• Published 2nd Nov 2012
  • 11,842 Views, 555 Comments

Metroid: A Hunter in Equestria - Cusi

Samus crashes in Equestria.How will the legendary bounty hunter fare in the peaceful land of ponies?

  • ...

Trix of the Trade

Disclaimer: Samus and Metroid elements belong to Nintendo. My Little Pony belongs to Hasbro/the Hub. I own nothing but the plot.

Chapter 18: Trix of the Trade

Samus groaned as she came back to her senses. The Power Suit was still on, except for the ejected Arm Cannon. Her whole body ached horribly, but her right arm suffered the most damage; burns covered the majority of her limb, as well as the surrounding areas of her shoulder. She regretted not wearing her Zero Suit. Samus gritted her teeth as she stood up and suffered greater pains while doing so.

She looked around, but saw she was alone. Though the gigantic glass bowl covering Ponyville was hard to miss. And even though it was a sunny day, the sealed town was covered by storm clouds. Just how long was she out and what had happened during that time?

A quick check on her suit’s info answered the question regarding time. She was out for three whole days, which honestly frightened the Hunter to some degree. She must’ve suffered more damage than she thought. Trixie went too far, and Samus was not going to just let this slide. She picked up the damaged Arm Cannon and headed for her ship, which was thankfully ignored and was located a ways outside the transparent barrier covering Ponyville. As she was about to enter her ship, the huntress looked as the giant dome briefly flashed red and promptly disappeared. Samus looked confused for a moment, but decided whatever happened could wait until after a visit to the medical bay. Her suit would need a check-up as well.

Once inside the Gunship, Samus removed the suit and placed it in the medical bay along with the damaged Arm Cannon. Her gaze drifted to a metal container with the Federation logo that was located on the right wall of her gunship. She ordered Adam to cloak and relocate the ship for the time being. As the ship took off, plans for a counterattack began formulating inside the huntress’s head. She entered the medical bay and fell asleep while the treatment began.


“Don’t you think the Great and Apologetic Trixie is the most magnificent humble pony you’ve ever seen?” Trixie cheerfully asked to a forgiving and bemused Twilight. Despite the apparent joy, the magician was emotionally destroyed. As a tear threatened to fall, Trixie summoned a rather pathetic smokescreen and bolted before Twilight could see her pain. In her haste, she tripped on a small rock she couldn’t see due her blurry vision, but quickly got up and continued running.

She ran and ran as fast as she could. She kept running well after leaving Ponyville, her tears never ceasing their assault. She ran until an explosion cut her way and sent her flying. She landed a few yards away, her left side burned, her foreleg broken, and most of her body sporting cuts and bruises. A few moments later, Samus stood over her with a grenade launcher mounted on an assault rifle aimed at her head. Both looked at each other in the eyes.

“Please...” Trixie pleaded. Samus was used to people who wronged her begging for their lives after she’d cornered them. She mostly always responded with a killing blow. Of course, killing Trixie would bring unwanted problems, so she’d probably call Luna or something. Still, she should at least be incapa- “...kill me.”

The Hunter was taken aback. For a split second, she lowered her weapon. It was quickly raised again, her finger hovering over the trigger. With a deep breath, she pressed the trigger.

Except she didn’t. Samus was unable to shoot the crying mare before her. Trixie was broken. This was not the same mare that had almost killed her. This was a pony that had lost the will to live, and for once Samus was unable to grant her death.

Debating what to do, Samus noticed the magician had lost consciousness. She sighed and cursed herself. Strapping the rifle on her back, Samus picked up Trixie’s motionless body and headed to Ponyville Hospital. She cursed again when the burns on her arm hurt at the strain.

The way to the hospital was long. It wasn’t so much the far distance, but the fact that Samus was in bad shape from before. Despite the medical bay’s treatment, the damage had been greater than she estimated. That, and Trixie wasn’t exactly a lightweight. An injured body coupled with the weight of an unconscious unicorn and a Federation-issued assault rifle made the trip slower than it should.

At long last they reached the hospital. Samus was about to call for help when her own body gave up. Fatigue taking over her, Samus, too, felt her senses leave her body and fell asleep.


“Come on... Come on... Weaken it just enough to catch it. No! No, don’t kill it! Stupid critical hits!”

Trixie heard a voice. She slowly opened her eyes and looked around in confusion. She was on a bed inside a white room with a few commodities. Her foreleg had a tube that was connected to a medical IV dispenser, and she could hear a heart monitor somewhere. But what caught her attention was the human seated on a small armchair in the corner, holding a device with two screens and several button; her arm was also covered in bandages. As memories of last night rushed back, her confusion turned to spite.

