• Published 2nd Nov 2012
  • 11,842 Views, 555 Comments

Metroid: A Hunter in Equestria - Cusi

Samus crashes in Equestria.How will the legendary bounty hunter fare in the peaceful land of ponies?

  • ...

Somber Approaches

Disclaimer: Samus and Metroid elements belong to Nintendo. My Little Pony belongs to Hasbro/the Hub. I own nothing but the plot.

Chapter 15: Somber Approaches

On the farthest mountains in the north, a frozen wasteland was located; a land with nothing but ice and snow for as far as the eye could see. A white landscape with nothing but train rails that had fallen into disuse for years a few miles away. A pure and empty environment that was about to change forever.

The white snowy ground began turning a shadowy black. The icy wind turned to murky smoke. Soon, a dark stain formed on the ground. Like spilt liquid, the black began covering more ground, expanding and expanding until its diameter reached miles in length. From this black soil, buildings made of rock and crystal rose and formed. A whole city materialized in a manner of seconds, followed by hundreds upon hundreds of pony-shaped creatures roaming the streets, all dazed as if just waking from slumber. And from the center of the shadowy portal, the biggest and tallest structure of all erupted forth. A palace of crystal towered over the kingdom, with its dark ruler standing proudly on the highest tower’s balcony. It took but a moment for the king to open his blood red eyes and grin evilly with its sharp fangs.

The Crystal Empire had risen once again.


"Sombra has returned," Bonez said. Luna paled at the announcement. Before she could question the skeleton any further, he disappeared in another portal.

"Who is Sombra?" Samus asked when she noticed the alicorn's reaction.

Luna ignored the bounty hunter. She instead turned to mist and exited the cell. Samus watched her go. Just outside the dungeon, Luna's voice could be heard. Samus strained a little to listen.

"...a platoon of our fastest fliers to the Frozen North. They are to patrol the area around the mountains and report any irregularity. If you find anything, and I mean anything, report to Celestia or me immediately. This is a national crisis!"

"At once!"

Hurried hoofsteps.


Slow hoofsteps.

Samus watched as the Princess of the Night returned to the dungeon. Though she had regained her calm demeanor, she still looked somewhat distraught.

"Dangerous feller?" asked the bounty hunter. Luna just looked at her.

"I'm afraid your trial will be postponed until certain measures are taken," Luna said. Samus just shrugged.

“Not like I have much to do.”


Trixie was not pleased. While she was grateful for Cheerilee’s assistance, her method was rather humiliating. But they had reached the hospital at last, so all could be forgotten once her leg was treated. After saying their goodbyes, Cheerilee left Trixie at Nurse Coldheart’s care.

“So what do we have here?” asked the harsh nurse. Trixie just opted to show her leg and let the nurse do her work. “How the boney hall did you get that wound?”

“Does it matter?” Trixie asked. The nurse just stared at her. “Fine! Trixie was fighting...err, a bear.”

Another stare.

“It was a mutant furless bear!”

The nurse sighed in an overdramatic manner. “Nevermind.”

The nurse just rolled her eyes and began treating the injured leg. She applied some medicine and wrapped the leg in new bandages. “Since the wound is clean and not too serious, your leg will heal nicely. But since it was fairly deep, it will take some time. The usual: rest, change bandages, blah blah blah. I’m sure a mare of your type should know the deal.”

“Trixie does, don’t you worry.”

“Good! Now get out. There’s nothing more I can do. Ask for more bandages at the lobby.”

Trixie didn’t even thanked the nurse and left the room. She made her way to the lobby, where she asked a random nurse for more bandages. Once she got them, she proceeded to the exit. It was there where her unpleasant trip turned even more unpleasant. Trixie glowered immediately.

Twilight Sparkle had just entered the building. Following her were her pet dragon, the ponies that represented the Elements of Harmony, and that zebra from before. But the one pony that mattered was Twilight Sparkle. Anger and pride blinded the showmare, and any reasonable thought escaped Trixie’s mind.

