• Published 2nd Jan 2012
  • 7,952 Views, 319 Comments

Fabrication - Bomber

One human runs for his life. One pony will be there to catch him when he falls.

  • ...

Chapter 18: Mendacity

“He’s never going to cave in, boss.”

“I beg to differ. Based on his dreadful reactions towards absolutely anything that triggers a painful memory, it’s quite clear that he hates his past with a burning passion. The human has two options: Either he can assist my efforts in revolutionizing state-of-the-art Equestrian technology… or suffer for the rest of eternity in that cruel and spiteful world he originated from.”

“Boss, you always say to expect the unexpected. There is still a slim chance that he may very well choose to return to his homeworld. You’ll have to start almost completely from scratch if that happens.”

“Not necessarily. I’ve already sent blueprints and diagnostic sheets to several of my contacts based in Manehattan. They’ll figure everything out eventually, though it might take years — maybe even decades to begin mass production of the machines without the aid of the human. As much as I hate to admit it, we need Blake’s help. He holds the key to unlocking the unmatchable power of electricity that the humans harness to greatly advance their world.”

“I understand, but you can’t hide within the confines of your workshop forever. We’re right under the Princess’ nose. It’s only a matter of time before she sniffs us out and sends our sorry flanks straight to the moon.”

“What I can’t fathom is why the Princess has placed so much faith in the human in so little time. What has it been? A month, maybe? No more than two, that’s for sure. I don’t see how he was promoted from psychopathic freak to star pupil with a simple wisp of her silly magic. Just like that. Now he’s suddenly a top priority, a bigger threat than any of those snobby, uptight nobles.”

“He’s still technically an alien. Knowing that our planet is not the only source of smart life in the universe is pretty fascinating, don’t you think? He’s learning from us and we’re learning from him. They may be trying to accomplish the very things we are.”

“That’s absurd. Celestia has made no move to push for better technology in a thousand years. Ponies have used magic to power everything for a millennium, so she continues to believe that it’s the only source of energy that exists even when obvious evidence is handed to her on a silver platter. It’s idiotic. Only recently have our species begun to make a push for a better understanding of our universe as a whole. We’re learning more and more as science progresses. I intend to be a hero of our time when I’m finally able to utilize the power of electricity and share it with the rest of the world.”

“Both you and I know that can’t happen if Equestria is overrun.”

“What are you blabbering about now?”

“I know everything about this little deal you made behind my back. You seriously thought that I wouldn’t notice? My special talent is discerning pony’s secrets for Celestia’s sake.”

“Which is why I’m paying you to do your job and keep your mouth shut.”

“Boss, I was once a part of the police force in Manehattan. I’m through with that line of work because they became corrupt, so I had to use my skills as a paid mercenary. However, I still have a tendency to care for the civilians. It’s always been a part of what I do. I’m warning you know. If you follow through with this plan of yours, I’m breaking the contract and alerting the Royal Guard. While I agree with your goals, this is not the way to do it!”

“Both you and I know that this is the only way.”

“It was only a couple of weeks ago that you said you were going to do nothing of this sort. And now you’re making a bloody deal with those parasites to help them conquer Canterlot. You see, I may not be the smartest pony in the world, but it doesn’t take an idiot to know that you are one sick, twisted little unicorn.”

“I don’t care of your opinions, Vigilant. Know that the Blood Pact is still intact and I have hidden it from prying eyes such as yourself. Any time that I feel that your loyalties are fading away from their true purpose, I can and I will kill you where you stand, and there’s nothing you can do about it.”

“This isn’t what I signed up for.”

“Of course it isn’t, but new pieces have been set into motion in our little game of chess. Pawns that are ready to sacrifice themselves for the greater good of ponykind. Valiant knights and bishops who will charge headfirst into battle when called upon. Rooks that will wreak havoc among the enemy lines. I am the king… and Chrysalis is my queen. Everypony will protect me while she does all the dirty work.”

“What if the changelings win? We’ll all be forced into slavery with those things feeding off our love.”

“It’s not a question of if, it’s a question of when. There are already dozens of incognito changelings within the borders of Canterlot and an army awaits at its gates. No matter what unexpected variables may occur, we will win. Both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna will be defeated and the changelings will reign supreme.”

“You’re a bugger-lover. And here I thought you were trying to add benefits to everypony in Equestria with this new-fangled technology of yours. Should’ve figured you would end up stabbing everyone when our backs were turned.”

“I am doing nothing of the like.”

“Are you even hearing yourself right now?”