“What are you doing here? What am I doing here?” Trixie asked.

Samus looked from her game to the mare in the hospital bed. “Well, you’re hurt. Hurt ponies go to the hospital to get better. At least what they taught me here.”
“Cut the act. Why didn’t you kill me?” Trixie all but screamed.

Samus pondered her response for a second with an unworried face. “Several reasons, actually.” Seeing the confusion in the azure mare’s face, she continued “First: spite. You wanted to die, so to spite you I make you live instead. Second: seeing you teary and broken after you attacked me means something happened, and I’m interested to see where this whole thing goes. Third: you caused a lot of damage to my suit, so you’re going to make it up to me some way or another. Fourth: I’d rather avoid another of Celestia’s lectures. If I were to kill you, I’d never hear the end of it. I’m on probation as is. Last... you kind of remind me of him.”

Trixie stared at Samus. All strong emotions quickly left her face as she just slumped in her bed looking defeated and indifferent. At that moment a nurse entered the room to check up on Trixie. “Hello. I’ve come to check up on the patient. Patients,” she corrected when she saw Samus.

“What’s the point? You probably hate me, anyways. This whole town hates me, just like the rest of Equestria,” Trixie sulked. “Why bother keeping me here?”

The nurse checked her signs and made sure everything was in order, though it was evident she really didn’t like doing so. “Well, yes. But I still have a job to do. What you do after you’re cleared from the hospital is your business. I’m here to make sure patients recover.” Trixie stayed silent.

Once finished, the nurse went over to Samus, but the huntress stopped her. “No need. I just got this bandages done by the doctor. They’re covering the salve used for my burns.” Trixie just winced a little at hearing that.

“Alright. Well, have a good afternoon.” The Nurse left the room.

“I should be going too. It’s been two days, so I just wanted to check up on you. There’s a couple of things I need to do,” Samus said as she stood up and went for the door.
“Why? Didn’t I hurt you? Shouldn’t you be making sure I suffer?”

Samus stopped to look at the mare. “Like I said, you’re going to make it up to me. Now don’t go making anything stupid. I’ll deal with you later.” And with that, Samus left.
With nothing to do and too much to think about, Trixie pondered in silence until sleep eventually claimed her.


Trixie awoke violently to a nightmare. The sudden movement did not go well with her injured body, and that, along with the terrible things in her mind, left her sweating and panting. After a few moments to calm herself, she let her head fall on the pillow again. It was little past midnight, but Trixie doubted she would fall asleep again. She dreaded falling asleep.

“Having bad dreams?”

Trixie screamed at the sudden voice. She looked around the room and saw Princess Luna standing by her bed, watching. The sight made Trixie pale.
“I was really looking forward to meeting you again. It is a shame the reasons are less than desirable.”

“How did you know I was here?”

“Samus was kind enough to a pay a visit earlier and let me know; said she saw you acting weird with some creepy necklace. It is rather reassuring to see her prevent trouble rather than cause it... for a change. Now, where is the Alicorn Amulet?”

“Hidden. Ask that zebra, Sparkle’s friend. She took it,” Trixie said with indifference.

“Ponyfeathers,” Luna cursed. “Well, at least it’s in good hooves.” She turned to Trixie and her harsh features turned to worry. “Why did you do it?”

Trixie looked away. Tears began forming in the corners of her eyes. “What does it matter?” she choked. “Trixie is guilty of everything. Who cares what the reason was? I did it. I made them all suffer. The world would be better off without me in it. Why can’t I just DIE?!” Trixie burst into crying.

Luna just watched her with sad eyes. “Don’t be so quick to crave death. You still have your whole life ahead of you. You aren’t fully at fault for what the amulet made you do.”

“YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND! No one understands...” Trixie just kept crying with no signs of stopping.

Luna sighed. “We’ll make sure this whole incident stays in Ponyville and doesn’t spread further. For now, we shall leave you. You need some time, it seems.” Luna gave another sigh and turned to mist, leaving the room via the window. Trixie just kept weeping for what seemed like hours.


