• Published 2nd Nov 2012
  • 11,847 Views, 555 Comments

Metroid: A Hunter in Equestria - Cusi

Samus crashes in Equestria.How will the legendary bounty hunter fare in the peaceful land of ponies?

  • ...

Stray Thoughts

Disclaimer: Samus and Metroid elements belong to Nintendo. My Little Pony belongs to Hasbro/the Hub. I own nothing but the plot.

Chapter 10: Stray Thoughts

"Screwball?" asked a rather mild Samus.

"Yep! Screwball!" answered the mysterious mare with a cheerful tone.

"Why are you here?"

"As I said, I'm part of your mind."

"How come this is the first time I see you?"

Screwball opened her mouth to answer, but realized she had no answer. She shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe it has something to do with ponies. And fun! I love fun!"

"...Pinkie Pie?" asked a now dumbfounded human after a pause.

"Nope! But she's my favorite. She really knows how to have fun! She is obviously the best vessel for the Element of Laughter, for obvious reasons." commented Screwball. "You should try to have more fun, like her."

"I don't have time for 'fun'. I need to go back. I still have a duty to fulfill."

"You're planning on going back without one of the greatest powers you know?"

"What do you mean?"

"The Elements of Harmony, of course! It doesn't take a genius to figure out you are interested in them. You think their power will help you with your goal, right? Besides, from what I can tell, power is not the only thing that caught your attention. What else did you see?" Screwball's voice began sounding less cheerful and more serious.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Samus answered, which made Screwball sigh.

"Trying to fool me is trying to fool yourself. What did you see in the Elements?" By now, the mare's voice was devoid of any cheerfulness.

Something triggered in Samus's mind at the question. Visions of a cyclopean brain floating inside a thick glass canister, roaring and cursing at its defeat, came to her head. She remembered that same brain break free from its confinements, now sporting a towering saurus-like body glaring at her with all the intent of killing her. The brain shot several beams at her, none too effective; at least until it fired a multi-colored one. Mother Brain blasted Samus with the Brain Laser, its power so great Samus just barely survived, even with all the protective capabilities of her suit.

And then, salvation in the form of a metroid; a metroid that not long ago was but a baby, a baby that despite all around it at the time of its birth formed a bond with Samus that no other creature had before. The baby latched itself on Mother Brain's head and began leeching all the energy its body could hold as its victim cried in agony. Before long, Mother Brain dried up, apparently not having any more energy in her body.

The metroid then attached itself to Samus, but instead of robbing her of her remaining energy, the energy tanks in her suit rapidly began refilling. The life energy the metroid leeched from Mother Brain was being pumped into Samus.

But Mother Brain was not dead. And while the metroid stripped her of her most powerful attack, she still had enough power to blast her attacker. And blast it she did.

With a laser shot from her eye, Mother Brain's attack pierced the metroid. It screeched loudly at the hole in its body before exploding in a messy gelatinous substance, which splashed on Samus. The Hunter stood there, time apparently unmoving, watching how the metroid, her metroid, lost its life trying to save her.

Needless to say, she got angry. Very angry. With the remains of the baby on her, the Power Suit assimilated its energy and granted Samus with the Hyper Beam. Fueled by rage, Samus opened fire at the monster brain.

The power of the Hyper Beam made short work of Mother Brain; the multi-colored blasts doing massive damage to the cerebral entity. Before long, Mother Brain was dead. But Samus didn't stop; with a growl, she kept firing at the cadaver until a voice sounded throughout the base and alerted her of the incoming planetary explosion. She gave one last hateful glance at Mother Brain's dead body before bolting out of there and escaping to safety.

The Hyper Beam was by no means identical to the rainbow fired from the Elements of Harmony, but the similarities between them were apparent. Both were extremely powerful in their own right, and both had rainbow-colored hues, as Samus noted. Also, the Hyper Beam was the only upgrade the Data Recovery System, given to her by Jayden's team, was unable to recover; just like her suit had failed to properly scan the 'Harmony Beam'.

"So that's what happened." said Screwball, drawing Samus back from her musings. "No wonder you want the Elements; they remind you of your baby."

Samus said nothing. She just looked away, ashamed.

"You must get them!" exclaimed Screwball, once again with that cheerful voice. "You must get the Elements of Harmony!"

"What!?" yelled Samus "Why would I do that?"

"Because you want to. Deep down, you know you want the Elements." Samus stiffened at this at the glare Screwball was giving her. "You know I'm right."

"..." Samus looked defeated, but slowly nodded her head.

"Excellent!" the mare said in a cheerful voice, once again "Time to wake up!"