“Yes, I am as a matter of fact. That’s not the whole plan.”

“What, has the bugger-queen promised you a throne by her side after she destroys everything?! You even admitted it yourself, saying you’re some king and all in a game of chess.”

“You didn’t understand what the meaning behind it. The king is the most valuable piece. If it falls, then the game is lost. But the queen… the queen can be sacrificed. The queen doesn’t need to live in order to win. As soon as we have made some modifications to Blake’s weaponry to better suit ponies and begin mass production, we will return to Canterlot and slaughter every last changeling within a thousand miles. It will be then that the ponies see how important this technology is to us.”


“Nothing else to say? Good, because I have your next assignment for you. There is a changeling in the north district posing as that one famous model. Fleur-de-lis is the name I believe. I want you to track its location and bring it to me within the next hour. I think I have formulated a plan to get the human to talk.”


Blake began to hate the dreariness of his makeshift prison cell. Everything was bland and grey. The only escape route was through that dilapidated, wooden door. A semi-powerful kick could easily splinter the fragile wood into two pieces. But what if Day Break hired more goons to guard the door? If that was the case, he wouldn’t hesitate to end their lives. All of his equipment still lay on a plastic table barely out of his reach. The professor was a fool for leaving everything behind.

Is this what I’m becoming? Blake thought as his sore wrists continued their struggle to escape his constraints. Some killing-machine that shoots his problems without second thoughts instead of trying to solve them peacefully?

For the first time in over four hours, he paused his squirminess. It’s survival of the fittest. If there’s two of us in a room with only one coming out alive, then I’m gonna be damn sure that I’m the one standing victoriously on top. I’m not going to be murdered… like the rest of my family. He sat silently in his uncomfortable chair, his conscience nagging him to mourn his losses immediately. But he did not cry. He did not pout. He did not even shed one tear. I’m going to be strong. Not just for me, but for my family and the ponies who have begun to make my life worthwhile. I’ve always been an aggressive person. A sarcastic prick who’s hostile towards everyone and everything. That’s going to change. Once this over, I’m going to apologize to everyone for my idiotic behavior. And if Luna lets me, I’m going to make a proper memorial for those that have lost their lives these past couple of months… including the ones that died by my hands.

The door swung open, its ear-piercing creaks forcing Blake to turn his head away. Day Break marched into the room, a happy-go-lucky grin still present on his face. “Have you come to a decision yet, my little human?” he asked, his hooves echoing throughout the barren room.

“I thought you were giving me a full day to make my choice,” Blake replied, his voice calm and controlled. Day Break picked up on his sudden change in attitude, an eyebrow rising in question.

“You are correct, but unfortunately, I am on a very tight schedule,” Day Break said, his expression returning to one of mock-joy. “I’m afraid I cannot allot your twenty-four hours to make a decision. But to make up for this sudden loss of time, I’ve brought somepony to help you with your difficult choice.”

Blake sighed in relief when his eyes caught a mint-green unicorn entering the room. “Lyra…” he said.

The ponies’ ears perked up to the sound of her name. She steadily turned her head, her golden eyes locking tensely with Blake’s. “Blake!” Lyra shouted cheerily, rushing to the human and crushing his lungs in an enormous bear-hug.

“It’s good to see you too,” Blake gasped, returning the embrace as best he could with his hands tied behind his back. “But I can’t breathe.”

“Sorry,” Lyra quickly apologized, reluctantly letting go of her human friend. She took a few paces backwards in order to grant him some much needed personal space. “It’s just been a long time since I’ve last seen you.”

Blake smiled. “It has been,” he agreed. “How was the Gala?”

“It was tons of fun!” the energetic pony replied. “I had a really great time performing and the night was perfect… up until the point I heard that you were kidnapped.” Her head visibly dipped towards the floor. It was clear to Blake that she was killing herself inside for realizing that she was powerless to do anything to help.

“Don’t worry about it, it’s not your fault,” Blake reassured. “I could’ve done more to protect myself.”

“No, no,” Lyra said, shaking her head. “I should’ve come to visit you earlier. I should’ve convinced Princess Luna to allow you an invitation to the Gala. I should’ve at least tried to communicate with you. This could have been stopped before it even happened!”

“While I’m sure that the two of you have a lot to talk about,” Day Break interjected, sounding incredibly impatient, “this is not the time and the place for idle chit-chat. I’ll be leaving the room so the two of you may discuss the topic at hand, but know that I will still be able to hear every word that both of you say.”