“Sparkle! Let’s settle this once and for all! You and me, a duel. Now!”

“Are you insane? I have more important things to do! Ponies were hurt and I have to-“ Twilight began saying, but was interrupted by Trixie.

“I’m not moving until we have our duel!”

“Trixie, please. There are ponies that need me right now.”

“Trixie doesn’t give a flying feather about them. Now face me!”

Then, something inside Twilight just snapped. Her horn glowed and Trixie was hurled outside the hospital. The showmare landed with a heavy thud. Twilight just walked out to follow the azure unicorn. As Trixie was beginning to stand, another magic forced Trixie to look directly at Twilight. Trixie lit up her horn, but her magic was instantly overpowered by the lavender mare’s. Twilight just approached Trixie and said in an angry voice.

“Face it! You are too weak to duel me! And I still have more important things to do than fight against a boastful fraud in a magic duel! So get through your overly thick skull that you are not worth my time! So if you know what’s good for you, you will leave me ALONE!” And with that Twilight hurled Trixie again.

The temperature seemed to lower as Trixie just looked at Twilight with intense loathing. This seemed to snap Twilight out of her anger, but before she could offer an apology, Trixie’s face turned to one of fear and broke out running, soon disappearing from sight. Twilight couldn’t manage to go after her, so she just settled to wallow in regret. She stood like that more a couple of minutes until Applejack came to her side.

“Hoo boy. Didn’t see that one comin’.”

“I’m really sorry, Applejack. I don’t know what came over me.”

“Don’t sweat it, sugarcube. It happens to the best of us. Can’t really blame you, either; it’s been a rough day. And Trixie does bring out the worst in a pony. She’s more trouble than weasel in a chicken coop.”

“You think she’ll be all right?”

“Dunno, but we can worry for her later. Right now, our friends need us.” Applejack went back to the hospital.

“I guess you’re right.” Twilight gave another look at where Trixie was before following Applejack to the hospital. “Our friends need us.”


High above the white skies of the Frozen North, just over the clouds covering the newly-returned Crystal Empire in more snow, yet another dark energy gathered. Unbeknown to the residents of the kingdom below, shadowy particles formed in the air, quickly gathering in a single point. Small at first, but quickly growing in size, an ebony orb came to existence.

The orb, no bigger than a tennis ball, just floated in the air. Suddenly it began spinning. Faster and faster it spun, until its shape began shifting. Moments later, purple lightning began shooting out from it and joined in the dizzying spin. It wasn’t long before the dark mass stabilized and expanded into a small portal. The portal stayed open for almost a second, just long enough for a blood red sphere to come forth, before it collapsed and vanished into thin air.

The dimensional object was about the size of an average pony’s head. Intense red in color, it also had a black circle on it, giving the appearance of a disembodied floating eyeball. And just like an eyeball, it seemed to glance at its surroundings.

Once its scan was complete, the red eye began moving toward its unknown destination. It had a job to do.


Trixie ran as fast and far as she could. Stopping only to retrieve her wagon, she kept running. She ran and ran until her legs gave up on her and she fell to the ground, being pushed further by her wagon’s momentum. She screamed in frustration. That encounter with Twilight was frightening, and she cursed herself for being so weak. She almost lost control of herself.

Trixie took a few moments to get her breath back and put some attention to her surroundings. If her memory served correctly, she was near the outskirts of Canterlot. Now much calmer, she unhinched her wagon and shifted to a more relaxing position, then she thought about what to do next. Princess Luna’s invitation quickly came to mind, so she opted to head for Canterlot proper.

As soon as she stood up, her legs gave way and she fell. She grunted and decided a quick rest would be a good idea. Her legs would be hurting all day tomorrow. She closed her eyes for a moment, but before long she fell asleep.


Samus was bored. Unbearably so. So bored, in fact, that she attempted conversation with the other inmate, Darkly the Changeling. It went good, she thought, considering their situation. She would ask questions and he would answer politely, albeit a little hesitant. Their conversation was interrupted when a couple of guards came to collect the changeling. They had more questions for him, they said. Darkly reluctantly followed the armored ponies to the door, leaving Samus by her lonesome. Needless to say, boredom returned.

