• Published 2nd Jan 2012
  • 7,952 Views, 319 Comments

Fabrication - Bomber

One human runs for his life. One pony will be there to catch him when he falls.

  • ...

Chapter 9: Deceit

Blake simply rested on the bed, thinking about everything that had been happening in the last couple of days. He had been in the same exact position for the last two hours, knowing he had nothing to do except sit in this room waiting to see what the ponies had in store for him. He had hoped that he would still find his backpack resting where he had left it earlier, but when he returned he found that it was gone. He wanted to at least listen to some music on his iPhone, but he figured that he would have to wait just a little longer.

He began to talk to himself. “None of this makes sense,” he said. “How did I get here?” He hopped off the bed and began pacing back and forth. His muscles were now rested enough that he could at least walk around without too much difficulty. They were still sore though, but Blake ignored the pain and kept his pace.

“Why am I even here? Should I be happy that I’m here, or should I feel terrified being so far away from home?” He brought his right hand up and used his fingers to rub his eyes. “Do I trust these ponies and see if we can make peace or do I continue to avoid their questioning and try to escape? Decisions, decisions, decisions…” He moved his way back into the bathroom. He turned on the sink and cupped his hands under the rushing water. He splashed it all over his face. The coolness of the liquid calmed him somewhat. He grabbed a towel and dabbed his face until it was dry.

“I need to consider my options here,” he continued while beginning to stretch his sore muscles. “If I do somehow escape, where do I go? They’ll be after me guns a blazing… well, if they have any… but they’ll be hunting me nonetheless. Then there’s food and water to think of as well. From what I can tell, this city has been built on the side of a mountain, as impossible as it sounds. I’m sure there are animals like mountain goats I can cook and eat so that won’t be an issue, but what about water? Maybe I can find some underground reservoirs or something…” He stopped stretching and scratched the back of his head.

“But is this really how I want to live the rest of my life, always on the run with no place to go? Maybe I should just stop running and face my fears.” He scooted across the floor until his back was against a wall. He rested his entire backside against it, taking deep breaths as he continued to try and calm himself. “But should I continue to fight against what I can’t win? Enter an unbeatable war?” He sighed and shook his head. He was doing his best in trying to keep himself from sobbing. He felt too many separate emotions at once, and they were taking their toll on him.

“There’s thousands of them and only one of me. I can’t hope to outsmart them for my entire life, but I can’t simply comply too their whims like I’m some sort of prisoner… And that’s another issue. How do they view me? Am I a friend or foe?” He thought back to the time he fought with the pegasi guards that morning. The shock of seeing his own blood caused him to not think straight. Did they intentionally hurt him as he thought, or was it an accident as that indigo hybrid had tried to tell him?

“But what happens if I answer their questions? Will they attempt some sort of freak experiments after I tell them what they want? Will I become dissected like a frog?” He rubbed his eyes once again. He then lay on the floor with his front facing the ceiling. “This isn’t fair. It’s just not fucking fair.” He heard voices from outside the door. He silently stood up and he crept his way towards the noise, making sure that his footsteps were silent. Once he made it, he pressed his ear on the door. The voices were audible but were still a bit muffled.

“—sure nothing bad happens. He is very unpredictable and will attack at a moment’s notice. However, he’ll only do so if he feels as if he is threatened.” It took a moment for Blake to realize that the voice belong to the indigo alicorn. What was her name…? Luna! That was it.

“I can assure you, Your Majesty, that we’ll have no problem with the human whatsoever. We’ll just be conducting some tests to figure out his mental capability,” another voice said. Blake didn’t recognize this one, but it was definitely male with a hint of a British accent to go along with it.

“I hope so, for your sake. Nothing out of the ordinary or you’ll be hearing from me personally,” Luna threatened.

“You have my word,” the British pony promised. “Now where are those blasted keys?”

Blake’s gaze moved the knob on the door. It was slowly moving in a clockwise fashion. Realizing that they were unlocking the door, he rushed to the bed. He settled onto it, posing as if he hadn’t been eavesdropping on the ponies’ conversation. The door flung upon, and four unicorns wearing white lab coats trotted into the room. A large blackboard was being magically levitated behind them.

“What the hell is this?” Blake asked, lifting an eyebrow.

“Hello there. I am Professor Day Break, and these are my colleagues,” the British pony introduced. He had a bright yellow coat with a reddish-orange mane. He wore square glasses that screamed nerd to Blake.

“That wasn’t the answer I was looking for,” Blake grunted, folding his arms. The unicorn pony that was levitating the chalkboard hung it on the wall near the door. It had to be at least half the size of a normal whiteboard that he would see at school.