“Then what’s the point in leaving?” Blake asked.

“Just so my presence doesn’t intimidate either of you,” Day Break said, taking course to the outside of the room. Blake couldn’t tell if he was playfully joking or being quite serious. An orange aura engulfed the brittle door as it slowly shut itself, its annoying squeals refusing to abate.

Lyra’s gaze drifted to Blake. “I know what you’re going to say, but I can’t help you escape,” she said, her tone slightly apologetic. “They told me if I tried to do anything funny, they’d beat you to a pulp and force me to watch.”

“It’s okay. Remember, Lyra, I’m immune to magic,” Blake reminded her. “Day Break left everything right in front of me to swipe. If you can undo my bonds, I can bust both of us right out of here.”

“What if they come for us?” Lyra asked, her voice suddenly becoming a tad aggressive. “Are you going to cruelly kill them without mercy? Like those humans that were chasing you?”

Blake was unmistakably taken aback. He knew that she had relived his memories and all the events that transpired the week before his arrival. She knew that no other options made themselves available to him. It was kill or be killed. They already had several deep conversations about his dark past with each time Blake breaking down pieces. But she would be there to piece him back together. Despite some of the terrible things he had done, she honestly understood everything he went through. Why would she change her views about this now of all times?

“I don’t enjoy killing. I’m not a vicious, blood-thirsty monster,” Blake said. “But if the time comes that I have to take someone’s life in order to protect mine or others that are close to me, I’ll do it. You know this. I know this.”

“I’m sorry, Blake,” Lyra said, though there wasn’t a hint of compassion present. “That came out wrong because I’ve been under a lot of pressure from the stuff that happened last night. I didn’t mean to snap at you.”

“There’s no need to worry about it,” Blake said. “But I still need you to cut me loose. This chair is practically glued to floor and these restraints are allowing me no room to wiggle my way out. But we do have an opportunity to get out of here and I don’t want this open window to close. Day Break still hasn’t attempted to stop you from doing anything. We can do this, Lyra. We can do this.”

Lyra shook her head. “I can’t Blake. I’m sorry.”

“Lyra, I need you to help me,” Blake patiently said, starting to become angry at her lack of support. He didn’t make it obvious in his tone, however. He remained calm and collected. “Luna has to know about Day Break. I don’t know exactly what’s going on, but I know for a fact that there’s more to him than meets the eye. He wants to use my species’ technology for something devious. I saw how interested he was with my guns just a few hours ago.”

“There’s nothing I can do Blake,” Lyra said. “But I have to ask, do you even know where you are?”

“No...” Blake hesitantly replied.

“Neither do I,” Lyra said a little too speedily. “They blindfolded me so I couldn’t find my way back here with the princess and a whole squad of Royal Guards. We could be anywhere. There’s no way to know for certain where we are and if we can escape. We could be a mile beneath the castle for all we know!”

“Are you saying that you were kidnapped too?” Blake asked.

“No, I came here on my own free will. They came to me and said that they had you captured and they could bring me to you. However, they gave me no room to inform the princess before making a decision,” Lyra replied.

“Who’s ‘they’?” Blake questioned. “You keep saying ‘they’ said something or ‘they’ took you somewhere. Can you tell me who these ponies were? As far as I can tell, it’s just Day Break and his one assistant that managed to beat and knock me unconscious. We might be able to give their descriptions to the princess for interrogation if the Guard can’t get their hands on Day Break once we get out of here.”

At first, Lyra didn’t mutter a single word. She stayed completely motionless, her eyes darting back and forth to retrieve the information in the banks of her memory. “I don’t know,” she eventually said, obviously lying. A few drips of sweat trickled down her forehead and her legs looked as if they were on the verge of buckling.

“Lyra, I thought we could trust each other,” Blake said with affliction. “Did they do something to harm you in anyway? Is there some reason you can’t say anything?”

“No, I can’t tell you,” Lyra said flatly. “My purpose is to convince you stay in Equestria. Help Day Break with whatever he asks you to do. Don’t worry, Princess Luna’s commanded half the Royal Guard to search for you, the other half is locking down the whole city. You can trust me when I say that I will do everything in my power to find you again, okay?”

“Okay,” Blake said. The back of his mind pestered that something was amiss, but he couldn’t exactly pinpoint any glaring issue. Unless his mind was playing an extensive trick on him, the pony that stood in front of him was surely Lyra. But this Lyra was slightly different than the one he came to know and love as a friend. She was effortlessly dodging his questions left and right and she refused to untie him. There was no doubt that this was highly suspicious. Something was going on behind the scenes for her to act this way.