Then a quick memory came to the Hunter’s head. After debating it for only a second, the marks on her back glowed and she materialized and activated her Power Suit. She set her Arm Cannon on the newly acquired Harmony Beam and fired at the wall.

Or at least that’s what she intended to do, since nothing came from her weapon. She fired again, but again there was no shot. She charged the next shot and fired, but aside from having a multicolored hue on the barrel of the cannon while she charged, the result was the same. Some tinkering revealed the Harmony Beam couldn’t work in tandem with her other weapons so she couldn’t combine them.

Puzzled, Samus ran a few scans of the new beam, but the results were even more puzzling. According to her suit’s information, the Harmony Beam was just focused harmony. How that was possible, she had no idea. When she tried looking what that meant, the result was ‘insufficient data’. She would need more research on the subject.

Samus gave a mischievous grin at the thought. Oh well, it’s not like her sentence was going to get any lighter. With minimal effort, she forced her cell’s door open and left the dungeon to look for the castle’s library.

She quickly came back, deactivated her Power Suit, donned her Zero Suit plus equipment, and left again. The Power Suit was a little uncomfortable without the Zero Suit.


Trixie awoke to the feeling of something poking her side. The first thing saw was a pair of golden eyes looking right back at her. The eyes quickly receded and Trixie could see they belonged to a griffin.

“You okay?” the griffin asked.

“Wh-who are you?! What are you doing here?” Trixie asked surprised.

“Listen, you dweeb...” the griffin caught herself and gave a deep breath. “Sorry. The name’s Gilda. I saw you passed out here and thought I’d drop by and make sure you were ok.”

“Trixie. Trixie thanks you for your concern, but she is perfectly fine.” Trixie stood up, but flinched when her legs made their soreness known.

“If you say so...”

Trixie raised her eyebrow at the answer. She gave another look at the griffin and noticed a peculiar hairpin on Gilda’s head. “Nice hairpin.”

“You making fun of me?” Gilda quickly adapted a hostile pose.

Trixie backed a little. “No. Trixie really means it,” she said in a pacifying manner.

“Oh. Sorry.” Gilda took off the hairpin and showed it to Trixie. “It’s a bad habit I’m trying to change. Here.”

Upon closer inspection, Trixie noticed the hairpin had a simple but cute muffin motto, complete with tiny gems serving as fake chocolate chips. “So you like muffins?”

“Not really...” Gilda scratched her neck and looked away for a moment. “A, uh, friend gave it to me to remember her by. She has helped me a lot.” Trixie smiled at that.
“Trixie understands that pretty well.” Gilda returned the smile a little awkwardly, but genuinely.

“Anyways. I see you’re doing good, so I’ll leave. Have some things to do. Smell ya later!” Gilda waved and shot to the air, leaving Trixie by herself.

Trixie watched the griffin go. Then she saw it was going to be night soon, which reminded her of her appointment. Trixie donned her Silvermane attire once again, and with sore legs, she began her walk to Canterlot Castle.


Twilight and her friends exited the hospital with the most relief she ever remember feeling. None of Samus’s victims were in any mortal danger, thanks to the efforts of the nurses and doctors at the hospital. Her own wounds and those of her friends were all minor and would be completely healed in a few days. Even Rarity’s horn was expected to be in top shape by next week.

Saying their goodbyes, the ponies split up and headed to their respective homes. It had been a long, awful day for everypony, so a good night’s sleep was all they wanted at the moment. Twilight and Spike headed for the library. Once there, Spike wasted no time and headed to his basket upstairs. Twilight opted to get a hot cup of tea first, so she went to prepare one at the kitchen.

Twilight took her time in drinking her tea. The events of the past few days replayed in her mind while she drank. Once her cup was empty, she tried to shrug away the bitter memories. She made her way to her room, where she found Spike crying in his pillow. He didn’t seem to hear her, so she just silently went to her bed and lied down. They both stayed like that for a while, until slumber claimed them both.