A floating red eyeball flew past the frozen mountains and was now near a cold prairie. It stopped and scanned its surroundings. After a few moments, the scan ended. The eye lowered its altitude until it was only a couple of yards from the ground. Locking in position, the retina began growing slowly. Soon, black particles began forming around the space the eye was observing. The particles all gathered until they formed a small black ball, which later expanded into a black and purple portal. From it, a glowing yellow ball, with four smaller orb attached to it, came forth. The portal collapsed once the inter-dimensional trip was complete.


Morning came to Ponyville. Not that it mattered to Trixie, who couldn’t fall asleep after the princess’s visit. Her baggy eyes only complemented how she felt. A nurse came again to check on her, and Trixie asked for a crutch to get up and get some air. The nurse offered to help Trixie, which the magician refused. Trixie used her magic to grab the crutch and found it a lot heavier than she expected. With a little help from the insisting nurse, the crutch was correctly placed under her shoulder and began to walk. Eventually, she made it to the hospital’s garden.

Once there, she waited until no staff was present. Security wasn’t really necessary in a mostly-peaceful town like Ponyville, and so she didn’t have to wait long. As soon as she was in the clear, she made her move to escape the facility. Despite the slow progress, it wasn’t a difficult task for the azure mare. There was one place in mind for her destination.


Samus exited the town hall, giving her good byes to Mayor Mare. The document she’d been working on had been finally finished and delivered, and now all she had to do was wait for an answer.

Today she had opted to wear her casual orange tank top and shorts. Her arm was yet again bandaged, but it didn’t seem like it got in the way of moving too much. They were mostly there for the burn-relieving salve.

As she walked back where she had located her gunship, she caught sight of miserable-looking unicorn walking with the help of a crutch. Judging from the direction she was walking to, Samus dared a guess as to where she was going, and why she was going. She gave a conflicting sigh, and headed toward the hill that overlooked Ponyville before Trixie could arrive.


After a couple of hours of painful walking, Trixie had finally reached her destination. She was now standing atop a hill, from where she could see the town that had caused so much grief. But that would all change in a few moments. She neared the edge and looked down. She felt a little nervous at the sight, but she had made up her mind. She closed her eyes and tilted forward, letting gravity do the rest.

Only to feel a tug on her tail.

She opened her eyes and saw that she wasn’t falling. Looking back, she saw Samus pulling her tail with quite a bit of effort. With a final grunt, the bounty hunter pulled and hurled Trixie back to safe ground.

“What are you doing?!” Trixie all but yelled.

“What does it look like? I told you not to do anything stupid!” Samus answered.

“What’s it to you? Why do you care?”

“Throw me a bone here. It’s the first time I stop someone from killing themselves; I’m usually the one doing the killing. Could you at least tell me what happened? What made such a proud unicorn fall to the point she wants to die?” Samus asked.

Trixie remained silent.

“I would very much like to hear that too.” Luna had arrived at the scene, surprising both Samus and Trixie.

At last, Trixie sighed defeated. “I’m just tired. Tired of all the hate. Tired of being defeated. Tired of trying to be a strong pony. Trixie is tired of life. Being possessed by the amulet just made me give up.”

Samus and Luna looked at each other before returning their gaze to the showmare.

“It’s not all your fault. The amulet was crafted with dark magic and is known for corrupting a pony’s mind. Be glad all you did was humiliate some ponies and not committed something more atrocious,” Luna said.

“You still don’t understand. After everything that happened, my pride was the one thing that kept me going. And now, even with the power of the Alicorn Amulet, to be tricked by Sparkle with stage magic of all things, the one thing I’m supposed to be good at, my special talent... You know how pathetic and stupid that makes me feel? How worthless I am that a simple smokescreen and some paint was enough to best the most powerful unicorn? To be so easily controlled by a piece of jewelry. To lose who I am to some shiny rock on a necklace... I’m just a weakling that will never amount to anything.”

After a long moment of silence, it was the huntress that broke it. “Don’t give me that crap. You’re expecting me to accept that the sorry excuse of a unicorn that stands before me is the same unicorn that gave me so much trouble back when I was hunting down the Elements? I don’t think so. Even if I was under Discord’s influence, that fight was all me. Don’t you dare call yourself weak, because that’s insulting my own power as well.”

“We all have our moments of weakness, Trixie. I should know, being trapped in the moon for a millennia because I let myself be corrupted by my own darkness. All because I wanted ponies to notice my nights.” Luna said in a sympathetic tone. “What happened happened. You need to look forward to mending the wrongs you did. Just like I am doing. Just like Samus is doing.”