The unicorn mare trotted up to him. “Look, I have to go, but I’ll see you soon,” she whispered. She pecked him on the cheek, causing his face to instantaneously flush an intense red hue. She smiled sweetly and hurriedly left the room without giving him the liberty to respond. Did Lyra harbor feelings for him? As far as Blake was concerned, their relationship status was just friends. Nothing more, nothing less. He had no clue that she actually liked him. There was a possibility that the peck was some sort of pony reassurance ritual or tradition, but during his stay in Equestria, he came to the conclusion that ponies were practically humans in equine form. There weren’t many blatant differences between the two species save for magic and the numerous puns with their language almost identical to English.

“He got suspicious and kept asking too many questions,” Lyra explained to someone outside the door. It was arduous to make out what she said, but the door was opened just a crack to fortunately allow sound to still easily pass through. He leaned forward in his chair with his ear facing the door. “I had to get out of there as soon as possible. I’m sorry I failed you.”

“You haven’t failed me quite yet,” another voice said, presumably Day Break. “Once you leave, I’ll proceed to ask him of his final decision. I am not giving up hope because I’m sure that you have swayed him in our favor. You were very, very convincing. If it wasn’t for the human’s meddlesome inquiries even I would have even believed that you were the original!”

“It’s what we do,” Lyra said, her voice strangely monotonous. “But I do not care for your praises. My task here is finished. What are my orders now?”

“Report back to me in six hours on the capture of Princess Cadence,” Day Break said. “After the swap is complete, gather two other of your swarm-mates and pose as Chrysalis’ bridesmaids. If the original or the princess is at any time within a close vicinity of you, find a place to hide immediately and hunker down until they leave. Hopefully this will allow me to transfer messages to the queen whenever I wish.”

“I will do as you command,” Lyra said.

“One more thing,” Day Break said. “How has the princess responded to the disappearance of our good friend in there?”

“They have become very paranoid. A lockdown is imminent and the captain of the Royal Guard has magically placed a forcefield surrounding the entire city. Nothing is getting in or out of the capital without the approval of the Guard,” Lyra replied.

“Interesting,” Day Break said, drawing out the word for as long as his diaphragm let him. “That is all. You are dismissed.”

Realizing that the professor would be visiting him promptly, Blake sat upright in his chair, pretending to have never eavesdropped. As he expected, Day Break barged into the dull room seconds later, smiling as creepily as ever. “Hello, Blake,” he greeted, closely inspecting his handgun by briefly levitating it in mid-air. “Have you come to a conclusion?”

I might as well humor him for a while, Blake thought. I don’t know jack shit about how this stuff works, but I bet I can come up with something that’ll fool even Mister Know-It-All over there. Plus, this will give me more time to puzzle together everything that just happened.

“I’ll cooperate for the time being,” Blake said, matching Day Break’s wandering gaze with his own piercing one. “I think my knowledge is good enough to help you… for now.”

“Excellent!” Day Break declared heartily. “Come, my little human. Let us begin with haste!”

There were a plethora of things that Blake wasn’t sure about on both this world and on his own. But there was one particular item that he was almost positive with:

That pony was not Lyra.


“Miss Heartstrings! Your presence is requested immediately from the Princess of the Night!” a forceful, boisterous voice commanded from directly outside Lyra’s door.

“Is it six already?” Lyra heavily groaned, glancing at the circular clock that rested by her bedside. Unfortunately, her eyes did not deceive her. The short hand pointed at the number six while the longer one shifted towards the number twelve. “At least they’re on time.”

She sluggishly hopped off her cozy, warm bed, her hooves practically dragging themselves across the polished floor. The tired unicorn only acquired a few precious hours of sleep, her body craving a plentiful portion of caffeine to enter her system to jump-start her day. Her horn then dimly lit a golden shade, the doorknob proceeding to follow suit. She twisted the shiny knob and clumsily opened the door to see a rather impatient-looking guard standing at attention.

“Do you mind if I take fifteen minutes to get ready?” Lyra yawned, bringing up a hoof to stifle it. “It’s been kind of a long night and I’d like to take a quick shower.”

“Permission denied,” the stern guard asserted. “I’ve been ordered to escort you to the princess without delay.”

“No exceptions?” Lyra asked.

“No exceptions.”