‘Silvermane’ discreetly made her way to the castle’s entrance. The leisurely walk there managed to calm the soreness in her legs a little. Her legs still hurt, especially the injured one, but it was manageable. She wanted to avoid attention for the time being, so she mostly stood away from crowds. It wasn’t until she arrived at her destination that ponies saw her. More specifically, night guard ponies.

As was usual with guards, they blocked Silvermane’s path. She took out the special coin and showed it to the guards. “I’m here in on Princess Luna’s request.”

“Ma’am, bribing us won’t-“ started on of the guards, but the other guard stopped him.

“Code New Moon,” he said to the other guard, then turned to the mare. “Come with me, ma’am. I’ll show you to the princess. Though I’ll warn you that she has just received some grave news. I’m not certain she’ll be too willing to talk right now.”

The guard led Silvermane inside the castle and through hallways. They eventually reached a fairly large study room, empty except for Princess Luna, who was reading some books. She had her head resting on her hooves and her eyes looked distraught. It was obvious the princess was quite stressed at the moment.

Silvermane managed to see a rather beautiful amulet painted on the page Princess Luna was reading. The amulet depicted was shaped like a triangle with a unicorn’s head that had a long horn and wings on top, and it was a silver color with a blood red gem in the center. A closer look revealed the book’s title, ‘Dangerous Magical Artifacts’. It instantly caught the masked mare’s attention. Other books she saw were ‘Story of a Tyrant’ and ‘Sombra’.

“Your majesty, your guest has arrived.” announced the guard. Princess Luna gave a little jump, just now acknowledging her company. She hastily closed the book she was reading and turned her attention to her guest and the guard, but not before Silvermane managed to memorize the page number it was on.

“Thank you. You may leave us,”” she said to the guard. The saluted and left, leaving the mares to their lonesome. Silvermane quickly kneeled to the ruler. “Rise. I do apologize, but tonight’s meeting had to be cancelled. Still, I do believe we can talk for a few moments. I wanted to converse under more relaxing circumstances, but there have been… complications. ”

“Fret not, princess. I understand. Perhaps we can meet some other time?” Silvermane asked with a tint of resignation in her voice.

“Tell me, does the name Sombra mean anything to you?” Princess Luna ignored the question.

Silvermane was taken by surprise and hesitated only a moment, but quickly tried to remember. After a while, she shook her head. “Can’t say it does.”

“I see…”

“May I ask why you ask me this? And who is Sombra?”

“Nothing you should worry about right now. Let us carry on.” The Princess gestured at the door with her hoof. Silvermane was about to follow when the princess stopped her.

“I’d rather talk to a pony whose face I can see, if you don’t mind.”

“O-of course.” Silvermane took off the suit and mask, leaving her azure face and body visible to the dark alicorn.

“You may leave your belongings in this study. We shan’t take too long,” said the lunar ruler.

Trixie did so. She folded her attire in a crude manner, dropping it by the desk and quickly joining the princess waiting by the door. Together, they left the room and started walking, Luna guiding and Trixie following.

“So,” said the lunar ruler as she and her follower walked “Miss Lulamoon. How does a pony of your reputation go from a fraud to a hero? A fairly famous hero, I might add.”

Trixie cringed at the question for but a moment. “Despite what some, ah, rumors might suggest, Trixie is not a heartless pony. She can be quite helpful, should a pony need it. Or a not-pony, if such was the case.”

This made Luna raise an eyebrow. “We see. So then, why the mask? Surely with all the help Silvermane has been, Trixie would be able to prove she is not a bad pony.”