“Well we’re going to be simply testing you in a few basic fields of study. Even though you can talk, you may be either much more brilliant or much more uneducated than us ponies. We’d just like to see what you know. Let’s start with math, shall we?” Day Break lifted a small piece of chalk into the air. He wrote the uncomplicated question of, “2 + 2 = ?” on the chalkboard.

Blake rolled his eyes. “Four,” he said, already bored. The three other unicorns scribbled notes using quills and clipboards.

“Very good. Next question.” Day Break erased the previous question and then wrote, “Pi is equal to?”

“Three point one-four,” Blake said.

“Well I can see that you have at least the basic understanding of mathematics. Let’s try something different.” The other scientists nodded their heads in agreement. Blake was trying his best not to flip a table, even though there weren’t any in the room. But maybe the bed would be sufficient…

Day Break then wrote, “How are the seasons caused?”

“Why can’t you ask me the question out loud?” Blake asked.

“I was just trying to be formal is all.”

“You guys got a strange definition of ‘formal’,” he muttered under his breath. He then proceeded to answer the question. “The seasons are caused by the amount of sunlight that his hitting the Earth while it is orbiting the sun. And since the Earth is tilted at an angle, the seasons are different in the northern hemisphere than what it is in the southern.”

The scientist ponies stared at Blake as if he had said the most ridiculous thing since the creation of the universe. At first, they wore confused looks on their faces. They then burst out laughing as if someone had said a funny joke. “Are you being serious?” one of the unicorns laughed. Blake kept a closed mouth, but his reaction told the scientists that he was telling the truth, which only made them laugh even harder. If he wasn’t trying so hard to bottle up all of his emotions, he would’ve socked them all as hard as humanly possible. No, just calm down, and don’t let hate and anger get to you or else you’ll explode, he thought to himself.

“Enlighten me,” Blake barked, unable to stay completely pacific. His sudden statement quelled the scientists of their laughter, and they turned their attention to him. “How do the seasons change?”

“Magic, of course,” Day Break answered. Blake was left a bit baffled, but it was now his turn to laugh. He began chuckling, causing the scientist ponies to stare in confusion for a second time.

“Bullshit! I’m calling bullshit!” Blake snickered. “So are you ponies gonna also tell me that you also use magic to make the sun rise every morning?”

“Well, yes… we actually do,” Day Break admitted. Blake stifled his laughter and was now all ears. “Princess Celestia uses her magic to make the sun rise every morning, and Princess Luna does the same with the moon.”

“Mmhmm… sure. Whatever you say, because that makes complete sense,” Blake said with a tone of sarcasm.

“Oh, I’d love to hear your explanation on how the sun rises and falls.”

“You mean like how the Earth spins around its axis at a twenty-three point five degree angle? Y’know, how it takes twenty-four hours for it to make one complete spin? It’s not the sun that’s moving. It’s the planet as it is bound to it by gravity.”

“Blasphemy! That goes against everything we know!”

“Humans were the same way centuries ago. They created gods and goddesses to explain natural phenomena, even though they didn’t exist. We even thought that our planet was flat! It was only when technology progressed was when we learned new things. And we will continue to learn as time goes on. If we learn something that doesn’t fit our current explanations, we’ll modify it in the light of any new evidence.”

The scientists chatted among themselves, trying to put together what he had said. This left Blake wondering if this was to be his new life, arguing with a bunch of ponies dressed in lab coats all day, every day. He began devising ways to escape the capital in case that it was, because it was only a matter of time before they said something that would cause him to flip out. Hell, he felt like he was going to go crazy right then and there. Instead he folded his arms and slowly breathed in and out as he attempted to calm himself.

“We’ve decided that we’ll put this case to rest for now, but we shall bring it up later. We only have one test for you and we will leave you alone for the rest of the day,” Day Break finally said after conversing with his fellow scientists. Thank God, Blake thought. Even though we’ve only been talking for like ten minutes I feel like bashing my head against the wall.

Day Break’s horn was engulfed by a golden aura, and the door swung open. He motioned for Blake to follow. Although reluctant to, he stood up and followed the yellow pony. The second he was outside, he was flanked by two guards who were waiting for him. They were not taking any chances. As they walked through the castle, Blake scanned all of the hallways, trying to look for the best escape routes. He also watched any other guards he could spot, trying to see if they followed some sort of pattern. Even though he couldn’t sense any, he realized that there were plenty of curtains to hide behind in the chance that he was surrounded but not yet spotted. All he would have to do was tuck himself behind one of them, and wait for any passersby to be on their way.

He was constantly receiving strange looks by most of the ponies that they passed by. He shrugged them off and continued to formulate his stupid and daring plan. He hoped that he would never have to go through with it, but there was always a possibility.