Trixie looked at her with teary eyes. She suddenly launched herself at the princess of the night, hugging her tightly and crying all her problems away. Luna flinched only for a moment before returning the embrace and stroking the magician’s mane in a consoling manner. Samus, for her part, just looked at them uncomfortably; but she couldn’t deny it was a rather heart-warming moment for the ponies.


“Princess Celestia! We have a situation!” An armored stallion came running to deliver the news. The sun princess was sitting on her throne going through some papers when the guard interrupted her.

“Yes, what is it?” Celestia asked with the tiniest hints of worry.

“Th-there’s a changeling queen in the front doors of the castle!”

The princess raised an eyebrow. “A queen? What is she doing here?”

“Um... N-nothing, your majesty. She’s just sitting there...”


“...politely asking for an audience...”


“...with you.” At this point the guard had shrunk under the alicorn’s gaze.

The silence lasted more than it really should have.

“Well, what are you waiting for? Let her in!”

And so they did. A changeling queen walked to the throne room, and bowed at the princess in respect. “Princess Celestia. A pleasure to finally meet you.”

The sun princess looked at the creature before her for a moment. She was bigger than the average drone and her wings and horn were different, but she was still too small to be a fully grown queen. This sparked Celestia’s curiosity. “Likewise. I have to say this is a most unexpected visit... um... Please pardon the rudeness, but I don’t believe I know your name.”

The changeling blushed a little. “Oh, silly me. I’m so sorry! You can call me Princess Anis.”

“But of course!” Celestia exclaimed as if hit by epiphany, “How foolish of me. Darkly keeps mentioning you almost every time we question him. He has a rather high opinion of you.”

“Really?” Princess Anis blushed at the comment. She quickly reminded herself why she was here and regained her business demeanor. “I mean, *cough*, of course. I’m his princess, after all. A-and he’s a loyal subject. Which is why I’m here.” Anis looked at the solar monarch in the eyes, “I have come here looking for Darkly. Last I heard of him, he was being brought here because he wished to speak with you.”

Celestia then looked a little guilty. “Oh, dear me. Yes, he was indeed brought to the castle. And we did speak... sort of. I must beg for your forgiveness, but you must know Darkly was locked in the dungeons.” Seeing the dangerous expression the changeling princess was giving her, Celestia continued her explanation. “Please understand that just like you, I take the safety of my subjects very seriously. And I had him locked to provide security and avoid trouble with the more impressionable ponies. They can be quite overdramatic sometimes. Still, it was just a temporary measurement to ensure he posed no threat. And I’m glad to say he isn’t; he’s quite charming, actually.” Anis couldn’t help but agree with the pony in this regard. “Unfortunately, some rather grave and unforeseen events took place and, I’m ashamed to admit, it simply slipped our minds to relocate Darkly to a more comfortable room. But now that you’re here, why don’t we call him?”

Celestia then ordered a guard to bring Darkly to the throne room.

“Thank you, Princess Celestia.”

“It is no problem, dear. We did get some rather useful and intriguing information about changelings from him.”

“That’s another reason I’m here,” Princess Anis said, “As you may or may not know, I am Queen Chrysalis’s daughter. And our race is slowly dying, so she was forced to make desperate calls to help with our survival.”

“I can understand that. How is she doing, by the way?”

“Mother is doing fine. She is still recovering from that fight she had with the alien,” Anis said angrily.

“I’m really sorry about that. But-“

“Your ponies’ safety comes first, I know,“ Anis interrupted. She breathed deeply and calmed herself. “And I admit mother is... a little difficult to deal with sometimes. For which I apologize.” Anis bowed again. “The thing is, mother is no longer the queen of changelings.”

Celestia’s eyes widened at the news. “So... What you are trying to say is...”

“I am the new changeling queen. And the purpose of this visit is to try and reach a diplomatic solution to our problems with the ponies of Equestria. Mother was right when she said this was the most love-filled land we’ve ever seen. Despite that, I realize her approaches were... counterproductive, as is. Much too aggressive. What I would like to propose is a peaceful coexistence between ponies and changelings,” Anis finished looking directly at Celestia’s eyes.

“I must say, I am rather surprised,” Celestia said as she absorbed all the information she had just received. “I never would have guessed the daughter of the same queen that invaded my city, took my niece’s place, and bested me in combat would come and propose a peaceful negotiation. And while I am thrilled to give this a chance, I must first discuss with matters with my sister. As you know, we both have equal authority. But worry not, little Anis,“ the sun alicorn said when she saw the worry in the changeling’s face, “they are merely formalities. I am sure my sister will be happy to lend her support as well.”