Before Samus could do anything, Screwball, with a wide grin, punched Samus in the face and everything went black again.


Samus awoke with a startle. Looking around, she found herself inside her ship, lying on her comfy seat. Her mind was fuzzy, and she couldn't remember what she dreamed. She did, however, have one particular thought: She had to obtain the Elements of Harmony. She also felt an unusual melancholy regarding the baby metroid. Her baby metroid.

She got up from her seat and looked outside the window. It was a bit late, but not quite midday yet. Samus decided to take off her Zero Suit and instead wear her casual clothes. She also donned a necklace that was very special to her. The piece of jewelry was simple in design, consisting of a thin but sturdy chain and a small orange crystal for the pendant. The orange crystal was made of afloraltite, a volatile mineral used to power the start engines of ships; and also the reason the Space Pirates attacked her home. This necklace served as a reminder not only of her tragedies, but also of her power to overcome and destroy her enemies.

Exiting her ship, the huntress decided to have some lunch. After grabbing a handful of coins from the chests outside the gunship, Samus proceeded to Ponyville. She looked around, looking for any place nice enough to have lunch. Afterwards, she'd go for a long walk alone, away from town.

"Hiya, Samus!" greeted an overly cheerful voice. Samus turned to see Pinkie Pie bouncing her way, balloons attached to her tail for some reason. "How was your talk with Mr. Changeling? Was all good? Did you meet Cadance? Can you teach me how to turn into a ball? What are you doing now?"

"Bad. No. Yes, and I hate her. No. And I want to be left alone for today." Samus answered. Pinkie was about to say something but Samus beat her to it. "Alone." she repeated. This killed any joy in Pinkie Pie.

But being Pinkie Pie, that joy revived half a second later. "Okie dokie! See you tomorrow then!" And the pink mare bounced away. Samus ignored her and continued her trip to look for someplace to eat, someplace that didn't involve hyperactive pink ponies.

'Laughter. How easy would it be to send her into despair?' Samus shook her thoughts away. Those weren't doing any good. She continued her search around town.

Eventually, she passed by the spa. As she passed by, Rarity and Fluttershy emerged from the spa's doors. Samus groaned internally, for she knew what was about to happen.

"Samus, darling! What a surprise to see you here!"

"Hi, Samus."

"Hello." was Samus's greeting. "I'm not here for the spa. I'm looking to have some lunch."

"Oh, what a coincidence! We were just about to get some lunch ourselves. Would you like to join us?" offered Rarity.

"No thanks."

"But darling..."

"I'm not in the mood for company. Just continue on your business. Maybe we'll talk later."

"Fine, then. Come on Fluttershy."

"Oh, ok. Bye Samus." said the shy pegasus.

"Later." waved the Hunter. She continued on her way.

"Bye." said Rarity before she left.

'Kindness and generosity. Enough cruelty would probably break them.' Again, Samus shook her head. "Stupid thoughts."

After a few minutes looking around, she arrived at the same café she visited before. It would probably become her standard eating place, she mused. She entered and ordered her food. Her lunch consisted in a simple salad and some lime soda. She took a seat in the café's patio.

After eating her lunch, Samus decided she liked the place. She gulped down the rest of her drink and wiped her lips with a tissue. Just as she was about to pay, an orange mare with a cowboy hat sat across her in her table.

"Howdy, partner?" greeted Applajack "How are ya?"

"Fine." answered the huntress. "You?"

"Just dandy. Ah'm taking a break from the stand. Thought Ah'd stop by and say 'hi'." Applejack's joyful demeanor quickly turned sad. "You repaired your spaceship, I reckon. Guess you will leave Equestria pretty soon, huh?"

"Not yet. I still have to find a suitable energy source for the Hyperdrive. Without it, I can't leave this place." answered Samus.

'The Elements of Harmony are powerful enough. Why not use them?' the thought came to the Hunter's mind. She quickly shook it away.

"Well, guess we can't help it, then." Applejack said, trying and failing to continue sounding sad. "Wish ya luck with that. Ah have to get back to the stand. See ya later!"

Samus watched the mare leave and waved. She then grabbed some coins, paid for the food, and headed for the town outskirts. With a somewhat content sigh, she began her walk.

She gave like six steps before spotting Spike. The little dragon was rushing back to the library. He was carrying a bag of groceries, mostly snacks. He was probably running errands for Twilight. It was then when it hit her: Twilight hatched Spike; at least that's what she was told. Perhaps a chat with the librarian was in order, to maybe bring some order to the chaos that was her mind today. Maybe she could help her sort out the strange thoughts about the baby metroid that have been plaguing her this so much today.