Blake followed them outside, where he found himself in a large garden. He had never seen such a vast range and variety of plants and animals in one place before. Except for the time he went to the New York Zoo, but other than that it was rather quite stunning. He wished he could say it was beautiful, but all the greenery had reminded him of that damned forest. He felt his darkest fears creep up on him again and he started to hyperventilate. The scientists looked at him with worry, but he was able to clear his mind and was able to revert back to a peaceful state. Small beads of sweat dripped down his forehead. He brought up his sleeve to wipe it off. The party stopped in front of what seemed to be a large wall of hedge with a large, arched entrance.

“Here we are, at our destination,” Day Break said. “Your task is simple. There is a small but beautiful diamond in the center of the… garden. You grab it, come back out, and you will be finished for the day.”

“And what is this supposed to accomplish?” Blake asked, feeling suspicious of Day Break’s hesitation before the word “garden”.

“Endurance, for the most part.”

Blake felt like the bright yellow pony was not telling the whole truth. What would happen if he just said “no” and walked away? He didn’t know, so he might as well play along with their little games for now. This would be the perfect opportunity to think and be alone with no distractions. “Alright, I’ll do this, but there better not be anything in there that will kill me instantly.”

“You have my word that there are no dangerous creatures or poison or quicksand or anything dangerous. In fact, your worst enemy will be yourself.”

Blake didn’t like the way that sounded. He cracked his knuckles and his neck, feeling the crunching sound of the bones popping, which caused the scientists to jump. Blake began to move at a slow jogging pace into the entrance of the so-called “garden”. He was immediately at an intersection with only two ways to go: left or right. He turned right to quickly find himself at a dead end. He turned around and went back the other way. Again there was only the option of going left or right. He moved around the left corner this time. For the next ten minutes, he was constantly finding himself at an intersection with only those two ways to go. It then hit him that this wasn’t a simple garden… it was a maze.

“What the fuck have I gotten myself into?” Blake cursed. Why didn’t he figure this out earlier? How could he be so stupid to fall straight into Day Break’s stupid, little board game? There was no turning back now, as he couldn’t remember where he had come from. It didn’t really matter, as everything looked the same. Wait a second… footprints! All he’d have to do his follow his footprints back out of the maze and into the castle again, where he’d give them a piece of his mind sent by his fist.

He knelt down on the soft dirt, looking for his ticket out of this place. His heart sunk to the ground when he saw that he somehow wasn’t leaving any imprints on the ground. How was this even possible? Well, that ruined his hopes of getting out.

“Goddammit! Day Break must’ve known that this would’ve happened,” he said. He scooped up a handful of dirt from the ground, crushing it in his tight grasp. He let out all of his anger on the soil, and then tossed it back on the earth. He shuffled back onto his feet and was maneuvering through the maze once again. He was now determined to find the diamond and bring it back, no matter the cost. He was driven like a mad-man, and for no apparent reason. It was like all of his emotions that he had been storing had exploded like a supernova.

At first he was just jogging, then running, and then sprinting. He felt the energy drain out of him quickly, but he didn’t care. He kept his pace even though his legs and chest felt as if they were on fire. All of the burdens his body had been going through for the past week had now crushed onto him at once like the weight of a thousand tons. His rest for the past day now was wasted. He maintained his strides as he turned left, right, left, forward, right, dead-end, turn around, and begin again. It was a series of patterns that never stopped like the universe itself. He was panting heavily and felt as if he was to collapse at any given moment, but he never stopped even to rest.

He didn’t know how long he had been going, but it had to been at least four or five hours as the sun was now setting. His mind felt dizzy, and all of a sudden he puked his entire lunch onto the soil. The taste was vile, and he unexpectedly now felt dehydrated. He knew he was going to pass out soon, as he had pushed himself much too hard. He looked up once more to check in with his surroundings. He was in a large clearing with a stone pedestal that was resting in the middle of it. Even though his muscles didn’t want to respond, his curiosity got the better of him as he began to crawl towards the pedestal. After twenty minutes of moving as slow as a snail, he finally made it.

He laid his hands on the top of the pedestal to support him as he got onto his feet. In the center of the pedestal, a small igneous rock lay in the center. Blake’s mood immediately turned sour, as he knew that he had been lied to.

“All of this, for a fucking rock?!” Blake shouted angrily, grabbing the rock with his right hand and chucking it as far as his energy could muster. “You mean to tell me that I nearly killed myself over a motherfucking rock?!” He then that gravity pull him to the ground, and he sobbed until he couldn’t produce any more tears.

He tried to speak, but all that came out were heavy coughs. He then thought to himself, Once I get out of this goddamn labyrinth, I’ll fucking kill every single one of them! I don’t care if they tell me they’re just testing me! I’m not some stupid lab rat to be toyed with! I’m Blake Seegmiller Johnson for Christ’s sake! Lyra, if you can hear me, you need to help me. I don’t know how much longer I can keep up with this!

