tomorrow morning we’ll set off to Canterlot. Tia, I, and our top scientists will be studying it. This is quite a big discovery, and we might also need your help. If you and your friends would like to join us to Canterlot, it would be most appreciated.”

Twilight couldn’t help but accept Luna’s offer. “Of course! I do have to admit that I’m quite interested in the Earthling as well.”

Luna smiled, and then turned to Lyra. “I would like you to come along as well.”

Lyra was stunned. “Me? Why me?”

“If these dreams you’ve been having are true, then you may have some sort of link between you and the Earthling. Maybe we can find this link and put it good use.”

“I would be happy to come!” Again, Lyra could hardly contain her excitement. She would be going back to her hometown of Canterlot, where she would be able to visit her parents again, and would still be able to analyze it.

“It seems like I’ll be spending the night in Ponyville... Twilight, you’ll be having some guests staying with you tonight.”


“What does it take for us to just get your name?” Luna rhetorically asked.

The Earthling was sitting on a small bench from the Ponyville Park as it had no other place to rest. Several candles illuminated Twilight’s library. There were only several ponies in the room: Princess Luna, Twilight, Lyra, and a few guards to keep the peace. They had been trying for an hour to get the alien to at least reveal its name, but something was going wrong with it. Luna had told the others earlier that she was tempted to try and read its mind, but she actually feared to look into it. Something was causing the alien to tear itself apart, and even though Luna wanted to find out what it was immediately, she wanted to gain high ground before going trying to dig deeper.

The Earthling mumbled something. The ponies perked up. This was the first sound it had made besides breathing in the past hour.

“What did you say?” Luna asked. “And could you speak louder?”

“My name’s Blake, goddammit!”

Blake… it was a peculiar and interesting name to Lyra. It wasn’t like pony names that were mostly just composed of compound words of nouns, adjectives, or verbs. It was unique in its own sort of way.

“So your name is Blake?” Luna asked.

“Blake… Johnson…”

Lyra could tell that Luna was happy to get at finally get at least something out of him. Lyra had now begun to train herself to think “him” instead of “it”. She thought it wasn’t really fair to think of him as an “it”, like he was some sort of insect.

“So Blake, can you tell us what other Earthlings are like?” Twilight asked. She was still taking notes.

He chuckled. “What’s an Earthling? Sounds like something from Star Trek.”

“Isn’t that what your species is called?”

“No, I’m a human.”

While Twilight continued to write down notes with her quill, Lyra took the time to actually look specifically at Blake’s characteristics. He had short, brown hair on the top of his head. His eyes were a deep blue. It reminded Lyra of waves drifting aimlessly on a small, peaceful lake. He was much taller than a pony, probably about two feet higher.

Luna continued to question Blake. “How old are you?”

“How old am I? I’m sixteen.”

“Interesting. Could you tell us anything about your family? Or your friends and what they were like?”

Blake looked as if he had been slapped across the face. Without warning, he began to sob. “I could’ve saved them… but there were too many! I watched them die! I could hardly contain my screams! Just go away… please just go away…”

He continued to bawl like a little foal.

“Did he just say that he watched some ponies close to him die?” Twilight asked, clearly not believing what he had just said.

“I think it will be best if we just leave him alone, for now,” Luna judged.

Just seeing Blake cry made Lyra want to cry too. It almost felt like there was a connection between her and the human. She heard more shots from the weapon go off, but it was not in real life. It was from his memory. Without knowing it, Lyra had somehow felt his memories for a split second, like they had clawed their way into her mind. Lyra felt the sense of being helpless just like the human. Wanting the terrible emotions to stop, she trotted up to the sobbing human, and hugged him.