Samus called for Spike and he stopped. Upon seeing the human, his face brightened. "Hey, Samus! What's up?"

"Not much. I was wondering if I could talk to Twilight. There's something I need to ask her." answered the huntress.

The dragon's demeanor lost a little cheerfulness. "Uh, I don't think that will be possible today. You see, there's going to be a meteor shower tonight, and she wants to go see it."

"And what's the problem?" Samus asked.

"Oh, you have no idea. Whenever she looks forward to something, she gets all bossy and crazy. She wants everything to go so smoothly she makes checklists to make checklists to make preparations. And she checks them four times! And of course I have to be there to help her." judging by his expression, he wasn't joking. His cheerfulness quickly returned, though. "Hey, you can come along if you want. We'll be in that hill at 9 tonight, if you're interested." Spike said while he pointed to a hill north of Ponyville.

"Thanks. I'll drop by if I get the chance." replied Samus.

"Great! Well, gotta go! See you later." the dragon said before continuing his trek back to the library. Samus waved him goodbye.

Now stargazing sounded like a good plan. Samus would most likely meet Spike and Twilight. After her walk, that is. Samus headed towards the town outskirts to begin her meditational walk.

"Hey, Samus!" Rainbow Dash landed beside Samus. The huntress groaned in annoyance.


It was a peaceful day, and every resident in Ponyville would agree. But all that peace was just an appearance, or at least that was the case for Samus. Her calm expression belied the chaotic thoughts coursing through her mind; most of them relating to the Elements of Harmony or her baby metroid. More often than not, they were about both. What troubled Samus was that most of those thoughts were too ridiculous to even consider, and yet she did consider them. Her mind was a mess, and she was aware of it.

'The Elements will bring me closer to my baby.'

'The Elements are powerful. They will prove to be a valuable asset.'

'My enemies will stand no chance against the Elements.'

'Getting the elements should be easy. Nothing a little planning can't do.'

'The Elements can revive the metroid.'

That last one was the worst of them all. She knew it was impossible. She saw firsthand that there was nothing left to revive. And yet she hoped it would work; that it would let her see the baby again.

Her meditative walk had almost completed half a lap around Ponyville before she took notice of the time. It was late afternoon, almost sundown. She was still in the outskirts, but decided not to return to the town yet. She was about to resume her walk when she noticed an azure pony in the distance, away from town. Her curiosity got the better of her, and Samus went to see who that was.

The pony is question was a mare nervously walking on a small red carpet. She was wearing a dark green cape with a loose hood. She hadn't noticed Samus approach because she was busy talking to herself.

"Come on, Trixie. It's not hard to do; you just go and perform the 'Wandering Lulamoon' act, get some bits, and then demand to see Twilight. Nothing difficult. After that you cou- AAAAHHH!" Trixie yelled when she spotted the human looking at her. "W-What are you? Trixie has never seen anything like you." She switched to a calmer, curious look, narrowing her eyes in an examining gaze. "You look like a naked bear... with clothes and pretty hair."

"I'm a human. I'm... not from around here." said Samus.

"You can talk?" Trixie raised her eyebrow. "Interesting."

"And I can also understand what you say..." deadpanned Samus. Trixie flinched a bit.

"Of course... Sorry about that. Introductions may be in order, then. I'm Trixie, traveling performer." said the mare with a wave of her hoof and a wide confident grin.

"Samus Aran, bounty hunter."

Trixie's eyes widened a bit in apprehension and her smile faltered. "Are you on the job at the moment?" she asked.

Samus noticed her reaction. "No." She leaned a little closer "Why? Are you a wanted pony?"

"Not to Trixie's knowledge, though she wouldn't be surprised if she was." answered the azure mare. Samus raised her eyebrow in interest. "Got to say that's not a common profession in Equestria. Trixie has only met one bounty hunter before, and she was quite the interesting character. Perhaps you have heard of the 'Sledgehammer'?"

"Can't say I have."

"Oh... Well, no wonder. She's mostly just a rumor."

"Didn't you just said you knew her?" questioned a somewhat skeptic Samus.

Trixie then gave her a knowing smug grin. "That's why Trixie said 'mostly'. Anyways, Trixie was on her way to Ponyville. There's a certain mare I need to see, and Trixie would prefer to finish her visit before nightfall; there's going to be a meteor shower tonight, and Trixie wants to see it. Oh! And speaking of meteors, you wouldn't know anything about the meteorite that crashed a few days ago, would you? It caught Trixie's attention and she wants to investigate."

"Would you believe me if I told you that was me?"