“Thank you kindly, Princess Celestia.”

“Oh, just Celestia is fine. We’re both princesses. Well, princess and queen, I suppose.”

At that moment, a couple of guards arrived with Darkly. No sooner had he stepped inside the room, he was tackled and embraced by Anis. “Oh, Darkly! I’ve missed you so much!”

Celestia just watched with an amused smile on her face.


Samus, Luna, and Trixie were back at the hospital room Trixie was staying, deciding that the unicorn’s recovery was their first priority. Luna had convinced Trixie to keep living and give life another chance. The mood of the hospital staff also improved considerably when taking care of the azure unicorn was now a petition from Luna herself. I was amazing to see how much these ponies followed their princesses.

It was late afternoon, but Trixie had fallen asleep on Luna back in the hill. With the help of Luna’s magic, they all teleported to the hospital room and laid Trixie on the bed, effectively leaving Samus and Luna to their devices. As they pondered what to do, it was Samus who spoke first. “So what now?”

“For now, we let her rest. She needs to recover before she can do anything else.”

“So that amulet... was it really that dangerous?”

“Yes. It grants the user with great amounts of power, effectively becoming almost as powerful as an alicorn, but at the risk of losing one’s mind. The more power the user draws from it, the more corrupted their mind becomes. To be honest, we don’t know much about it. I was investigating the amulet myself, but I had nothing to go by except some books. To think she would find it so soon after Sombra’s defeat... I don’t know if it’s coincidence or not, but I’m certain there’s more to that amulet than we think. I think they may be related somehow.”

“I see,” said Samus as she looked at the sleeping unicorn.

“If I may,” asked Luna, “what exactly is your relationship with Trixie? You seem unusually caring for her.”

“Really?” Samus slightly raised her head in a pensive manner. “I don’t know. There’s something about her... I guess I could say she reminds me of someone. Someone I used to know.”

“Oh? And what happened?”

“He died. He killed himself,” Samus said sadly.

“I’m sorry to hear that.”

“Don’t be. I’m alive because of him. I only regret not being able to repay the favor.” Before Luna could offer any sympathies, Samus turned to the door. “Well, I don’t know about you, but I’m going to continue my little project at my ship. I’m close to finishing!”

“Have a good afternoon,” Luna said as the bounty hunter left the room. She pondered about this little piece of information Samus had just shared. The alicorn smiled. It would seem Samus was opening up more and more. Luna gave the sleeping Trixie one last glance before heading to Canterlot. The evening was approaching and she needed to raise the moon.

The flight was uneventful, only serving to make Luna wonder about the current events going on. As she made it to Canterlot castle, she saw it was still a little early to raise the moon. So she opted to drop by the throne room and have a chat with Celestia. Luna was completely unprepared for what would be waiting for her there.

“Why, hello dear sister,” Celestia greeted with her usual smile, “We have been expecting you. There’s someone here I’d like you to meet. We have much to discuss!”

Luna saw her sister causally having some tea and cookies with a couple of guests. She knew one of them, having visited him on occasions at the dungeon. The other was a small changeling queen. Luna had to do a double take. Just to be on the safe side, she cast a small detection spell on her sister, but found she wasn’t being manipulated. The lunar princess shrugged and joined them for tea. “Yes, we do, sister. So, what’s new?”


Samus was making the finishing touches on the welding of a metal piece. After a couple of minutes, the welder was shut down and Samus removed her helmet. As she gave one last look at her work, she got up and raised her arms in victory.

“Yes! It’s almost finished! All that’s left is to upload the A.I. in the head module and we’re done.” She turned to the ship’s computer. “Adam, I want you to make a basic A.I. code for the robot.”

“As you wish, my lady. I should be done in 12 minutes.”

“Good.” Samus grinned. She couldn’t wait to show Time Turner.

Attention. Spatial anomaly detected.” The computer’s screen flashed. Samus immediately put her attention at the screen, but before she could do anything, the warning message disappeared from the screen. “Spatial anomaly no longer detected.

“That’s the second time this happens. Adam, can you track it?”

“I’m afraid not, lady. The detection was very brief.”

“Hmm...” Samus pondered. “Adam, be ready to track a signal the moment something like this happens again. I want to be notified immediately. I get the feeling this is not the last time we see that message.”

“Very well. I will prepare to track down the signal if this happens again. In the meantime, I will begin the A.I. program for the robot.”