The showmare scoffed darkly at that, but quickly composed herself when she remembered she was in the presence of the highest royalty. She cleared her throat before continuing. “There are several reasons for that, your majesty. You see, every story needs a villain. Trixie, due to some past deeds, was given that role. She is seen as a bad pony, so she will be considered a bad pony. Twice has Trixie attempted to help a town from disaster, and twice she was kicked out of town while being blamed for the disaster. One was a parasprite infestation in Fillydelphia, and the other against a rogue basilisk in Horsetown. It was a blind basilisk, mind you.“ Trixie added when she noticed the sudden worry on the princess’s face. “And so, Trixie couldn’t show her face, even if it was to help.”

“And the other reasons?”

Trixie grinned at the question. “Trixie has always liked attention, but she likes the dramatic even more. Silvermane will gather much more positive attention than Trixie ever will, but Trixie decided to don the mask not just to hide her face, but to create a character that ponies love but know nothing about. The unknown face, the mysterious personality, the flashy performances of someone who disappears after the deed is done… It all adds to the intrigue one feels when talking about the masked vigilante, doesn’t it? It makes you want to know more, but at the same time you don’t.”

“We will admit that is true.” Luna said with a smile that suggested she has been found out. Her smiling face quickly turned into a serious one. “One last question. One thing is to help somepony in need, and another is to risk life and limb to fight against the monsters Silvermane had fought. Why take such risks? There is a fine line between bravery and stupidity.”

Trixie remained silent for a moment, but then began talking. “Tell me, princess. Did you ever hear about what happened in Ponyville some time ago?”

“Many things happen in Ponyville. We’re afraid you’ll have to be more specific.”

“The incident with an Ursa Minor. Are you familiar with it?”

“Yes. Quite the interesting tale. The first of its kind we heard since our return.”

“What did you hear?” asked Trixie.

The princess pondered her response for a moment. “They say you arrived at Ponyville and claimed you vanquished an Ursa Major. Then you humiliated ponies at your show for doubting you. After that, you brought an Ursa Minor to prove your point by trying to vanquish it, but you failed and were forced to flee town after Twilight Sparkle subdued the beast and saved the town.”

“And word spread out that Trixie was a fraud, a monster, that she couldn’t even handle a cub.” Trixie added. Luna looked at her inquisitively. “Of course that’s what they said…”

“We would like to listen to your version, if you don’t mind telling us.”

“When I arrived at Ponyville, I just planned on putting on a show. Entertain the crowds, you know. But no…” Trixie sighed. “Trixie presented herself as the Great and Powerful Trixie, the most powerful unicorn of Equestria who once vanquished the dreaded Ursa Major. A flashy introduction for a flashy show. But while most of the ponies enjoyed the presentation, a few of them didn’t. And they were quite vocal about it. Trixie takes great pride in her shows, and she wasn’t about to let some fools ruin her act. So she did what she usually does with hecklers: she challenged them. Trixie beat them. Defeated and humiliated, they left Trixie alone and the show carried on. Everything looked like it was going well.”

“And what happened?”

“A couple of colts took a liking to the Great and Powerful Trixie. Trixie decided to humor them for the remainder of her stay, so she stayed on character. What happened that night was something she will never forget. An Ursa began rampaging through town. The two colts later admitted that they brought the Ursa so that Trixie could vanquish it, like she had claimed. She tried, but she failed miserably. And when everything seemed lost, Sparkle appeared and saved the day.” Trixie’s expression darkened. “When everypony was celebrating and wondering how she beat an Ursa Major, she casually mentioned it was a Minor, a baby. Trixie’s believability was destroyed because some ponies couldn’t differentiate a made-up story from reality, and her reputation shattered because of a casual comment.”

Luna said nothing for a long time as she processed what she had just heard. When she was about to finally say something, Trixie beat her to it.

“You ask why Trixie battles monsters?” said Trixie with grim determination on her face. “It’s because Trixie will prove that she is not weak. She will prove to everypony, specially that smug Twilight Sparkle, that Trixie is not an inferior mare. She will prove that she can, and she WILL, defeat anything and anyone that challenges her power.”

“Even if it is us that challenge you?” asked the lunar ruler. “Also, would you know anything about an Ursa Major that was found dead in the Everfree?”