"As a matter of fact, Trixie would, if she was given a bit more explaining; you don't look big or resilient enough to survive that kind of fall. Then again, looks can be deceiving." Trixie gave a mildly sinister smile at that phrase. "But anyways, back on track. While Trixie assures you she finds your character to be quite interesting, Trixie really needs to meet up with this mare. After Trixie's business with her are over, she'll look for you."

"Twilight will be unavailable today. Maybe you'll have some luck tomorrow." said Samus, face stoic.

"How do you know Trixie is looking for Twilight?" asked a rather suspicious Trixie.

"You said it when you were talking to yourself."

"Oh... Right..." Trixie said with a little embarrassment. She quickly regained her confident air, though. "You seem to know Twilight. Lavender coat and purple mane, unicorn, quite powerful. That Twilight?"

"The same." nodded Samus.

Trixie narrowed her eyes in suspicion. "Are you from Ponyville?" she asked, her voice carrying a tint of anger.

"No. I'm just living near it for the time being." answered the huntress. Trixie still looked a little angry for a moment, before calming down and giving another confident grin.

"Ok, then. Would you tell Trixie why Twilight will be unavailable?" asked the performer. "This is kind of important to Trixie."

"She is preparing for the meteor shower as well. She tends to get overboard when planning, I've been told." said Samus with just a tiny hint of amusement in her voice.

"Horseapples..." cursed Trixie.

"Sorry." Samus's voice gave no way to know if she was being sarcastic or not.

"Not your fault." quickly dismissed Trixie with a wave of her hoof. "Oh, well. She better be ready tomorrow. Maybe you can come along and enjoy the duel. It will be quite the show, Trixie guarantees." said the azure unicorn, giving Samus a smug smirk.

"Duel?" Samus asked. She was about to ask further, but was interrupted.

"Well, it was nice meeting you, Samus Aran. Please forgive Trixie, but she must go. Preparations and all that, as you should know. We'll meet again, Trixie promises. Au revoir!" Trixie said with a wide wave of her hoof. With a pink flash from her horn, she burst into pink flames, burning her cloak and carpet along with her until there was no sign of her ever being there; not even ashes.

Out in the corner of her eye, Samus spotted the mare galloping to the opposite direction of town, towards the forest. The huntress gave a small chuckle to herself. "Crazy mare." She had a feeling it wasn't the last she would see of the travelling performer. With her spirits somewhat raised, Samus resumed her walk.

Unfortunately, almost as soon as she continued her walk, the weird thoughts returned. Again, all related to either the Elements or the baby metroid. And for the briefest of moments, she saw a pink mare with a propeller beanie in front of her looking at her with an encouraging smile. As quickly as she saw it, the mare vanished. Samus placed her hand on her face and let out a tired sigh. She felt she was going insane.


Nighttime, a little past 9.

Samus was heading towards the hill Spike mentioned. She had decided to buy a pair of binoculars, if only so she could enjoy the meteor shower as well. Her walk hardly proved fruitful, and instead left her even more confused than before. As she got to the top of the hill, she spotted Twilight and Spike, who were making final adjustments to a telescope and a picnic set, respectively.

As soon as the baby dragon finished with his task and looked up, he beamed. "Hey, you made it!"

Hearing Spike greet the human, Twilight turned. "Why hello, Samus! Spike said you might show up. I usually come to stargaze on my own, but company is always welcome." she said with a welcoming smile.

"Thanks. I actually came to talk with you, if it's not too much trouble." replied Samus, looking just a little bit apprehensive and doubtful.

"Sure! You can tell me anything." replied the unicorn.

Samus seemed to think about something, and then sighed. "I guess it can wait until after the meteor shower." She gave Spike a side glance. "I need time to order my thoughts."

"That's ok. It won't start for another few minutes, if my calculations are correct."

"Thank you." Samus said in a grateful voice. She was about to say something else, but a far-away pink flash caught her attention. She grabbed her binoculars and gazed through them. Down the distance stood a blue mare with a bluish silver mane, bowing to an audience she didn't know was watching. What caught Samus's attention were the two pink fiery snakes that were bowing with her, one at each side.

"Is that Trixie?" Samus heard Twilight ask. The lavender mare was gazing through her telescope. Samus ignored her and continued to watch.

Trixie got up, the two fiery snakes doing the same. She then made a small leap, landing on her left foreleg and right back leg, leaving her other legs in the air, and lowered her head. Quickly she stood on her two forelegs and made a twirl. The snakes danced along her as she continued her intricate movements, all three bodies moving with perfect synchrony.