“Excellent. It’s getting late, so I’m going to bed.”

“Pleasant dreams, lady.”


Morning came once again to Ponyville. And with it, several ponies began their day. Among those ponies was a golden-maned gray pegasus carrying a bag filled with letters. Her destination was a spaceship. She smiled in excitement; it was the first time she delivered mail to a spaceship! Ditzy Doo, or Derpy, as most ponies referred to her, flew and quickly reached her destination. She frowned a little in confusion when she didn’t see a door she could knock. Her worries were short-lived, as a hatch opened from below the ship and Samus emerged from it in an elevator.

“Good morning! You have mail,” Derpy smiled and delivered the letter to Samus, who received it and gave her thanks. The mailpony saluted and left to continue her route.
Samus gave the letter a once-over and opened it. She took the piece of paper from the envelope and started reading. This was the answer to the document she gave Mayor Mare. That document was a permission, and this letter required the bounty hunter’s presence in town hall later today for more information, which meant they were seriously considering her proposal. Samus smiled and took to Ponyville. There were a few things she wanted to do.

First thing was checking up on Trixie. The thought of the magician brought a new set of alternatives to Samus’s plan. They promised to be interesting, at least. A few modifications here and there and they would be set.

The bounty hunter headed to the hospital. She spoke to the nurse and got clearance for a visit. Opening the door revealed Trixie was already awake, hugging two colts. Her eyes were shedding tears, but her expression was not of pain. Quite the opposite. Trixie had a very happy smile, and she kept saying “thank you” to the two colts.

As she broke the embrace, Trixie noticed Samus on the door and welcomed her in. The two colts looked at her, both with awe in their faces. One of them was short and pudgy, greenish blue in color, with scissors for a cutie mark and orange hair. The other was tall and lanky, a snail for a cutie mark, with a pale orange coat and light teal mane. They looked vaguely familiar to the Hunter, but she couldn’t quite remember who they were.

“Hello, ma’am!” both colts greeted.

“Hello,” Samus replied a little nervously. They simply smiled at her for a while.

“Trixie is happy and grateful you two made time to worry about her, but shouldn’t you be at school?” Trixie said from her bed. The colts’ faces quickly went from smiles to frowns. “Now now, boys. Education is important. If you do well in school, Trixie promises she’ll teach some magic tricks when she gets better.”

“Ok! Come on, Snails!” Snips called after his friend when he left for the door. “Bye, Trixie!”

“Coming,” said Snails. He gave one last slow smiley face at Trixie. “I hope you get better soon, Trixie! I’ll come back later.” With that, he followed Snips to school. Samus and Trixie watched them go.

“Feeling better?” Samus asked.

“A lot, thank you.”

“So... those two kids...”

“Snips and Snails? Oh, they were here to tell me they forgave me. And also to apologize,” Trixie said with a small smile. “They were the ones that brought the Ursa to town after they believed my claims in a show I made here some time ago.”


“Didn’t you hear?”

“I’m not exactly from around here.”

“Oh, right. See, some time ago, I came to Ponyville to perform a show. I made some claims that I vanquished an Ursa Major; you know, to catch attention. Well, these two colts believed everything and brought an Ursa for me to vanquish. I... couldn’t do it. Then Sparkle showed up and saved the day. I lost everything that night. That’s why I came back to get my revenge.”

“So why where you thanking them, then? I would’ve been furious.”

“I was. But then, while I was under the influence of the amulet, I did some horrible things to them. By all means, they should be hating me. I was beyond forgiveness. But here they were, giving me just that. I realize there’s still hope for a bright future.” Samus laughed at that last part. “What are you laughing at?” Trixie asked, annoyed.

“You sound so corny right now,” Samus answered, “but I can understand it. This place... Equestria... It’s just so peaceful. It makes for a nice break from my usual life.”

Trixie just stared at Samus, unsure of what to say.

“Anyways, just came to check up on you. The doctor said you should be good as new in a few days. I have to go. There some stuff I need to do. Bye.” Samus waved her two fingers and left for the door.

“See you later,” was Trixie’s response.

That went smoothly. The second thing Samus wanted to do today was have her audience with Mayor Mare to discuss her little idea. Things were looking promising, and she wanted to start as soon as possible. So with a destination in mind, she started walking.

Author's Note:

blah blah blah apologies blah blah blah depression blah blah blah excuses

There's a link to a story I read that I really liked. I can really picture that happening within the show.

Hope you enjoyed! And thanks for the patience! I love you, guys!