Trixie looked taken aback, but her face turned to a regretful one. Before she could answer, though, a night guard came rushing to them. He stopped and kneeling hastily before he rose. For a pony with a dark colored coat, his face was rather white. He spoke with urgency. “Your majesty, terrible news! Samus has escaped!”

“Let us go this instant!” Luna said, then immediately broke into a gallop toward the dungeon. Trixie and the guard ran after her a second later. By the time they reached the moon princess, she was already exiting the dungeons. “She’s gone.”


Samus awoke with a start. “Pacman? They invited Pacman?!” She shook her head and gave a look to her surroundings. She was in a royally big library, with a few books on the desk she had dozed off on. She stretched and saw what she was reading. Then she noticed she was still wearing her helmet.

The short research had proven fruitless so far. Anything mentioned about harmony was just tales and definitions. The subject was also so dull and boring she had fallen asleep, something she hadn’t remember doing since that particular orientation course back on her academy days.

“Do what you must to me, but please don’t damage the books!” a panicked voice spoke from her side. She groggily turned her head and saw an aging unicorn stallion with a dull grey mane and a duller grey coat. He was wearing a dull pair of glasses over his somehow dull eyes.


“I’ll do anything you ask, just please spare the books!” the stallion said.

“Relax. I’m not here to dama-“


In less than a moment, Samus and the librarian were surrounded by night guards. Their sudden and aggressive entrance made them scatter some books and pages, which caused the unicorn to faint. Samus, on the other hand, yawned unimpressed.

“You are really giving me a hard time. I don’t know what to think of you.” Luna said as she approached the huntress. “You escape your cell. And instead of fleeing or strike back, I find you taking a nap in the library, of all places.”

“Fancy meeting you here,” said Samus when she noticed Luna’s companion.

“Trixie could say the same thing,” said Trixie as she came from behind the princess, along with the previous guard. Samus quickly took notice of the bandaged leg.

“You two know each other?” asked a surprised Luna.

“We met.” Both Samus and Trixie answered at the same time, which made them look at each other again.

“How’s your leg doing, Silvermane? Laser wounds tend to be not serious if the missed the vitals.”

“How did you…?” Trixie asked surprised.

“Similar voices, pink magical aura, that particular air around you… It’s all in the details. Plus, you just confirmed it.”

“Enough!” Luna yelled. “Samus, explain to me what you are doing here. And how did you escape your cell?”

Samus shrugged. “I got bored, so I decided to pass the time here. Not much better, but at least it’s comfier. And your dungeon cells could use some maintenance. They look like they haven’t been used in decades. Forcing the door open was easy.”


Two pegasus ponies were soaring a cold, but rather gentle, breeze. One was white and the other was a light gray, but both were donned with armor, scarves, and snow goggles. They had been tasked with the mission to scout the unpopulated snowfields of the Frozen North for anything unusual. Just the day before they had been assisting with some social event near Caneighda, but then the urgent mail had come. The Royal Sisters had sent several squadrons to scout the area, but they were far away, so the task came to them for the time being. Both were happy to accept, given that social events rarely pleased a guard.

Then again, a scouting mission to a desolate place was boring. They had been flying for almost three hours, but nothing out of the ordinary. Just fog on the ground and some clouds on the sky. Just as they were about to land and take a break, a red eyeball flew past them. All three flyers stopped in their tracks to turn around and gaze at the novelties.

A few seconds later, the eyeball turned again and continued its way. The guards wasted no time and flew after it. They followed it past another cloud, but what they saw made them drop their jaws and forget about the mysterious flying organ.

Before them stood an ancient city, both beautiful and unnerving. Where snow was supposed to punish the homes and houses, a pleasant grass stood instead. The gorgeous architecture on the inner city was contrasted by the barren outskirts. But most notorious of all was the sense of the heavy air around them, and the evil presence that was easily felt in it.

Both guards quickly turned around and flew back toward Caneighda with all the speed they could muster, leaving the Crystal Empire behind. The Princesses needed to know about this. After so long, it had returned.