Twirls, leaps, slides, and spins; the azure mare moved with such grace it was almost alluring. Samus found it hard to not keep watching. A quick glance to her right showed Twilight watching through her telescope, entranced by the dance of the travelling performer down the hill; a small trickle of drool even began falling from the corner of her mouth. "I didn't know she could move like that." Twilight said absent-mindedly.

"What are you girls looking at?" a baby dragon asked, breaking Twilight out of her trance.

"Oh! Nothing. Nothing whatsoever! Eh he he..." the mare quickly said, a bit too nervous.

"A mare named Trixie is dancing downhill." Samus took a little amusement at seeing Twilight's face when she said that.

"What?! What is she doing here?" angrily asked the dragon to no one in particular as he walked toward the telescope and peeked through it, ignoring Twilight's gestures. "Oh, wow! I didn't know she could move like that."

Choosing to ignore the librarian and assistant, Samus looked through her binoculars again. Trixie was still dancing her interesting piece, and the fire snakes never broke their synchronized movements with the azure mare.

After a while, the dance increased its intensity. The twin snakes rose and coiled around each other, merging into a single, bigger snake. The bigger snake flew around Trixie as she continued her intense yet graceful movements, complimenting the dance flawlessly.

And then, the finale. The snake rose to the air again, only to lunge downwards once it reached the desired altitude. Trixie galloped a few paces, and then jumped backwards, just into where the snake was going to strike. Trixie landed on her back legs and spread her forelegs, as if daring to snake to attack her. Samus heard Twilight and Spike gasp as they all saw Trixie engulfed in the pink fire as the snake with which it was made of reached the ground, jaws wide open. They soon gave relieved sighs as the fire snake dissipated and they saw Trixie bowing again, completely unharmed.

Trixie stood like that for a few seconds, as if absorbing the nonexistent applause of an nonexistent audience, completely oblivious to her three observers up the hill. She rose, and a canteen was levitated over to her, from where she gladly drank. Once she finished drinking, she said something Samus couldn't hear and summoned a blanket from her nearby wagon. She deposited the canteen in her wagon and sat down on the blanket to look at the sky.

"I think it's going to begin now." Samus said as she, too, looked up to the sky. Twilight and Spike followed suit.

The first meteor passed, leaving behind a trail of light. Then the second one came. And soon, the whole sky was filled with beautiful shooting stars, awing any pony who decided to look up to this night sky.


"That was beautiful." said Twilight. The night's spectacle had ended a few minutes ago, and both mare and human were relaxing atop the hill. The baby dragon that was accompanying them had fallen asleep not long after the shooting stars began falling.

Twilight looked up to see Samus, but frowned a little when she saw the Hunter's troubled expression. "What's wrong?" she asked.

Samus remained silent for a few moments before acknowledging the mare. "I was just thinking... What is your relationship with Spike?"

"My relationship? Well, he's my number one assistant; he helps me with chores and is a-"

"No." Samus interrupted "I mean, how do you see him?"

"I... I haven't really thought about it. He is kinda always there. I never needed to think beyond that." said Twilight with a pensive expression.

"From what I have been told, you hatched him when you were a filly. You have spent the rest of your life at his side, and he has spent his life at yours. From all that, you could very well be considered his mother."

"I guess you could see like that... In a way, maybe I am. However, I don't think it that's quite the case. While it's true I hatched him, I was very young when I did it. I didn't have the maturity to see Spike as my son. If I were to classify my relationship with him, I would tell you I see him as my little brother. We played and talked and just did things together, just like I did with Shining Armor."

"I see..." Samus had that same troubled expression from earlier.

"May I ask... Why are you interested in him? What made you ask me this?" asked a rather concerned Twilight.

"I don't know. It's just..." Samus sighed "Just how far would you go for him? If he were to suddenly disappear from your life, how far would you go to get him back?"

Without hesitating and sporting a very determinate face, Twilight gave her answer. "I would do anything, no matter what. If it meant getting Spike back, I'd go to Tartarus itself if I had to. If there was only a miniscule chance of me getting him back, I'd take it." She turned to see the sleeping baby dragon. "Whatever the price, I'd gladly pay it to make sure Spike stood by my side, safe and sound."

Upon hearing those words, something in Samus's minds just clicked. "I understand. You would do what you had to do, no matter what. No matter how miniscule the chance of succeeding..." she said in an unnervingly low voice. "Thank you for your time."

With that, the Hunter left a confused Twilight and a sleeping Spike. She headed towards her ship, where she would make a few preparations. It was going to be a big day tomorrow.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the delay. I haven't been feeling like writing. Hopefully the next chapter will come out earlier.

Princess Anis's name comes from 'anisoptera', the scientific name for dragonflies.