“Fine.” Lyra quickly shut the door behind her, then began to follow the bulky stallion through the immense corridors of the castle. Everywhere they went, she noticed at least one pair of either unicorn or pegasi guards patrolling the hallways, relentlessly checking every corner and every potential hiding spot. The princesses must have called the entire Guard plus its few reserves into action. If there wasn’t a dangerous threat looming over Canterlot, then the need of dozens of patrols wouldn’t be necessary.

After trudging across the castle and up several flights of stairs, a set of enormous, metallic double-doors bearing the crest of both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna stood proud and tall before them. “This is where we part,” the guard grimly said. “The Princess of the Night is waiting for you inside.”

“This isn’t Princess Luna’s private quarters,” Lyra noted, closely investigating the huge doors.

The guard shifted his attention towards the giant doors, then back to the young unicorn. “This is the observation post. Only the princesses are granted access to this room, so consider it a huge honor that you have been invited inside.”

“I don’t think I can open those doors,” Lyra guessed. “They’re gargantuan, not to mention that I don’t see any form of door handles to open them.”

“That’s because it can only be opened from the inside. Knock three times and shout your name. The doors are enchanted to allow the princesses to hear anything that’s said in these hallways. Her Majesty will be able to hear you without a hitch.”

“That is correct, Lieutenant Hayes,” an exhausted voice said, causing Lyra to flinch at the unexpected newcomer. Princess Luna’s stature was bedraggled, her flowing mane a mess, her eyes partially bloodshot, and her crown and two sparkling shoes missing. “I couldn’t but help overhear your conversation and I thought it would be proper to greet the two of you myself. Thank you for bringing Miss Heartstrings to my attention, Lieutenant. You may return to your post.”

“At once, Princess,” the guard bowed and proceeded to depart, leaving Lyra alone with the princess.

“Please, Lyra, come inside,” Luna said, gesturing to the interior of the observation post. Lyra complied with a nod, following the younger princess as she had followed the guard that escorted her across the grounds of the entire castle.

The observation post was without a doubt, a complete and utter mess. It was as if the entire weather team from Cloudsdale swooped with a powerful typhoon and wrecked the place as much as they could. Maps, scrolls and parchments lay strewn about the entire room with a multitude of books missing from their shelves. Lyra had to take every step with extreme caution in order to avoid stepping on one of the many numerous items that were thrown and littered. Lyra glanced at Luna, who was carelessly stepping on top of the items without care of their condition.

“I apologize for the mess,” Luna apologized, scooping a pile of cluttered objects off a velvety couch and carelessly tossing them aside. She once again gestured for Lyra to sit beside her. The mint-green unicorn nodded in reply, shifting herself into a more… comfortable position. “Imitating Blake’s posture while sitting, I see.”

“It’s become a bad habit,” Lyra laughed, pulling her tail out of the way for it to abstain from being crushed by her body. “He’s rubbed off me a lot.”

“Hopefully it’s more of his likeable traits rather than his scornful ones,” Luna smiled.

Lyra shrugged her shoulders. “Yeah, he can be pretty thick-skulled at times.”

“Interesting character, he is. He has the personality of dice,” Luna said.

Lyra glanced in confusion. “The personality of dice?” she asked, scratching the back of her head. “I’m sorry when I say that I don’t follow your train of thought.”

“I’m just saying that there are plenty of sides to him, like he has six different personalities similarly to dice. Sometimes he’s a bitter, hateful person who’s hostile to everything around him. Other times he can’t help but feel melancholy and depressed to the point where I fear he may become suicidal. Then you have his happy, playful, and at times sarcastic part of him that I have come to welcome and love. If you took all his different personalities, you could shove them into six different bodies and they’d all be completely unique,” Luna explained.

Lyra’s brain took a moment to process what Luna had just said. “I have to agree with you, Princess—”

“Please, call me Luna,” the princess interrupted. “I’m frankly sick of all these formalities right now and I’d rather be addressed to as a common pony rather than a benevolent ruler. If you don’t mind, that is.”

“Of course not, Prin— I mean Luna.” Lyra slightly blushed after noticeably stumbling over her words.

“Not to worry, Lyra,” Luna chuckled. “Just know that I am your friend, as well as your princess. There’s no need for the titles when it’s just the two of us.”

“You got it, Luna,” Lyra said. “But since we’re talking as friends, I have to say that you look like you’ve had a rougher night than even mine.”

“I have had no sleep ever since my sister and I received that letter,” Luna said wearily. “That was days ago. I’ve been able to keep myself awake with a plentiful supply of coffee, but the effects of zero sleep have only taken effect a few hours ago. I do not know how much longer I can continue, so I summoned you here like I promised I would, and both you and I know that I didn’t bring you here for gossip and mare talk.”