Samus was sitting with her legs crossed, her arms crossed, and feeling cross overall. She was trapped inside a magical bubble shield, thanks to the lunar princess. The shield was dense enough that her leeching abilities would never absorb it, not that she had the means to store the energy anyway. She was being escorted back to the dungeons by the princess herself, a squad of night guards, and a tag-along performer with an injured leg. At least she was allowed to bring a couple of books to pass the time inside her cell, so she had that going for her, which was nice.

“Trixie?” asked a surprised changeling when he saw the party arrive.

“Darkly? What are you doing here?” an equally surprised Trixie asked back. She turned to the guards. “What is he doing here? Release him this instant!”

The guards, however, didn’t move. It was Luna who casually spoke. “You seem to be well acquainted, Miss Lulamoon. An alien and a changeling… Still, you may do well to remember who you are addressing. He is here for a reason, so you’ll understand if we don’t free him for the time being.”

“Don’t worry about me. It’s not as bad as it seems,” said Darkly from behind the bars. Trixie looked unsure for a moment, but nodded her understanding at the changeling.

“Good. Now, if you’ll excuse us, Miss Lulamoon, we still have some manners to discuss with the prisoners. A guard will escort you to pick up your things and take you out of the castle,” Luna said with a stern face, but it warmed up a little. “We enjoyed our talk. Maybe we can meet again under better circumstances.”

“Trixie would like that.”

With that, a guard broke from the formation and took Trixie out of the dungeon and into the study room where her things were. Luna put her attention back to the trapped Hunter.

“So. What are your intentions?” asked the alicorn.

“I have none for the time being,” answered Samus. “So I’d say try to figure out what to do.”

“There are more things I’d like to ask you.”

“Your questions can wait until the trial. I want your sister to listen. There are also a few things I’d like to tell you both.”

“And if I refuse to wait?”

“I refuse to answer.”

“Agreeable, I suppose.” Luna sighed tiredly. “Just, please, behave. Don’t cause me any more trouble. At least until your trial.”

“I don’t plan to.”

“Good. I shall be leaving now. Sorry if your accommodations had to be changed, but we can’t have you prancing around the castle. If everything goes as planned, your trial shall be in a few days.”

And so Princess Luna left, leaving behind four unicorn guards to keep an eye on Samus and maintain the bubble prison. Samus, for her part, re-activated her helmet and opened a book.


Trixie was being led to the study room by a night guard. The walk was mostly silent, given the guard’s stoic personality. After only a few minutes of walking, they reached the study’s door. Trixie went in first, intent on getting her things and go out to look for a place to sleep. The guard followed after and just stood by the door.

Trixie approached the desk where the princess was reading. Her clothes were crudely folder by its side. As she went to fetch them, the same book she had eyed before caught her attention. Following an impulse she couldn’t quite comprehend, she ‘accidentally’ dropped her cape over it. She picked up the cape, making sure she picked up the book as well. A few folds to the cape and the book was hidden from sight.

She exited the room, feeling more nervous than she had ever felt. The guard barely noticed her nervousness, him being used to ponies feeling unnerved by his appearance. Trixie was eventually led to the castle’s exit gate, where she gave her nervous thanks to the guards and left. Once she was sure the guards couldn’t see her, she rushed back to Canterlot’s outskirts, leg injury forgotten due to anxiousness.

Her run eventually stopped. She could now add royal theft to her list of questionable acts. Not even knowing why she did it, Trixie opened the book. The pages casually opened on the same page depicting the Alicorn Amulet. She read the lines under the picture one, two, three times. She slowly closed the book after that. Her anxiousness quickly disappeared, and her grin grew accordingly.

This was just what she needed.

Author's Note:

Ever felt like good things happen to you just so that something bad can happen and take those thing away from you? That’s how I felt most of last year. Depression has a knack for draining away my motivation. Then again, I finally decided to distract myself from it, and so I started writing again. Let’s all hope it eventually goes away.