He then fainted from exhaustion.


He heard the distant beating sound of at least two helicopters closing in on him. He thought he had killed the majority of them with those three grenades, but apparently he had only shaken the hive. He had only turned his head around once, and that was when he first entered the forest. He remembered the hum of the dozen army trucks as they began to give chase, and the piercing wail of a sniper’s bullet flying right past his head. What did they want with him? Why were they executing all of the survivors? He had no clue, but his only option he had was to survive.

He jogged through dense forest with his over packed backpack weighing down on him, not to mention he was also lugging an assault rifle. He didn’t care, as he knew that if he slowed down even for a moment, there was a possibility that he would be shot. If he had to rest, it would be in a place that heavily concealed his presence.

His panting had now become a steady rhythm as he waved back and forth through the trees in a zig-zag fashion. He knew that they were probably going to be following his tracks, so it would be best to maneuver in a way that would confuse his opponents the most. He had also made a habit of darting between trees so that he was almost always in cover. Every five minutes or so, he would slow down just a small amount, but enough that his breathing wasn’t fast enough so it wouldn’t drown out any other sounds in the forest.

The beating noises had given up the chase, as they grew more and more distant. It would be almost impossible to detect him from the air in such thick foliage. A small grin formed on his lips, as the helicopters were probably his biggest threat. With them out of the picture, it would be that much easier to keep a low profile.

Blake drew his phone out his pocket to check the time. 7:00 PM. He would only have a couple of hours left of daylight before he would have to find someplace to spend the night. His stomach rumbled, begging for food. He didn’t want to comply, but he submitted to his hunger and hunkered under a fallen tree. A large rock covered his back, so he would only have to worry about keeping his eyes in one place instead of an entire three-sixty degree angle.

He zipped open his backpack and removed all of its contents until he found what he was looking for. A large pack of beef jerky. If he was smart, he could use this to keep him going for two weeks at the most. He ripped open the pouch and stuffed his hand inside. He grabbed onto a few bits and placed it inside his mouth. He savored the flavor, but chewed as quickly as possible. He organized all of his items back into his backpack. By the time he was done, he swallowed the last of his small meal. He stretched his legs for a few moments and then began to move, still running in a zig-zag pattern.

He was tired and wanted to stop. He wanted to go home and run away from all of the horrors he had witnessed not too long ago. But if he stopped, he was admitting defeat. He had to do this for his mother… his father… and his sister. If he could just find someplace where he could contact back home, he was sure he could get the government to come and put a stop to this mess, even as ridiculous as it sounded.

The sun was now setting over the horizon. The sky turned an orangish color, and Blake knew that this day was about to end. He placed his gear near a tree and climbed up it as fast as a monkey would. He scanned the area around him, trying to find the best place to sleep for the night. He saw a small cliff that overlooked the area down below. It would be the perfect place to spot any of the soldiers. Maybe he could even snipe them off, but that would be a stupid idea, as the loud bang the gun would produce would alert all the other soldiers that were miles away.

He slid back down nimbly. He picked his gear and dashed towards the cliff. When he arrived, he set his stuff onto the ground and collapsed onto the soft wild grass. It felt soft yet itchy, but it didn’t matter to Blake. There was nothing to do except get some sleep, but there was one thing he thought of doing before drifting off into. He pulled out his iPhone again and opened up the video app where he could record himself. If he couldn’t make it out of here alive, then maybe someone else would find his phone and get all of the information out of it. Wait a second… he had access to the internet! He could upload the video and hope that someone would find him. It was a slim chance, but it was still possible. He focused the camera on his face and then hit the record button.

“This is Blake Seegmiller Johnson. I’m making this video to record my vacation to Europe, which it isn’t as it seems. Eight hours ago, my plane transporting me and at least two hundred people was shot down by a SAM and crash landed about at least fifteen miles or so from where I am now. All of the survivors, including my family, were executed by soldiers whom I couldn’t identify their nationality. I believe that these aren’t your run-of-the-mill pirates, as they’ve got helicopters and technology that would be difficult for a small force to maintain. Whoever they are, they’re now after me. I don’t know why they’re so hell-bent on killing me… wait, never mind that I do. But this is a message to anyone out there, you’ve gotta help me. I don’t know where I am, but if I don’t get help, I’m a dead man.”

He paused the record button, and now would just wait for the video to upload.

“Mom, dad, Melody… I hope you’re enjoying heaven, but I won’t be seeing you guys any time soon because I’ve now entered hell.”


Author's Note

Hey guys, I just want you all to know that I'm going to be entering the February Write Off competition on this site, so the next chapter will be a bit delayed because of it. Just though I'd let you all know.

Siege, out.