“We’re starting to search for Blake, yeah?” Lyra guessed.

“The investigation began shortly after I dismissed both you and Captain Armor,” Luna informed. “Unfortunately their searches have brought up nothing fruitful so far, but I know that they cannot be far from Canterlot if they are not already within the confines of the captain’s shield. If worse comes to worse, we’ll have to interrogate the locals if they have seen the former professor or a six-foot tall bipedal creature.”

“I thought that you didn’t let Blake go the Gala because you weren’t ready to tell the population about him yet,” Lyra stated.

“Half the country knows about Blake,” Luna deadpanned. “’Hairless Minotaur is Welcomed by the Princesses,’ end quote. I read it on the front page of the Canterlot Daily a couple of weeks ago. What I’m trying accomplish is to hide the fact that Blake is an alien from the general public. I didn’t allow him to attend because there was a high probability of him being pestered from all the attendees. His full name, date of birth, where he used to live, what he did as a career. There’s an endless amount of questions they could’ve asked him and I didn’t want the poor human to crack under the pressure, especially considering his fragile state of mind.”

“I guess I can understand why you did that,” Lyra agreed, nodding her head.

“With this threatening letter and Blake’s sudden disappearance, I do not understand why Captain Armor is so intent on following through with his wedding. There are dangers looming around every corner, he has to see that,” Luna said.

“If you can’t get through to the groom, maybe you can try to talk some sense into the bride. If you can convince Princess Cadence to prolong the wedding, it’s basically one-hundred percent guaranteed that it will be prolonged,” Lyra said.

Luna chuckled heartily. “Oh? And what’s to say that Captain Armor can’t convince his fiancé to make sure to happens at any cost?”

Lyra grinned. “I don’t know how much you know about love, Luna, but in these kinds of relationships the mare always wins.”

“I suppose you’re right,” Luna giggled, rolling all over the couch unable to control her laughter. Lyra joined in and the two were immediately thrown into several laughing fits. Neither of them could understand why their moods drastically changed, especially since they both mutually shared the feeling of major drowsiness. Nonetheless, they laughed and laughed like they were old friends retelling old stories that brought up old memories. Only when their entire reserve of oxygen was depleted were they finally able to contain their relentless chuckling.

“Thank you, Lyra,” Luna said in between breaths. “I have not laughed like that in a very long time.”

“Tips are appreciated,” Lyra joked, pretending to hold a glass jar in front of her.

“The service was good, but not that great,” Luna said, levitating several bits hidden under a pile of papers to Lyra. “Maybe you can by yourself a few juicy, red tomatoes with this.”

“Nah, I think I’m going to invest in a gem, preferably a ruby,” Lyra decided, contently tapping her chin with a hoof. “In time, I might be able to buy an industrial sized blow dryer!” Again, the two shared a laugh, albeit this one much shorter than the first.

“As much as I have appreciated your company, I am in much need of some rest. It looks like my sister has already begun the day, and thus my beautiful night does not need any more attending to.” She paused, staring deeply into the sun drifting over the horizon. “Search for Sergeant Ebony. He’s in charge of the investigation and I have informed him that you will be assisting him until I assign you with another company. His team is currently in the mess hall in the South Wing. I informed him that you would be arriving at seven-thirty sharp. I have given you this time to prep yourself as well. But do not dawdle, Miss Heartstrings, you look just as bad as I do.”

The princess gently rested her head on a soft, plush pillow, her eyes slowly shutting snug and tight. Within seconds, she had already succumbed into a deep slumber. Lyra smiled at the sight of the sleeping princess, lightly slipping off the couch and making as little noise as she could, though she probably could blare intense music next to her ear and gain nothing more than a toss or a turn. She carefully made her way to the balcony on the opposite end of the room, a large telescope aimed towards the badlands of Equestria. Lyra didn’t bother touching the large instrument, figuring that the princess might have it scoped in that direction for a specific reason.

Princess Celestia’s sun had now fully shown itself, not a speck of it hidden because of the horizon blocking the view. Lyra was flabbergasted at its beauty, the various hues mixing together with the clouds in the foreground. It was like admiring a famous landscape painting in a museum.

The day after we find you, Blake, Lyra thought, we’re going to watch one of these together. Just you and me. Maybe then you’ll see that the world isn’t as dark and cruel as you think it is.